What Do You Think Your Calorie Intake Was Prior to MFP?



  • muppetsbear
    muppetsbear Posts: 80 Member
    looking at what I eat now at the 2000 to 2500 range. I would say between likely 5 to 6000 or more sometimes :embarassed:
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    about 5000
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    3000+ easily....taters and gravy, biscuits and gravy....
    I'd only cook meat just to make gravy, then not eat any meat! Sad but true
  • fitandyoga
    fitandyoga Posts: 27
    Definitely 3000-4000. I used to go out to eat ALL the time. 1 meal from outside can equal up to 1000 cals.
  • SirRunningShorts
    SirRunningShorts Posts: 77 Member
    I thought about it and I was 3000-4000 everyday..... that is scary. I wasn't even big, so I don't know what it did to my inside.
  • cjpierce94
    cjpierce94 Posts: 11 Member
    Back when I was trying to gain weight for football... It was probably 5000+ a day.

    I honestly think it was harder to eat that much than cut. haha.
  • WiegandS
    WiegandS Posts: 99 Member
    I think I ate around 2,000, but on weekend probably 3,500 no problem. For me my biggest issue continues to be with portions. I always ate the right foods just not the right amount of it.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    Is this with or without drinking?

    With just food, probably 3000 calories a day, sometimes less than 1000......I bounced around all over the place.....but add those days in where I would drink? Oh....probably 8-10k cals easily......I mean, when you sit down and drink a whole bottle of wine (or 2) by yourself....along with crackers and cheese as a 'light' snack to go with the wine.....ugh. And I would do that at least two or 3 nights a week.....

    Unhealthy and expensive habit.
  • JLLemons
    JLLemons Posts: 16 Member
    I thought about when I gained 90 lbs in 9 mos back in '05-'06...Here is what I would eat on a "typical day"

    Wake up at noon
    Big Bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Milk and when I say big I mean big probably 800 or 900 calories. I'd eat again at 5 during my lunch break and it usually consisted of fast food..and it was usually around 2000 calories. I'd eat a snack and drink a huge sweet tea around 9 so that was probably 600 cal's, and the big meal was after I got off of work at midnight which usually consisted of Taco Bell

    #7- Chicken Quesadilla, crunchy taco, dr. pepper
    2 Cheesy Gordita Crunches- baja sauce and a soft taco..so that meal was about 2100 cal's

    so between 5500 and 6000 cal's/day
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    It's scary to think of it.....I would say 3000-3500 a day.
  • cspong
    cspong Posts: 260 Member
    I was on a really bad track. I think on a slow day, I was eating over 3,000 cals. I could even eat a full L-XL pizza in one sitting at dinner... I'm happy I stopped before I got over 300lbs. I started MFP at 260lbs, I'm at a good 248 right now, and I'm neeever going back.

    So. Gross.

    Edit: Oh wow. In the end I was drinking about 3-5 cans of coke a day... So yeah. Add a LOT more to that.
  • mcva929
    mcva929 Posts: 73 Member
    After reading some of these I don't have any shame admitting to my 4-5,000 calories per day. You definitely don't think about what all you're putting in your mouth until you actually have to log it. Then come the guilt and disgust..
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Somewhere between 2200-3000. I need to remember this whenever I have a "bad day" now and ate 2000 calories, since it's still a lot less than what I ate before, and still at a deficit. I never ate super-sized amounts or lots of junk food or fast food, but I was the type of eater who would eat "breakfast" sometime after noon, and just snack all evening/night long.

    When I used to drink juice/iced tea/beer/Starbucks semi-regularly, it was probably 3000+ calories per day. Cutting out liquid calories has been pretty essential to lowering my intake (except for protein smoothies, can't live without em!)
  • mcva929
    mcva929 Posts: 73 Member
    Is this with or without drinking?

    With just food, probably 3000 calories a day, sometimes less than 1000......I bounced around all over the place.....but add those days in where I would drink? Oh....probably 8-10k cals easily......I mean, when you sit down and drink a whole bottle of wine (or 2) by yourself....along with crackers and cheese as a 'light' snack to go with the wine.....ugh. And I would do that at least two or 3 nights a week.....

    Unhealthy and expensive habit.

    Oh lord... logging drinking. I NEVER thought about the calories in my alcohol until the first time I logged it. Now I make sure to eat light and workout during the day if I think I'm going to have a drink (which of course I limit much more now, too!).
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    My trainer estimated that on average days (eating at home only) I was eating 400-700 net calories. Before I restricted my calories that much to lose weight, I have no idea. Maybe 2500-3000 because I ate a lot of processed food.
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    Well it really depends. I would really hate to guess but maybe 3000 + I have no idea. And I'm sure it skyrocketed when I would go out drinking on the weekends and party. Yikes. I guess I'll save the drinking and partying to special occasions only.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Depending on what I was eating, I'm fairly sure I racked between 3k-4k a day. I ate pasta and bread like it was being condemned and my mother loved Mexican and Honduran food so we had it at least once a week, sometimes more. I was also a big snacker. For a few years all I drank was soda, diet and not, and only broke myself of that a couple years ago after I got so sick of the carbonation I was having stomach problems. Luckily I hate alcohol so my calories never came from that. Just a lot of rice, pasta, bread, and fried stuff.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Mine was all over the place. Days where I'd eat a bowl of cereal and call it quits. Days where I'd eat a pound of jelly bellys and call it quits. Days where I'd eat a box of cereal, a pound of jelly bellys, and a hamburger and call it quits.

    Before that, I ate healthy, and around 1500..

    and before that I would booze and booze and booze and who knows how much that brought on. I think I existed on vodka and hangover doughnuts and pickles. :(
  • MashaSK
    MashaSK Posts: 142 Member
    i think mostly less
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I used to have a serious problem with binge eating. I would go days where I would not eat much (maybe 800-900 calories) then binge on 6,000 calorie meals twice a day then not eat much for another day, etc. It was a terrible vicious cycle. The only way I broke it was to eat evenly throughout the day.

    THIS^^^^ It destroyyyyed My metabolism!!! LOWWW calories during the week and on the weekend binging out with the pizza, wings, alcohol, pasta... It wasn't until I became constant with My Eating Plan (1500 cal per day avg., sometimes 100-200 cal higher or lower) that My metabolism fixed itself and IT began to WORK...but it took Me about 2+ months of consistency to fix it. I read an article here about a woman avg.700 cal a day and Gaining wt. She was eating like Me, binging and eating all the WRONG foods, shut down her metabolism. That and My commitment to Wellness turned Me around!