NYC Large sugary drink ban proposed



  • brittanylock09
    brittanylock09 Posts: 197 Member
    it's the government and I think it's stupid. the government needs to quit controlling what people do. Yeah, I would never get a huge drink of soda. and they say oh you can get diet soda that big which is dumb b/c it's full of sodium! and it's artificial sugar which will just make you crave more sweets... I'm me, and I'm gonna do what I want. Don't try to control my life.
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    ITA with you! government is getting involved way too much in our lives. Its not like people don't realize that drinking that 64 oz full sugar soda isn't a healthy choice. its way to intrusive if you ask me.


    I am sick and tired of government, at every level, wanting to make all my decisions for me. Stay the hell out of my life.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i think it's misplaced... they should focus more on trying to get most corner bodegas to have fresh and healthy options. for many people in the city grocery stores aren't very accessible, but here's always tons of bodegas around to buy food. and if the food choices there are crap then what?

    bloomberg has had it out for soda for a while that it almost seems personal. you'd think his favorite dog drowned in a freak accident involving a 2 liter of Sprite or something
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    This won't help long term, people will find ways around it - all it does is waste money and make things more complex. It ranks up there with banning McDee's from putting toys in Happy Meals (read it got sent to the trash).

    Plus, alot of "milk" drinks have so much sugar added to get kids to drink them! And what about the recent stories about how "diet" sodas can almost as bad, if not worse for you than normal sugared drinks?

    If the gov't started trying to force people to be healthy - alot of things will end up going. They are working on tobacco already, liquor is tightening and now sugar? People, expect your caffeine to go next as "it's addictive and in alot of sugar filled drinks". Even if you have dropped sugared drinks, are you willing to give up caffeine?
  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    I saw the edit, but the pictures still said a lot.

    Pictures where simply representing that people do not exercise and over eat unhealthy foods. Hence the mcdonalds pic and the people using machines instead of legs to walk and exercise. :wink: Point being I do not thing banning large drinks containing sugar is going to do much but just take away another freedom we have.

    If the govenment wants to fight obesity it must educate people on obesity. They should have nutrition classes manditory in school and bring back physical education.

    EXACTLY!!! And all these parents who scream that their kids wont eat anything but french fries, cokes, cheese burgers, chicken nuggets, etc are wrong. Its how you train your child. When they see advertisments they rarely ask if its something they know I dont like, if they do ask and it is something bad I say NO! My kids used to be the same way...very picky and didnt like alot of "good" food. Then when I started getting healthier and wanting to make my family healthier I stopped buying the junk food, the snacks, the fast food and made them eat what I made them for their meals. Guess what? They love it now!! They love raw fruits and veggies and actually want to eat healthy. So dont tell me "oh my kids wont eat that kind of stuff" they can and will if you train them to. And yes PLEASE bring back physical ed and nutrition back into our schools! If people were more educated about the dangers of all these things and how BAD they are for you and what they do to your body...and the media helped...then there wouldnt need to be a ban because they would go out of business on their own because people would know the truth!

    Banning things is just another way to get more power and control over what everyone does...this time its only NY...this time its only big gulp drinks, but that will open the door for them to do all the other stuff also and one day it will be something that you like to have as a treat ever so often or even every day and it WILL come to that.
  • Anastacia1119
    Anastacia1119 Posts: 157 Member
    He's not doing this because he is concerned about the welfare of his citizens. He is doing this because the soda tax did not pass. By banning large, sugary drinks, it forces the consumer to buy multiple bottles of smaller sizes. This in turn creates more revenue (and taxes with the amount of bottle purchased raised). This will not stop people from consuming sugary drinks. Bloomberg is a smart guy. How do you think he built his billion dollar empire? This has nothing to do with the health of america, but more about a savy politican/businessman who is pissed he didn't get his way to raise more money for NYC. And it is NOT governments job to tell me how to live my life. They are involved too much as it is already. This country was founded on the principals that the king was too much of a controlling tyrant. We are slowly reverting back to those days with government passing laws banning almost everything.
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    He's not doing this because he is concerned about the welfare of his citizens. He is doing this because the soda tax did not pass. By banning large, sugary drinks, it forces the consumer to buy multiple bottles of smaller sizes. This in turn creates more revenue (and taxes with the amount of bottle purchased raised). This will not stop people from consuming sugary drinks. Bloomberg is a smart guy. How do you think he built his billion dollar empire? This has nothing to do with the health of america, but more about a savy politican/businessman who is pissed he didn't get his way to raise more money for NYC. And it is NOT governments job to tell me how to live my life. They are involved too much as it is already. This country was founded on the principals that the king was too much of a controlling tyrant. We are slowly reverting back to those days with government passing laws banning almost everything.

    And the voice of reason speaks!!!!

  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    He's not doing this because he is concerned about the welfare of his citizens. He is doing this because the soda tax did not pass. By banning large, sugary drinks, it forces the consumer to buy multiple bottles of smaller sizes. This in turn creates more revenue (and taxes with the amount of bottle purchased raised). This will not stop people from consuming sugary drinks. Bloomberg is a smart guy. How do you think he built his billion dollar empire? This has nothing to do with the health of america, but more about a savy politican/businessman who is pissed he didn't get his way to raise more money for NYC. And it is NOT governments job to tell me how to live my life. They are involved too much as it is already. This country was founded on the principals that the king was too much of a controlling tyrant. We are slowly reverting back to those days with government passing laws banning almost everything.

  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    And I hopeful that all who have passionately participated in this thread will remember to take just a little of that passion to the voting booth in November and get this more government in our lives trend reversed as soon as possible.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    As a teenager I remember when 7-11 opened its doors on Park Avenue South. I would get the really big gulp (2 liters almost) of diet pepsi (or energy drink) and then drink as much of it before class and in some cases I would drink it during class. I gained weight and it totally sucked. I had no idea what was going on. I think that more people need to be informed of what is in these beverages and not some subway ad.
  • ericcumbee
    ericcumbee Posts: 117 Member
    If the government wanted to do something they should keep people from buying softdrinks and junk food with EBT/Food Stamps.

    every time i go to the grocery i get stuck in line behind someone that has a case of soft drinks, a couple boxes of little debbie cakes, and potato chips, and when they go to pay they whip out a peach card
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    And I hopeful that all who have passionately participated in this thread will remember to take just a little of that passion to the voting booth in November and get this more government in our lives trend reversed as soon as possible.
    People like to parrot talking points, not really do anything. Buzzwords like "nanny state" were coined by the exact people who profit from the fattening up and dumbing down of Americans.

    If you are going to go on an anti-government rant, at least be original. And how many of the anti govt folks here are on some type of government assistance? Don't answer that.

    You don't hate the government, you just want to pick and choose what suits you and to (HE double hockey sticks) with anyone who may benefit from some other type of government intervention.
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member

    I'd rather say that I am PRO-individual. I'm an optimist. I believe in my fellow man. I believe that people will do the right thing, why-because I do. I greet my fellow human beings with good intentions in all cases. I watch out for my neighbor. I run about spreading fairy dust and rainbows. I'm naive and I like it. Regardless of how many people try to prove me wrong, I believe in individuals governing their own behavior and I trust my fellow humans.

    I have worked under and with several politicians. Bright and honest ones: Clinton, Doles (Elizabeth and Bob), Ventura, Arnie Carlson and yes, Bush (not a mean bone in that man's body). These are exceptions. The hundreds of others that I have been exposed to were so out of touch, ditsy, goofy and possessed no common sense of their own. Almost every move they made was self serving and power hungry. Why? They couldn't survive in a work environment where they HAD TO FUNCTION, so they struggle to stay in office than serve the people. I could write a book about this with 1000s of proven examples. I can back up everything that I say. They didn't lift a little finger if it didn't serve their re-election campaign. I have walked away from a conversation with a politician just shaking my head thinking "This guy/gal is so stupid. How the heck did it get elected." I've had conversations with politicians that I did not know were politicians. About 10 years ago I had a conversation with a women and a man at an event and when they left, I was so baffled by their stupidity I had to ask someone who they were. Guess what? They are currently our governor and state's attorney.

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Law makers think that they are beyond and above the law. There is not one law that doesn't have a loop hole. Therefore, it's only that we are becoming puppets to these fine individuals. This is not theory, this is personal experience. Regulations and stupid laws make people lie and hide the truth.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Just drink coconut water... It's so good. :D

    Interesting -- there are 43 calories in 8 oz of coconut water. So there are 172 in the dreaded 32oz size. So eventually, wouldn't Bloomberg look at banning that?
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I can't believe they aren't expanding the ban to diet soda. Artificial sweeteners are horrible for people.

    If they're going to go through with this, Nutella will be next!
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member

    I'd rather say that I am PRO-individual. I'm an optimist. I believe in my fellow man. I believe that people will do the right thing, why-because I do. I greet my fellow human beings with good intentions in all cases. I watch out for my neighbor. I run about spreading fairy dust and rainbows. I'm naive and I like it. Regardless of how many people try to prove me wrong, I believe in individuals governing their own behavior and I trust my fellow humans.

    I have worked under and with several politicians. Bright and honest ones: Clinton, Doles (Elizabeth and Bob), Ventura, Arnie Carlson and yes, Bush (not a mean bone in that man's body). These are exceptions. The hundreds of others that I have been exposed to were so out of touch, ditsy, goofy and possessed no common sense of their own. Almost every move they made was self serving and power hungry. Why? They couldn't survive in a work environment where they HAD TO FUNCTION, so they struggle to stay in office than serve the people. I could write a book about this with 1000s of proven examples. I can back up everything that I say. They didn't lift a little finger if it didn't serve their re-election campaign. I have walked away from a conversation with a politician just shaking my head thinking "This guy/gal is so stupid. How the heck did it get elected." I've had conversations with politicians that I did not know were politicians. About 10 years ago I had a conversation with a women and a man at an event and when they left, I was so baffled by their stupidity I had to ask someone who they were. Guess what? They are currently our governor and state's attorney.

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Law makers think that they are beyond and above the law. There is not one law that doesn't have a loop hole. Therefore, it's only that we are becoming puppets to these fine individuals. This is not theory, this is personal experience. Regulations and stupid laws make people lie and hide the truth.

    I do not disagree with anything you have said here. I am neither pro politician or pro government necessarily. I volunteered for the last 3 Presidential campaigns, and suffice it to say I will not volunteer again.

    I believe this debate has gone so far off topic so many times that the central point has been lost. There is nothing wrong with a Mayor of a big state, who no doubt has access to the costs of obesity, diabetes, etc. for that state to make SOME attempt to improve the situation. It is not a fix - it's just a step.

    Reading comments about the "government" banning soda - a nanny state - big brother - stay the he__ out of my life - etc. are disheartning to be honest. If you have read any of my previous posts, I am clueless about what to do with the childhood obesity crisis in this country. I do not have children, and I work with them on a weekly basis. The size of these children is alarming. Adults can do what they choose to do, including buying several sodas and vote out Mayor Bloomberg. Children have no voice and we have to give them a fighting chance at good health for so many reasons,

    I am concerned about their future and ours. If a 52 ounce soda is no longer available to them I say that is a good thing. All other government issues aside.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    I believe that large amounts of sugary drinks do cause weight gain. I got my hubs to quit drinking so much and he has been slowly and steadily losing weight in a nice healthy way. That being said, I don't think the government should be telling people how to buy a legal food. It's not that the drinks won't be available in 2 liter bottles or in smaller cups that could be refilled multiple times so what difference does it make? Will they ban family packs of meat, 2 liter pops, big bags of candy bars, etc? I prefer the government to not get that far into my life.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I believe that large amounts of sugary drinks do cause weight gain. I got my hubs to quit drinking so much and he has been slowly and steadily losing weight in a nice healthy way. That being said, I don't think the government should be telling people how to buy a legal food. It's not that the drinks won't be available in 2 liter bottles or in smaller cups that could be refilled multiple times so what difference does it make? Will they ban family packs of meat, 2 liter pops, big bags of candy bars, etc? I prefer the government to not get that far into my life.

    Large amounts of anything causes weight gain. So many don't understand the word "moderation" and that applies to everything....full fat, fat free, full sugar, sugar free, diet.

    Yes, adults do have to take responsibility for themselves. But they don't. These habits start in childhood and that needs to be curbed. Perhaps this will help that, perhaps it won't. But something needs to be done.

    Obesity is an epidemic. People were never this large before, in the history of this country. People walked everywhere, people spent hours and hours outside of there house (for reasons that were not work related), people cooked food at home, and drank beverages that came from the earth - not cooked up in some laboratory or built in a factory, people didnt spend there every free moment in front of a television watching reality show after reality show or playing video games, they didnt spend hours on the internet. they actually DID things. They LIVED life, they didn't just sit back and watch it pass them by as if life wasn't real.

    Life is like a sims game, and society has made it that way.
  • londoneye
    londoneye Posts: 192 Member
    So Americans are lazier and greedier than Europeans? I don't buy that...

    You don't have to buy it, but it doesn't make it untrue. I don't mean this offensively, but have you been to the US? Spend an hour in NYC and you will see that the American mentality is "WAY bigger is WAY better." We want bigger cars, bigger houses, and bigger portions. I've never visited Europe but have many friends who have and they say that the culture is like night and day.

    The bottom line is, if we didn't have the choice to be healthy, then no one would be. How do you think healthy people maintain their healthy lifestyles if we are apparently so opressed? How come environment and public policy aren't making THEM fat?

    Yes, I've travelled all over the US. Of course some people (usually the wealthiest and best educated) have the resources to achieve a healthy lifestyle despite their environment, but the vast majority don't.

    In the 50s, Americans were satisfied with normal sized portions, because that was all that was available. I don't think Americans have always had an innate inner drive to drink bucket-sized servings of soda. They are confronted with supersized deals that mean that they pay proportionally less for buying in bulk. You are incentivised to buy and consume more.

    I'd also like to challenge this very narrow and limited concept of 'freedom' that is floating around here. What about the freedom from being the victim of corporate greed and irresponsibility?

    And by the way, a limit on serving sizes is not 'oppression'. To say so is kind of insulting to people who have actually experienced the real thing!
  • Hasu
    Hasu Posts: 67
    Everything in moderation people.

    I have NEVER drank those super super sized sodas but what happens one day if I really REALLY wanted to and they're against the law in NYC? lol - Its just silly.

    They stepped in to make vending machines in schools healthier. I could get on board there since kids aren't usually very informed about nutrition.

    However, to say to a full grown adult who has earned the right to make their own choices what size drinks are and aren't allowed is a tad ridiculous. That's TOO much involvment from big brother right there. The "obesity epidemic" as they're loving to call it would be MUCH better served if there was better education and information out there, especially for lower income people who did not have ready access to the internet.