What drives you CRAZY about your gym??



  • brittigno
    brittigno Posts: 193 Member
    One of the attendants likes to stand in the middle of the track and watch the TV. Or he doesn't pay attention to who's around him when he's sweeping.

    I'm trying to run, here. >:(
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    There have been threads about what people do at the gym that drive you crazy, but does anyone have any pet peeves about the gym itself???

    I'm peeved that I emailed a personal trainer at my gym asking a question about reducing body fat and losing weight at the same time. He replied that I am welcome to ask questions, but he needs to be careful not to give out "free services" for something they generally charge for.

    SERIOUSLY?? I can't ask a fitness question to someone who works at a gym??? He didn't even answer the question!!!

    Ehh, I don't know I kind of agree with him. The information is out there, but you are asking a man who makes his money showing people how to Lose Body fat... That's like texting your doctor a bunch of medical questions without going to an office visit.


    My pet peeves are men not re-effing-racking weights. SERIOUSLY?!?!? I know you think its cool to deadlift 6 effing 45's on each side. But can you put your **** up?!?! I swear to god if i have to re-reck 12 45pound weights because of some lazy *kitten*- *shakes fist*
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    the asshat spin instructor who not once, never, nope, nu uhn, ever gets on the spin bike during a class....

    i dont care that he teachers 4910284 other classes that day. im the first class he has...

    and yes i still go cause it's a kickin rockstar of a class...you just asked is all.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    i hate it when people disturb me when i am trying to focus on who i would bite or not bite.
  • brittigno
    brittigno Posts: 193 Member
    Omg haha, he seems pretty rude! My pet peeve from the gym is when the trainers working there come over and talk to you while your working out. They are really nice but when i go to the gym i like to be on my own with my ear phones in!

    When I went to Lifetime, the trainers would constantly do that and try to get me to sign up for personal training.
    No, leave me alooone. If I could afford the personal training, I would have signed up already.
    But yeah, they were also nice, so I can't complain on that part.
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    The trainers at the gym are annoying in the extreme. Everyone is so introverted I've only had one conversation in the whole time I've been there. People are odd about parking, like they won't part any further than five feet from the door if they can help it. The music mix is just a montage of how remixes have destroyed good songs. The televisions were tuned by a card carrying NRA representative and his teenage daughter (everything is either republican propaganda or TMZ/Springer/Ellen), and the one decent network, ESPN, doesn't broadcast any more.

    That and they always run out of paper towels in the cardio deck, and the garbage can is constantly overflowing with other people's sweat soaked towels...

    Oh, and the kid's klub thing is closed on Sunday and open half the day on Saturday, exactly when I need someone to watch my son the most.

    Sounds like you are a Gold's Gym member just like me. I like the trainers but I agree with everything else in your post (minus the kid's klub thing, not an issue for me right now)
  • simplyliving
    I saw a guy lifting in flip flops today.

    It just struck me as odd, that's all. :)

    When he smashes his toe with dumbells he will never wear flip flops again. LOL!
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    I hate that it closes at 11pm. I don't get off until 10pm and by the time I get there and change, it doesn't leave much time (hence why I never go at night anymore)
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    My pet peeve is unhappy people in the gym. Some of you do this:

    You go in all focused on what you have to do...some with headphones, some without...and you look right through everyone as if they don't exist.

    Is a smail and a wave really going to break up your zone thing that much? I don't think so.

    Headphones or no, I am glad to be alive and able to get on a machine and do some work. I say hello, I smile and wave. Sometimes I even (heaven forbid) strike up an actual conversation.

    Stop taking yourselves so seriously people.

    Also, I'm sorry- I don't go to the gym to be social and be best friends with people and talk and get distracted during my workout. I do exactly what you say- I put on my headphones and I ignore everyone else. If someone says hi I will say hi back, but don't even try to start a conversation with me and screw up my workout and focus! >:o!
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    1) That they would put the weights in more than 1 area - all the muscle thugs hang out there and even in my "friendly" atmosphere gym, I'm too intimidated to ever go up there (the weights are right in front of the mirrored wall - the whole wall is mirrored!)

    2) That I never can get a hold of a WORKER there to talk to or ask questions, they are always "busy" and just point to a sign up sheet.... which all the decent (they only do times 9-6) slots are always taken.
  • brittigno
    brittigno Posts: 193 Member
    Just think....Miley Cyrus spends $25K per month on her personal trainer. :tongue:
    My freakin' college tuition...
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    I am fortunate that I work at a college, so I get to use the fitness facility we have here for free. It a brand new facility with 2 floors of cardio machines, a Rock Climbing wall, 2 sets of different circuit machines, a free weight section with 4 squat racks, numerous sets of dumbbells, cable machines, Olympic size pool, indoor track that's Olympic grade, and outdoor track, etc. Really cheap Personal Training sessions, and a whole other strength and conditioning room with more equipment, group classes, and so on.

    The downside is having to share it with the students 8 months out of the year! Especially the football and lacrosse jocks,who will do a set of 5 reps at heavy weighted squats, drop the bar, and walk away and walk around for 5 mins before going back and doing another set, and repeat. Or the guys who will stand behind the elliptical or treadmill machines and watch you run- not realizing that the plate glass windows in front of me are like a mirror at night- I can see you staring at my *kitten*
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    What does the gym itself do that annoys me?

    1. Overload the child watch with children and have insufficient staff to handle the overload.

    2. You can't talk to the trainers unless you pay them. Not even a proper form question.

    3. The staff (not all, but a good majority) are incorrectly informed on proper usage of equipment and then "train" people in the incorrect usage.

    4. only 1 hour per day WITHOUT a Zumba class of 50-100 people.

    Numbers 1 & 4 are my biggest peeves though. Not ALL of us enjoy Zumba that much and my son has social issues when there is inadequate amounts of staff to supervise them. Which happens whenever there is a Zumba class.

    I'd find a different gym to use, but sadly, this is the only one in the whole county that offers any form of childcare.

    ** Nothing against people that Zumba. It looks like fun if you like 49-99 complete strangers tripping over each other and into you. Which is how it always appears to work at my gym**
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    My pet peeve is unhappy people in the gym. Some of you do this:

    You go in all focused on what you have to do...some with headphones, some without...and you look right through everyone as if they don't exist.

    Is a smail and a wave really going to break up your zone thing that much? I don't think so.

    Headphones or no, I am glad to be alive and able to get on a machine and do some work. I say hello, I smile and wave. Sometimes I even (heaven forbid) strike up an actual conversation.

    Stop taking yourselves so seriously people.

    Also, I'm sorry- I don't go to the gym to be social and be best friends with people and talk and get distracted during my workout. I do exactly what you say- I put on my headphones and I ignore everyone else. If someone says hi I will say hi back, but don't even try to start a conversation with me and screw up my workout and focus! >:o!

    This exactly!

    I hate that the "trainers" at my gym contact me several times a week trying to get names and numbers of people they can call and convince to join. It's not my job to help them recruit people. I ended up blocking all of their numbers.
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    When girls work out with their hair down. If you are sweating and/or working hard, that is NOT comfortable.
    Also, people who work out in jeans. Just, why?

    I always think that about girls with their hair down. My hair still touches my back when it's up (very long) and it bugs me if I can feel it hitting my neck.

    I'm shocked about jeans?!?!?! On machines?!?! I'd laugh out loud, honestly!

    Our gym has signs posted saying you will get kicked out if you are not in athletic-wear.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    The hours...doesn't open until 1pm on Sundays. Of course, this is usually a good thing b/c I'm often hungover Sunday morning. Being forced to wait until 1pm is probably best...

    And only one squat rack with very little floor space for pendlay rows and deadlifts. But they got like 100 treadmills.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Especially the football and lacrosse jocks,who will do a set of 5 reps at heavy weighted squats, drop the bar, and walk away and walk around for 5 mins before going back and doing another set, and repeat.

    Other than the dropping the bar part, that's exactly what they should be doing. :laugh:
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    My pets. They never leave me alone. Don't get me started when the dogs start licking my face when I am in the downward dog pose or trying to do a plank! LOL

    And then my cats? They like to use my yoga mat as a scratching post, or stretch out and take a nap on it...lol

    (oh, my gym is in my living room...lol)

    :heart: this!!:laugh:
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    My pet peeve is unhappy people in the gym. Some of you do this:

    You go in all focused on what you have to do...some with headphones, some without...and you look right through everyone as if they don't exist.

    Is a smail and a wave really going to break up your zone thing that much? I don't think so.

    Headphones or no, I am glad to be alive and able to get on a machine and do some work. I say hello, I smile and wave. Sometimes I even (heaven forbid) strike up an actual conversation.

    Stop taking yourselves so seriously people.

    I will smile, wave and say hello to people that I know at the gym however when I'm on a cardio machine I am working it HARD and I do not have the ability to carry on a conversation with someone. When I am lifting my weights I am concentrating on what I am doing. I don't want to stop to chit chat for five minutes in the middle of my set. It annoys me when people come over and want to chit chat OR they decide to talk to me while I'm in the middle of lifting. It's distracting. For me the gym is not "social hour" it's exercise time. Period.
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    When girls work out with their hair down. If you are sweating and/or working hard, that is NOT comfortable.
    Also, people who work out in jeans. Just, why?

    haha or when you see guys lifting weights in FLIP FLOPS!

    i don't go to a "real" gym (use the small workout room at my apt. complex for free) - i'm usually alone. i guess my pet peeve would be when i'm NOT alone because it's real small and it just feels weird. i only go there to use the elliptical anymore and do workout dvds at home, now....until i join a real gym someday, this does the job :)