A Question for Crazy Girls



  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Edit: MFP: You've really got to do something about some of this censoring. If one cannot cite the name of a [vastly overrated] Victorian novelist, then perhaps your filters are a little too intense.
    You mean Charles Penisens?
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I have never been dumped. Ever. I have, however, been the "dumper" many times.

    I am crazy. I am usually nice, though.

    I've broken up with a crazy guy or two. Usually I make up a very convincing "it's not you, it's me... and I am *not* changing, so don't hold out hope" story and go with that.
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member

    She's obviously on the wrong side of the line.

    BAHAHAHA! And here I thought it was me driving them crazy...once again I gave myself too much credit!
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    if she is a real "Crazy" girl as opposed to regular dating crazy (that works both ways) then honesty, lies, ignoring , hiding or whatever else you think of is not going to help. Just break up, stop taking the call and watch out for sharp objects.

    if she is just dating crazy, then let you know you just not that in to her any more. you don't need a reason. reason only give people hope they can fix the problem. example: "what you don't like that I smoke. no problem I'll quit"

    just my advise and remember that it is worth what you paid for it.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I could just put you out of your misery, gently. Better than what she has planned for you...

    Or, you could try to out-crazy her. You'd better be convincing, though.
  • RajvinderS
    I am a crazy girl. And I like to be told a nice spin of the truth. I would so hate to get lied to. Like, if someone told me that they were gay but weren't and I found out, I would be a bit sad. But I am super honest and truthful and I like that in other people and I can handle it. I handle truth much better than lies.
  • SCVSarah
    SCVSarah Posts: 231 Member
    Just tell her the truth. I'm not sure why guys always have to try and come up with an excuse. Honesty is the best policy. That being said, don't list all the things that are wrong with her or tell her she's crazy. Just simply say, I don't want a relationship or to keep seeing you...we're not compatible....or whatever your reasoning is. After you've told her what's up then you don't need to keep talking to her, even if she blows your phone up. Speaking from a crazy girl's point of view, we just want closure.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Date her mom and cheat on her with her sister. She'll be so repulsed she won't even think about talking to you.
  • RajvinderS
    Date her mom and cheat on her with her sister. She'll be so repulsed she won't even think about talking to you.

    this is awesome. i stand corrected. i love this guy.
  • MissAlexxMarie
    Uh you will just have to deal with it. It's going to come no matter what :)
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    Date her mom and cheat on her with her sister. She'll be so repulsed she won't even think about talking to you.

    Whether it's nature or nurture crazy usually runs in families. If you do this you'll have three crazy women to deal with.
  • DonttrythatwithME
    DonttrythatwithME Posts: 214 Member
    whatever happens if she is truly crazy and i mean proper crazy, she will come for you it could be anywhere at anytime with anything and from any direction, but know this she will come and she will come with the thunder be prepared my man,

    you might want to wear a cup or a bulletproof vest for at least 2 months is my advice.
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    Date her mom and cheat on her with her sister. She'll be so repulsed she won't even think about talking to you.

    Whether it's nature or nurture crazy usually runs in families. If you do this you'll have three crazy women to deal with.

    Trust me, this is true!! You should meet my mother! LMAO
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Damn, was hoping this was going to be about a different kind of crazy . . .

    I've got nothing on this subject. However crazy I might be, and I am, I have the same problem but in reverse so I'm basically here to see what everyone else says and see if I can twist it around and make it work for me.

    Have I ever told you I like you?
  • 7bel0
    7bel0 Posts: 192 Member
    Well since you enjoy ending them and she’s the only one who thinks she’s in one, sounds like you’ve set up the perfect date night for yourself.

    :laugh: THIS!!!!!
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    The only time (once) I have ever resembled a "crazy" version of myself, was when I found out the complete toolbag I spent 3 years being somehow blinded to reality by was a gigantic liar. So however unpleasant, the truth is usually the way to go. But I'm normally an exceedingly reasonable human being, so this may or may not apply.

    Or.. that was the serious advice I was going to offer until I read that you have a personalized license plate. Now I'm absolutely certain you'll deserve whatever you get.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    Indifference is key.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    Date her mom and cheat on her with her sister. She'll be so repulsed she won't even think about talking to you.

    Are YOU crazy? They'd all three get together and kill him.
  • rsqsquad05
    rsqsquad05 Posts: 125
    But I probably should've also mentioned this: Only one of us thinks that we're dating.

    HAHAHA, I totally had this happen to me! It took me saying it in a pretty harsh way (not my style either)..not answering texts or calls or FB messages AT ALL. Not even "important ones" and 1 motorcycle wreck without showing emotion (also not my style). Good luck ;)
  • LifeChangingExp
    But it sounds to me like you have been leading her on the whole time.

    Bahaha! What on Earth did he say that gave you that impression?

    Listen to me friend. Women can be crazy. You go right ahead and come up with the best story you can. Peace corps, shuttle launch, priesthood, whatever you have to do to get out stab-free!

    ^this, totally this :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: