Bored...ask me anything.



  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member
    Are you secretly ugly?

    Paypal me some $ to find out. ;)
  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member
    What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?

    The unmovable object becomes the unstoppable force and the unstoppable force becomes the unmovable object...... duh
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    can you Integrate: 1/(a^2-x^2) giving the answer in terms of a and x ?

    If ((1+x)/(1-3x))^1/2= A+Bx+Cx^2.... can you give A, B and C and state when these values are valid ?

    Your question isn't fair. Integrate with respect to what variable, a or x?

    i didnt define any limits so have an arbitrary constant and as a clue you will need a mod
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    do you prefer day or evening sex? ;)
  • HarlCarl
    HarlCarl Posts: 266 Member
    can you Integrate: 1/(a^2-x^2) giving the answer in terms of a and x ?

    If ((1+x)/(1-3x))^1/2= A+Bx+Cx^2.... can you give A, B and C and state when these values are valid ?

    you just have to divide by zero and you get the answer
  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member

    Feel much better than I did not tired or hungry my waist ive lost 6 inches in 16 weeks?
    If I go up to 1900 will I gain
    Thanks :)

    If you're still losing bf%, I wouldn't worry much.
    Also, it's very difficult to lose the last body fat %, you may have to change up your routine/diet.

    For me, I had to totally give up certain foods, especially dairy. I also had to do LESS cardio to stop overtraining.
    Adding some supplements to help your diet may help to, I had to go ahead and add a better protein shake and fatty acids.
  • Motivation
    Motivation Posts: 64 Member
    have you ever successfully found the nuggets on a chicken?
  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member

    Hope I changed your mind.
  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member
    do you prefer day or evening sex? ;)

    Love morning sex.

    It's cold outside, cuddled up in a nice warm bed with a nice warm sexy girl next to ya....and I awaken with her hand playing with my package through my AE trunk briefs. The rest know what happened.
  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member
    have you ever successfully found the nuggets on a chicken?

    Only when I'm on IIFYM.
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    do you prefer day or evening sex? ;)

    Love morning sex.

    It's cold outside, cuddled up in a nice warm bed with a nice warm sexy girl next to ya....and I awaken with her hand playing with my package through my AE trunk briefs. The rest know what happened.

    Awesome answer. I reread it like 2 more times, slowly and sensually......;)
  • kaddydaddy
    kaddydaddy Posts: 60 Member
    Here's a few:

    1. If money was no object, what car would you get?
    2. As an adult, have you ever pooped your pants?
    3. If your house was on fire, what one object would you save?
    4. Disposable toilet seat covers, yea or nay?
    5. If you had a chance, what one question would you ask me?
  • thatawesomechick82
    thatawesomechick82 Posts: 132 Member
    Will you come do my Biographies homework, cook dinner, and finish my laundry so I can go for another run this evening?!
  • kaddydaddy
    kaddydaddy Posts: 60 Member
    do you prefer day or evening sex? ;)

    Love morning sex.

    It's cold outside, cuddled up in a nice warm bed with a nice warm sexy girl next to ya....and I awaken with her hand playing with my package through my AE trunk briefs. The rest know what happened.

    Awesome answer. I reread it like 2 more times, slowly and sensually......;)

    Awesome question. I reread it like 2 more times, slowly and sensually......;)

  • thatawesomechick82
    thatawesomechick82 Posts: 132 Member
    can you Integrate: 1/(a^2-x^2) giving the answer in terms of a and x ?

    If ((1+x)/(1-3x))^1/2= A+Bx+Cx^2.... can you give A, B and C and state when these values are valid ?

    bacon bacon and more bacon.

    It's true. . . bacon is the answer to everything. . .
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    so serious question¬

    when you are doing it `right` are you using `roids`?

    To get to the physique that you have in your pic it would be difficult to get so ripped in 1 year unless you were in great shape to start with??

    It is very difficult to get to a shape like that without some form of help methinks???

  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    What would it take to make you blush?
  • kaddydaddy
    kaddydaddy Posts: 60 Member
    can you Integrate: 1/(a^2-x^2) giving the answer in terms of a and x ?

    If ((1+x)/(1-3x))^1/2= A+Bx+Cx^2.... can you give A, B and C and state when these values are valid ?

    bacon bacon and more bacon.

    It's true. . . bacon is the answer to everything. . .

    You are so right, my head hurts! Now where's my bacon...

    BTW, J&D's bacon flavored seasoning is powdered sex.
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    If your spouse and your child were drowning, who would you save first??
  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member
    Here's a few:

    1. If money was no object, what car would you get?
    2. As an adult, have you ever pooped your pants?
    3. If your house was on fire, what one object would you save?
    4. Disposable toilet seat covers, yea or nay?
    5. If you had a chance, what one question would you ask me?

    1. If money was no object, what car would you get?

    2. As an adult, have you ever pooped your pants?
    Once, had the diarrhea - felt bad man.

    3. If your house was on fire, what one object would you save?
    Cell phone, will use to call police.

    4. Disposable toilet seat covers, yea or nay?

    5. If you had a chance, what one question would you ask me?
    Would you be upset if your girl was making out with another girl? like as long as she was with me she could make out with any girl she wants.