So tired of hearing....



  • juliebmomof3
    juliebmomof3 Posts: 115 Member
    Most of those guys have the worst form in the world, don't let them intimidate you!! If you have the desire, go for it! There are books and websites that teach proper form, and will give you ideas as to some exercises.

    That is my whole thing, I have no idea what I am doing in there...I actually just looked at the website and for $20 I can get a trainer to show me what to do in there and help me set up a routine and stuff....I think I am going to because I know no amount of running on the damn treadmill will make me look like that girl in the weight room lol

    Honestly, that $20 would be better spent on Mark Rippletoe's book "Starting Strength". Odds are you'll get a trainer that wants you doing 3 sets of 10-12 reps on every exercise, won't have you bench press, and at best will have you doing barbell squats with a 1/4 squat. Most trainers are pretty poor to be honest.

    Yeah? I need to check into that. I do have to say the trainers I have seen don't look all that qualified ;)...I am getting all excited now lol
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    But I gained 20lbs last week, at least 10lbs of that was obviously muscle. Check your broscience, bro!
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I'm going to take advantage of the free personal training sessions I get through my university so I can start lifting heavy. I'm ready to get rid of my "padding" and start looking fit and hot again and I think heavy lifting is going to be just what I need. Ya know, along with diet and cardio :laugh:
  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    Anyone who is interested in kettle bells check out the website at for free kettle bell training by a certified kettle bell instructor. Kettle bells are used in this program from day 1 - you don't have to wait to lose fat! Using kettle bells is like getting your lifting and cardio all in one session!
  • mlc825
    mlc825 Posts: 10
    Muscle on women is beautiful! It's generally those that don't understand the benefits, commitment and discipline it takes to gain & maintain that muscle - especially in the glutes & abs. I love the muscle I've worked hard to have and personally, if you don't like it - take you're eyes somewhere else! There's nothing better then having a healthy strong body!
  • Zirkelbach56
    Zirkelbach56 Posts: 4 Member
    Personally, I haven't started lifting yet because I want to build up my stamina first through cardio exercises. I hate trying to work out and only lasting 2minutes because my lungs and heart are just too weak to do anything useful. I do hope after a couple weeks of jogging everyday that I can build it up and start working on muscle tonation and such through lifting
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I had a friend of a friend trying to convince me that I shouldn't be lifting heavy. He lifts (recreational), and thought it was very important that I was prepared to become a huge bulk monster if I kept doing weights. He encouraged me to do really low weights, at least 20 reps for 4 sets, so that I didn't end up with huge man muscles.
    I said "I'm a nerd, I do hours of research before I start anything new. There's no way I'm going to bulk up while I'm eating at a calorie deficient, and thanks for the input, but new subject time."
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    So tired of hearing....
    you don't have to wait to lose fat! Using kettle bells is like getting your lifting and cardio all in one session!

    Not directed at this poster, but in general.

    What is the fascination with KB's? You get Jillian and some marketing behind her and all of a sudden there's a huge hype over KB's. KB's don't burn or build strength any better than DB's or BB's. They provide a slightly different stimulus due to their center of gravity but nothing major, not burning more calories than you would otherwise. If anything KB's are better for more advanced lifters that need that varied stimulus with assistance exercises to help with their gains. Any beginning lifter will have considerably better results by doing some very basic maximal strength training exercises and a handful of supporting exercises (if any).
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member

    But, honestly, I think that most of the time, it's just one of their excuses to NOT put in the effort to exercise.

  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    So tired of hearing....
    you don't have to wait to lose fat! Using kettle bells is like getting your lifting and cardio all in one session!

    Not directed at this poster, but in general.

    What is the fascination with KB's? You get Jillian and some marketing behind her and all of a sudden there's a huge hype over KB's. KB's don't burn or build strength any better than DB's or BB's. They provide a slightly different stimulus due to their center of gravity but nothing major, not burning more calories than you would otherwise. If anything KB's are better for more advanced lifters that need that varied stimulus with assistance exercises to help with their gains. Any beginning lifter will have considerably better results by doing some very basic maximal strength training exercises and a handful of supporting exercises (if any).

    I'm not sure about anyone else but I've been looking into it only because going to a gym intimidates me with the way I look right now and the fact that I don't know what the heck I'm doing with free weights. Plus, I live in a really small apartment so I wouldn't need to buy a bunch of equipment to take up space I don't have and I'm a single mom going to graduate school and working so money is also tight. Luckily I found out I get 6 free personal training sessions at my University and I'm going to take advantage of that (after that it's $60 for 6 more sessions) and hopefully after the first 6 I'll feel confident enough to carry on by myself. So for me, and possibly others, KB's are a starting point I can do from home.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    This warm my heart.

    When I started lifting one year ago almost no women were lifting.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Im sooooo tired of people thinking everyone needs to lift heavy :laugh:

    Maybe even the amount of muscle you gain from heavy lifting, even if its not body builder status, is too much or unappealing to some.

    Worry about your own goals :flowerforyou:

    I have to agree with this. Not everyone is afraid to put in the work,or think they will look like the hulk.

    People can have preferences diffrent from yours it does happen. I pick things up and put them down 7 hours a day I dont need to do it anymore
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    To the girl who insists there is no reason to lift:


    Check and Mate
  • squatz_n_oatz
    I love this thread.

    For those of you who are intimidated / put off by working out on the "guys side" of the gym: I started serious lifting recently and I get nothing but praise from the guys there. 99% of the time no one is going to pay any attention to you because they're focused on their own routine, anyway. If you can afford it, personal trainers are great for newbies and will help you feel more confident using the equipment.
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    Most of those guys have the worst form in the world, don't let them intimidate you!! If you have the desire, go for it! There are books and websites that teach proper form, and will give you ideas as to some exercises.

    That's pretty judgmental of you to assume that most guys in the gym have bad form... Everyone has a different perception of what is good and bad form so you really don't have the place to categorize most men as using bad form in the gym.

    In this thread I've seen too many women making excuses for not lifting heavy, it's like you want to be in great shape but you don't want to make the effort. Specially two ladies who are coming off very arrogant and trying to preach not lifting heavy and they have no clue what they're even talking about.

    Ladies, if you're intimidated to go lift the heavy stuff with the big guys don't be, if you don't know what you're doing I'm more than sure that they would be willing to help you out if you just ask. It's sexy when a women isn't scared to lift weights and make a real effort. There's nothing impressive about the women who spends $40 a month to go to a gym to do a yoga class and then 20 minutes on the elliptical, that's not putting in the effort you should be...
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    To the girl who insists there is no reason to lift:


    Check and Mate

    Ive never insisted there is no reason, just not everyone should be pressured into it if doesnt fit their goals.


    Body shaming, checkmate fail... Maybe the first lady is also happy and comfortable with her bum? Power to them both, I say!
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    Body shaming, checkmate fail... Maybe the first lady is also happy and comfortable with her bum? Power to them both, I say!

    Checkmate win, you must be the lady on the left then since you're preaching anti heavy weight lifting. You made this discussion how lifting heavy weights doesn't make you healthier and so on, well which of the two pics looks healthy to you? That's the difference in training hard and lifting heavy compared to your average woman who does her fancy little yoga class and barely makes the effort elsewhere...
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    Body shaming, checkmate fail... Maybe the first lady is also happy and comfortable with her bum? Power to them both, I say!

    Checkmate win, you must be the lady on the left then since you're preaching anti heavy weight lifting. You made this discussion how lifting heavy weights doesn't make you healthier and so on, well which of the two pics looks healthy to you? That's the difference in training hard and lifting heavy compared to your average woman who does her fancy little yoga class and barely makes the effort elsewhere...

    If I posted a picture of an obese women in a bikini and said she was gross and wrong to be secure with her appearencr, Im sure it wouldnt go over well. Body shaming is always wrong, whatever end of the scale you are on.

    Actually, ive only made 3 comments, one saying Worry about your own goals, one saying im not lazy or stupid for not choosing to heavy lift, and this one saying body shaming is wrong. Check the usernames? I do lift weights but I keep the weight low and Ive seen results so far I am happy with.

    I havent said anyone is wrong or shouldnt be lifting, did I? I said not everyone aspires to have their maxium muscle mass, we all our own personal ideals. I personally dont aspire to be either of these pictures, although I see nothing wrong with either.

    Calm yourself down and check your facts before making accusations about my beliefs :grumble:
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    If I posted a picture of an obese women in a bikini and said she was gross and wrong to be happy, Im sure it wouldnt go over well. Body shaming is always wrong, whatever end of the scale you are on.

    Actually, ive only made 3 comments, one saying Worry about your own goals, one saying im not lazy or stupid for not choosing to not heavy lift, and this one saying body shaming is wrong. Check the usernames? I do lift weights but I keep the weight low and Ive seen results so far I am happy with.

    I havent said anyone is wrong or shouldnt be lifting, did I? I said not everyone aspires to have their maxium muscle mass, we all our own personal ideals. I personally dont aspire to be either of these pictures, although I see nothing wrong with either.

    Calm yourself down and check your facts before making accusations about my beliefs :grumble:

    She didn't post a picture of someone in terrible shape compared to someone in great shape. The picture was of someone "skinny fat" who is too scared or too lazy to lift heavy and the other girl was someone who obviously makes the effort to put real time in the gym. Plus the picture didn't body shame anyone, it asked you "this" or "this", it's up to you to interpret which one is better, there is no comment on the pic that makes the decision for you. So if you consider it body shaming then you're the one subconsciously negatively judging her, you can't blame the picture for you being judgmental and actually doing the body shaming yourself.
    Im sooooo tired of people thinking everyone needs to lift heavy laugh

    Maybe even the amount of muscle you gain from heavy lifting, even if its not body builder status, is too much or unappealing to some.

    You didn't say it was wrong or that people shouldn't be lifting heavy, but you said that it's too much and unappealing to people, again with you being judgmental. So basically you're saying to girls that if they do lift heavy weight they will become unappealing according to your opinion.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    so wait, the size of someone's butt is now what determines how healthy they are? :huh:

    i swear i love lifting and always have but some y'all heavy lifters are jerks about it. no wonder some people are intimidated to venture over into the weight room. some of the healthier than thou attitude i see in this thread is just straight up FOUL