What drives you CRAZY about your gym??



  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    The trainers at the gym are annoying in the extreme. Everyone is so introverted I've only had one conversation in the whole time I've been there. People are odd about parking, like they won't part any further than five feet from the door if they can help it. The music mix is just a montage of how remixes have destroyed good songs. The televisions were tuned by a card carrying NRA representative and his teenage daughter (everything is either republican propaganda or TMZ/Springer/Ellen), and the one decent network, ESPN, doesn't broadcast any more.

    That and they always run out of paper towels in the cardio deck, and the garbage can is constantly overflowing with other people's sweat soaked towels...

    Oh, and the kid's klub thing is closed on Sunday and open half the day on Saturday, exactly when I need someone to watch my son the most.
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    There's only one thing I hate about my gym. I hate that there aren't any big fans moving the air around in the cardio area. It gets ridiculously hot when there are a lot of people doing cardio. Some fans would make it much more bearable.
    This one too. I hate the cardio deck when it's packed.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    I hate they have no classes on the weekends except in the morning. I could attend many more classes if they offered some on weekend afternoons/evenings.
  • casbar911
    casbar911 Posts: 61 Member
    I wish my gym had more benches.... and water out of the fountain that didnt taste like cholorine....yuck!

    i also wish people would stop staring at me when I am lifting..... yah I'm a girl and yah I lift heavy... take a picture it will last longer :)

    biggest peeve is the same as an above poster.... stop farting around on the machines.. especially if you see that someone is waiting for it... grr. they sit there and screw around and then after making me (or others) wait... they usually get up and walk away.. never even using the machine again....
  • matt_h76
    matt_h76 Posts: 39
    My gym is my garage :) Too many spiders!! But my wife and I are going to convert it into a proper room some day. Saves a huge amount of money :) My friend and I work out together in it so it's not too lonely.
  • Cwilbanks12105
    Cwilbanks12105 Posts: 99 Member
    I hate that the area designated for floor work (stretching, crunches, etc) is soo freaking small. Yesterday I had to go downstairs and do my stretch in the hallway because there was no room after a bunch of teenage girls came in. Also that I tend to not get back things like baby toys, pacifiers, etc when I pick up my son from the daycare. And as far as the people go, I can't stand when someone tries to talk to me. You would think when I have my headphones in that would be a clue that I'm not interested in conversation as I'm working my *kitten* off and can barely breathe.
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    My pet peeve is unhappy people in the gym. Some of you do this:

    You go in all focused on what you have to do...some with headphones, some without...and you look right through everyone as if they don't exist.

    Is a smail and a wave really going to break up your zone thing that much? I don't think so.

    Headphones or no, I am glad to be alive and able to get on a machine and do some work. I say hello, I smile and wave. Sometimes I even (heaven forbid) strike up an actual conversation.

    Stop taking yourselves so seriously people.
    I go to the gym to get my workout done and leave. Assuming everyone wants to be your friend at the gym to me is like trying to have a long conversation with the guy taking your order at the drive-thru window. Sure, no one's likely to be offended by you being friendly, but no one's really seeking you out either (unless you're really attractive).

    That being said, what drives me nuts about my gym is the complete lack of interest in making sure you can actually get your workout done. They don't enforce rules regarding cleaning up after your workout, and no one resets the equipment after closing either. The result is a hodgepodge of plates, bars, and clamps strewn about racks and the floor, guaranteeing half of your workout is going to be furniture re-arrangement.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    i also wish people would stop staring at me when I am lifting..... yah I'm a girl and yah I lift heavy... take a picture it will last longer :)

    Sorry, that might have been me. :laugh: Can't help but look when I see a woman deadlifting 250+ pounds... hot as hell!
  • Ledgehanger
    Ledgehanger Posts: 125 Member
    My gym opens @ 5:00 am weekdays, but not until 8:00 am on weekends. I wish they opened earlier. Maybe 4 am every day.


    You had me there at first, with the claim that there are TWO 5:00's each day - but when you said there is also another 4:00, then I KNEW you were pulling my leg... :laugh:

    My complaint about my gym is that it's too small for some of the more active stuff I'd like to do - but you get that when your gym is the spare bedroom in your house... :wink:
  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member
    Early weekend closing.

    The weights section where the testosterone hangs out. I always feel a little intimidated to go in there.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I really like my gym alot, it is reasonably priced at $24 a month, has great babysitting services, and friendly staff.

    The biggest problem is people not putting away weights... and yes that is on the person themselves.. but when I get there when they open at 7am on weekends or 5am on weekdays I think all the dumbells should be racked and weights should be at the very least not laying all over the floor. At the end of the night someone should put the place back together.

    Related, some equipment can be anywhere. The box steps or foam rollers can be anywhere in the gym. It is like a scavenger hunt just to find them when I need them.

    Only one squat rack... kills me! there are 4 smith machines and only one squat rack.

    The last thing that used to annoy me, was the meat head Jersey Shore want to be manager who would workout when the place was PACKED and take up two or three benchs... I mean you are the manager workout at 2pm when no one is around... but he has been replaced.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    My gym gets really crowded at certain times of the day and on Mondays. I won't even go on Mondays or if I get stuck at work late, I have no patience and I end up having to wait around for everything.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    I have a couple of big pet peeves.....

    1.) When people sit around text on their phone...then decide to do a set of whatever.....then go back to texting or talking and when you ask them if you can hop in, they tell you no!!! errrr :explode: :mad:

    2.) When people do not put their weights back after they use them even though it takes 2 seconds to put back and it took them 2 seconds to take from the rack and use.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I loooove my gym!!! I go to Lifetime Fitness.
  • samanthasky
    samanthasky Posts: 114 Member
    What drives me crazy about my gym is the STENCH! It smells so bad. Where I live, we are very diverse and we may have some foreign men who don't wear deodorant, and then they wear full out dress shirts or polos while exercising!
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    I hate when I get dirty looks for videoing the cute ladies on the treadmills

    That was YOU!!!!! :)
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Just think....Miley Cyrus spends $25K per month on her personal trainer. :tongue:
  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 266
    I go to the gym to stare at boys. yum yum.

  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    I have to admit though I love my gym because they put the free weights section behind the cardio section so us guys can watch all of the hot women run, bike, or use the elliptical. :love:
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    It drives me crazy when the hot girls doing amazing stretches in their yoga pants bust me checking them out and give me a dirty look. THEY WON'T LET ME BE THE CREEPER I WANT TO BE :angry: