12 Weeks Until Halloween=Let's Do This!



  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member

    CASPER OH! Would love to see you in a Spartan 300 outfit!!!

    BTW: There was a comedy on HBO last night (forgot the name of the movie).
    With Kevin Sorbo (hubba, hubba) & others in Spartan outfits.
    Some had painted on abs..... ha, ha! Always an option! :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh:

    Careful what you wish for lady,,, :laugh:

    The movie was "Meet the Spartans",,, loved it. Very "Airplane"-"Scary Movie"ish. Just goofy.
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    I'd love to join. I need some sort of marker for my goal. So I want to say 15 pounds by Halloween. Don't know what I want to be yet. Was Marilyn Monroe last year which was a success since she was the size I am :laugh:

    Good Luck to all
  • Halloween

    Yes, I would like to join this one.
    I got a nice outfit in mind but I need to be 32 inch W 34 lower waist.

    38in W now it is doable.

  • Eryn47
    Eryn47 Posts: 34
    I'm so in!!! I love Halloween! Every year we have a big Halloween Party so this is perfect for me to focus on. I am almost at my goal weight but the last couple pounds just wount come off and I have ALOT of tonning to do! Yeah us, good luck everyone!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member
    By the way, anybody got any good costume ideas? lol I'm in college and it seems like the only requirement for a ladies' halloween costume is that it have the word "sexy" in front of it. (aka, sexy vampire, sexy pirate, sexy hot dog vendor, sexy television set -oooh that would really get the fellas huh? :laugh:) I don't know whether i can or even want to pull off showing that much midriff...
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Sounds good, I'd like to lose 7 pounds by then so that's a little over 1/2 pound per week for me. Like Barbarella, I too keep bobbing up and down 2 pounds and can't seem to keep it off. Very frustrating!!
    I also love Halloween. I enjoy some of the 90's flicks like Scream and Final Destination and I Know What You Did LAst Summer.
    Did anyone catch the miniseries in the late spring called Harper's Island? I really enjoyed that. There's a movie coming out something like that soon but can't remember the name.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Ok, I'm checking in. 178 lbs today. I know I said 10.5 lbs by Halloween. Why not just make it 11 lbs? :laugh:
    167 by October 31st!!!
    Good luck to everyone!!! :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • I'm in! I am so glad you thought of this. Every Halloween I've been thinking if I were a little more in shape then I could wear a sexy halloween costume to the halloween parties. I hope to be down 18lbs then.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • By the way, anybody got any good costume ideas? lol I'm in college and it seems like the only requirement for a ladies' halloween costume is that it have the word "sexy" in front of it. (aka, sexy vampire, sexy pirate, sexy hot dog vendor, sexy television set -oooh that would really get the fellas huh? :laugh:) I don't know whether i can or even want to pull off showing that much midriff...

    Last year I went as Mrs. Lovett from Sweeney Todd. Not too scandalous :-) There are a lot of ideas out there, you've got time to explore!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I was Edward Scissorhands last year. Even won a few contests with it :happy: :happy:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,503 Member
    I'd like to join this group also. I :heart: Halloween. I already have my costume picked out, which will be the red dress from the classic Star Trek series. :happy: This is perfect timing to get me to my goal weight. I am now at 161.5 lbs and would like to reach that 150 lb mark by the end of October.
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Can I join? I'm already in other group but I can use all the motivation I can get. I'm currently at 160lb and I would love to be at 150lb (my provisional goal) by Halloween.
  • Perfect timing on the challenge! My birthday is Nov 3 and I am hoping to lose around 25 pounds by then.
    I have lost and regained 15 pounds twice in the last year ( so depressing) and I just want to finally get it all off once and for all.
    My plan is to zig zag my calories for an average of around 1300.
    Cardio-45 mins/6x week
    Strength training-30 mins/3x wk

    1st mini goal=149 by Sept 9
    2nd mini goal=139 by Oct 7
    3rd mini goal=135 by Nov 3
  • Oh, I'm totally joining this. I want to go as Christine Daae from the Phantom of the Opera (going with someone who is dressing as the Phantom), and you know how skinny and delicate looking she is! I'm currently at 150 pounds, and I'd like to be down to about 140 pounds by then, or at least drop a few dress sizes. I'll have to figure out some kind of work out to do once I move back to school, because there is no kickboxing equipment there :sad:
  • Today was a little rough for me. I did Wii Active yesterday on hard (bad idea haha) and an ab workout. I'm so sore all over, but I think I'll still make it to the gym tonight for cardio. But I met a new friend for lunch at an Asian restaurant and ordered some noodles. I didn't eat the whole thing and it was in the database to count the calories, but I know how dangerous it is for my waist when I eat out. I nipped it in the bud by eating half and drinking only water, but I just wanted to say that I'm really pleased with recognizing my fullness and not overeating even at a restaurant.

    I guess I could actually do this, huh? :-)
  • Quick update: just hit the gym for 40 minutes at 11pm, better late than never! Ended up with only about 20 calories over and since I ate out today and was sore, I think I'm ok with that!
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I'm in too. I want to lose fifteen pounds by Halloween so I can wear this:

    I'm not going to make it out of leather but I think it will look kickass.
  • I would love to do this! I don't know what I need to do, I am pretty new to mfp! Hopefully I can find this again! I would love to be down 20 pounds by then!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I would love to do this! I don't know what I need to do, I am pretty new to mfp! Hopefully I can find this again! I would love to be down 20 pounds by then!
    Do you mean you hope you can find the thread again? It will be under "my topics". If you're logged in, click on "my profile" then on "my topics". MFP saves the last 25 topics you've posted in. :drinker:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Check-in, still stuck dammit. Wii-fit this morning 211.5 lbs. :angry:

    I have a motorcycle class this weekend - I will teach outdoors for 14 hours and walk about 10 or 12 miles in 90^ heat over the 2 days. Lotsa water, but I'm gonna keep the chow light and see what happens. I gotta get to 209.

    On the plus side, 4 months ago I was thrilled to get into a pair of 36 waist jeans. 2 months ago I was able to slide into 34's (:bigsmile: :happy: :tongue: ). Still wearing those 36's though,,,

    Well last night at bedtime I kicked off the boots, unbuckled the belt and slid those 36 waist jeans to the floor without unsnapping... Wife sez they're looking baggy-bummy. Time to retire 'em, and maybe shop for 32's?
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