How often do you work out?

I'm gettin seriously frustrated with my lack of spare time due to exercise! I do not by any means want to stop working out....BUT I can't keep up my work-gym-dinnner-bed schedule! I need some life!! :drinker: So I'm curious- how often do you work out?


  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    At least 5 times per week.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    5-6 days a week, now it's because I enjoy it and it's my lifestyle... but back when I was still losing, it was because 5-6 days a week was how committed I was to losing the weight and 2-3 days did not cut it for me.
  • nightsrainfall
    nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
    2-3 times a week. I'm busy and tired most days due to work schedule. And I end up chosing between working out and being social, cleaning, or sleeping, so working out generally loses.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Never. I'm too old to care what I look like naked as long as I look good in clothes.
    Would I be healthier with exercise? Yea probably. :yawn:
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    4xs a week

    Morning = recumbent bike (easy on my joints)

    Afternoon = Weights

    Evening = walking outside or on a treadmill

    Exercising has just become an every day part of my life in one way or another like eating and sleeping. I don't think of it as some thing I have to do extra or some thing I am forced to do. So like eating and sleeping I just make time for it. i.e 30 minutes a day is nothing over 24hrs and if you are super strapped with time and it might take you 30-40 min to sit down and eat then cut it in half and exercise 15-20 min. first or afterwards and then eat. Its a no brainer for me.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Everyday with rest days when I need them. I love it so I would much rather spend my time in the gym. :)
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I'm I work out... on average... about 0 times a week.
  • Kasm296
    Kasm296 Posts: 33 Member
    I workout 5-6 days a week and love it!!
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    6 days a week
    2x a time 3 days a week
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Once, if at all.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    Ideally 7 days if by work out you mean "purposely get up and move my butt more than I desire to avoid gaining weight."

    I do Pilates 3-5 days a week because otherwise I get sore.
  • Crystal0827
    Crystal0827 Posts: 244 Member
    I work 2 jobs SO 2-3 days a week. If I didn't I am sure it would be more, simply because I love it.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    I try for every day.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    My workouts last between 30 minutes and an hour, no more. If I'm short on time, I can usually cut it short at finish in 30-45 mins. As busy as I am, I think it's important to take time to exercise at least 3x per week. It's my "me" time.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    OP I HEAR YA! Man, its freakin hard to get it all in in one day. I literally don't stop "working" until my bed hits the pillow, maybe thats because I do more than my husband because he can't hack working (abiet a long stressful and strenuous jo) and doing housework. I workout max 6x a week and a minimum of 5x

    Then people ask me when I am having kids, and that is when I throw the nearest heavy object directly at their head.

    That being said, I never forego my workout, unless I am feeling sick. It's the number one thing I do for me and I never put it aside. Put yourself first!
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I try to get at least 30 minutes in 5-6 days a week. Sometimes it's only 3 days a week, other times it's all 7 days. Just depends on my schedule and energy level. But I can definately tell when I DON'T work out.
  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    Every day. Always around 70 minutes a day.
  • theberg
    theberg Posts: 80
    As infrequently as possible.... That said, I will be spending a lot of time at the pool this summer as well as riding my bicycle. But I don't consider that "working out"
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    Everyday with rest days when I need them. I love it so I would much rather spend my time in the gym. :)

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^This is me....
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Run 4 x weekly
    Strength 2 or 3 x weekly
    Rowing 2 or 3 x weekly
    Swimming 1 x weekly
    Play Soccer 1 x weekly (summer season - first game this Friday)

    and I run my own business and have 2 kids playing competitive soccer, it's a matter of time management and priorities (I run/work out @ 5AM and after we;re back home from soccer practices)