Couch to 5K anyone?!? We start on monday!



  • JNC87
    JNC87 Posts: 16
    wow great job!! I cant wait to get to that stage. I am starting week 2 tomorrow!
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Week 2 is great. are you listening to any of the pod casts? I spent 3 weeks at week 4 so I know it takes time but you will TOTALLY GET THERE :)
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I'm repeating week 1 (mostly due to shin splints) - so I started today... after I bought new running shoes! I've also been stretching more and taking smaller strides.
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    The longer the run, the slower my pace - did 25 minutes at 4.2 mph. This week, I'll be working on increasing the speed just a bit each time (during week 7). On some of the shorter interval training weeks, I'd run 4.8 or 5.0.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    The longer the run, the slower my pace - did 25 minutes at 4.2 mph. This week, I'll be working on increasing the speed just a bit each time (during week 7). On some of the shorter interval training weeks, I'd run 4.8 or 5.0.

    4.2 mph for 25 min!! That's fantastic.
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    I did a 20 min run yesterday... My hip has been hurting so bad that I can't move past week 5! :noway:
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    alllllriiiiiiiiiiiighhhhhtttt!!! I just finished the 20 minute run at the end of week 5. I really struggled and I ended up walking for 30 seconds to one minute a couple times, but I also ran an extra 3 minutes after the "20 minute" part ended to make up for it. I just dont have the lung capacity yet to do the full 20 minutes but its getting better and better.

    I found a HUGE jump though from workout 2 to workout 3 (the 20 minute run) though. I found it really hard to add in that extra 4 minutes of running and taking out that 5 minute break from the run before. I think I am going to push through to week 6 though because it looks like it will lead into the 25 minute run at the end easier than week 5!

    I agree with everyone though, we really really really can do this :)

    I have the 20 minute run this Friday. I agree it seems like a big jump :noway: I'm already mentally preparing for it and hopefully can push through it.
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    The longer the run, the slower my pace - did 25 minutes at 4.2 mph. This week, I'll be working on increasing the speed just a bit each time (during week 7). On some of the shorter interval training weeks, I'd run 4.8 or 5.0.

    That is awesome! :flowerforyou: I have been doing all of mine at 4.0 on the treadmill...I'll worry about picking up the pace once I can run the full 30 minutes. After that I will gradually increase it each week so that by the end of December I am doing the 30 minutes at 6.0! :noway:
  • sld63
    sld63 Posts: 52 Member
    finished week 2 on saturday... but have come down with a head cold and sore throat...:sad: all I want to do is sleep :sick: - so I've taken the last two days off...hope I can pick back up in a day or so...
  • laurajoyk
    I just did my first workout for week two last night and I loved it!! I'm so proud of myself for going the whole 90 seconds LOL It didn't even feel like anything more than 60 seconds. I have also lost 11 lbs as of this morning! I'm sooo excited. I'm going to give my legs a rest tonight, but tomorrow I'll do it again. Its amazing how you can have a terrible day and be in an awful mood and then after walk/jogging you are in the best mood ever LOL I love endorphins. :smile: Everyone keep up the good work, this is an awesome program.
  • JNC87
    JNC87 Posts: 16
    W2D1 Done! and i feel so great i finished it!! Good Job everyone! I am so glad I found this site cuz it inspires me soo much I LOVE IT!!
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Wow good job ladies :) JN congrats on finishing run 1 of week 2!! thats awesome! Im so glad yout hat you love it here. So do I. The encouragment is phenomonal compared to other sites!

    great job Laura!!! 11 lbs down already. If you have a second, can you message me and let me know what else you're doing to get down that much so soon!!! that is so inspiring :)

    I have to work early tomorrow so I wont be able to get out and run again until Friday so I am going to have to do it indoors tomorrow on the treadmill. I try my best to run outside becuase the time seems to go faster AND i feel more in control and less like im a slave to my timer on the treadmill :)

    yeah..Im a geek. Anyway, great job ladies! Cant wait to hear more success stories
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    So I just started the program tonight and it seemed pretty easy.. although I'm sure I'll be eating my words as the weeks go on. I don't have a treadmill, just use the podcasts and do it around my neighborhood.
    I'm probably doing the running at around 5.2-5.5mph (because I know for a fact based on previous treadmill work that I can do a face paced or big strided walk at 4.0 mph... big stride yes I know.. my normal walk stride is about 3.5ft).
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    W2 D5 DONE!

    I think I'm finally starting to adjust to the running. We'll see how sore I am tonight.

    We are having a beautiful day here, so I had a very nice run outside! A clear blue sky minus gusting wind is enough of a rarity here to really make me enjoy it :heart:
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    W5D2 Done. Not bad on the two 8-minute runs. Friday will be the true test running 20 minutes straight!

    Keep those feet moving, everyone!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    hi everybody!

    I just did week 1 day 1. I have run in the past, a little bit, I did a couch to 5K starting on Thanksgiving and the race was on Superbowl Sunday and then I did a 10K eight weeks later, but then I stopped running and here I am starting all over again. :grumble: Should've kept it up...

    It was much easier this time than the very first time, but I am still feeling the effort!! My face turns completely red and I'm huffing and puffing LOL. I can't wait till it eases up!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    W5D2 Done. Not bad on the two 8-minute runs. Friday will be the true test running 20 minutes straight!

    Keep those feet moving, everyone!

    You can do it - tell yourself you can and you can!!!
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    hi everybody!

    I just did week 1 day 1. I have run in the past, a little bit, I did a couch to 5K starting on Thanksgiving and the race was on Superbowl Sunday and then I did a 10K eight weeks later, but then I stopped running and here I am starting all over again. :grumble: Should've kept it up...

    It was much easier this time than the very first time, but I am still feeling the effort!! My face turns completely red and I'm huffing and puffing LOL. I can't wait till it eases up!!

    well you're back now!!! You can be an inspiration to us! 10K is amazing!!!!! Glad you joined!!!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    I must say, the podcast I downloaded from Robert Ullrey make the whole thing SOOOO much easier. The first time I was using a stopwatch, and it was so much harder to keep track of the intervals. If anyone is reading this that doesn't already have these, go get them NOW. They are free and they are awesome. It's nice upbeat music too!
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member

    I must say, the podcast I downloaded from Robert Ullrey make the whole thing SOOOO much easier. The first time I was using a stopwatch, and it was so much harder to keep track of the intervals. If anyone is reading this that doesn't already have these, go get them NOW. They are free and they are awesome. It's nice upbeat music too!

    I was using my cell phone to calculate intervals before I gut Ullreys' podcast! HAHAHA When I finally got the pod cast I was amazed at the difference! You are totally right!