so where'd you get that gnarly scar?



  • BandForAlyAnne
    BandForAlyAnne Posts: 321 Member
    1. 4 inches on the bottom of my foot. stepped on an exposed broken pipe sticking out of the ground.

    2. inch long scar on my ring finger . art class accident with an exacto knife. lol

    3. half inch scar above left eyebrow. some idiot kid "playfully" threw a rock at me and seemed surprised when it hit.

    4. 5 small scars on my fingers. reason unknown,

    5. 4 half inch scars and one 2 inch scar on my stomach from lap band surgery.

    6. about 8 more ranging in size all over me reason unknown.

    i was never a girly girl. lol
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    not the best pics sorry .....seeings other people are showing off "battle wounds"
    Car accident leg
    Car accident shoulder (thank goodness for seatbelts!)
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I have four that I wouldn't say LOOK gnarly, but the way I got them was pretty gruesome.

    1. On the top of my right forefinger. I sliced off a chunck of my flesh from my cuticle to the first knuckle on a pair of hedge trimmers while doing yard work. That was GROSS!

    2. On the top of my right thumb. Stabbed it while using a utility actually stuck in the bone a little. That one made me feel woozy.

    3. On the back of my left hand. My cousin's dog bit me. The scar isn't all that bad looking considering how mangled my hand was at the time it happened.

    4. On the inside of my left pinky finger. I sliced it open on the lid of a can of cat food. Almost sliced a chunk completely off to the bone.

    All of these bled like mad. Didn't get stitches for any of them, though, and all but the dog bite, I bandaged myself.
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    This was a great topic to post on! Good idea :flowerforyou:
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    I think my best one is from when I tore my belly button ring out when i was 16 or 17. I did it on purpose though. It had migrated so far out that it didn't make sense to carefully remove it, so i just ripped it. Didn't hurt at all, but the looks on peoples' faces when I say I ripped it out is just priceless!!! lol
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    I have two... well, sort of two. You'll see.

    First, the obvious one is on my left food down the side. See, I was going to school one dark morning, and was half asleep, and missed the bottom step... and shattered a bone in my foot. From missing ONE step! Sheesh! So they had to do surgery and put in a pin to make it heal correctly, but I'm really proud of the scar it left. I'd never broken a bone before, and my siblings had broken dozens between them, but none of THEM had ever had to have surgery. Bragging rights, when you're 17.

    My other scar, or scars, are on my right and left arms, on the inside of my elbows. Teeny tiny little dots, from the bajillion times I've had my blood taken. When I was little, I had cerebral palsy and epilepsy and got blood drawn weekly. Then as a teenager, I found out I have hypothyroidism - very, very BAD hypothyroidism. I wound up with blood drawn monthly for about three years. THEN I got pregnant, and well, some of you may know how often they like to draw blood for that, especially with a thyroid problem. After all those years, I've collected a very nice selection of needle scars, to the point where they're actual visible. Ha!
  • lovelysummerbabe2012
    huge scars on my legs from breaking my legs. they had to go in and put metal rods in the bone, close me back up, stitches and then when it was healed, had to be opened up again to remove the metal and then stitched back up again.
  • Bookworm_Chris
    Bookworm_Chris Posts: 26 Member
    I have a scar on my knee from when I fell as a kid and scraped it. numerous scars on the abdomen area from surgeries (appendix, gallbladder, ovarian cysts, hysterectomy). And while they aren't scar's from injuries per se, I do have several markings on my body from NF1 that often raise a lot of questions from people. I hope someday I can get a few of the more bothersome ones removed, I think a scar would be more preferable.
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    I have a 3 inch scar on my left arm/wrist/hand along with 2 1 inch scars and 3 pin scars from when I shattered 2 inches of the radius bone in my left arm and had to have it reconstructed using a bone graft, along with repairing most of the soft tissue damage. The 2 1 inch scars are from the external fixator I had sticking out of my arm for 5 weeks following surgery, along with the 3 pins. I fell 12 feet from a catwalk with no railing, through a false ceiling, and landed on a concrete floor.

    I have matching scars on my legs, right above both knees. They are 3 inch scars with 3 pin scars underneath. I had bilateral femural derotation surgery done at the age of 4. I had both of my femurs surgically broken above my knees with my left leg turned 41 degrees out and my right leg turned 35 degrees and pulled down half an inch. When I was born, my feet were turned in and braces, shoes on the wrong feet at night, et al, didn't work.

    I have a 2 inch scar on my lower back from having a benign tumor the size of a grapefruit removed. It was taken out in two chunks. It was determined that it was a lipoma (fatty tissue tumor).

    I have various small scars from different injuries and 2 scopes done on my right knee. The biggest of those scars is on my right shin. I got that as a result of covering 2nd base in a softball game and ended up getting cleated in my right shin from a player trying to take me off the bag when she was sliding. She was out and tossed out of the game because it was discovered she was wearing metal cleats (which are illegal in ASA softball).
  • daimoslain
    daimoslain Posts: 16
    I got plenty of scars, key hole one where I fractured my ankle and had to have a pin in. Knee year 8 in school fell over and to a massive chunk of flesh from my knee, a circle shaped scar on my near my chest which one of my ex's who was a sadist burnt me with a tsp, my elbow straight down scar suprisingly sliced by slipping on to a frying pan and one right next to my left eye which I walked into a door frame when I was younger :X
  • neekosmith
    neekosmith Posts: 47 Member
    My two most noticeable scares both are food related in true fat kid style. I have a 4 inch scar across my wrist from burning myself on the oven trying to remove a pizza and a 1 inch scar on the top of my foot where I was stabbed by a falling knife trying to move my daughter's birthday cake to the table because we were about sing Happy Birthday to her. In her birthday video, we are all gathered around the table while I try to sing while holding back tears of pain from the open stab wound. Memories.

    I have 3 scars on my stomach from gall bladder surgery.
  • pdj1220
    pdj1220 Posts: 175
    I have matching 10 or 12" ones one each hip from replacement surgeries.
  • nichalsont
    nichalsont Posts: 421 Member
    My husband has a vertical one about 3 inches long in the middle of his back at the waist. It is from a decompression surgery. It really isn't gnarly. It is funny though. When he has his shirt off, it looks like an extension of his butt crack!
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    oh to be young and stupid. this is like 2 weeks after we burned it (alcohol may have been involved haha) now they just look like one shade lighter then skin tone. when we hold hands the two curved sides go together and make a heart. probably getting it tatted over soonish to a real heart.

  • WillPillageYourVillageForFood
    I have a 4 inch scar on my left shin that came from playing with an ax when I was about 8 years old. I blame that one on my dad for telling me not to touch the ax.....never tell a kid not to do something. :bigsmile: I have two little ones on my index and middle finger by the knuckles that came from the nuns wielding a metal ruler in Catholic school and a really cool looking X scar on my right inner thigh that i got falling off my tricycle when I was 2 and having the cotter pin imbeded into my flab. Seriously, I was so fat then that I didn't bleed, just fat oozed out and the doctor had a hard time stuffing it back in and sewing me back up. :laugh:
  • GallifreyanPunk
    Probably gonna get yelled at but I'm not ashamed of them.
    Most of my scars are self-inflicted. They look pretty awesome though, I love scars, so I am not shamed of them, or like hiding them. I have a bunch of teeny tiny white specs all over my hands from hot oil splashing while I was cooking. There's one brand on my inner left arm that I made with a heated up pencil eraser holder, there are so many cuts that have healed into scars on both arms, and both legs, as well as my stomach and breasts. (On the right leg there's a heart shaped one and 'Be Mine' carved over it but the first half of the letters are mostly faded, on the left there's a bunch of healing cuts. On my stomach 'Fat' is scarred on along with various cuts. My breasts have large horizontal scars, again self-inflicted)
    Also there should be a small V-Shaped scar on my head from when I was three and fell down the front steps, landing on the corner of a step and I had to get staples. There's also one on my right shin when I tripped and accidentally got my leg on a broken antenna from my TV.
    I think that's it, actually.
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    I have one that starts at the top of my knee and winds around the back of my leg.

    Was all taped up from and injury and thought ripping the strapping tape off would be a good idea.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    huge nightcrawler-looking thing from my navel to my.. um, yoohoo. Two babies who refused to come out the way they went in.
  • Hikaru37
    Hikaru37 Posts: 177 Member
    I have a 6 inch one on my left forearm! I went over the handlebars on one of those micro scooters and my arm snapped in two, bone ripped through the skin and the wrist/hand got twisted all the way round and mangled!

    I had two operations, metal pins and a lorra lorra casts!
    For the second op I took in a crappy Kodak camera and asked the doctor to take a picture of my arm 'cos I wanna see how gory it is'

    Took them in for show and tell and made all the girls cry but all the lads wanted to be my bezzie hahaa
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    eyebrow *call it my Spike/Buffy scar went head first into a glass coffee table when I was about 4/5. Apendics scar emergency surgery when I was 15 ambulance and everything and a bunch of chicken pox scars 'cause there so damn itchy and no calomine lotion didn't help when you're 7!