Fitness models & Fake boobs ughhh



  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    This is why it's a mistake to read. Stop reading.
  • tonihayden
    I'm gonna say y r u worried about it...from the looks of your pictures on here it's on the verge of an adult website. You are obviously satisfied with yourself.....
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982

    I have a feeling that all of the pictures of you are really of someone else. Theres no way someone that looks like you, with a rack like yours would make a post like this unless they were pulling a prank or just bat *kitten* crazy. Most of the girls in here must HATE you after reading this post. Unbelievable.

    This....most of us are trying to get 1/2 of what you have...none of us can give you confidence, that comes from within. I try to be the best me, I can't compete with someone that gets airbrushed after every photo shoot but I can choose what I put into my body and how hard I workout my body.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I am bald dude. But you tend to forget, even when you have been bald as long as I have. Then you look in the mirror, and the gleaming dome flashes back at you, and you are shocked. You almost jump out of your shorts. It is hard to be reminded.
    So I know what it is like to feel less than confident about a physical feature.
    I also know that sometimes you just have to embrace your defects for the sake of self acceptance.
    I once went to an international meeting of hair transplant experts -- to write about it. Yes, I thought it was rather cruel that the boss sent me.
    When I went there, I expected to see a whole bunch of men with thick, lustrous locks popping out of their scalps like an explosion. And, I thought I would have to wear a hat the whole time to spare myself the humiliation.
    But, I was wrong and disappointed. I looked around and I saw a bunch of guys who were really thin on top. I thought to myself: This is not a very good advertisement for the hair transplant procedure. Who would not walk into the office of a doctor who was that spare above the ears and not say: 'Geez, doc, if what you do is so great, why don't you do it yourself?'
    I found out, by about the end of the first day, that, actually, they had all done it. The results are just that meager. They transplant one or two hairs at a time, so it is really hard to get anything like density.
    I think fake boobs are kinda the same way. Because they are not natural and do not look natural, they are not a perfect solution. (I apologize if my opinion offends.) So, sometimes, it is just better to embrace your defects, and go with it, and that confidence is more attractive than any measures you might take to cover up.
    I could grow a flap of hair, and flop it over the bald spot. Instead, I just shave most of it off and go cue ball. That way, I am not fighting it; I have to accept myself, flaws and all, and the baldness does not torture me.
    Sometimes, I think about Jennifer Aniston. She does not have bee-stung lips, like everyone wants, her hair isn't super-thick and full, and she does not have boobs like a Barbie-doll. And yet, people think she is incredibly beautiful. I think about that voluptuous secretary on Mad Men. She is not rail thin like a Victoria's Secret model. But she makes men weak in the knees.
    Why? What do those two have?
    Probably, what they have is that they do the best with what they have, and they do not cover up. They are themselves and they flaunt it, and there is not one model of perfection that suits every time, every person, every place. Uniqueness is often beautiful.
  • falcon367
    For what it's worth from my point of view .... I find that big boobs on a lean body looks disproportionate and unappealing, but to each their own. I'd much prefer my woman to be fit with a smaller chest, but then again I've never understood the appeal of big boobs to begin with. :yawn:

    However, no one is stopping you from buying your own set of whatever it is you think you need. In this day and age, all it takes in money to achieve the impossible. :wink:
  • tonihayden