Why are you here? No, for real...



  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    it all jump started when.. my boyfriend said "I'm going to lose some weight".. I said "oh yeah?.. I want to as well"..

    he then says "well how about this, if you lose 20 lbs before I lose 20 lbs I'll buy you what you want, and if I lose 20 lbs before you lose 20 lbs then I get to buy you what I want to buy you"

    good enough reason for me... can't lose... :drinker:

    but the end bet is
    him: 230 currently.. down to 195 for the bet
    me: 157 down to 137 for the bet
  • obolton756
    obolton756 Posts: 261 Member
    i felt fat, ugly and insecure. Hoped losing weight would make me feel better.. unfortunately feel worse about myself than when i started... :frown:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    (This post probably won't make any friends, but here you go...)

    Just turned 40 and decided I was unhappy with my physical shape/condition. Used MFP to go from 180ish pounds to 150ish from 7/2011 to 12/2011. From there, am using MFP to *gain* weight to my goal of 180, but a different composition than the old 180. Currently, up to 162ish.

    Now if only MFP would fix their progress ticker for those of us who are trying to gain instead of lose...
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    So my parents would quit their *****ing! SERIOUSLY.
    I just went on hormones, my body is changing. I'm going to gain weight. I just got major surgery.
    Now, I've lost ten pounds, and still only about forty more to go, but they would not shut up!
  • hoosier_red
    I went to a friend's theatrical show, which was in a theater with these really tiny seats. I had to wedge myself into one, and was miserably uncomfortable all through the first act. Then, when I levered myself up during intermission, I tore my jeans on the armrest. Sweet-talked the management into letting me sit in a folding chair in the aisle for Act Two, and found my moment of "**** this -- I'm not doing this anymore."
  • lulecar
    lulecar Posts: 7
    I'm here to lose a bit of weight and to get fit. I'm not getting any younger, but I've figured out I can get healthier, and with that be happier.
  • DarkNebula84
    DarkNebula84 Posts: 445 Member
    I did not get chubby, I got obese and INSANELY uncomfortable with myself to the point where I hate leaving my house. :sad:
    Time to do something about it and take back MY life.
  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 182 Member
    For real......to get back at my ex, he left me for a gal fatter than me! I want to look smoking hot and meet a smoking hot man and get on with my life.:devil:

    Oops.....I mean because I looked in the mirror and didn't like what I saw (after all you are supposed to lose weight for yourself aren't you?):laugh:

    Glad I'm not alone! I left my ex, but he hooked up with a gal heavier than me just a month later. As my friends meet her they say "REALLY?!" because everyone was expecting him to snag a trophy wife or something.

    Anyway, now I want to be the hot momma instead of just a single mom. I lost a LOT of confidence in my past life. I want to look in the mirror and like what I see so I can go out there and take over the world! OK... maybe not the "whole" world. :flowerforyou:
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    my friend said to check it out and he was all excited about it!

    to be honest, my first reaction was, "WHAT? NOW YOU'RE CALLING ME FAT?!?!?!?!?!?"

    as you can see, I've calmed down. :) lol!!! AND he doesn't log in! :P go figure!
  • littlelaurie14
    littlelaurie14 Posts: 224 Member
    My number one reason is definitely for my self-confidence. But another bonus is hopefully for my ex to think Damn, I left her? She's one smokin' MILF. Lol :bigsmile:
    That jerk... :grumble:
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    I got sick of asking my husband if I was fat, knowing the answer.
  • lucythinmint
    lucythinmint Posts: 239
    Because I was struggling with an eating disorder and I used MFP to help it and hide it. That is why my screen name has nothing to do with me and I have a llama portrait in my photos. :huh: I was hiding.

    I saw a lot of buff females and I was inspired to move forward and stop trying to be skinny and just work for healthy. After ditching ED and gaining a therapist and a nutritionist I now use MFP to help me build myself up to a kick butt me.

    I lift weights and love working out but I suck at tracking food. Down side to being liberated from ED, you have a hard time limiting your food now that it can be enjoyed instead of hated. :drinker:
  • bowties_r_cool
    bowties_r_cool Posts: 66 Member
    I have never been accepting of my body for as long as i can remember, side effect of a horrible parent not considering the strong effect words have. ANYWAYS... i was obsessed with being fit and if 'she' called me fat it didn't matter. then I 'developed' and started getting attention from the opposite sex. I was not emotional or mentally ready for that. i believe now I purposefully sabotaged myself. Gained 60-70lbs in less than 7 months after moving to a new state and everything. Everyone left me alone and i was able to be depressed all by myself.

    Then I went off to college, got my head straight and after an horrible yearly check up I decided to love myself enough to get back into shape. Half-way through my journey I lost a family member and relapsed again to a high weight, although not as high as the beginning.

    Then I meet the man of my dreams :love: and finally felt secure enough to be myself. Now I want to be that fit healthy happy person I always see myself as being inside my mind. i still am having issues with the attention I am getting from others as I continue to lose weight but I am learning to love my body. so what if someone else also likes how it looks. I shouldn't feel ashamed that others are attracted to me.

    Sorry that was so long. Had to kind of explain it though.
  • frootcat
    frootcat Posts: 194 Member
    When I went to Uni at the age of 40 - I didn't want to be the oldest, fattest pity figure - can't do much about my age ...
    This is my less depressing reason. I want to go back to school, but I know that if I don't finish this task first I will make up excuses as to why I shouldn't go to class.
  • totallytasha
    totallytasha Posts: 134 Member
    Real reasons? I want to be flexible and strong and bad@ss, and just generally comic book superhero curvy hot.

    Superficial motivation? I get told I'm gorgeous constantly, I'm all my boyfriend wants, and I completely believe him. But we watch a movie with Jennifer Love Hewitt, Kate Beckinsale, Scarlett Johansen, etc., and boyfriend says "She is not ugly", and my brain goooooes. Oh, really now? I will look better than any one of those #$^#$!^ girls!!! You just watch! You'll think they're absolute trolls after you see how great I look! Bit of a jealousy complex, but it's motivating! : )
  • lachique
    lachique Posts: 13
    just generally comic book superhero curvy hot.

    Yep, that's what I want pretty much!

    Also, trying to avoid heart problems before they happen as I know they run in the family.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    I couldn't climb on my horse anymore without a step. I blamed my jacked up shoulder, my jacked up knee...everything but the 40+ pound sack of dogfood(FAT) I was carrying around EVERY DAY! Now, I step up on my horse like I did when I was in my twenties even with my beat up shoulder and jacked up knee...I feel so much better!! I can even run again:bigsmile: !!
  • chanty1234
    chanty1234 Posts: 56
    I want to be able to be able to wear sexy dresses and feel sexy in them...NOT look like a tight sausage walking in heels..I want to turn heads especially my hubby's (he never calls me fat or chubby he is so sweet) yess i know im vain....aren't we all??? I want to look good, feel good..... That shouldn't be a bad thing
  • wee_wolfie
    wee_wolfie Posts: 40 Member
    I want to look like a valkyrie. Also, now I am single and getting a bit older, it would be nice to think "well, I'm not the worst looking chick in this bar" heh, Use mfp to log calories mostly, and the forums to waste precious time that could be better spent doing work!
  • peggymenard
    peggymenard Posts: 246 Member
    Looking back over the years, I can truly say I had the show..now at 75, I want the curtain call.