Women Ages 50+ for the month of AUGUST



  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Barb: I sent you an email with all the details:happy: Hope it works out.

    I am having a "temptation filled day" today. I'm trying not to give in and I have been drinking a LOT of water so I am getting exercise running to the bathroom :laugh: I'm going to do some cleaning and then move to something else - AWAY from the kitchen:ohwell:

    Have a great day.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member

    Barbie congrats on that 1 lb.! You must be so excited, having lost so much weight, and by looking at your picture, one would never know you were over weight! What a great example to us all:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Birdie, if you look at my profile there's a picture of me in a red sweater I knit last year. I had my husband take a picture of me when I finished the sweater so I could e mail it to my friends so they could see the work I had done. I was appalled and sad at how I looked. :sad: :sad: I think it was the first time in the 15 years that I'd been wearing size 16 clothes that i realized how I looked. It still took me almost another year to do something about it. :laugh: :laugh: I carry that picture in my wallet so I never forget.

    Barb and Esther, I'm very excited at the idea of the two of you getting together at the fair. I, too, would love for us to get together and dance. We would have a blast.

    hugs to everyone including those who are busy and staying away from their computers:heart::heart:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Thanks everybody!
    Happy Friday!
    After a summer of wild wonderful vacationing & fun, I lost my interest in exercise. My vacations were active & successful weight-wise, but after coming home I became pretty lazy. And Curves closed.:grumble:
    :huh: And my first week of school has been pretty stressful & difficult.
    So now I'm riding a stationery bike at home or walking when it's cool enough & hubby will go with me after dark.
    30 minutes of exercise 6 days out of the past 7, so that feels good.
    It's so strange that all summer I've been able to stay within 2 pounds of my June weight even with all the travel & partying. MFP has really changed my life.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    To make matters worse, my Curves closed up this summer.

    I understand what that is like. When I lived in Arkansas, I lived only a few blocks from a Curves and went faithfully for 3 years. Then we moved to West Texas and the nearest Curves is a 40 minute drive away. I also now live miles from town, so even meeting a walking partner doesn't make sense with today's gas rices.

    My solution has been Netflix rentals. :happy: They have lots of workout DVDs to rent so when I get tired of one, I just send off for a new one. Their minimum membership fee is less than $10 a month and anyway you look at it that's a super cheap gym membership. Personally I love the Leslie Sansone Walk at Home ones, but they have TONS of different ones to choose from. Best part is you can keep them for as long as you like.

    It took a couple of days, but I am finally past my sugar cravings again. :tongue: This week our high temperatures have fallen a good 10 degrees, so I've spent almost all week working in my flowerbeds. THAT'S my favorite kind of exercise!

    Hard to believe August is almost gone. Where DID the summer go?
  • osucowgirl
    I want to join you all in your quest to meet some goals.

    In 2006 I had dropped to 159. Since then, I lost several family members, my best friend, my position at work, and my daughter moved out. I also went on medicine that had a side effect of gaining weight. Now, here I am, starting out at 214.6
    Goal: by December 24, 198
    Goal: by March 30, 185
    Walking four days a week one mile or more
    Drinking water, at least 6 or more glasses a day
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I want to join you all in your quest to meet some goals.

    In 2006 I had dropped to 159. Since then, I lost several family members, my best friend, my position at work, and my daughter moved out. I also went on medicine that had a side effect of gaining weight. Now, here I am, starting out at 214.6
    Goal: by December 24, 198
    Goal: by March 30, 185
    Walking four days a week one mile or more
    Drinking water, at least 6 or more glasses a day

    Welcome! We would love to have you join us - the more, the merrier. Sounds like you have gone through some tough times, but good for you for taking the first step to getting your life back in order! I wish you the best of luck, and whenever you need some company, stop on by to see us!
    Here's to smart choices, and everyone, have a fantastic weekend!!
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    In reference to your bad time, I had a year like that once. My husband lost his job 3 months after buy a new home, then I gave birth and my daughter almost died of liver failure, then I got a blood clot and had to be hospitalized, then my husband landed in the hospital for bleeding ulcer, then my appendix rupture and Kaiser sent me home for 4 days saying it was the flu. I almost died. Then my son fell off a foot bridge and took a scary ride to the hospital in an ambulance. I still haven't forgotten that time and it was almost 30 years ago. Yikes!

    You are in my prayers. And tomorrow is a great day for everything to turn around. God's power is just one prayer away.

    I have been dealing with the first week of school. Kind of upsetting. jacob had a substitute for the first 2 days and then the real teacher came and now, Friday, she says, she is retiring as of Monday.

    My poor little first grader is trying to take it in stride. But I want him in a permanente situation with a good teacher. Please all pray for the best decisions for him and where he should be schooled.

    be blessed, kathleen
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good Saturday Morning Everyone!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Everyone is busy or sleeping in this morning. :yawn: Here it is 9:15a PDT, and I am the first one on the thread this morning!! --Unless I write too long and someone beats me w/another post:laugh:

    Just a quick check in to say I am down another pound today!! This has been a good week, down 4 lbs since the 23rd of August. I am still eating the same amount of calories, consistent with my activity level, haven't been able to do any 3 mph walking since last Saturday, but I have been out at a slower pace with my dogs and Linda's dog, since she is still recovering from her fall.

    The only thing I am doing different is on the 24th I started taking 2 capsules of an Acai supplement that I purchased at Walmart. About a week earlier than that, I resumed taking a hair and nails supplement that I get a Walgreens. Maybe the two of them together has some mysterious weight loss property? :laugh: :laugh: Maybe I should set up a website and make millions, huh!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I think it is more likely that my body did some adjusting during the 2 weeks when I didn't lose anything significant. Whatever the reason, I will take it. I know I am not going to hit the goal I set for Labor Day, but certainly before October 1st, I should be there.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

    :flowerforyou: Barbiecat- My 93 yr old mother tells me they are starting a line dancing class in the retirement community where my parents live. She said the activities director told them all to go buy cowboy hats. My mother is not about to try the dancing. She still walks on her own two feet, but carefully and with a cane, and she is a little bent over from arthritis. There are others who seem to be quite enthusiastic to the idea.

    :flowerforyou: OSU cowgirl-Welcome. So sorry to hear of all the adversity in your life. You will find everyone here to be very supportive. I will also keep you in my prayers.

    BTW, your profile doesn't say, but if OSU is an acronym, is it maybe for Oklahoma State U? I didn't think it was Oregon, because their OSU has a beaver for a mascot. Just curious since your profile didn't say where you were from. If you don't want to say, that is fine too.

    Have a good day all. I have to get ready to go have breakfast with my uncalorie conscious neighbor and then to Costco.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I want to join you all in your quest to meet some goals.

    In 2006 I had dropped to 159. Since then, I lost several family members, my best friend, my position at work, and my daughter moved out. I also went on medicine that had a side effect of gaining weight. Now, here I am, starting out at 214.6
    Goal: by December 24, 198
    Goal: by March 30, 185
    Walking four days a week one mile or more
    Drinking water, at least 6 or more glasses a day

    Welcome to this group! Sounds like you could use a good dose of motivation after going through some tough times! All our past tragedies can make us bitter or better:wink: You have come to the right place:smooched: I have read the profiles of many and know that we all share in past sorrows and victories and have decided to march into the future with new choices and new goals:love:
    . All we have is today. Make it a great day.. Keep walking and keep drinking water and track what you eat! My 85 year old mother just joined MFP and she lost my dad 3 years ago! What a gal!:love:
    Someone once said to me...."Just do it!". Doesn't sound very profound...but had inspired me more than you know.
    God Bless!!!!
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I want to join you all in your quest to meet some goals.

    In 2006 I had dropped to 159. Since then, I lost several family members, my best friend, my position at work, and my daughter moved out. I also went on medicine that had a side effect of gaining weight. Now, here I am, starting out at 214.6
    Goal: by December 24, 198
    Goal: by March 30, 185
    Walking four days a week one mile or more
    Drinking water, at least 6 or more glasses a day

    Welcome osucowgirl: Things have to be looking better soon for you. You are doing yourself a favor by trying to get back on track. I know how it is with medication adding the pounds. I have a dear friend who has that same issue and has pretty much given up. So...good for you for wanting to conquer it! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I am also wondering if you are from Oregon. However, cowgirls and Oregon don't really go together like Oklahoma and cowgirls. Also, there is always Ohio! :laugh: I am from Salem, Oregon so just wondered if you are close to Barb and me??

    Mary: Yes, good choices .... they lead to good results:happy:

    My goodness Kathleen! All of that in one year! Thankfully you made it through! Is your son's teacher ill and that is the reason for retiring at this time of year. One week after school starts!? Must be something to it other than having been working enough years to retire!

    I managed to make it through yesterday without going over my calorie intake. I did have a piece of zucchini bread I had made. The rest is in the freezer and hopefully forgotten. Today I'm going to make some tomato salsa with tomatoes out of our garden. That's a safer food to have around! :laugh:

    Hope you are all having a great Saturday. I agree with Susan, yardwork is my idea of a fun workout.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    Hello to all my wonderful supportive friends, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, we had chicken packets last night. They were supposed to go on the grill but when the sky got dark and the wind picked up and the temperature dropped, I decided to put them in the oven----each packet had 5 ounces of boneless chicken breast, cherry tomatoes, yellow squash, yellow and green pepper, and sweet onion. Jake fixed an extra packet of mushrooms for himself. Thanks for the great idea.

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, you shared a powerful and important message when you said that your sugar cravings had passed. I needed the reminder that cravings are temporary if I continue along the path I've chosen.

    :flowerforyou: Kathleen, as a former first grade teacher, I am sad and outraged by what happened to Jacob. I know you'll make a good decision for him that includes his friends and the school setting as well as the teacher and that you'll not do anything in haste. He is blessed to have you in his life.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, my admiration for you and your walking has just jumped up a few notches. Jake is gone for the day to Seattle (in my car) so I decided to take an extra long walk. I had one cup of herb tea with breakfast and no liquids for 90 minutes so I could walk extra far. There was a woman walking two darling small dogs and when I greeted her and her dogs I thought of you. I walked for a little more than 60 minutes before turning around to come back so my walk was just over 2 hours. I was hungry, thirsty, and exhausted when I got home. Right now my step counter says eight miles and more than 18,000 steps which includes walking the dogs and going to the grocery store. If I had a cowboy hat, I'd tip it to you for how you walk like that almost every day. You should try learning to line dance with the 90 year olds. It would be fun.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: osucowgirl, we are so glad to have you join us. We have walked together in sunshine and in shadow and have cheered each other along. Life presents many opportunities for spiritual growth and it looks like you have a bunch of them right now. Never, never, never give up

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, you are so right about "just do it". Someone told me to just kick yourself off the couch and get busy. Most good ideas are simple. Thanks for the reminder.

    :flowerforyou: Esther, how amazing that you could eat only one piece of zucchini bread. I'm so glad you're back on track. The tomatoes from your garden sound wonderful.

    The whole time I was walking this morning I was thinking about what I would tell you about my walk, you are all with me whatever I do. Thank you for what you add to my life.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Thanks for the good ideas, Barb.
    I actually bought a couple of videos in anticipation of summer heat, but never opened them.

    After getting back in the exercise habit this week I seem to be down a pound. I hope it's real.

    kc- As a teacher I think your son's school situation is pretty sad, but maybe there are good reasons. And kids are more adaptive than we give them credit for. he'll bond with the new teacher quickly.

    osucowgirl- What a tough year. I completely identify. Hang in there. You can only do what you can do. :heart:

    Happy Saturday to you all.
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Warmest wishes for every success to new members and a big warm hug to everyone:flowerforyou:

    We experienced frosty temperatures for the past couple of nights and again a lot of very heavy, chilly rain....it has been a good day to stay inside and get some things done. This week I have done a (modified version) of the Biggest Loser Bootcamp and some bike rides outside (very non-strenous because of my knees) and a whole lot of cleaning and packing!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thank you Barbie for responding to my question about RV travel across the Border. It truly made me feel more relaxed about our upcoming adventure:smile:

    What a wonderful surprize I had this morning on my weigh in, I had dropped 4 lbs:blushing: The thing is that with being in maintainance mode because of my knees and not working out as in the past I have been hoping to finally get in the 70's and lo and behold there was that beautiful number staring me in the face. Now if the truth be told I must admit I got off and on the scale a couple of times just to make sure it was accurate...and it was:bigsmile: Just goes to show you that with determination and a whole lot of patience the rewards will pay off.

    So hang in there everyone we can do this together. Thank you all so very much for the kind and loving individuals that you are:happy: I feel very blessed and thankful to be a member of this terrific group:heart:

    Gotta run and get some more stuff done but I needed to have my fix of MFP:laugh:


  • 4everhealthy
    hello all, beem away for a couple of days I did good in my eatting and a lot of walking. I'm back on track now and doing just fine I did gain or lose, stayed the same, of which I think is good there was a lot of good food at the conference I was at. some veggies and fruit, and desserts of course, Well have a good night. I'll weigh in next week!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome osucowgirl. I am sure that you will find the support here that will help you lose that weight. I am guessing that the "osu" is for Oklahoma being as you have "cowgirl" after it. I am in Ohio and of course OSU would have a different meaning.

    :flowerforyou: Esther, you have great willpower. If I ever taste something I will not stop eating it until it is all gone.

    I fell off the wagon the past couple of weeks. Mainly due to the fact that I have been doing so well, so I sort of relaxed my eating too much. Anyway, I gained five pounds but with being careful the past week, I lost it this week.:bigsmile:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Great job on the eating right, the walking and temptations and everything else. I am still not good at addressing each one by name so forgive me for that. I too find myself waiting to get home to blog you guys to share with you. I just love this site but mostly love you guys. We went to a double birthday party today. My sister's is tomorrow and her daughter (my godchild) is Monday. We had a surprise, my goddaughter's boyfriend of 4 years proposed today also. We have been waiting for this. We were all so excited. She was totally surprised. They had boiled shrimp and crabs. I had planned to eat before I went but actually fell asleep around lunch time with sinus headache and when I woke up did not have time to eat before going. I had 12 shrimp and a boiled corn. I did great. I did have a very small piece of brownie cake, but had planned for that. It is the same kind I had for my birthday and it is to die for. Hubby is going offshore for about 10 days on Monday, so I plan to eat really well and do a lot of exercise to get my ticker moving right again. I hope all of you have a great Sunday. Talk to you later.
    Vicki M
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome osucowgirl. I am sure that you will find the support here that will help you lose that weight. I am guessing that the "osu" is for Oklahoma being as you have "cowgirl" after it. I am in Ohio and of course OSU would have a different meaning.

    Being a Jayhawk myself, I recognized an Oklahoman immediately. (But I won't insult you by calling you a Sooner!!) Anyway, Cowgirl, welcome again, and I promise that I won't hold the orange and black against you, if you won't hold my red and blue against me! (Besides, the high school where I work is orange and black, so I actually wear a fair amount of those colors.)
    Have a great weekend, all, and here's to smart choices!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Just when I thought things might get calmer, they aren't. This is ending up being one of the roughest years in a long time.

    I've enjoyed reading back over all the posts and this forum really is uplifting and supportive. It gives us all hope.

    Thanks to all of you with all your words of encouragement. Eventhough, they haven't been directed to me or my problems (which I haven't mentioned), they are still heartwarming to all of us.

    I've been so stressed that I gave in and ate candy this week. Not just once, but twice. The only way I managed to stay within my daily allowances was by skipping meals. I did find that I can't eat as much sugar as I use to. It actually made me sick, so I gave the last of it away.

    Today I hope to regroup and get back on track.

    Here's hoping to better choices this next week for all of us:drinker:

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good evening everyone:flowerforyou: WTG everyone walking away those pounds.:smile: Welcome Jeannie.:flowerforyou: We are here for you. We all have days when we need to vent. Feel free to let it out, you will never be able to find more compassionate or caring ladies like we have here on MFP:happy: If you don't feel like you want to share with the world, I know there is at least one person here who has gone through the same if not similar problems and you can share via profile.

    I didn't get to go on my hike this weekend:cry: Had to do yard work. I spent 2 hours and 45 minutes pulling weeds and picking up trash :noway: I didn't realize how many calories you burn just doing yard work. I'm sure I burned even more than it said because it was so darn hot out and I was sweating like a pig:laugh: Went to 2 flea markets today and walked around for about an hour. Bought a really cute size 16 just to see if it would fit (it only cost a dollar) I think another 10 lbs aught to do it. ( a little tight in the chest)Came home cooked and then rode my bike 6 miles in 45 minutes. Again sweating like a pig and extremely tired. Tomorrow is weigh in. Keeping my fingers crossed for at least a pound. Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday evening:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Rosemary
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    good evening to all my son is here for a visit so i am on his comp. i read post everyone seems to be doing very well that is so good welcome to all newbies can you all believe this the mth is over again it feels like we just started.. well i am happy to say i finally seen 214 doesn't sound like much but its been hard work getting there i am doing more walking this mth so i hope to see at least four gone this times i am a turtle. will everyone take care i miss you all deeply i am doing paper jouonals for now love debbie and family