Guys can never be right can they??



  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I'd like to know how staying silent will help any cause.

    Being articulate and picking your fights =/= staying silent.

    The point everyone's trying to make is that you started an argument in a thread that had nothing to do with your cause. You wouldn't respect me much if I burst into a lesbian praising thread yelling "HEY!! YOU HATE STRAIGHT PEOPLE!" would you?

    I burst into the thread saying
    "It's not just guys.
    My girlfriend is never right either. "

    Sooo inflammatory.

    You got pissed off at someone for assuming your girlfriend was a girl. Like, sorry, but when someone says "girlfriend" most would assume she's a female. Especially if we're discussing menstrual cycles.

    Imagine this situation:

    Your girlfriend goes to a new doctor (heck, even just talking to a friend)
    Your girlfriend says "I feel ill"
    Your doctor/friend/whoever says "Have you been having your period?"
    Your girlfriend says "No"

    Now, since your girlfriend is transgender (and the doctor is unaware of this, since she appears to be biologically female), the doctor/friend/whoever would more than likely be concerned at this point because to his/her knowledge, there is a female that is not having her period and feels ill.

    That would lead to an incorrect diagnosis, right?

    My point is that if you're discussing a medical condition that applies to females with female reproductive organs, you should make it clear if she is transgender to avoid confusion.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Ps. For the record, I'd walk through the streets naked screaming "EUREKA!" before I'd dare ask my man to pick up tampons for me!!! He'd do it, I'm sure...but I'd be embarrassed!

    And, yes my man puts up with a lot...and he does a lot for me. And I love him mucho.

    I find this very bizarre. I don't find it bizarre that some people would feel like this, but I do find it bizarre that a clearly logical, intelligent person would feel this way. I think, once, I might have lived in a world where such feelings were the norm, I might have even felt that way, but I don't remember very well because it was so long ago.

    Oh, and I KNOW Umeboshi is not a troll. She is just passionate about what she believes in and has yet to learn to make a graceful exit before she ends up setting back her cause rather than promoting it.

    I'd like to know how staying silent will help any cause.

    Quite honestly, the more you run your mouth, the more I'm against your cause. The impact you were hoping for?

    This is a Fitness website. There are other websites for shoving your beliefs down the throats of others.

    I post my opinion when I see something I disagree with. I'm pretty sure that's allowed in a forum.

    And I'm pretty sure that's not allowed in reference to the forum guidelines you have violated:

    2. No Hi-Jacking, Trolling, or Flame-baiting
    Please stay on-topic within a forum topic. Off-topic or derogatory remarks are disrespectful. Please either contribute politely and constructively to a topic, or move on without posting. This includes posts that encourage the drama in a topic to escalate, or posts intended to incite an uproar from the community.

    15. Divisive Topics Are Better Suited For Groups, Not the Main Forums
    Divisive topics, particularly those that seek input from or are relevant only to a select group of users, are better placed within an appropriate Group rather than the Main Forums. For example, topics relevant to only one religion should not be placed on the main forums but rather within a group related to that religion. We reserve the right to move any topic to a relevant public Group which interested members may join if they wish to continue to participate.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member

    Fair enough. I actually was not offended about the things she said about men. I was offended by the things she said about how women treat men.

    I certainly think that men who are put into the kinds of situations she mentioned are in a the "do I look fat" pickle. And I do get why it's unpleasant for a man to buy tampons. And I think guys who maneuver those things well and out of love are awesome. I just didn't like the idea that this is how girls are. I don't use PMS as an excuse to be emotionally's not fun having PMS but it's not a free pass to be bat-**** crazy...

    Do you get me now?

    And thanks :) my dog is happy...he's snoring right now!

    DEFINITELY makes more sense. Welcome to the wonderful world of the internet and miscommunication right? Seems silly now.

    I do think she did very nicely give a nod to your point in the last line of the OP though. And...the thing overall that's sort of frustrating to me (and this commentary from here on out isn't related directly to you) that people find stereotypes so offensive. I am short. I'm relatively well built. I get the whole 'little man complex' commentary all the time!! Because of my build, I get treated like I'm a moron by people with pocket protectors and short sleeve button up shirts regularly (you should see their faces when I correct a mistake they's priceless). Because I do man things, I get typecast into all sorts of roles that don't really fit me. Most of the time people mistake me for a HIspanic...I'm not. But you know what? I really don't care. I know what I am...I know what I am not. Others are welcome to take a look inside and see...or not, as it pleases them. Either/or...I'm still me. I know that stereotypes...are there for a reason. Some part of that stereotype, almost invariably fits everyone within that stereotype. Many parts don't. If you're aware of that yourself...why does it bother you (collectively, not specifically)?

    *shrug* you got me squirmin' in my seat! And wanting to cue up Fugazi's "Suggestion"!! I think the reason why I get upset (and I like to use totally sexist again females phrases on myself so I'm tempted to say my panties get in a bunch) is because these sort of stereotypes have been part and parcel of some really bad things going on for long periods of time in my life and in the lives of many I love. I am talking about DV and how sexist stereotypes became justifying rationales. I don't like these things. I don't like that it's assumed I am emotional before it is assumed I might be right. Some stereotypes don't bother me (like what they say about catholic girls, or Sicilian jersey girls) because those don't lead to bad badness...

    Also, in terms of truth, I think sexist stereotypes are self-perpetuating. Are boys less emotional than girls?? Or do we force boys to suppress emotion because they aren't supposed to be emotional?? There was this comedian I watched who did a skit about wanting a pumpkin for Halloween. He was saying how he couldn't admit he wanted a pumpkin because his friends would call him gay (the skit is called "what are you, gay??"). Anyways, he says how hr has to take his GF to the store so she will get the pumpkin and when she sees it and gets all excited, he becomes furiously jealous that she is allowed to be happy about a pumpkin. He says he wants to bash her face in with a pumpkin. ....whoa. Comedy? Or funny be ause it's kinda true??

    Anyways. That's why it bugs me. I want my son to live in a world where he doesn't have to assume his GF is needy and unnecessarily emotional, and where he can be happy about a pumpkin without being ridiculed.

    True in a weird sort of way maybe lol...I don't think I'd have it in me to call it comedy though.

    The rest of your post makes total sense though...I can see, at least for you...why words impact you in a certain way. It's also good that you know the OP wasn't meaning that in any way, shape or form. That shows reason.
    Sorry for derailing the thread you guys. I just really love genetics. This condition is really rare, and pretty fascinating. I havent heard of an actual case before.

    You didn't derail it was so far beyond saving it's not even funny...long before you got here.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I'd like to know how staying silent will help any cause.

    Being articulate and picking your fights =/= staying silent.

    The point everyone's trying to make is that you started an argument in a thread that had nothing to do with your cause. You wouldn't respect me much if I burst into a lesbian praising thread yelling "HEY!! YOU HATE STRAIGHT PEOPLE!" would you?

    I burst into the thread saying
    "It's not just guys.
    My girlfriend is never right either. "

    Sooo inflammatory.

    You got pissed off at someone for assuming your girlfriend was a girl. Like, sorry, but when someone says "girlfriend" most would assume she's a female. Especially if we're discussing menstrual cycles.

    Imagine this situation:

    Your girlfriend goes to a new doctor (heck, even just talking to a friend)
    Your girlfriend says "I feel ill"
    Your doctor/friend/whoever says "Have you been having your period?"
    Your girlfriend says "No"

    Now, since your girlfriend is transgender (and the doctor is unaware of this, since she appears to be biologically female), the doctor/friend/whoever would more than likely be concerned at this point because to his/her knowledge, there is a female that is not having her period and feels ill.

    That would lead to an incorrect diagnosis, right?

    My point is that if you're discussing a medical condition that applies to females with female reproductive organs, you should make it clear if she is transgender to avoid confusion.

    Please quote me one thing indicating I was "pissed off".

    You are not my girlfriend's doctor.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Sorry for derailing the thread you guys. I just really love genetics. This condition is really rare, and pretty fascinating. I havent heard of an actual case before.

  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Anyhow...sad that a thread praising men (for once), ended up with 3 pages of discussion about whether one actually is, or isn't in fact male.
    Do I need to bust out what I said in the first thread?'s a daily thing. The reason you didn't it always gets deleted by morning. The admins make sure of that. Know it all infantile trolls can happily be trolls with impunity at night...while wonderful people like Jules2Be get strikes for calling someone's brain sexy during the day.
    We live in a world where lemonade is made of artificial flavors and pledge is made of real lemons. Nothing makes sense
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Nevermind. Why bother with this lol
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Ps. For the record, I'd walk through the streets naked screaming "EUREKA!" before I'd dare ask my man to pick up tampons for me!!! He'd do it, I'm sure...but I'd be embarrassed!

    And, yes my man puts up with a lot...and he does a lot for me. And I love him mucho.

    I find this very bizarre. I don't find it bizarre that some people would feel like this, but I do find it bizarre that a clearly logical, intelligent person would feel this way. I think, once, I might have lived in a world where such feelings were the norm, I might have even felt that way, but I don't remember very well because it was so long ago.

    Oh, and I KNOW Umeboshi is not a troll. She is just passionate about what she believes in and has yet to learn to make a graceful exit before she ends up setting back her cause rather than promoting it.

    I'd like to know how staying silent will help any cause.

    Please read what I said, not what you think I said. I love you to bits, I hope you know that, but seeing as you've asked your friends before whether we thought your posts in the forums were helpful, I know that you do care what others think. I think you have valid points, but sometimes, when bated, what you end up saying doesn't fit what you believe in and doesn't allow for the fact that others have the the right to disagree with you.

    As I said, love you to bits, but I do think you might make your point better by fighting less.

    Wait...when SHE'S baited? How the HELL...did we bait her?!

    I'm glad you're trying to reason with the girl, and I'm positive I'm not helping (mostly because she's well past my 'give a damn' limit as a person)...but I'd like to know if that's actually what you meant. This girl baits people 24/7. EVERY post she makes is confrontational and often flat insulting.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Anyhow...sad that a thread praising men (for once), ended up with 3 pages of discussion about whether one actually is, or isn't in fact male.
    Do I need to bust out what I said in the first thread?'s a daily thing. The reason you didn't it always gets deleted by morning. The admins make sure of that. Know it all infantile trolls can happily be trolls with impunity at night...while wonderful people like Jules2Be get strikes for calling someone's brain sexy during the day.
    We live in a world where lemonade is made of artificial flavors and pledge is made of real lemons. Nothing makes sense

    Dude...I LIKE you lol.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Anyhow...sad that a thread praising men (for once), ended up with 3 pages of discussion about whether one actually is, or isn't in fact male.
    Do I need to bust out what I said in the first thread?'s a daily thing. The reason you didn't it always gets deleted by morning. The admins make sure of that. Know it all infantile trolls can happily be trolls with impunity at night...while wonderful people like Jules2Be get strikes for calling someone's brain sexy during the day.
    We live in a world where lemonade is made of artificial flavors and pledge is made of real lemons. Nothing makes sense

    Dude...I LIKE you lol.

    taunto rocks
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Anyhow...sad that a thread praising men (for once), ended up with 3 pages of discussion about whether one actually is, or isn't in fact male.
    Do I need to bust out what I said in the first thread?'s a daily thing. The reason you didn't it always gets deleted by morning. The admins make sure of that. Know it all infantile trolls can happily be trolls with impunity at night...while wonderful people like Jules2Be get strikes for calling someone's brain sexy during the day.
    We live in a world where lemonade is made of artificial flavors and pledge is made of real lemons. Nothing makes sense

    Dude...I LIKE you lol.

    Me too! ♥
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Anyhow...sad that a thread praising men (for once), ended up with 3 pages of discussion about whether one actually is, or isn't in fact male.
    Do I need to bust out what I said in the first thread?'s a daily thing. The reason you didn't it always gets deleted by morning. The admins make sure of that. Know it all infantile trolls can happily be trolls with impunity at night...while wonderful people like Jules2Be get strikes for calling someone's brain sexy during the day.
    We live in a world where lemonade is made of artificial flavors and pledge is made of real lemons. Nothing makes sense

    Dude...I LIKE you lol.

    Why are you hating on all the lesbians by liking a guy? Your statement that you like me proves that you hate puppies. How can you hate puppies? Why are you so against America? :'(
  • snipermedic
    snipermedic Posts: 53
    btw there is a "say nice things" post someone started here if anyone has a conversion

    And please check in to the Role Call if you get a sec...
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Anyhow...sad that a thread praising men (for once), ended up with 3 pages of discussion about whether one actually is, or isn't in fact male.
    Do I need to bust out what I said in the first thread?'s a daily thing. The reason you didn't it always gets deleted by morning. The admins make sure of that. Know it all infantile trolls can happily be trolls with impunity at night...while wonderful people like Jules2Be get strikes for calling someone's brain sexy during the day.
    We live in a world where lemonade is made of artificial flavors and pledge is made of real lemons. Nothing makes sense

    Dude...I LIKE you lol.

    taunto rocks

    And I DO like you pretty lady :)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Anyhow...sad that a thread praising men (for once), ended up with 3 pages of discussion about whether one actually is, or isn't in fact male.
    Do I need to bust out what I said in the first thread?'s a daily thing. The reason you didn't it always gets deleted by morning. The admins make sure of that. Know it all infantile trolls can happily be trolls with impunity at night...while wonderful people like Jules2Be get strikes for calling someone's brain sexy during the day.
    We live in a world where lemonade is made of artificial flavors and pledge is made of real lemons. Nothing makes sense

    Dude...I LIKE you lol.

    Why are you hating on all the lesbians by liking a guy? Your statement that you like me proves that you hate puppies. How can you hate puppies? Why are you so against America? :'(

    Are you a script writer for MFP?
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Chris. I'm torn on that last one about tecognizing she disnt mean it that way. The part of me that wants acceptance here wants to agree with you. The part of me that wonders if I just overreact because I have seen horrible things wants to agree with you. But part of me feels that if no one ever says anything, than the status quo will never change. No, I don't want to hurt OPs feelings. I just want to point out that these stereotypes are outta date, harmful, and to some extent wrong. I would do the same for racism, homophobia, etc. is it my agenda? Yes- as is getting fit, making friends, having fun. I don't mean to make the comvo about me as much as I just want to drop a red flag, have people recognize it, then have "game on" again back to the subject. Those little red flags are all I got and I will use them until one year of my life passes without one of my friends being raled, beaten, or telling me they were sexually abused as children. That's kinda how it is. I gotta put up a fight. It comes from a place of love.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I'd like to know how staying silent will help any cause.

    Being articulate and picking your fights =/= staying silent.

    The point everyone's trying to make is that you started an argument in a thread that had nothing to do with your cause. You wouldn't respect me much if I burst into a lesbian praising thread yelling "HEY!! YOU HATE STRAIGHT PEOPLE!" would you?

    I burst into the thread saying
    "It's not just guys.
    My girlfriend is never right either. "

    Sooo inflammatory.

    You got pissed off at someone for assuming your girlfriend was a girl. Like, sorry, but when someone says "girlfriend" most would assume she's a female. Especially if we're discussing menstrual cycles.

    Imagine this situation:

    Your girlfriend goes to a new doctor (heck, even just talking to a friend)
    Your girlfriend says "I feel ill"
    Your doctor/friend/whoever says "Have you been having your period?"
    Your girlfriend says "No"

    Now, since your girlfriend is transgender (and the doctor is unaware of this, since she appears to be biologically female), the doctor/friend/whoever would more than likely be concerned at this point because to his/her knowledge, there is a female that is not having her period and feels ill.

    That would lead to an incorrect diagnosis, right?

    My point is that if you're discussing a medical condition that applies to females with female reproductive organs, you should make it clear if she is transgender to avoid confusion.

    Please quote me one thing indicating I was "pissed off".

    You are not my girlfriend's doctor.

    Oh my god. PLEASE tell me you understand the importance of my little anecdote. Seriously, how can you not understand what I just said and how it's relevant?

    Oh, and by the way:
    "She's a transgender woman. How is that misleading? A transgender woman is still a woman, and thus I refer to her as such.
    Just for future reference, "a transgender" is a very bad way of putting it, as it pigeonholes them into a category other than 'woman'. It's similar to calling someone 'a gay' or 'a black' instead of a gay man, a black man, etc."

    It's misleading because to EVERYONE else who is unaware that your girlfriend is transgender it seemed like your girlfriend was biologically female but had a medical issue. I sound like a broken record here. I'm going to use the "ignore" function now so I can stop seeing your butthurt, idiotic posts all over the forum.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Anyhow...sad that a thread praising men (for once), ended up with 3 pages of discussion about whether one actually is, or isn't in fact male.
    Do I need to bust out what I said in the first thread?'s a daily thing. The reason you didn't it always gets deleted by morning. The admins make sure of that. Know it all infantile trolls can happily be trolls with impunity at night...while wonderful people like Jules2Be get strikes for calling someone's brain sexy during the day.
    We live in a world where lemonade is made of artificial flavors and pledge is made of real lemons. Nothing makes sense

    Dude...I LIKE you lol.

    taunto rocks

    And I DO like you pretty lady :)

    :heart: :smooched: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member

    Oh my god. PLEASE tell me you understand the importance of my little anecdote. Seriously, how can you not understand what I just said and how it's relevant?

    Oh, and by the way:
    "She's a transgender woman. How is that misleading? A transgender woman is still a woman, and thus I refer to her as such.
    Just for future reference, "a transgender" is a very bad way of putting it, as it pigeonholes them into a category other than 'woman'. It's similar to calling someone 'a gay' or 'a black' instead of a gay man, a black man, etc."

    It's misleading because to EVERYONE else who is unaware that your girlfriend is transgender it seemed like your girlfriend was biologically female but had a medical issue. I sound like a broken record here. I'm going to use the "ignore" function now so I can stop seeing your butthurt, idiotic posts all over the forum.

    A clarification and gentle correction in wording is now "pissed off"?

    Whether she had a medical issue or was transgender was really irrelevant to the point that I originally made.
  • WelcomeToWonderland
    I just realized, i'm so glad i don't have children to mess up. Wayyyy to difficult to show them that just because you accept everyone for who they are, they don have enough respect to accept you. It would suck to see heart break from them. Off topic sort of but yeah. It's called respecting people, not shoving your opinions/religion/beliefs down their throats, and giving praise when it's deserved, whether its for buy a box of tampons, fixing a broken lamp or cooking dinner. Everyone needs to be acknowledged and appreciated, regardless of your opinion on gender roles.
This discussion has been closed.