Bacon. Real or Turkey?



  • BeautEvilKells
    BeautEvilKells Posts: 27 Member
    Turkey. CRISPY for starters. Yum for seconds. I used to hate eating bacon because of all the fat. How can you eat the fat (which has no taste) and be happy? Dunno. Not me. Turkey bacon IS real bacon to me.
  • bzgl40
    bzgl40 Posts: 69 Member
    What part of the turkey is the bacon from? Real bacon microwaved is better then any kind of processed fake bacon. And by better I mean tastier AND healthier. Note, there is no bacon in a turkey...
  • We have eaten turkey bacon in this house for years, simply because it's healthier for my kids and we all like it, it tastes pretty darn good. I buy the Oscar Meyer brand from costco, comes in a 4 pack and its much cheaper than the real bacon, which is another reason I buy it.

    That being said, we do also eat actual pork bacon from time to time too, but that's more like a "treat." What's funny is my kids don't like it as much because of the fat, they say, ewwww its all fat, am I supposed to eat that? LOL
    What exactly is healthier about turkey bacon when compared to pork bacon?
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