Women Ages 50+ for the month of AUGUST



  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    Welcome.:flowerforyou: After I posted our location on the other thread you started, I was hoping to see you. You bring a philosophical, and spiritual side to our group that will be greatly appreciated by me, and, I think, everyone else.

    I should be napping right now, but stopped to post this and say "Welcome"

    BTW, saw Linda again today. Now she has TWO shiners. Apparently the impact on her forehead was so intense, her other eye felt the effects. She is very unhappy at not being able to do much. She was just getting used to being up and around again after the pneumonia.

    I did find a way to cheer her up and save myself some caloric temptation. Today was a birthday at work, and we have a team member, whom I have nicknamed "the busy baker." She looks for any reason to bring in goodies, and desserts are a specialty. She asked the birthday girl, who looks like she weighs three pounds(!!):laugh: what she would like for her treat, and this person doesn't care for cake (Now THAT is a problem I DON'T have. I never met a cake that I didn't like and wanted to intimately familiar with, especially carrot or chocolate!:laugh: :laugh: )

    So in walks Desiree this morning with a giant tray of HOMEMADE CINNAMON ROLLS!! :heart: :heart: Of course, she offers me one, and I take it and decide I MUST resist, because the ticker finally moved in the right direction this morning, instead of sitting their like a bump on a log. Suddenly, I had a solution. Linda LOVES cinnamon rolls, so I put this one BEHIND my pc monitor, so it would not sit there all morning and "wave" at me:love::love:

    When I arrived at her house, I presented her with my temptation, minus about two inches of a sincle strip of the outer part of the roll. I am not bucking for sainthood, so I figured a taste would be enough to satisfy my curiousity, and it was.

    Linda was ecstatic, and I was pleased to have dodged a cinnamon-flavored, frosting-covered "bullet!!":noway:

    So long for now, the doggies and a warm bed await me, :yawn: and I have to get up in about an hour to go back to work.:grumble:


    I notice on a lot of the messages, there are goal, quotes etc. posted along with the message. How do you do that:huh:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good evening all:flowerforyou: Welcome to BirdieM, remember when you added your ticker? You just hit enter after pasting and type in what ever you want and then save.:happy: Barb you are such a good friend. I hope Linda is feeling better soon. Reading your stories reminds me of my dear friend Sandy who died several years ago at a very young age. She was a very caring friend as well as someone who could always make me laugh. Sandy had severe Asthma and was on Prednisone which caused her to gain A LOT of weight. I used to tease her and say the only reason I hung out with her was because I didn't know there was any one shorter than me. I am 5'3" and she only came up to my shoulders. When she passed away she was as big around as she was tall. She would "run away from home" late at night (she was 34, married, and had 2 very ungrateful children who she spoiled and who would drive her crazy:frown: ) park in front of my house and call me on the phone to say "can you come out and play" I said where are you and she said "in front of your house with a bag of tacos" I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. Boy do I miss her. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :drinker: Barbie if you liked the sound of my chicken you should have tasted my pork packet tonight. Or it would have been a pork packet , except I ran out of aluminum foil, so I put it in my Tupper Ware cooker instead.
    I used 3oz of very lean boneless pork, raw cabbage, fresh greenpepper, onion, frozen broccoli, frozen spinach, baby carrots and about a 1/4 package of Knor vegetable soup mix. Because of the frozen vegetables there was no need to add liquid, covered and put in the microwave for about 20 min.
    yummy :tongue: and only about 380 calories. I did 5 miles on my bike in 45 min. this evening and walked a mile in 15 min. at lunchtime. As James Brown would say " I feeeel Good":laugh:
    To all of MFP family thank you for all your kind words and inspiration. 5 am is going to come mighty early so I'll do the same as last night do the dishes and go to bed. :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: and remember to Drink :drinker: Drink:drinker: Drink:drinker: that water, Rosemary
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Welcome to Birdie M. it is good to have you. you will love this site.
    Barbie, thanks, i will not give in to the hunger but I am so HUNGRY. It will pass. I am sure.
    Good Night all. Talk to you tomorrow.
    Vicki M
  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone,:wink:
    Today I was released from my doctor to go forth and exercise without my brace.:happy: :happy: I still am restricted from hills, stairs and squats for one more month but dog walking, gym workouts and anything else I feel like doing is fine. I have been going to the gym and walking to work up my strength but all with that big brace so to be free today felt great so I am racking up the steps on my pedometer. I got 9000 today and my pedometer didn’t pick up the 20 minutes on the stationary bike at the gym. My knee feels so strong and flexible thanks to 12 visits with a great physical therapist. :love: :love: :love: So that’s my good news. You all have been with me from surgery July 1 to freedom today. I am grateful for you all.
    :flowerforyou: Heather-the 30 day shred sounds “intense” just like you said. I have tried a Jillian Michaels workout on Netflix before and she really is “intense”. Yep…….intense is the perfect word.
    :flowerforyou: Jeannie- I loved the idea of bounced under and I am doing the same thing. Good for us both huh?
    :flowerforyou: Vickie- I am glad your head is feeling better.
    :flowerforyou: BirdieM- Welcome to the group and thanks for the uplifting and inspirational quotes.
    :flowerforyou: Barbiecat-wow you look great and another pound. I love your dress you just look lovely. You are an inspiration to me.
    :flowerforyou: Barb- Great job dogging the bullet and congratulations on the ticker moving in the right direction…..Me too…..I have doggies and a warm bed waiting for me and mu ticker moved 1 pound.
    :flowerforyou: Rosemary- your chicken packet sounds great. I’ll have to give it a try. Thanks for the great idea.
    :flowerforyou: Vickie-Good job resisting. Sometimes bed is the only solution. I’ll remember that next time I need to resist temptation.
    Well I have read everyone’s shares and so appreciate each and everyone’s help. This group, tracking my food on MFP and my food program helped me through my surgery with continued weight loss and I am so grateful.
    Good night to you all,:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Lianne from sunny but it feels like fall- Fieldbrook California
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning everyone! Just stopping in for a brief hi before I get ready for work. I'm still hanging in there, and trying to eat very well, as I still have too much sciatic pain to even consider going for a walk, let alone any other exercise. However, I did go to the dr. yesterday, and the good news is, he thinks that I have actually injured a muscle in that area, and put me on muscle relaxers. He seemed to think that I would be better soon, so here's hoping!
    Have a wonderful Wednesday, and here's to smart choices!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Oh my today is my weigh day and I gained. I wish I could say that I no exactly why but I dont. I will re-examine my past week but mostly I will just go back to square one and eat right and lots of exercise. I am not totally discouraged as in the past. I am dissapointed but know that I just have to keep on going. I hope all of you have a good day.
    Vicki M
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Checking in and catching up on some of the posts I've missed. Welcome to the new members. Good to have you.
    Some of you have had some real trials and disappointments, but you are right, Vicki, we have to keep on keeping on in spite of it all. And as someone said, keep looking ahead, not back.
    I seem to be in a holding pattern, and I guess that is OK for a busy summer.
    Barbie is our inspiration, you look terrific, and with our local fair coming up glad to hear it is possible to bypass all that tempting food, even better not be tempted by it all!
    We still have grandkids here but enjoying them. Even with 15 year olds who don't need much supervision it seems to take a lot more energy. Taking them to a resort today where their aunt and uncle are staying, for golf and swimming. They've been swimming at least once if not twice a day. Isn't summer wonderful. Tho' the nights are starter to get longer and cooler.
    Have a good day all.
    ps Look forward to trying the chicken packet, so simple but sounds so tasty and healthly. Thanks
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Vicki your 47 lb loss is an inspiration to me! :flowerforyou: We look at the whole picture not just the scale today. That's easy for me to say because I just lost another 3 lbs when I got on the scale today!:happy: whahooo! So that means 6 lbs lost in the last 2 weeks. But you've lost 47 lbs!!!! 3 Whahoos for you! :happy: :happy: :happy: Today will be what you make it, so make it a good one. :wink: Hope your head is better and I agree with those who say to go to the doctors!
    To all you lovely ladies, again thank you for the welcome:smooched:
    I really feel like I already know you all, just by reading all the postings!
    Have a great day everyone and looking forward to the chats!
    God Bless!!!
    :love: Birdie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Being a newbie, I'm still trying to navigate the site:embarassed: How do you get to the end of a thread without hitting "NEXT" at the top of the page 10 times?:frown:

    And thanks Rosemary for the advice and the recipes!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Being a newbie, I'm still trying to navigate the site:embarassed: How do you get to the end of a thread without hitting "NEXT" at the top of the page 10 times?:frown:

    And thanks Rosemary for the advice and the recipes!

    Hi Birdie-

    Congrats on the 6 lbs in TWO weeks!!! What a great start!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    1. Regarding getting to the end of the thread: You don't have to hit "next" . Choose the Largest number, top or bottom of page. Once you are on that page, you can scroll to the bottom to reach the most recent post.

    2. Also, if you go in thru the "Community" Tab, click on "my topics" and you will see all the threads you have posted in, along with an entry about the most recent post on that thread. IF you click "View" next to that persons login id, it will take you to the end of the thread.

    3. Thirdly, if you access using the "Community" tab, then go to the section where you know the post is located--this thread is under "motivation and support " (whereas Golden Sneakers is under fitness and exercise") When you click on the name of the the section, all the active threads will come up for that area, and they are listed in order of which one was posted most recently. Since someone almost ALWAYS has something to say on this thread :bigsmile: , it is almost always listed somewhere on the first page that comes up. Again, if you click on the THREAD NAME, in this case or scenario 2, it will take you to the BEGINNING of that post, but if you choose view next to the name of the most recently listed poster, you will come in at the end.

    I hope this didn't tell you more than you cared to know:laugh: :laugh: Ask a former tech support person how to change a light bulb and they may go on to tell you how it is manufactured and who invented it (It was Edison BTW:laugh: :laugh: )

    BTW, if my ticker decides to re appear this morning, all can see that I am down another pound!!:drinker: :drinker: It is about time.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Being a newbie, I'm still trying to navigate the site:embarassed: How do you get to the end of a thread without hitting "NEXT" at the top of the page 10 times?:frown:

    And thanks Rosemary for the advice and the recipes!

    Hi Birdie-

    Congrats on the 6 lbs in TWO weeks!!! What a great start!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    1. Regarding getting to the end of the thread: You don't have to hit "next" . Choose the Largest number, top or bottom of page. Once you are on that page, you can scroll to the bottom to reach the most recent post.

    2. Also, if you go in thru the "Community" Tab, click on "my topics" and you will see all the threads you have posted in, along with an entry about the most recent post on that thread. IF you click "View" next to that persons login id, it will take you to the end of the thread.

    3. Thirdly, if you access using the "Community" tab, then go to the section where you know the post is located--this thread is under "motivation and support " (whereas Golden Sneakers is under fitness and exercise") When you click on the name of the the section, all the active threads will come up for that area, and they are listed in order of which one was posted most recently. Since someone almost ALWAYS has something to say on this thread :bigsmile: , it is almost always listed somewhere on the first page that comes up. Again, if you click on the THREAD NAME, in this case or scenario 2, it will take you to the BEGINNING of that post, but if you choose view next to the name of the most recently listed poster, you will come in at the end.

    I hope this didn't tell you more than you cared to know:laugh: :laugh: Ask a former tech support person how to change a light bulb and they may go on to tell you how it is manufactured and who invented it (It was Edison BTW:laugh: :laugh: )

    BTW, if my ticker decides to re appear this morning, all can see that I am down another pound!!:drinker: :drinker: It is about time.


    Thanks Barb! Former tech person huh? .......Now you've done it!!! I'll just go to you with all my silly questions :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Hi Ellen, So good to hear from you again. Holding is better than gaining, tho I know we all want to lose. Barb congrats on the pound. That is great. Birdie M congrats on the 3 pounds. Keep it up girl. Yes I have lost 47 and am very proud of that but I still have about 40 to lose. I am not giving up just dont want to put any back on. I am sure it is hormones, or water retention or some other dumb thing we have to deal with. Have a great day ladies.
    Vicki M
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Hi ladies

    Welcome BirdieM You will love it here

    I have been doing my "i give up" impression lately, however I just read through some of the posts and I feel inspired again.
    Vicki - I didn't want to comment on your head injury until I knew you woud be fine. Reason being, my younger sister eventually died from an ABI (acquired brain injury) 5.5 months after being hurt in a car accident. So needless to say, I know more about head injuries than I want to. In her case, she suffered sort of 'shaken baby syndrome' caused by the seat belt snapping her head back after impact. She was recovering great until they took her trach out - she said she couldnt breath but they said oh your just anxious - WRONG she asperated stomach contents into heart and lungs and past away at age 26:cry: Sorry VIcki I didn't mean to make that about me, It just scares the beans out of me when I hear Head Injury. I was worried about you and am very glad you are okay.

    So out of the mouths of babes - My 16 yr old son informed me yesterday that no matter how many dvd's or pieces of equipment I accumulate - "Nothing is going to work if you don't do it Mom" So true

    I am in such a slump and have even gained a bit of weight back. I know the plan I have works and I know I can do it - Soooo what's up with me??? I'm listless, pooped out, cranky and the list goes on:laugh: I am a rebel but rebelling against myself is so absurd I feel ridiculous even saying it!!

    I've been going through a battery of tests this past week and am a bit nervous of the outcome. I'm trying not to worry about the results but that's easier said than done isnt it.

    My kids will return to school on Sept 1st. Kind of exciting for Kaitlyn (but scary for mom) as she will be entering high school. Our son is entering his last year of secondary and thinking about University for next year. Where does the time go??

    Someone please pull me back on the wagon I miss the ride and the company.

    Have a great day

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Heather, I feel for you. I use to get up in the morning, do my housework, work in an office all day and come home only to become a coach potato:ohwell: I hated it and knew I could be more active, certainly had to lose weight, but had no energy or maybe it was lack of motivation:yawn: I went away for a weekend with my husband at the beginning of the month and encountered someone in my bathroom mirror that I didn't know! Oh no :noway: IT WAS ME!!! What a wake up call! I simply took a good hard look at that woman and said "Is this who I want to be?". I made up my mind to do something about it, and was linked to this website by my niece.:love:

    I prayed for the WILLINGNESS to get off my butt....follow through & do something....and I got it! :happy:

    I know we are NOT all about our appearances, but I, like you, I was very unhappy with where I was! :cry:

    I realize being new to this, I have a lot of motivation, but I know the day will come that I will not. So I made a blog, to remind myself of powerful links to go to when I get discouraged or have questions(on the message board: Things to read again....or something like that) and here they are:








    :yawn: ......and if you still can't sleep:




    I know these were meant for Newbies, which you are not, but wisdom and knowledge are good for any of us any time.:smile: Maybe you can look through these and see if there's something there to motivate you because only YOU can takethat positive step forward.

    I know you can....look at what you've already done!
    God Bless
    Thanks for the warm welcome:smooched:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Heather, the links were from the message board topic "Gen'l Diet and Weight Loss Help" and from there the link was ""Links to MFP you want to read again and again".
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :flowerforyou: Birdie,

    I can see you are going to be a great asset on this site. Thank you for the synopsis of "required reading guaranteed to pull you back on the wagon."

    :flowerforyou: Now Heather,

    See the arms on this guy?>>:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Pretend the glasses aren't there and it is ME ( and EVERYONE ELSE around here) reaching to pull you back INTO the wagon. If you prefer a nautical reference, we are holding out our hands to make sure you don't "miss the boat." We don't want to leave you "up the creek without a paddle." Alright, enough already,:laugh: :laugh: I will quit for now with the cliche's (no promises about later...:bigsmile:)

    I didn't fall completely out of the wagon myself, but the last two weeks, I found my feet dragging a bit, and I was eating too many "borderline" foods. I didn't gain, mainly, I think, because I continued to walk, but I stopped losing. Over the weekend, I decided I needed to get back to business, and I went back to eating some of the things I was using when I first started. It seems to have worked. I'll take 2 lbs gone anytime. Even if I don't lose anymore this week, that is still a good direction to be going.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Heather, I feel for you. I use to get up in the morning, do my housework, work in an office all day and come home only to become a coach potato:ohwell: ......

    .....God Bless
    Thanks for the warm welcome:smooched:

    A "coach" potato. I am trying to decide. That is either a really expensive potato that they keep under lock and key ( IE "Coach bags") or it is a potato that keeps you motivated!!:noway:

    I KNOW you meant "couch" but I try to have a little fun every day!!:laugh: :laugh:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member

    Someone please pull me back on the wagon I miss the ride and the company.

    Heather, I spent most of the weekend at the county fair watching HUGE people eating ice cream bars, chili dogs, pie, tacos, elephant ears, cinnamon rolls, and a bunch of other terrible unhealthy food. It convinced me that I want another way of life.

    Get off the couch, get away from the computer and take a walk. Start with a short walk and build up again. Get some more exercise with a brisk walk past the unopened refrigerator and a firm push away from the table.:laugh: :laugh:

    Take baby steps and we'll all be here for you.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Heather, I feel for you. I use to get up in the morning, do my housework, work in an office all day and come home only to become a coach potato:ohwell: ......

    .....God Bless
    Thanks for the warm welcome:smooched:

    A "coach" potato. I am trying to decide. That is either a really expensive potato that they keep under lock and key ( IE "Coach bags") or it is a potato that keeps you motivated!!:noway:

    I KNOW you meant "couch" but I try to have a little fun every day!!:laugh: :laugh:


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Hey if a couch OR potato could COACH me at this point......I say bring it on!!!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Heather I hear you! I'm bouncing behind the wagon as well. I HAVE to get back on. Tomorrow is the day. We just HAVE TO DO IT. No one else can do it for us. I"m going to go plan my meals for tomorrow and STICK to it!
    You guys are all great encouragement.