Weigh yourself everyday



  • FeelingFroggy13
    FeelingFroggy13 Posts: 66 Member
    I am another one that weighs every morning...as everyone else has said, it keeps me on track. I would be horrified and shocked if I only weighted once a week and gained because I didn't adjust throughout the week. Once I have stayed a consistent weight for 4 or 5 days, then I log it in as my current weight. It works for me, I have lost 48 pounds so far :)
  • bditty187
    bditty187 Posts: 14
    I weigh every morning =) It helps you understand how your weight fluctuates. Just don't panic when it goes up and down..

    I agree 100%. I leard a great deal about the importance of water intake and sodium!
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    Personally, I weigh myself once a week because I found that I was relying too much on the number on the scale and I don't want that.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I weigh at least once a day - like was said, it really helps you to understand how your weight fluctuates so you don't freak out if you gain 2 lbs after eating a chinese meal!

    However, I would think that this has more to do with personality type. If you are the type of person that is very analytical and logical, maybe even some scientific education so you understand error in measurements, you weigh every day so you can understand and reason. If you are not, you get depressed.
  • blondejester
    i weigh myself 2-3 times a week but only really pay attention on monday mornings. i do feel like i get discouraged if i weigh myself more than that if it goes up even if i do know that the body fluctuates. even if my weight is lower on days that are not monday, i try not to pay attention to it, i just like knowing where i am. i personally could never weigh myself everyday but i don't see anything wrong with the people who do! whatever works best :)
  • ombal
    ombal Posts: 2
    MY PERSONAL OPINION: In a study of 3,000 dieters , those who weighed themselves daily lost an average of 12 pounds, compared to a 6-pound loss for dieters who did weekly weigh-ins. Dieters who didn't weigh themselves at all gained four pounds. (no source)

    I dont know if it's actually true or not, I read it online and found it to be very interesting. Definitely going to step on the scal every morning from now on haha


    FACT: some studies that are posted online are not peer-reviewed articles, be very careful what information you take from the internet.

    personally, I dont like to weight myself everyday, but sometimes I do just to reflect on how much i lost. IMO mirror>scale for self-esteem boost. I also dont automatically adjust my weight on myfitnesspal when I find out my weight fluctuated to a lower weight, IMO this is dangerous to one's health.
  • LHudson53
    LHudson53 Posts: 126
    I have always been someone who weighs once a week when I'm dieting. But I have to say, I think I'm going to start weighing daily. It will give me a better picture of how different foods/liquids affect me. Knowing how I am, I'm pretty sure it will keep me on track. As various people have said, you just have to realize that weight fluctuates and don't use that as an excuse to freak out and sabotage yourself!!!
  • marci423
    marci423 Posts: 130 Member
    I weigh every day right now, but then, I am in a contest and need to see where I am at...........up or down :o)

    going for the downside right now!
  • rainwalkerSK
    When I started off, I was only weighing myself once per week, because I had been told that it was "bad" to weigh in more often. But I had several weeks where the I'd only lost .2 or .4 pounds in a week that I'd felt like I'd done really well (or worse, gained weight) and I was really, really frustrated. When I started weighing myself daily (feeling guilty about it the whole time) I started recognizing patterns: high sodium days with fewer than 8-10 cups of water, a really intense strength workout the day before, certain foods all cause a temporary weight gain that isn't reflective of my caloric intake. It's a lot easier for me to deal with a day-to-day gain than a weekly one: if the scale says I've gained two pounds in a week, I don't know what that means: is it water retention? or have I really gained 2 pounds of fat? If the scale says I've gained two pounds in a day, I know darn well that I didn't eat a surplus of 7,000 calories the day before, so I look at my food diary from the day before, look for patterns, increase my water intake and then keep on moving. It works for me.
  • rysgal123
    rysgal123 Posts: 27
    I had found that when i was getting on the scale every morning, if it didnt say what i wanted it to it would make me cranky and depressed every day. So i took a break, thinking maybe its better if i dont do it everyday, or if i take a break from everyday, when a wk or two have gone by i will see a bigger loss in numbers on the scale. So i didn't weigh in for a month. It took a wk to get over the urge to weigh in every morning. Then after a month i got on the scale to see where i was, and i gained 3 pounds.!!! So now i am back to weighing every morning to keep myself accountable.
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    my favorite is to weigh myself pre- and post- poo. it's kind of an obsession.

    I found this here a while ago...


  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    I weigh myself daily, and have come to realize that a lot of fluctuations can happen throughout the day, week, month, year, etc. When I started I weighed myself about once a week, and lost about a pound a week most weeks. But this didn't really show me how my diet choices were affecting my weight, so I started weighing myself more often and paying attention to what I was putting into my body and how that changed the numbers on the scale. The study that this thread is talking about says that for SOME people self weighing on a regular basis drastically improves their results. For me, true research and scientific data will always be more reliable than anecdotal information.


    The above is a link to the research, at least the one that I found after a minute of web searching.
  • danthomson56
    I weigh in every day. It helps keep me on track and motivates me to work harder. :smile:
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    I totally disagree with this "study". After reading an unlimited number of posts on this site as well as other ones over the years, it's become very clear that those who weigh themselves every day are the ones that become discouraged and give up. It's time to lessen the use of the scale and focus on measurements, the way the clothes fit and most of all, the way you feel overall....

    I don't agree. Those that weigh themselves daily with an OPEN mind to learning how their body works and fluctuates have a better understanding to not freak out and understand their usual rate of loss. I weigh every day. I don't record it every day. I've even looked at it before breakfast, after, after exercise, just to understand the daily fluctuations. I believe in measuring once a month, weighing daily. It keeps me on track because it keeps me from Freaking Out. If I weigh myself once in awhile, I might catch when I'm bloated or whatever and freak out.

    I do have a friend who refuses to weigh herself much. She weighed herself once 6 months ago at 200. She's lost inches since I've known her now and is active with me. Now she weighed herself at...200. In HER mind she lost nothing. I can't get her to understand in 6 months there's a strong chance she had gained something and is starting to lose. So she got discouraged. People have weird ways of thinking. I only record consistent weights
  • rohmaansarii
    rohmaansarii Posts: 39 Member
    my favorite is to weigh myself pre- and post- poo. it's kind of an obsession.

    I found this here a while ago...



    LMAO seriously! :P
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    I weigh daily if I feel I am falling off track or don't have as much motivation. If I feel I am fully motivated and on track I weigh once a week or fortnight usually on a Wednesday morning.
  • Pablosammy
    Pablosammy Posts: 52 Member
    Definitely every day for me, although I've had to come to terms with the fact that my weight will sometimes, seemingly inexplicably, go up a couple of pounds and stay that way for a week or so. It's normally followed by a period of rapid loss. I don't know whether it's due to 'back-ups' down below, or something else, but I find it interesting. It's just important not too get too worried about it.
  • gnarlynoodle
    gnarlynoodle Posts: 99 Member
    I weigh daily for the most part because I like to see the trend of my body.

    I'm the complete opposite. Weighing once a week or every other week completely discourages me, especially if there's not a significant loss in between, when in all actuality I may have been an entire lb lighter the day before weigh-in. Seeing how certain foods and activities effect my weight keeps me grounded.

    I ate HORRIBLY this weekend and my weight is up 4lbs to reflect all that sodium and lower activity level than I'm currently accustomed to. Seeing that number reminds me that it's not something I plan to do often anymore.. but I'm not perfect, and I will error.

    Because of weighing every day I don't have a "scheduled" weigh in. I log a loss when it is consistent for 3 or more days. I made the mistake of logging a few lb weight loss a few months ago that was due to not eating as much as normal for a few days. It took me FOREVER to get past that number. I make sure the number that I log is as true to form as it can get, within a few oz's.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I weigh myself every morning and log it once a week. I need to make sure I'm not gaining, and if I am, I need to change something asap.
  • ChanniVincent
    I weigh & measure my body monthly, I find that doing it monthly instead of weekly or daily keeps my stress level down because I do panic when the scale tells me I gained one or half a pound.