Looking Good For Christmas - WEEK 5



  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Well, I am finally back in the groove of working out on a daily basis. I am a little sore this morning, but nothing I can't handle. I am trying to take it one day at a time with eating clean. For some reason, I am having a hard time with it. So, if I take one day at a time it should be easier.
    I am hoping that this weekend I am still going Kayaking on the Mississippi. I am really looking forward to it.
    Have a great week everyone. :bigsmile:
    That is great that you are in a groove of working out on a daily basis. I am finally in a groove of eatting healthy so once I continue with this for another week or so I will start with the exercise.

    That is a good way to get into the routine. One thing at a time. You can do it. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Have a great week. :bigsmile:
    What kind of exercise do you do?

    I am a P90Xer. Love it!! I may not have lost any weight in the last 90 days, but my clothes fit better and I feel better about myself. I will be doing Core Rhythms after this for about a month before I move on to either another round of P90X or Insanity. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    So one of my coworkers just offered ice cream and I really really wanted a oreo flurry but I declined. I figured that I will have some extra calories after dinner that I can have some strawberry shortcake with angel food cake for a lot less calories and get some more fruit in.

    Yippie for staying strong!!!:bigsmile:

    If you are going to have fruit in the evening, cut it down to about 1/2 cup. There is a lot of sugar in fruit and it really is best to eat fruit earlier in the day so your body has time to burn it before you go to bed. Don't get me wrong fruit is a much better choice over a Blizzard, so good for you. :bigsmile:
  • joanewright
    School started back this week. I did pretty good with my eating, so I think I can do this!!!

    Week 1 July 22 -starting weight=190
    Week 2 July 29 : 186--woo hoo!!! 4 pounds
    185 Week 3 August 8: 185.5---went camping all week, so that's what I expected!
    183 Week 4 August 14-183: -2.5 yeah!
    181 Week 5 August 21-180: 3 pounds--10 POUNDS IN A MONTH!!! :happy: :happy:
    179 Week 6 August 28

    HELP---I can't figure out how to get my ticker on here to show my progress...
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good Morning Good Morning: Sorry I didn't get on here sooner ... had to do the ritual Sunday morning breakfast at Good Eats Restaurant ... DH hates change so it has to happen ... but I've changed the over easy fried eggs to poached, the white toast with butter to dry rye, and the hash browns to sliced tomatoes. It's really quite yummy to make into a breakfast sandwich. I'll be faced with lots of temptation today ... it's girls day and we're playing tourist. We'll meet at the Rain Forest Cafe then do Maid of the Mist, Journey Behind the Falls, Falls Fury, and any other tourist trap we feel like doing. It should be loads of fun. Well, my BFF is picking me up soon so I better go ... I have to look up the menu for the Rain Forest Cafe and see if there's any chance I can be good. Have a great day all ... bye for now.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good Morning Good Morning: Sorry I didn't get on here sooner ... had to do the ritual Sunday morning breakfast at Good Eats Restaurant ... DH hates change so it has to happen ... but I've changed the over easy fried eggs to poached, the white toast with butter to dry rye, and the hash browns to sliced tomatoes. It's really quite yummy to make into a breakfast sandwich. I'll be faced with lots of temptation today ... it's girls day and we're playing tourist. We'll meet at the Rain Forest Cafe then do Maid of the Mist, Journey Behind the Falls, Falls Fury, and any other tourist trap we feel like doing. It should be loads of fun. Well, my BFF is picking me up soon so I better go ... I have to look up the menu for the Rain Forest Cafe and see if there's any chance I can be good. Have a great day all ... bye for now.

    OOPS ... this is the old thread isn't it ... I'll post this on the Week 6 thread too.:blushing: