Biggest Pet Peeves at the Gym



  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    Planet Fitness pisses me off all together. I love watching the really huge chick sit on an ab machine with a fist full of tootsie rolls who isnt working out at all, just texting.
    Pizza Mondays the first monday of every month? Screw you. I think it can be agreed upon that everyone who goes to the gym already knows how to eat like crap, why not lay out heathly spreads of fruits, greek yogurts, and similar items with menu cards on the table that you can take with you?
    Bagle and Cream cheese Tuesdays? Once again screw you, and for the people who show up and partake in the pizza, cream cheese and tootsie rolls please stay home and keep watching tv so you're not clogging up the equipment I want to use
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Women that come in with no make up and any old shirt they pull off the floor.

    people that stare at me when im on my phone ....seriously f off

    umm why should i wear makeup when i sweat so profusely?
    also, sorry not everyone can afford lots of clothes
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I think everyones sarcasm radar is broken. No I dont care what anyone wears to the gym because it does not affect me or my workout in the slightest,I was just riling people up since you always get 50 pages of women b!tching and moaning about what other woman wear to the gym in these kinds of threads.
  • alikrorp225
    The very reason why I bought my own SOLE elliptical to work on at home is my gym pet peeve:

    When I'm the only person using the ellipticals and (at the small gym I used to go to) there are about eight to ten available and a person will come in and get on the elliptical RIGHT next to mine.(!) I want to say...why don't you choose one over there? Why the one right next to me? It's weird...and creepy. I just don't get it.

    I don't understand why people complain about what others are wearing. I never even look at that. What others wear or how they look is not what motivates me....which is why I don't need a gym to workout. Being healthy is what motivates me and at home, there's only ONE elliptical, so no one can come and invade my personal space. hehe
  • jill_65
    jill_65 Posts: 4 Member
    i too dont wear make up due to working up a serious sweat whilst there..... and as for clothes..who cares what you wear im going for myself not to impress anyone...:)

    my gym has a pool and i hate it when people blow their noses in there hand and put it in the water....urgh!!!...thats mostly men..
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I wear my daughters fairy wings to the gym sometimes,and black lipstick
  • harrietlg
    harrietlg Posts: 239
    There are some real *****es at my gym, a girl laughed at me because my trainer said I haven't been working hard enough to build my stamina... that really annoyed me, now every time i see her I make a point to go really hard at it. To be fair I had no idea and i'm still burning the same amount of calories i'm just more out of breath!

    Girls who hog the leg weight machines and haven't even set it to a weight...... c'mon!

    people who spread all of they're stuff over the mats so only they can use them......

    people who have the locker below you and don't move when your trying to get your stuff out, even when you ask politely!
  • DS67ATX
    DS67ATX Posts: 289
    1.People who watch the television more than working out.

    2.People who don't put weights back

    3.People who don't throw away their water cups.
  • artbkward
    artbkward Posts: 238 Member
    At my old gym there was a girl who would occasionally show up at spin class and sing along with the music. That irritated me to no end.

    I don't wipe down equipment if I don't sweat on it. I almost never wipe down treadmills because I don't touch anything on it while sweaty. I get on, set the program and time I'm going to do, then run and when it ends I get a 5 min cooldown and then the treadmill stops. Once I set the program, nothing except the bottoms of my shoes touch the machine. Sorry if that offends.

    If I'm on a bike, I absolutely wipe it down afterwards.
  • mdn15
    mdn15 Posts: 145
    1. people who don't work hard enough to sweat... why are you wasting your time.
    2. people who don't give 110% when at the gym.... are you really going to work out later
    3. people who don't use proper form when lifting... seriously do you want to hurt yourself
    4. people who don't listen to the group X instructor.... they are not just talking to hear themselves... they are there it instruct you in the proper form
    5. people who mistaken the gym for the new "club"... really are you there to pick up people or to work out.
    6. women who think weightlifting is for men... the new beautiful is a strong women
    7. people who don't push themselves beyond there comfort level
    8. people who don't put the equipment away... there is NO maid service at the gym
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member

    - People who don't wear correct footwear - converse & vans are NOT running shoes!!

    I'm not running, I'm lifting weights. Converse and vans are flat with no gel in them, unlike running shoes, and therefore are optimal for squats to get back on the heel and remove "bounce", especially if we are not allowed to take our shoes off because of gym rules, otherwise, my shoes would be off!

    BTW...Converse=Chuck Taylors=Basketball=running 'n stuff...

    Edited: grammar :tongue:
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Guys that grunt and drop weights.

    Or howl like wolfs when they are funny.

    You need to record that and post a video, LOL!
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I wear my daughters fairy wings to the gym sometimes,and black lipstick

    You're awesome!:laugh:
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    At my old gym there was a girl who would occasionally show up at spin class and sing along with the music. That irritated me to no end.

    I don't wipe down equipment if I don't sweat on it. I almost never wipe down treadmills because I don't touch anything on it while sweaty. I get on, set the program and time I'm going to do, then run and when it ends I get a 5 min cooldown and then the treadmill stops. Once I set the program, nothing except the bottoms of my shoes touch the machine. Sorry if that offends.

    If I'm on a bike, I absolutely wipe it down afterwards.

    I personally don't really believe that it is necessary to wipe down machines....I do believe in washing my hands (if not a shower) after going to the gym.

    I do wipe down the equipment, but that is mainly because I don't want to sart a riot of angry gym goers.

    My pet peeve is hanging onto the treadmill. Sure some people have balance issues, but most don't. I go the highest incline with no hands, and when my heart rate is too much to bear, I will lower the incline. I don't see the point in raising it all the way and holding on.
  • tracysway
    tracysway Posts: 67 Member
    and girls that come in with a full face of fresh make up and "work out" with their hair down.

    I have forgotten my rubber band on a few occasions and it sucks. I also wear make-up when I'm coming from work. Such judgement on appearance. Shouldn't it be enough that I actually went to the gym and worked up a sweat?
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    and girls that come in with a full face of fresh make up and "work out" with their hair down.

    I have forgotten my rubber band on a few occasions and it sucks. I also wear make-up when I'm coming from work. Such judgement on appearance. Shouldn't it be enough that I actually went to the gym and worked up a sweat?

    I think a full face of make up is different than just coming from a full day of work, IMO. The idea is that they come in with full face of make up and don't sweat because their make up will run down their face.

    If your sweat does not interfere with anything, you are not one of the girls they are talking about. :happy:
  • beauty2323
    beauty2323 Posts: 70 Member
    ...Females wearing See through LEGGINGS!!!!! WTF no one wants to see your panties...... Well maybe some dudes do... I guess people just crave for attention!

    ....Females & Males Who DON'T shower & put back on their regular clothes after their workout.... YUCK! Why can't you just go home in your workout gear??!

    ...When I'm on the treadmill/ bike and the person next to me is constantly looking to see how fast I'm going & how many mins I did... Like bro I'm not in a competition with you, RELAX!

    .... Sitting on the machines & not using it

    & yes females wearing make up and/ their hair down is something I don't understand. Your clogging up your pores... more prone to pimples & it's going to mess up anyway!!! Buy some face wipes & take that mask off lol
    As for letting your hair down.... its HOT.. your making everyone HOT... just stop it!
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member

    2. people who don't give 110% when at the gym.... are you really going to work out later

    No one at any gym is giving "110%" because it doesn't exist.
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    1) stupid inconsiderate a--holes that crowd in front of the entrance of our gym smoking cancer sticks. i hate having to walk through a cloud of smoke to get into the gym. f*ckers.

    2) dudes that stare at chicks, whatever, they're creepy and annoying but i REALLY hate it when creepy dudes stare into the group fitness room during zumba classes. there are a few men that hop on the treadmill or elliptical with the "best view" and just stare in the entire class. one guy turned out to be a stalker and was prohibited from coming back to the gym. creepyy!!!

    3) people who use a machine or bench, leave their stuff on it and go to another machine.

    4) when people don't know how to share lanes in the pool. i had someone do the butterfly straight into me (heads collided) in a shared lane! i was seeing stars for a minute or so. i mean, who does butterfly when there's someone sharing your lane!?
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    oh!! one more

    5) when people purposely wear a sweatshirt during boot camp so they can sweat more...proceeding to leave a trail of PUDDLES behind him. omg. :explode: