Where do you stand with your weight loss right now..



  • gin_gin
    gin_gin Posts: 184
    33 down you're doing great!
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    I'm on track, maybe a little ahead. I said I wanted to be at 165 by our Disney trip, we leave in 13 weeks, and I only have 12 pounds to go. Considering I've averaged 2 pounds a week, I'd say it looks like I'll make it.

    Overall, I'd like to get down to a healthy BMI.. I don't care how long it takes.
  • leelafit_mtl
    leelafit_mtl Posts: 132 Member
    I keep on track, still 5 lbs to lose! But I could workout more, so the loss is slow
  • gin_gin
    gin_gin Posts: 184
    wowza 10 lbs in two weeks i think you're ahead ;)
  • hazymary
    hazymary Posts: 190 Member
    I have no time frame.....I work hard to get fitter...MFP, Zumba, lifting heavy. I get frustrated that the scale doesn't always move fast enough to my liking, but hey, it is moving. Sometimes I need a reality check cause I get down on myself, but then I have to look back to where I was a year ago......Then I realize the amazing transformation that has taken place. I'm down 47 lbs. (10 with MFP), I'm about to run a race tonight 3.5 miles and I can squat 150lbs....yeah I need to be patient with myself..I still see the fat lady in the mirror.....I know no matter how well I do, I'll never have the body I'd like, but It's better than it's ever been !!
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Honestly, I'm not sure. I decided when I started my diet that I would not weigh in for 60 days. I'm trying to get the focus off of weight and on to how I feel. I get WAY too caught up in the scales!!!
  • ski0721
    ski0721 Posts: 109 Member
    Off track! :cry: but I promised myself I will buckle down for the month of June and see if I can make some changes.
  • kaciroberts1585
    kaciroberts1585 Posts: 53 Member
    I weighed this morning and am exactly 1/3 of the way to my goal weight! :) *happy dance* I don't have a time frame, but I'm right where I want to be and losing at a pace that is going to help ensure it stays off.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    You don't need to yo-yo...think about resetting your metabolism to what you should be eating normally, then doing a slight cut from there...it works...we have so many EAT MORE TO WEIGH LESS people as proof it does...check it out...you don't have to starve or yo-yo to lose...

  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    These last 10 r taking forever they just wanna hang with me
  • EJED724
    EJED724 Posts: 13
    I'm the queen of yo-yoing... Starting weigh 276 in December 2005, lost 110 lbs by spring 2008, gained 55 back, lost 40, gained 30 back... and now on my way back down again. I figure that I'll eventually equalize, since the yo-yos are getting smaller each time. yikes!:embarassed:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Ideally for someone my size and the pace I should be going for 2 lbs. loss a week I am very behind. I should be outta the 300's by now and in the 260-270's range. I am patient. My overall my goal is to keep active, eat healthy most of the time and keep the diabetes away. The weight loss is just the cherry on top of a sundae.
  • Misslisat
    Misslisat Posts: 203 Member
    Am right on track, maybe even a little ahead! I started losing weight kind of by accident due to a medication that didn't agree with my tummy. I dropped about 15 pounds in a month. So in all, since Christmas, I've lost a total of 41 pounds. That averages to about 2 pounds/week. In May alone, I only went down 8 pounds, but lost a LOT of inches. 16.5 inches lost in just the past 30 days. I wasn't taking measurements for thigh, calf, arm & chest until 10 days ago, and in just 10 days, I've lost 2", 1", 1", 2". YAY!!!!
  • gin_gin
    gin_gin Posts: 184
    thanks for the link!
  • FlittyGetsFit
    I'm on track. I started at the end of February and have lost 32lb. It tends to go in a pattern of 3 weeks lose, 1 week gain but the general trend is downwards so I'm very happy. My aim is to be a size UK10/US6 by summer next year, which I hope will be around 135-140lbs. I'm 5' 7".
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    Well, from my initial goal, I am behind 13lbs. BUT I have lost 27lbs since Jan 16. I wanted to be down 40 by June. I realized that this is not a race, its a lifestyle and with the exercising and better eating habits the weight will come off in due time. Im not giving myself a time limit anymore.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I'm off track in that I wanted to be further now, but on track in that I love my body now and treat it with respect. I no longer "need" to lose any weight. I could stay here and be content... I'm mostly losing weight still to see just how lean I can get. And then be able to make an educated decision about what physique I want. I think it is best to just not stress, keep the cortisol in check, and continue taking good care of myself!
  • Tis27
    Tis27 Posts: 16
    I am sucking really bad at this....once again! I completely lack motivation to exercise even though I keep telling myself I need to walk the dogs more often...then I get home from work and just want to relax for a bit, then I deal with supper, various chores and kids and by the time that's all over I just want to sit and watch tv til bedtime. I know in my head once I get on track and keep at it for a few weeks it will just become regular routine and won't seem like such a chore, but I am having a really hard time getting there and the longer this plays out the more disappointed I get in myself. I am also finding it hard to watch what I eat and count calories...well not hard to watch what I eat, I do that, but I feel like I have to limit how much I eat in a day so I don't go over my calories because sometimes I am busy and we have to eat out then I screw up the whole day and don't want to eat for the rest of the day, which isn't healthy for me I know!
    I am so frustrated :(
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    The good news is that I am losing but not as much as I would like. I am losing only 1lb each month but I guess its better than nothing. My strength is getting stronger and my clothes are getting more loose.

    The issue I have with losing weight is that with strength training I tend to bulk up instead of geeting lean muscles . My hubby is getting jealous of my arms:tongue: He's a skinny little thing and want to bulk up.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I have 10% left until I reach my original goal - but Ive abandoned my scale (literally - no longer in my possession - but somewhere in my neighborhood) and am about 3 months into tackling my body composition and Im finally happy again. Killing myself to lose the last 11 pounds when I was losing inches and sizes and PRing all the time without seeing the weight loss part.... was causing me stress and depression.

    Now Im having fun again.