This is a weight loss board



  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member

    I love it!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member


    If you are only focused on the scale and not on other aspects of health management then you're really missing a huge aspect of health and fitness. I understand that you are currently over weight, but if that was my only focus I'd be sorely disappointed as I weigh the same I did a year ago, but have gone from a size 8 to a size 0/2. While it's important to lose weight, that's not the only thing . . . but being scale centric is a great way to end up with an unhealthy relationship with it and inflated importance of the number on the scale.

    I'm here for fitness, you can be here for weightloss, we each need something different. However, don't tell me what this website is about because my experience is mine and not yours. You don't have to accept reasonalbe and helpful advice, but it's a bad idea to insult people trying to give it to you if you're planning on continuing to look for advice.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    General Diet and Weight Loss Help

    What kind of job requires you to be unfit, but light? Professional pillow tester?

    I would guess any job that bases their initial screenings on BMI?

    Which is a little illegal?
  • kinghavok
    kinghavok Posts: 104
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    The ENTIRE site might be a fitness site but this WEIGHTLOSS.

    Perhaps its title should be changed to Weightloss and Body compesition Help?

    But like I said....I do NOT care to be smaller if my BMI still screams obese. And if BMI doesn't matter tell me why it matters to insurance companies? Because when are you trying to get health insurance, or my case a job, weight on the scale matters.
    Not Body Fat Percentage, not the size of my hips and waiste...BMI.

    End rant.
    BMI is the most unreliable tool to measure fat etc. take for example a weight lifter, who will be extremely muscley- he will end up having an obese/morbidly obese bmi. bmi doesnt take into account muscle mass etc- and is why most people use inches for weight loss and not just the scales.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    General Diet and Weight Loss Help

    What kind of job requires you to be unfit, but light? Professional pillow tester?

    I would guess any job that bases their initial screenings on BMI?

    Which is a little illegal?
    Not necessarily. Jobs that require intense physical activity are allowed to discriminate based on fitness indicators.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    BMI is flawed at it core as it is a generalisation, the entire Englnd rugby team would be obese but very very fit. I know if a job requires a BMI of a certain levels (is that legal?) there isn't much you can do about it. But do bear in mind it is not the be all and end all.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    General Diet and Weight Loss Help

    What kind of job requires you to be unfit, but light? Professional pillow tester?

    I would guess any job that bases their initial screenings on BMI?

    Which is a little illegal?
    Not necessarily. Jobs that require intense physical activity are allowed to discriminate based on fitness indicators.
    Which is more likely to be a once over with their eyeballs or a fitness test rather than weighing someone in the middle of the interview.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Do you know how much weight is in your legs? What about your arms? If you cut those off you couldn't eat that much anymore.
    What about your head?

    I hear the average human head is 8 pounds . . . that's a lot of weight right there.
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    BMI is flawed at it core as it is a generalisation, the entire Englnd rugby team would be obese but very very fit. I know if a job requires a BMI of a certain levels (is that legal?) there isn't much you can do about it. But do bear in mind it is not the be all and end all.

    Not the end all be all...but it is the start.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    General Diet and Weight Loss Help

    What kind of job requires you to be unfit, but light? Professional pillow tester?

    I would guess any job that bases their initial screenings on BMI?

    Which is a little illegal?
    Not necessarily. Jobs that require intense physical activity are allowed to discriminate based on fitness indicators.

    Oh well that's totally different. If you're unfit and can't do the job how can you possibly expect to get it? You still can be unfit with a low BMI too.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    lets NOT make fun of the OP, but rather try to see things from her point of view.

    fact of the matter is, you can still lose weight, and still look fat and flabby. the scale isnt an accurate measure of anything, really and the further along you travel in your fitness journey the more you will realize this. and the sooner you realize this, the better it is for you.

    measurements, bf%, body composition, the way clothes fit, etc are what TRULY matters at the end of the day. NOT the scale. might as well throw that hunk of metal OUT the window. its a CRUTCH and it prevents you from paying attention to the measurements that TRULY matter.

    hope you get that job.
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    Losing weight while keeping the same measurements is gonna be a tough one, tell you that. :laugh: Doesn't seem legit.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    BMI is flawed at it core as it is a generalisation, the entire Englnd rugby team would be obese but very very fit. I know if a job requires a BMI of a certain levels (is that legal?) there isn't much you can do about it. But do bear in mind it is not the be all and end all.

    Not the end all be all...but it is the start.
    No, it's not. It was devised in around 1840. I think the science behind it may be a little outdated.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    BMI is flawed at it core as it is a generalisation, the entire Englnd rugby team would be obese but very very fit. I know if a job requires a BMI of a certain levels (is that legal?) there isn't much you can do about it. But do bear in mind it is not the be all and end all.

    .............................You are not a professional athlete. Sorry it didn't work out.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    The ENTIRE site might be a fitness site but this WEIGHTLOSS.
    This board is both General Diet and weight loss help. So if a person who is using MFP in conjunction with Eating-disorder related issues, that ED Member is more than welcome to post on this board. I have a patient right now who frequents all boards including this one, where she is trying to increase her daily intake slowly - hence under the category "General Diet"... Its not just for weight loss.
    Perhaps its title should be changed to Weightloss and Body compesition Help?
    Nahhh, MFP owners have it perfectly fine
    But like I said....I do NOT care to be smaller if my BMI still screams obese.
    Thats your perogative and you are entitled to not being smaller.
    And if BMI doesn't matter tell me why it matters to insurance companies? Because when are you trying to get health insurance, or my case a job, weight on the scale matters.
    I can definitely answer this because Im now on my 17th year working in healthcare and work with medical insurances. Its harder because health concerns with regard to people who are obese/overweight/high BMI are more prone to other health-related problems (diabetes, high blood pressure, retroperitoneal issues, liver issues, reproductive issues, etc) thus increasing the need to see doctors, have prescriptions ordered and a greater need for medical interventions, especially when there are some patients who are non-compliant in their care. So, you suffer the higher premiums depending on what financial contracts are arranged thus determine what your share of those premiums will be, your deductibles, out of pocket maximums, etc....

    Unless you are fortunate to work for a company who gives insurance-related incentives for being active, working on being healthy, going to the gym, or using an agency like Weight Watchers, or enlisting a personal trainer for help where your insurance rates can be lowered with proof of documentation, you will be subjected to higher premiums... that is how it goes generally.

    You mentioned job-related: I would suggest you contact your local Labor-and-Wage Division to learn more about the laws governing where you reside and to learn whether or not its legal for an employer to disregard you for employment due to
    weight, BMI and health-related situations.
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    I personally feel that there are a LOT of people who are being extremely rude here! Lets be SUPPORTIVE!
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    myFITNESSpal, not, myWEIGHTLOSSpal :yawn:
  • wasveganvictoria88
    wasveganvictoria88 Posts: 249 Member
    Is this a rant? I'm confused - measure what the hell you want...or not...its your own thing?
  • KetoBella
    KetoBella Posts: 141 Member
    Actually the name is MY FITNESS PAL, there are many folks on this board that do use it for fitness more than weightloss. When you ask for help you will get many ideas from people with different thoughts and experiences. If you only want one kind of answer I think you will be disappointed and might actually be looking for help in the wrong place.
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