When You Cry... They Win. Stop.



  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    "Every woman in the world needs to realize...It takes less energy to do it yourself than it does to locate said man, and fuss about it. I am surrounded by the male species (2 boys, 1 man) in my house, so its just easier to do it myself. NOW, if one of you can tell me what is up with the aim, I would gladly like to hear some suggestions on that..."
    We're supposed to aim...crap :blushing:

  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    "Every woman in the world needs to realize...It takes less energy to do it yourself than it does to locate said man, and fuss about it. I am surrounded by the male species (2 boys, 1 man) in my house, so its just easier to do it myself. NOW, if one of you can tell me what is up with the aim, I would gladly like to hear some suggestions on that..."
    We're supposed to aim...crap :blushing:


    Aiming is so fascist. We're free-pee'ers.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I have been made fun of more times than I can count. But you know what...


    I'm putting in the effort now and when it finally pays off I will get to say...


    And it will be glorious.

    That was flucking awesome.

    Thanks. I appreciate that.
  • CajunNino
    CajunNino Posts: 269
    "Every woman in the world needs to realize...It takes less energy to do it yourself than it does to locate said man, and fuss about it. I am surrounded by the male species (2 boys, 1 man) in my house, so its just easier to do it myself. NOW, if one of you can tell me what is up with the aim, I would gladly like to hear some suggestions on that..."
    We're supposed to aim...crap :blushing:


    Aiming is so fascist. We're free-pee'ers.
    ^This made me laugh. -- I try to pee off the porch at every opportunity. My wife just shakes her head. Hey, it's a life quality issue....and we live out in the country. :tongue:
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    You guys crack me up!!! I laugh even louder because it has nothing to do with the original topic...or does it :huh:
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    What WERE they thinking?

    Clearly, they hate awesomeness. That's the only possible explanation.

    thread seems alive again!
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    "Every woman in the world needs to realize...It takes less energy to do it yourself than it does to locate said man, and fuss about it. I am surrounded by the male species (2 boys, 1 man) in my house, so its just easier to do it myself. NOW, if one of you can tell me what is up with the aim, I would gladly like to hear some suggestions on that..."
    We're supposed to aim...crap :blushing:


    I promise not to ***** about the toilet seat if you promise to not ***** when I ask you pick up tampons when you go to the store.

    Real men don't mind buying tampons. Just sayin'.
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    As an elementary school teacher, I find myself repeating this A LOT to my students. "Honey. She's trying to cut you down. You gonna let her? Or are you gonna laugh in her face and say, 'Whatever.' Your choice."

    Studies have shown that people who are bullied often (but not always! This might not be your experience!) sort of let themselves be hurt by the razzing. Showing weakness can lead to deeper, more sustained attacks by the bullies, and then it becomes a vicious cycle.

    Not blaming the victims here--but learning to let stuff roll off you--"Water off a duck's back," as my father used to say--is an important life skill.

    In middle and high school people tried to bully me for being tall. They'd holler "Big Bird!" and "Ostritch!" or just "STREEEEEEEETCH!" at me in the halls. I'd just smile, wave, and blow kisses. They didn't know what to make of it, so they either stopped, or the nicknames became friendly.

    Not that words can't be hurtful. A tiny, b*tichy sorority girl behind me in line said on the phone the other day, "I'm stuck in line behind this huge land whale." I blushed bright red, turned around, and just stared her down with a look on my face like, "Are you kidding me with this ****?" and she totally fled the store, haha! Took my hurt feelings with her. Cruel little git.
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    Someone made the point, though, that it's harder to ignore people close to you when they say hurtful things, because you care what they think.

    That's a very valid point.

    It took me a long time to not care what my parents thought about my weight. Hopefully, whoever they are is gonna love you anyhow.
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    Giantess, as a parent and aunt of teenagers, I am constantly telling them this too. My niece who is going to be 14 has lots of trouble at school involving other girls and sometimes the boys. Most of the fights are over something someone said to her. She has been told she will never win with her hands, even if she kicked some butt.
    Don't get me wrong, I've taught my sons (14 and 6) and my neice and nephews to not take crap from anyone, and not to fight if it can be avoided. There is never a need to fight over something someone said (insert Patrick Swayze line from Road House here).
    I also use "water off a duck's back" a lot too.

    I absolutely love how you handled the girl in the store....that is awesome!!

    OH! I'm still working on not caring what my loved ones think...