NYC Large sugary drink ban proposed



  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    Wow. Some of you don't really see what's going on in the bigger picture. This is not about government control, it is about Corporate ownership of America. Please educate yourself on these kinds of issue. Why does a corporation have the right to do what ever it wants and make what ever it wants while it pours billions of dollars into advertising and marketing to brainwash people into thinking their product rocks. Meanwhile, they use substandard and inferior ingredients, and only sell it in 20oz cans. Are they giving us a choice to buy smaller, to have better ingrdients that don't harm us long-term, in price and competition?

    This is a big picture issue and I wish more local governments would take up the charge against the Corporations. Sending a signal saying, we are not going to allow what you are doing, is also freedom. That's how America came into existance. Don't forget how we got here.

    "while it pours billions of dollars into advertising and marketing"

    This help our crappy economy genius. Imagine them leaving and spending that money in another country... ohhh more jobs lost here in usa. Also just because I see advertising doesnt mean I am going to go out and buy it. Example smoking posters are in stores but you dont see me going out and smoking. I see alcohol Vodka commercials but dont got and buy Vodka.. really??

    Again If the govenment wants to fight obesity it must educate people on obesity. They should have nutrition classes manditory in school and bring back physical education not ban large sugary drinks lol


    Posted this in the wrong place before. My point is that they wouldn't spend money advertising this junk in other countries because the people and govts there would run them out on a rail. They know where their bread is buttered, and we buy it hook, line, and sinker. Clearly this isn't all Americans making these choices, but far too many. We used to be smarter as a nation.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    There is actually sound reasoning to this.

    I'm not one of those Paleo hipsters but the human body did not evolve a mechanism to cope with liquid calories other than milk. At least when you eat candy, chips, or eat buckets of greasy fries, your body actually knows that it took in calories. There is the hromonal repsonse that is associated with "I have eaten something". With non-milk liquid calories (milk also contains fat and protein) the body has no hormonal response (aside from the insulin reaction to the blood glucose), it has no idea it ingested something, and the insulin response to the calories actually makes you hungrier.

    Liquid calories are very much one of the main causes of obesity, the human body cannot cope with them. IMHO it is no different than smoking really (the human body also has no mechnaism to cope with constant smoke ingestion). And note that this does include fruit juice, which is no better than sweetened soda.

    And if people want to choose to eat what they want, the gov't should get to choose who does and doesn't get gov't health care. You can have your sugary soda if you are permanently opted out of medicare, given the finger at the emergency room w/o insurance, and all other forms of gov't paid for medical assistance.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    I saw the edit, but the pictures still said a lot.

    Pictures where simply representing that people do not exercise and over eat unhealthy foods. Hence the mcdonalds pic and the people using machines instead of legs to walk and exercise. :wink: Point being I do not thing banning large drinks containing sugar is going to do much but just take away another freedom we have.

    If the govenment wants to fight obesity it must educate people on obesity. They should have nutrition classes manditory in school and bring back physical education.

    Anytime nutrition education is proposed, the antis come out saying they want to teach it themselves, keep it out of the schools and reduce their taxes. Same with physical education in schools, sexual education, etc.

    When the first lady planted a vegetable garden she became a punchline. I agree with education. Unfortunately, it's not happening. Utopia is what it is. I am only talking about the reality of rising obesity in this country at this point.

    Well then understand the reality of the rising obesity is not with the big sugary drinks its has every thing to do with over consumtion of calories in generall not just from soda pop but from ALL foods in general. Nutritional eductaion and physical education is the key to understand and combat obesity among certain drugs for the people that have thyroid issues and or medical issues and such. MFP can even teach you simple basics. Lovin mfp lol
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Wow. Some of you don't really see what's going on in the bigger picture. This is not about government control, it is about Corporate ownership of America. Please educate yourself on these kinds of issue. Why does a corporation have the right to do what ever it wants and make what ever it wants while it pours billions of dollars into advertising and marketing to brainwash people into thinking their product rocks. Meanwhile, they use substandard and inferior ingredients, and only sell it in 20oz cans. Are they giving us a choice to buy smaller, to have better ingrdients that don't harm us long-term, in price and competition?

    This is a big picture issue and I wish more local governments would take up the charge against the Corporations. Sending a signal saying, we are not going to allow what you are doing, is also freedom. That's how America came into existance. Don't forget how we got here.

    "while it pours billions of dollars into advertising and marketing"

    This help our crappy economy genius. Imagine them leaving and spending that money in another country... ohhh more jobs lost here in usa. Also just because I see advertising doesnt mean I am going to go out and buy it. Example smoking posters are in stores but you dont see me going out and smoking. I see alcohol Vodka commercials but dont got and buy Vodka.. really??

    Again If the govenment wants to fight obesity it must educate people on obesity. They should have nutrition classes manditory in school and bring back physical education not ban large sugary drinks lol



    If you think advertising doesnt affect you, you just dropped 50 IQ points. Because if you really believe that, you don't understand anything at all. Again, why do you think a corporation has advertising and marketing as the largest portioin of their budget.

    It's so simple to see this, but people like you just refuse to get it.

    It has nothing to do with the economy. Put down your NBC and CNBC news reel media head, and look at facts.
  • TJamesChristensen
    I truly cannot understand why so many people are for more people being told how to live their lives. What happened to a person's right to make their own decisions. If so many people feel its a good idea to ban something every time its deemed bad for you then why don't we just cut to the case and give up everything.

    1. Salt
    2. Candy, cookies, cake, pies, ice cream
    3. Sex outside of marriage ( can't trust people to use protection )
    4. Alcohol
    5. Cell phones ( too many people using them when they shouldn't )
    7. Et cetera

    And maybe they should add laws making College mandatory because it they're not going to make the right decision it will be made for them. Or maybe child birth after the age of 40 should be stopped since the child is at a higher risk. Maybe people could be fined if they are not going to the gym 3 days a week.

    Why are people so quick to say "If you are not living your life the way I think is right then I will make you"?

    How much are you willing to give up because someone else is deciding how you will live your life? Do we really want more situations like this?

    I'm sure you all remember the state employee seizing a child's brown bag lunch because it was not deemed healthy by their standards. Let people live their own lives even if you don't agree with their choices or one day you might wake up in a world where you are not free to make any choices, they will be made for you.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I think it's a great idea. Kinda - it's a step in the right direction but it's a drop in the ocean.

    They need to also ban the constant bombardment of ads on tv and billboards advertising junk food. You just can't get away.

    I agree 100%!!! Companies need to stop being allowed to advertise to kids so much. Has anybody watched Nickelodeon lately??!! McDonald's advertises almost every other commercial. Kids know what buttons to push to drive mom & dad nuts so they give in. Sure mom & dad have a responsibility to monitor what their children eat, but every parent has their breaking point of the tantrums and whining and crying and bugging.

    My kids watch cartoons and thus are exposed to all the advertisements as well. I could care less how much they whine and cry and bug me to buy McDonald's food...(or anything else that is advertised on tv). You know why? Because they are NOT getting it unless I say so. My kids don't whine, cry and bug me because if they know if they did, I wouldn't take them. And I'd probably pull the plug on the tv too.

    And I do take my kids to McD's on occasion.

    Parenting requires a backbone.

    BAM. This right here. "Advertising to kids" means absolutely zilch if the parent of those kids is the one doing the buying. Companies cannot target kids, really, because kids don't drive themselves to the store and pull out their tiny wallets and buy the junk food themselves! It's 100% on the parents. Kids want stuff that's bad for them, do the unthinkable and say NO.

    I wanted to marry Zack Morris when I was 7. My parents didn't go on a crusade to ban Saved By The Bell...
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    There is actually sound reasoning to this.

    I'm not one of those Paleo hipsters but the human body did not evolve a mechanism to cope with liquid calories other than milk. At least when you eat candy, chips, or eat buckets of greasy fries, your body actually knows that it took in calories. There is the hromonal repsonse that is associated with "I have eaten something". With non-milk liquid calories (milk also contains fat and protein) the body has no hormonal response (aside from the insulin reaction to the blood glucose), it has no idea it ingested something, and the insulin response to the calories actually makes you hungrier.

    Liquid calories are very much one of the main causes of obesity, the human body cannot cope with them. IMHO it is no different than smoking really (the human body also has no mechnaism to cope with constant smoke ingestion). And note that this does include fruit juice, which is no better than sweetened soda.

    Something is up. The body may have been able to deal smaller volumes of liquid sugar and calories but at these sizes, it can't be right. Our diets have a lot to do with why people are just so uptight, stressed, feeling out of contrul, full of road rage and depressed over the last 15 years. Yes, there are pills to deal with these issues but why not peel back the onion and really get to the bottom of things? This has nothing to do with me hating corporations, I am truly concerned about the future of this country.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    I truly cannot understand why so many people are for more people being told how to live their lives. What happened to a person's right to make their own decisions. If so many people feel its a good idea to ban something every time its deemed bad for you then why don't we just cut to the case and give up everything.

    1. Salt
    2. Candy, cookies, cake, pies, ice cream
    3. Sex outside of marriage ( can't trust people to use protection )
    4. Alcohol
    5. Cell phones ( too many people using them when they shouldn't )
    7. Et cetera

    And maybe they should add laws making College mandatory because it they're not going to make the right decision it will be made for them. Or maybe child birth after the age of 40 should be stopped since the child is at a higher risk. Maybe people could be fined if they are not going to the gym 3 days a week.

    Why are people so quick to say "If you are not living your life the way I think is right then I will make you"?

    How much are you willing to give up because someone else is deciding how you will live your life? Do we really want more situations like this?

    I'm sure you all remember the state employee seizing a child's brown bag lunch because it was not deemed healthy by their standards. Let people live their own lives even if you don't agree with their choices or one day you might wake up in a world where you are not free to make any choices, they will be made for you.

    x1000 this
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    And if people want to choose to eat what they want, the gov't should get to choose who does and doesn't get gov't health care. You can have your sugary soda if you are permanently opted out of medicare, given the finger at the emergency room w/o insurance, and all other forms of gov't paid for medical assistance.

    Thank You!!!! And if you buy your kids jugs of soda I do not want to subsidize their healtcare expenses either. Love the kids, but since you're all shouting "personal responsibility" , please take 100% responsibility for ALL OF IT.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    I truly cannot understand why so many people are for more people being told how to live their lives. What happened to a person's right to make their own decisions. If so many people feel its a good idea to ban something every time its deemed bad for you then why don't we just cut to the case and give up everything.

    This is fine and dandy except that in this country health care is typically a collective effort. Either through private insurance or gov't insurance.

    At some point obseity will make its way in to health insurance the way smoking did to life insurance. That is, it is high risk, and you have to pay more. It really isn't a question of if but when IMHO. When it does....buh bye obesity epidemic.
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member

    "while it pours billions of dollars into advertising and marketing"

    And into the pockets of politicians.....


    Politicians ARE big business.

    This reminds me of the movie Wally. There are a bunch of fat people floating around with Big Gulps and IPads on a ship whilst this poor little robot is left to find life on earth. People are encouraged and even controlled to be fat and useless by the "ship" or the robots on the :"space ship". Who do you think it is? Government or Business.

    It's both. They are the same thing.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I truly cannot understand why so many people are for more people being told how to live their lives. What happened to a person's right to make their own decisions. If so many people feel its a good idea to ban something every time its deemed bad for you then why don't we just cut to the case and give up everything.

    1. Salt
    2. Candy, cookies, cake, pies, ice cream
    3. Sex outside of marriage ( can't trust people to use protection )
    4. Alcohol
    5. Cell phones ( too many people using them when they shouldn't )
    7. Et cetera

    And maybe they should add laws making College mandatory because it they're not going to make the right decision it will be made for them. Or maybe child birth after the age of 40 should be stopped since the child is at a higher risk. Maybe people could be fined if they are not going to the gym 3 days a week.

    Why are people so quick to say "If you are not living your life the way I think is right then I will make you"?

    How much are you willing to give up because someone else is deciding how you will live your life? Do we really want more situations like this?

    I'm sure you all remember the state employee seizing a child's brown bag lunch because it was not deemed healthy by their standards. Let people live their own lives even if you don't agree with their choices or one day you might wake up in a world where you are not free to make any choices, they will be made for you.

    It is truly not about that at all. We are talking about an insidious disease (and I know I'll be jumped for saying that) in America. I'll ask again, why does a corporation have the right to do what ever they want and we dont. Part of our right is to tell them no. America is owned by Corporations, not the other way around. But, I'm talking to walls here. I know that no one is holdiong a gun to anyones head. We all know that. Again, it's insidious though. Like a battered woman living in a horrible condition, but when she walks out of her house, she makes you think everything is OK. That's America. Controlled by the Corporations and people don't really have a say about what they can and can't do. And, they should have a very stong voice in what those f-ing *kitten* produce for us to consume. They DO NOT have our BEST INTERESTS in mind. They only have profit in mind.

    And, with that, I'm ending this because I could go on this topic all day long.There is a lot written about this, and you are free to go look up and study economics and decide for yourself if you really feel we live in a free market or not. We actually dont, but you can make your own decision after you study up on the situation we are in.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I saw the edit, but the pictures still said a lot.

    Pictures where simply representing that people do not exercise and over eat unhealthy foods. Hence the mcdonalds pic and the people using machines instead of legs to walk and exercise. :wink: Point being I do not thing banning large drinks containing sugar is going to do much but just take away another freedom we have.

    If the govenment wants to fight obesity it must educate people on obesity. They should have nutrition classes manditory in school and bring back physical education.

    Anytime nutrition education is proposed, the antis come out saying they want to teach it themselves, keep it out of the schools and reduce their taxes. Same with physical education in schools, sexual education, etc.

    When the first lady planted a vegetable garden she became a punchline. I agree with education. Unfortunately, it's not happening. Utopia is what it is. I am only talking about the reality of rising obesity in this country at this point.

    Well then understand the reality of the rising obesity is not with the big sugary drinks its has every thing to do with over consumtion of calories in generall not just from soda pop but from ALL foods in general. Nutritional eductaion and physical education is the key to understand and combat obesity among certain drugs for the people that have thyroid issues and or medical issues and such. MFP can even teach you simple basics. Lovin mfp lol

    You are right, big sugary drinks are not the only culprit. It's just a start, and I applaud the Mayor for being concerned about the citizens of his state and taking one small step in the right direction.

    I heart MFP... It should be on every computer in every classroom in America. Get 'em young.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I think it's a great idea. Kinda - it's a step in the right direction but it's a drop in the ocean.

    They need to also ban the constant bombardment of ads on tv and billboards advertising junk food. You just can't get away.

    I agree 100%!!! Companies need to stop being allowed to advertise to kids so much. Has anybody watched Nickelodeon lately??!! McDonald's advertises almost every other commercial. Kids know what buttons to push to drive mom & dad nuts so they give in. Sure mom & dad have a responsibility to monitor what their children eat, but every parent has their breaking point of the tantrums and whining and crying and bugging.

    My kids watch cartoons and thus are exposed to all the advertisements as well. I could care less how much they whine and cry and bug me to buy McDonald's food...(or anything else that is advertised on tv). You know why? Because they are NOT getting it unless I say so. My kids don't whine, cry and bug me because if they know if they did, I wouldn't take them. And I'd probably pull the plug on the tv too.

    And I do take my kids to McD's on occasion.

    Parenting requires a backbone.

    BAM. This right here. "Advertising to kids" means absolutely zilch if the parent of those kids is the one doing the buying. Companies cannot target kids, really, because kids don't drive themselves to the store and pull out their tiny wallets and buy the junk food themselves! It's 100% on the parents. Kids want stuff that's bad for them, do the unthinkable and say NO.

    I wanted to marry Zack Morris when I was 7. My parents didn't go on a crusade to ban Saved By The Bell...

    The parents aren't always the ones doing the buying. These kids on the way to school buy this crap waiting for the bus with their lunch and allowance money.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Vickeywells thx for the joke and making me smile :flowerforyou:

    I am outa here.
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    LET'S SEE - they raised the price of cigarettes to $5-7.00 per pack and it didn't stop the smokers. People need to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OBESITY. Its not Coca-Cola's fault !!!

    Cigarettes are as much as $10-12 a pack on the turnpike and you still see people buying them.

    Government needs to back off. Surely the legislators have more important issues to deal with?!
  • patranus
    patranus Posts: 61 Member
    What a joke.

    Here is a novel idea, lets let people make their own *choices* and live with the *consequences*.

    Who are any of us to judge the lifestyle someone may choose to live.
  • patranus
    patranus Posts: 61 Member
    LET'S SEE - they raised the price of cigarettes to $5-7.00 per pack and it didn't stop the smokers. People need to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OBESITY. Its not Coca-Cola's fault !!!

    Cigarettes are as much as $10-12 a pack on the turnpike and you still see people buying them.

    Government needs to back off. Surely the legislators have more important issues to deal with?!

    I don't think you understand how government operates now.
    With the expansion of the nanny state, certain politicians believe that doing *anything* is better than doing nothing.
  • TJamesChristensen
    I truly cannot understand why so many people are for more people being told how to live their lives. What happened to a person's right to make their own decisions. If so many people feel its a good idea to ban something every time its deemed bad for you then why don't we just cut to the case and give up everything.

    1. Salt
    2. Candy, cookies, cake, pies, ice cream
    3. Sex outside of marriage ( can't trust people to use protection )
    4. Alcohol
    5. Cell phones ( too many people using them when they shouldn't )
    7. Et cetera

    And maybe they should add laws making College mandatory because it they're not going to make the right decision it will be made for them. Or maybe child birth after the age of 40 should be stopped since the child is at a higher risk. Maybe people could be fined if they are not going to the gym 3 days a week.

    Why are people so quick to say "If you are not living your life the way I think is right then I will make you"?

    How much are you willing to give up because someone else is deciding how you will live your life? Do we really want more situations like this?

    I'm sure you all remember the state employee seizing a child's brown bag lunch because it was not deemed healthy by their standards. Let people live their own lives even if you don't agree with their choices or one day you might wake up in a world where you are not free to make any choices, they will be made for you.

    It is truly not about that at all. We are talking about an insidious disease (and I know I'll be jumped for saying that) in America. I'll ask again, why does a corporation have the right to do what ever they want and we dont. Part of our right is to tell them no. America is owned by Corporations, not the other way around. But, I'm talking to walls here. I know that no one is holdiong a gun to anyones head. We all know that. Again, it's insidious though. Like a battered woman living in a horrible condition, but when she walks out of her house, she makes you think everything is OK. That's America. Controlled by the Corporations and people don't really have a say about what they can and can't do. And, they should have a very stong voice in what those f-ing *kitten* produce for us to consume. They DO NOT have our BEST INTERESTS in mind. They only have profit in mind.

    And, with that, I'm ending this because I could go on this topic all day long.There is a lot written about this, and you are free to go look up and study economics and decide for yourself if you really feel we live in a free market or not. We actually dont, but you can make your own decision after you study up on the situation we are in.

    That kind of thinking can be applied to anything. I can say that doctors don't have my best interest in mind, they only want me to come in for check ups because they need to pay for their new multimillion dollar houses. Of course corporations want us to buy their products everyone is in business to make money. The desire to turn a profit does not make you evil and your hatred to them seems pretty obvious. Even gyms push ads about get in shape / look better / feel better, are they doing this because they care? No they are doing it to make money. I don't buy because of ads, I don't even watch them, they are all ridiculous. I buy because I want to and not because I was trick by corporations that brain washed me.
  • Salvi30
    Salvi30 Posts: 196 Member
    Just drink coconut water... It's so good. :D