First Negative Comment



  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I guess its a bit like anything on FB. I get annoyed with my friend's constant Farmville/Cafe World/DailyHoroscope/Whatever posts but you soon learn to overlook them. People often hit out when it's something they know they should probably be doing themselves too. You could unlink the accounts I suspect if it makes things less confrontational and rely on your friends here for motivation instead.
  • cholibear
    cholibear Posts: 86
    I just don't have facebook.
    People on there are annoying and depressing.
    If I cared what people did in their spare time, I would ask.

    Keep doing what you're doing and just tell 'em...."sucks to suck doesnt it?"
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    This is why I don't link my MFP account to Facebook. What's interesting to people on here isn't necessarily interesting to the wider FB group.
    I agree with this. I love to hear about people's fitness goals and success stories, but even we die-hard MFP folks have our limits, I have one FB friend set a goal to run a mile every day this year, and EVERY single day she updates her "running streak" (yesterday was day 152).

    As important as getting fit is to you...its probably far less exciting to your friends and acquaintances. It doesn't necessarily mean they're 'jealous' or hating on you, they might just be tired of reading it every day (or it might even seem a little condescending or judgemental to those who don't work out and know they should). If your friendships are important to you, sometimes its just easier to back off and try not to talk about your fitness achievements and goals with them unless they ask.

    PS - Congrats on your success so far!
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I wouldn't post my weight loss progress on Facebook. They aren't in the same mindset as those you meet on MFP.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    That's why I keep my fitness achievements to MFP, because this environment is more suitable for that kind of update. My "real life" friends are not involved in my fitness goals whereas my MFP friends really care :)

    Also, being on MFP I spend a lot less time on FB because I don't really care about their drama and trivial crap

    If I think about it honestly... I'd probably hide a friend's post if all they posted on facebook was what kind of exercise they are doing.
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    You have made a lifestyle change which may be difficult to some of your friends. I suggest not linking to FB if it is going to get that kind of a reaction which may deter your success.

    On the other hand, its your FB wall and if they don't like it....they can delete you! (or change their settings to not show your updates!)

    Some people are only happy when they are making other people miserable.

    So, just ignore the cranky *kitten* and do your thing! woot woot!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i would find it very annoying if my Facebook feed was filled with people's workouts and what they ate.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    I don't have (or want) MFP linked to my FB, so I don't know exactly what posts to your wall. I'm assuming it's "robo posts"? But speaking as a FB user, I can say that I get very annoyed when my friends have multiple posts per day. Like a friend who finds it necessary to post all 10 Motley Crue videos she watched today. Or my pet sitter friend who posts 6-8 pictures/videos of animals within minutes of each other. (And look at my user name... MeMyCatsandI. I LOVE animals. Still annoying!) I also hate those stupid posts about games, Farmville, etc. I block all those. I have set the friends that post all the stupid crap to "Important updates only". I like keeping up with my friends and family on FB, but if all their posts are the same thing over and over, it gets old.

    Again, I don't know if this is what's happening... multiple robo posts per day generated on your FB wall by MFP, but if that's what is going on, I'd find it annoying too. With that said, if you were to post something like "Had a GREAT run today. Feels great to be so productive." or something like that, rather than a robo post from MFP, people would probably appreciate it more.

  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    i would find it very annoying if my Facebook feed was filled with people's workouts and what they ate.


    Just because it's important to you, doesn't mean everyone in your life wants to read about it (hint: that's why MFP has a social aspect)

    Our fitness goals are between ourselves, and those we have invited to support us in our progress...
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    I agree with this. I love to hear about people's fitness goals and success stories, but even we die-hard MFP folks have our limits, I have one FB friend set a goal to run a mile every day this year, and EVERY single day she updates her "running streak" (yesterday was day 152).
    I once had a friend doing a count down to her wedding day. EVERY day it was 97 days until I'm Mrs......., 96 days until I'm Mrs...... KILL ME NOW!
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 348 Member
    I keep my fitness and health stuff away from Facebook. I want to lose the weight, get healthy, then post photographs, and make them all wonder how I did it. You watch, they will all want to get off the couch then. Thinking there is a miracle weight loss program out there. The other thing is, people try to derail you. You share you are doing well, and they try to scupper you plans. I would say, tell them, they can defriend you, if you still want to post to Facebook. If they aren't supportive, then they are part of the problem
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    So I have facebook linked to MFP, like most people would, I imagine. Everytime I log my exercises it shows up on facebook. So today, I logged my exercises and it posted to facebook, but I alos made a comment about a dislike towards Bear Crawls, and for the first time I actually had someone tell me to stop posting all the exercise posts and what not. Then another one said that all I talk about is working out, rewind back about 3 months and all you would read would be, "hangover, drunk, passed out, beer, drunk...."

    They say they are joking, but as a person that jokes i know there is always a bit of truth to every joke. It's not demotivating, but interesting because I just started to think to myself that I have not had to deal with any negativity/hate towards my workouts. It's a first and I imagine I'll deal with more. I wonder if it's a shock for them to see me devoting more time to being healthy then the partying. I'm telling myself it's a little envy and sadness. They envy the all the effort I'm putting forth and they are sad that they don't have me around at parties as much and miss me :laugh: That's how I deal with this bit of negativity.
    Sometimes, people are aren't fed up with you getting in better health, they are mad at themselves for not being in better health.

    Also, people on facebook tend to get annoyed when somebody posts automatic things everyday. I'm not a fan of seeing people's farmville updates and things like that. I didn't link my facebook to MFP for that reason.
  • bionicrooster
    bionicrooster Posts: 353 Member
    I don't post anything about fitness on Facebook or twitter. People outside MFP do not understand and it's ok

    Same here. I keep FB life and MFP life seperate.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I agree with this. I love to hear about people's fitness goals and success stories, but even we die-hard MFP folks have our limits, I have one FB friend set a goal to run a mile every day this year, and EVERY single day she updates her "running streak" (yesterday was day 152).
    I once had a friend doing a count down to her wedding day. EVERY day it was 97 days until I'm Mrs......., 96 days until I'm Mrs...... KILL ME NOW!
    :laugh: I have one of those "bridezillas" in my friends list as well. I've also got one (someone from high-school) who is a recovering meth addict and will post (no joke) 15 inspirational quote/photos in a row on any given day (her, I've now blocked!).

    Even the most positive udpates can be overkill to the people who just aren't interested...
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Muggles just don't understand...
  • shodaimetruth
    shodaimetruth Posts: 137
    Thanks for all the information and point of views. I have seperated the two as it makes sense that some people just don't want to have the same discussions that I'm having. I wouldn't bother people in here about video games that i'm playing and I won't bother people on facebook about exercise/diets. I might do the occassional update on my weight loss and an occassional photo here and there, but as of now they are seperated.

    I think it is important to seperate the two and remind myself and others that there is more then just the working out to who I am. I can't let myself trade one lifestyle (partying) for another (exercise) even if the other is more healthy. i can't just be one dimensional and I think I need to remember that.

    Thanks again for all the positive feedback on the situation.