Why women shouldn't lift weights



  • xcrushx28
    xcrushx28 Posts: 182 Member
    I cannot think of a single valid reason why a woman should not lift weights. No matter what your fitness goals are lifting weights should always be included. Woman that lift weights is not only sexy, but also to me says a fair amount about her character.
  • laurin2010
    laurin2010 Posts: 65
    haha love this!! Right on :)
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Ummm. because I could get calluses and then I would have "man hands" :laugh:

    Seriously, I can't wait to get 45s on that oly bar!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    cant have us getting TOO hot now can we? and good lord!!.... we might start opening our own jars!!!
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    I was told I would hurt myself pushing that kind of weight. "Oh, but kind Sir, what do you think I do with my hubby on top of me?"
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    cant have us getting TOO hot now can we? and good lord!!.... we might start opening our own jars!!!

    I know right , what would be the purpose of men if they didn't need to open jars ?
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    cant have us getting TOO hot now can we? and good lord!!.... we might start opening our own jars!!!

    I know right , what would be the purpose of men if they didn't need to open jars ?

    Our own personal sundials, duh!
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    haha. I like this post. I have to remember that letting my husband carry stuff for me makes him feel helpful. I had a baby in one arm, and a 20lb bag of cat litter in the other. I was all like " no, I'm fine "
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Oh, and I still have trouble with those darn jars!!! I have to threaten it with a knife.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    cant have us getting TOO hot now can we? and good lord!!.... we might start opening our own jars!!!

    I know right , what would be the purpose of men if they didn't need to open jars ?

    I cant answer this, Ive already gotten a couple warnings about my graphic sexual vocabulary.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    which reminds me.... we also shouldnt lift weights cause, obviously no guy wants to wrestle a girl that actually makes him have to put in some effort.
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    cant have us getting TOO hot now can we? and good lord!!.... we might start opening our own jars!!!

    I know right , what would be the purpose of men if they didn't need to open jars ?

    I cant answer this, Ive already gotten a couple warnings about my graphic sexual vocabulary.

    Oh so that's what being a " personal sundial" means =P
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    Love this thread!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    cant have us getting TOO hot now can we? and good lord!!.... we might start opening our own jars!!!

    I know right , what would be the purpose of men if they didn't need to open jars ?

    I cant answer this, Ive already gotten a couple warnings about my graphic sexual vocabulary.

    Oh so that's what being a " personal sundial" means =P

  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
  • christyd4
    christyd4 Posts: 191
    This is why I love my crossfit class the guys are just as encouraging to the girls about lifting as they are amongst themselves.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    Women should not lift weight because when I lift I moan and I grunt. It must be annoying for men because at my gym the leave really fast with their towel in front of them.

    Not sure why?


    There is a woman at the gym my wife and I go to that does this, while lifting her pink 5lb dumbbells . We call her porn star
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    cant have us getting TOO hot now can we? and good lord!!.... we might start opening our own jars!!!

    I know right , what would be the purpose of men if they didn't need to open jars ?

    I cant answer this, Ive already gotten a couple warnings about my graphic sexual vocabulary.

    Oh so that's what being a " personal sundial" means =P

    Smart and sexy...hmmm
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i carry 50lb bags of chicken food, dog food, bunny food, wood shavings for animals, hay bales, etc. i do think it's funny when the guys are like " i got it." i'm sure it's part of their job, but i usually say " hey, you take one and i'll grab the other ;-)."

    i am single. i live alone. i HAVE to be able to do things like lift heavy things! i'd be screwed if i didn't lift weights!!!!!
    It's not just weights... I was carrying a 30 lbs bag of dog food, no cart, because it was all I was buying, and 3 different men asked if i needed help.... ummm, no. I could one-arm it to pay and open my trunk, why would I need help?

    I'm excited because I start with a personal trainer and I'm learning to lift starting Monday. The Y I'm a member of has a lot of lady lifters, because the lady PTs lift....
  • tuiccim
    tuiccim Posts: 689 Member