"It's SIMPLE! Burn more than you consume!" (B.S.)



  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    I do appreciate the nasty and sarcastic responses, though!

    You're welcome.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    OK, so that statement really chafes my nether-parts.

    It is so NOT that darn simple!

    I am a Zumba Instructor. I teach a 1 hour class at the MINIMUM of 3 times/week. On average I AM burning more calories than I consume and I am NOT losing weight anymore. I've been teaching about 6 classes/week for the past 2 weeks and haven't been eating any more or any less and I haven't gained or lost a SINGLE FRIGGING POUND!

    By the way, I'm NOT asking advice, because I can almost promise you for 20 different people at least 10 different answers. Not gonna help me, but thanks anyway. I simply wanted to point out that this statement gets thrown around so much and it's just blatantly NOT TRUE!

    THAT was the formula when Food was NATURAL and WHOLE, that has NOT been the formula for MANY-A-Year! Also, It is UN-NATURAL to Consume the SAME Amt of Calories Day In and Day Out, as well as do the SAME Activity Day In and Day Out.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I think they make lotion for the chaffing of nether-parts.

    PLEASE tell me what it is, cause the itching has become unbearable.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    someone needs a piece of chocolate :bigsmile:
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Starvation mode! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I was going to post but yours is much better.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    OK, so that statement really chafes my nether-parts.

    It is so NOT that darn simple!

    I am a Zumba Instructor. I teach a 1 hour class at the MINIMUM of 3 times/week. On average I AM burning more calories than I consume and I am NOT losing weight anymore. I've been teaching about 6 classes/week for the past 2 weeks and haven't been eating any more or any less and I haven't gained or lost a SINGLE FRIGGING POUND!

    By the way, I'm NOT asking advice, because I can almost promise you for 20 different people at least 10 different answers. Not gonna help me, but thanks anyway. I simply wanted to point out that this statement gets thrown around so much and it's just blatantly NOT TRUE!

    THAT was the formula when Food was NATURAL and WHOLE, that has NOT been the formula for MANY-A-Year! Also, It is UN-NATURAL to Consume the SAME Amt of Calories Day In and Day Out, as well as do the SAME Activity Day In and Day Out.

  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    *laughs* Everything works, nothing works forever. Shake things up if what you've been doing has stopped. That's the sign that your body has adapted and you need to knock it off guard again.
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member

    I do appreciate the nasty and sarcastic responses, though! (by the way, that's my own sarcasm, in case you missed it) It serves to remind me why I rarely ever post to these forums. Such a nasty and unsupportive place. Honestly, I've never known a forum be so full of such nasty people in my life - and I've belonged to more than a few of them!

    Please explain how you bettered this place when you start a thread solely for the purpose of telling everyone that they are full of *kitten* when they offer time-tested advice for weightloss. What kind of responses were you expecting?
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    I think they make lotion for the chaffing of nether-parts.
    PLEASE tell me what it is, cause the itching has become unbearable.
  • jmoney34
    jmoney34 Posts: 61 Member
    I feel your pain. I exercise all the time, I eat when hungry, and I keep hearing "you're eating too little". I'm not starving myself, I eat healthy, and I exercise..and guess what..I CAN'T LOSE A F***ING POUND!!!!!! SO frustrated! And you're right, I get sick of posting on here because everyone gives their different opinion.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member

    I do appreciate the nasty and sarcastic responses, though! (by the way, that's my own sarcasm, in case you missed it) It serves to remind me why I rarely ever post to these forums. Such a nasty and unsupportive place. Honestly, I've never known a forum be so full of such nasty people in my life - and I've belonged to more than a few of them!

    Please explain how you bettered this place when you start a thread solely for the purpose of telling everyone that they are full of *kitten* when they offer time-tested advice for weightloss. What kind of responses were you expecting?

  • cheesy_blasters
    cheesy_blasters Posts: 283 Member
    I had really great results when I did interval training during a bootcamp. It's HARD (sprints to further and further distances, switching between pushups/jumping jacks/squats/weights). It might help get over the plateau. Even something like swimming is an amazing working out since it uses so many muscles.

    I have never done Zumba so I don't know if it's high or low impact (I just know it's a dancey thing) but even incorporating a higher intensity workout (TRX- resistance training/cross fit/whatever) might help.
  • MeliciousGibson
    Your body has adapted. That's what causes plateaus. You need to vary your exercise and cycle your calories to start losing again.

    But, as you said, you don't care about my (educated) opinion, so you can just ignore this and keep sticking your fingers and your ears and saying, "Lalalalalalalala."

    Your anecdote is not fact. Please stop spreading the wrong information and calling science a lie.

    I've heard so many "educated" opinions, so excuse me if I simply don't want to hear any more of them. I happen to LIKE my fingers in my ears...they're just the right size!

    I don't recall ever saying "science is a lie!" Reading further posts into this thread I saw a statement that "simple" facts tend to not be so "simple" once delved into - as I think this is a perfect example of. Therefore, what I was calling a lie was the fact that this is not as SIMPLE as it is stated!

    I've talked to 2 different general practictioners and 3 different nutritionists (as well as 2 different certified personal/group fitness instructors) who all have different opinions. There is so much scientific information out there that contradicts so much OTHER sicentific information that to try to sort through it all is quite a daunting task. Please try not to take is personally that the opinion of one person (you) that I didn't happen to even know existed when I wrote this post doesn't impress me much at this point.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    As for varying my routine - the only thing I can do is ADD. I am a Zumba Instructor - I teach Zumba. There's only so much you can do with a Zumba format... So I can try to add strength training to one of the days I'm also teaching Zumba. This is a job, I can't just NOT do it.

    In all of the exercise classes I've taken (admittedly not many, since I have little time for actual classes), the instructors show proper form once or twice, then spend most of their time walking around the room correcting form and/or offering individual encouragement.

    But the point was not to try and tell you how to do your job. It was simply to say that, perhaps, since you do Zumba as a job, you are burning fewer calories on it than you think you are?
  • MeliciousGibson
    I think they make lotion for the chaffing of nether-parts.

    PLEASE tell me what it is, cause the itching has become unbearable.

    Gold Bond medicated powder is supposed to work quite nicely, I hear! At least, that's what all of the ads on the TV claim!
  • cheesy_blasters
    cheesy_blasters Posts: 283 Member
    I also want to add that I find you guys (responders) hilarious. I personally find this site entertaining as hell.

    (I have also found so much support and advice here so it may be more the approach you take when posting, then the other people here).
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Your body has adapted. That's what causes plateaus. You need to vary your exercise and cycle your calories to start losing again.

    But, as you said, you don't care about my (educated) opinion, so you can just ignore this and keep sticking your fingers and your ears and saying, "Lalalalalalalala."

    Your anecdote is not fact. Please stop spreading the wrong information and calling science a lie.

    I've heard so many "educated" opinions, so excuse me if I simply don't want to hear any more of them. I happen to LIKE my fingers in my ears...they're just the right size!

    I don't recall ever saying "science is a lie!" Reading further posts into this thread I saw a statement that "simple" facts tend to not be so "simple" once delved into - as I think this is a perfect example of. Therefore, what I was calling a lie was the fact that this is not as SIMPLE as it is stated!

    I've talked to 2 different general practictioners and 3 different nutritionists (as well as 2 different certified personal/group fitness instructors) who all have different opinions. There is so much scientific information out there that contradicts so much OTHER sicentific information that to try to sort through it all is quite a daunting task. Please try not to take is personally that the opinion of one person (you) that I didn't happen to even know existed when I wrote this post doesn't impress me much at this point.

    Alcohol is bad for you. Fact or no?

    A glass of wine every night is good for the heart. Fact or no?

    There are NO facts, only interpretations.
  • bleumanchu
    bleumanchu Posts: 23 Member
    I didn't see this concept mentioned yet, so I'll add to the discussion.

    Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT). The nut-shell version is, that (as the name implies), we burn calories throughout the day when not exercising (I know, everybody knows this). There have been a few large studies (I have on in mind in particular, can't find it but will try to add it as an edit later) which show that people tend to burn fewer non-exercise calories on days they perform vigorous exercise than on days they don't work-out. This can lead to a person burning fewer calories total in a given day than they estimate they should. One thought is that you may be less active during your non-working time than you were prior to ramping up your activity. The types of activities which contribute to a person's NEAT can be as simple as getting up from the chair/couch more often, tapping your foot, etc. This is one of many factors that can make it difficult to nail down the exact number of calories in/out on a given day. Just something to think about.
  • ccllnply
    ccllnply Posts: 13 Member
    Two things:

    1. It is as simple as burn more calories then you consume. Or should I say, consume less calories then you burn. It's simply impossible to not burn fat by doing that. It's doing it right that people find hard. Unless of course you're starving yourself and you're body goes into "starvation mode". But even then it will take several days of eating far too few nutrients to do that.

    2. People who tell you that you've hit a "plataeu" because your body has gotten used to doing certain exercises or from eating a calorie deficit are talking total bull**** and need to re-assess their knowledge. Again, it's almost scientifically impossible to eat less calories than you burn and not lose fat
  • MeliciousGibson
    As for varying my routine - the only thing I can do is ADD. I am a Zumba Instructor - I teach Zumba. There's only so much you can do with a Zumba format... So I can try to add strength training to one of the days I'm also teaching Zumba. This is a job, I can't just NOT do it.

    In all of the exercise classes I've taken (admittedly not many, since I have little time for actual classes), the instructors show proper form once or twice, then spend most of their time walking around the room correcting form and/or offering individual encouragement.

    But the point was not to try and tell you how to do your job. It was simply to say that, perhaps, since you do Zumba as a job, you are burning fewer calories on it than you think you are?

    I've been involved in a few of these classes as well, but that's just not me. I am consistently going as hard as I possibly can because I'm trying to keep the energy up. I wear a FitBit while I am doing Zumba and I am burning anywhere from 650 - 800 calories in a 1 hour period (according to the FitBit).
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