Do you use the same bath towel every day??



  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I use it for about a week and hang it over the shower rod to dry in between uses. Once it's been deemed dirty, it gets put on the floor to step on and a fresh one goes on the hook, and the floor towel from last week gets thrown in the wash. There are four of us using towels in our house... I'd have to buy a dozen more towels if we washed them after one use!
  • ActiveGuy81
    ActiveGuy81 Posts: 705 Member
    youre CLEAN when you use them haha!

    Well said!
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 366 Member
    Don't people have towel racks anymore?!? Using a towel once is such a waste to me, I have 4 sets and switch about every 3-4 days...1 towel for my face/hair and one for my body. And they each have their own rack/hook to dry on...
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    Use one to dry myself, one to dry my hair. I use the body one for a few days, then switch the hair one to my body and grab a new hair one.
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    I use them twice and then they go in the laundry.
  • Atarahh
    Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
    Use it twice. So 3-4 a week. During TOM use a new one each day!
  • shannonperry13
    i use them 2 or 3 times then get a new one :) most of the time anyways. sometimes more frequently.
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    Damp towels breed bacteria. I don't think you're weird :flowerforyou: I'm a two-use-max person myself.

    Thanks! I feel better, if only one person thinks I'm not weird!:bigsmile:

    Growing up, we used a different towel(s) at every shower. When i moved into my apartment, my boyfriends (husband now) thought I was nuts becuase we didnt have many towels and it was getting crazy going to the Laundromat every other day. Since then, I have use the same towel for at least a week. 2-4 times used before washing, if not a couple more. We layer them on the shower rack, flat out and not in a ball and they usually dry good, like being on a clothes line.

    SO, while I dont think you are weird, I also like now not having a large load of towels every weekend to wash. :)
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    I use it 2-4 times before being done. My fiance is a one use goose and it buggssss meeeee. Because he isn't the one that does the laundry!!!
  • poundsgalore
    poundsgalore Posts: 99 Member
    I go about 3-4 days also but depends on how many showers I take. In the summer I use for two days because I shower more often.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I wash mine once per week or every other week. Working full time with a toddler in day care and managing an hour at the gym 5x a week is exhausting in itself, I would not want to be doing laundry each day.

    On the other hand, my husband would use the same towel until it changed colors if I allowed it! LOL
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    We wash the towels once a week.....whether they need it or not. ;)
  • Storey621
    Storey621 Posts: 82 Member
    I use one towel a week, somtimes two. Washing one towel per person a day in our house just seems ridiculous. You're clean every time you use it so why use another?
  • KristysLosing
    Hmmm, maybe that's why my towels unravel so often! I know I'm clean when I use them, but it still makes me think, yuck!

    I use mine over and over. Come summer, when it's not a good idea to leave damp towels to their own devices, I throw them in the dryer for a little bit. Then they are dry when I hang them and they won't get musty. But unless something happens that they get dirty, I was them once or twice a week. :smile:
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I swim a lot so get most of my showers in at the leisure centre so I'll dry and reuse once but it's a bath towel not a bath sheet so easier to launder. At home I'd probably have a bath sheet or just get straight into a towelling robe to dry off whilst collecting emails and that gets washed a lot less often.

    Washing every time is a bit wasteful of resources!
  • Ironman2be
    Ironman2be Posts: 140 Member
    I always use it for a few showers then grab a clean one.. however.......this might change your mind....


    "In the Mythbusters segment which has been cited to disprove the idea of particles of poo traveling outside the toilet, what they actually found was that bacteria from feces can be found everywhere - including on a pair of "control" toothbrushes they put away in a medicine cabinet in another room. That is hardly reassuring nor is it in any way proof that particles do not travel from the toilet to exposed toothbrushes. Plus, the Mythbusters team only tested for bacteria and not actual particles nor viruses.

    It is true that fecal coliform bacteria are not considered to be a health risk since they are found naturally in the human body. However, that does not mean that it is a good idea to introduce the bacteria into the mouth. Also, the presence of fecal bacteria is an indication that other bacteria which are known to be dangerous may also be present. Fecal coliform grows in an environment similar to other waterborne bacteria, and thus their presence outside of the body means that other bacteria like hepatitis A or dysentery could also be present.

    The bottom line is that it is not a healthy idea to leave toothbrushes exposed in the bath room. Besides the fact that fecal matter can travel to exposed toothbrushes, exposed toothbrushes are more susceptible to multiple forms of bacteria, including dangerous ones. Toothbrushes should be covered and protected and the toilet lid should be closed before flushing. To better protect against the presence of bacteria and viruses, clean toothbrushes with an item like a UV device made for that purpose and/or spritz some colloidal silver on the toothbrushes prior to use. Another very good idea would be using a natural antiseptic toothpaste product such a one which contains tea tree oil."
  • pants77
    pants77 Posts: 185 Member
    I use them for a while, 2-3 weeks probably. When they're ready for washing I'll use them for yoga mats and then throw them in the wash, or we'll use them for ... other miscellaneous cleanup.

    To avoid the whole butt/face interaction, I always dry the smell zones with the corners of the towel. That way I know when I put my face into the middle of the towel, I'm not getting any pit/groin/crack transferance. It's only mildly OCD....
  • VenturaGurl
    VenturaGurl Posts: 413 Member
    Don't people have towel racks anymore?!? Using a towel once is such a waste to me, I have 4 sets and switch about every 3-4 days...1 towel for my face/hair and one for my body. And they each have their own rack/hook to dry on...

    This is me, too! I was wondering why people haven't mentioned towel racks to dry their towels, too. Honestly... to each their own!! I don't think anyone's habits are weird...just their own way of doing things. :wink:
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    I always use it for a few showers then grab a clean one.. however.......this might change your mind....


    "In the Mythbusters segment which has been cited to disprove the idea of particles of poo traveling outside the toilet, what they actually found was that bacteria from feces can be found everywhere - including on a pair of "control" toothbrushes they put away in a medicine cabinet in another room. That is hardly reassuring nor is it in any way proof that particles do not travel from the toilet to exposed toothbrushes. Plus, the Mythbusters team only tested for bacteria and not actual particles nor viruses.

    It is true that fecal coliform bacteria are not considered to be a health risk since they are found naturally in the human body. However, that does not mean that it is a good idea to introduce the bacteria into the mouth. Also, the presence of fecal bacteria is an indication that other bacteria which are known to be dangerous may also be present. Fecal coliform grows in an environment similar to other waterborne bacteria, and thus their presence outside of the body means that other bacteria like hepatitis A or dysentery could also be present.

    The bottom line is that it is not a healthy idea to leave toothbrushes exposed in the bath room. Besides the fact that fecal matter can travel to exposed toothbrushes, exposed toothbrushes are more susceptible to multiple forms of bacteria, including dangerous ones. Toothbrushes should be covered and protected and the toilet lid should be closed before flushing. To better protect against the presence of bacteria and viruses, clean toothbrushes with an item like a UV device made for that purpose and/or spritz some colloidal silver on the toothbrushes prior to use. Another very good idea would be using a natural antiseptic toothpaste product such a one which contains tea tree oil."

    Lord have mercy. I'm going to buy new toothbrushes on my way home tonight...and a UV sterilizer. :sick:
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    I have a towel rack and I use it to dry my towel, but it still starts to smell "damp" after 2-3 uses.

    I used to use a separate towel for my hair, but have resorted to wrapping my body towel around my head after I dry off since I usually have a 2 year old either A) in the shower with me or B) banging on the shower door yelling "Rub-a-dub!!!" and wanting in while I shower. I'm lucky I get dry and wrap it around my head these days. lol