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  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member

    I can see what the future might hold for us. It's beautiful, something that I doubt many people get to experience. Something that cant ever go uncherished. A connection so Immediate, so radical and so innocent. It makes my heart melt and my stomach turn. It makes my head spin and keeps me up at night. I'm so in love with you and though you may not know it, I think of you always. Literally all day and all night. I wonder if I should just tell you, but there are things in the way, so instead, I vent on MFP. somewhat hoping you may stumble across it, and partly looking for some support from any stranger who shares my sentiment at the moment. All I know is that when I will look into your eyes, my heart will stop and the world will disappear. I see nothing but you, and I want nothing more than to hold you and show you the depth of care I have for you. Maybe someday, for now I wait patiently, hoping for some sort of sign...

    In any case, I hope to see you soon.
  • myers0machine
    myers0machine Posts: 685

    erm ok yes usually run more then 10 miles erm 10kg of kit (plus your 4.6kg rifle) usually so no to the 20lb weights round the ankles erm and usually have a fully grown man on my back in practice as we take it in turns so if one of the men where unable to move we could just pick them up and get them to safety erm always shouting insults as each other its just ****s n giggles makes the pain go away never been whipped(o actually my girl has before but thats for different day)never meant a midget so never been followed by one but if i was being followed they wouldnt be for long never been paintballing before so no never had them shoot at me erm yes ive seen wild pack of hyenas they aint that great they smell and make to much noise we didnt kill them but would have if we where low on food probably would have just killed them with a trap then finished them of bear hand or a knife and would do nothink blindfolded as you always have to be on the look out and i dont even think my school had a cleaner aha so delt that hope ive answered your question i thought i was wired aha peace myers0machine

    Is such a thing, even possible?

    yes am part of the elite so we do everythink and anythink