LOVELY LADIES SUPPORT GROUP starts today!! 8/18/09



  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Alright Lovely Ladies..Can I come back or am I banished???:embarassed:
    Not only did I fall off the bandwagon, I bounced down the hill and landed in a pile in an ugly mud puddle. :cry: So now I am coming crawling back to the LL support group bruised and muddy, but ready to go. So, how 'bout it girls???
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    jtodaycheeny: Weight loss is a tough process. Of course we are a support group, and welcome you back with pleasure. It has been a little quiet on this post lately. :frown:

    One of the problems is that this thread gets lost and we probably don't think about it every day. I'm going to start posting my workouts for the day, and maybe that will get all the lovely ladies thinking about their motivation everyday! :wink:

    Today was 43 min. of weight training with a DVD called STS by Cathe Friedrich. Muscles worked where Back & Biceps. I also added on the extended stretch that was on this DVD, and that totaled 15 min. Going to keep my eating in check today also. I have been slipping lately when I get home from work. So tomorrow is going to be planning out my meals for the week.

    Good Luck to All the Lovely Ladies! :drinker:
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Well, Lovely Ladies, I did not eat super fantastic this weekend and I only exercised for 20 mins on Saturday, but surprisingly I am not feeling guilty. I think I just needed some time off from the whole thing. Today I am back to normal and it feels great! I can't wait to hit the treadmill tonight!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    I didn't eat super this weekend either, but I did manage to get in a kickboxing workout, Kick, Punch & Crunch with Cathe Freidrich. And Sunday was a 2.5 mile run outdoors with my dog. It was a bit chilly, but not raining! :wink:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Yesterday was a good day for me eating wise, and this morning got in a 2.5 mile run on the treadmill and the kickboxing portion of Box'n'Flow with Kimberly Spreen. Yesterday was Power Yoga with Kristin McGee. That yoga workout really worked the legs and upper body! :love:
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    I had a decent eating day yesterday as well. Snuck in a few leftover pieces of Halloween candy, but not over the top binging like I used to. :laugh: I had a great workout yesterday. I did 3 sets of lunges, squats, leg raises, and 3 different kinds of ab exercises, then I ran a mile and walked another mile. I was exhausted by the time I hit the pillow last night. It was great, and I am comfortably sore today. Not too much, not too little. :tongue:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Lovely Ladies,

    I'm still at 159.5, but I can tell changes are going on. I am going to need to wear a belt to keep my pants up. :laugh: Yesterday was a fantastic eating day, nothing was snuck into my menu! :drinker: This morning I got in a workout that was a circuit. One on One 5-6 Cardio Plus with Tony Horton. Good workout, but could tell that Tony was not into it. It was a lot like Jillian's BFBM as far as how the exercises where done. :smile: Might try to get in some yoga later tonight also.

    Gogo: Great job on the run, I love how exercise helps me sleep the night through! :wink:
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Good Morning!

    Last night did 3 miles on the treadmill, 2.25 jogging, .50 uphill, .25 normal to cool down. Felt good, but I didn't have the endurance to run the 2.25 straight thru. :grumble: I had to walk 2 mins throughout. I think it was because I did back to back workout days because I won't get a workout in tonight. DD#1 is in the district spelling bee tonight!! I am so nervous for her but proud at the same time!!! My stomach hurts today, so it will definitely be a healthy eating day. I don't think I could handle any junk. :sick:

    lvnascar: Great job on the workouts!! You really keep mixing it up!

    Oh, forgot to weigh in this morning, but I weighed in yesterday for a different challenge, and I was at 159.8!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Another great eating day, I only added a couple of flakes of Life Cereal that wasn't on my menu! :laugh: Don't think I would have a clue on how to record that in my food diary! :laugh: Got in a run this morning on my treadmill (way to dark out to run outdoors), and I was able to run the first two miles at 6.2, and then went to 6.1 until I got to 2.25 miles, 6.0 until I was at 2.5 miles. No incline for me! I know I'm a whimp! :laugh:

    Great run again Gogo! :drinker: You are getting your endurance up by running uphill, so just keep up the good work!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Actually the uphill part was done walking. :sad:

    I have downed 8 pieces of Halloween candy today! :sick: I don't know what my problem is.....I am just having a crappy day. I ate a doughnut for breakfast too. I guess I am getting a little frustrated with my progress and I am consoling myself with food......not good.:grumble: I was running the 2.25 miles no problem and then the last week or so, I haven't been able to do it. I feel like my progress is moving backwards instead of forwards.

    I am going to go home and try again tonight. I am just going to push myself to see if I can break this cycle.

    On the upside, I weighed myself this morning and I am at I only gained .2 from the crap I have been eating the past two days.
  • shannon128
    I want to join! Need to get these last few pounds GONE! Thanks, great idea!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Checking in a day late, so busy right now. Stayed the same weight. Can't seem to get back to eating properly since my vacation. The french fries keep calling to me!! :tongue:

    Welcome kerrishannon!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies, :drinker:

    TGIF!!! :laugh: I'm on a roll with my eating, the big test will be the weekend for me. I was getting a little hungry last night, so did munch on 4 Ritz crackers. I couldn't believe that I was hungry after consuming over 1700 cal. :noway: Yesterday after work I did get in a light workout called Kettlenetics Core Balance, and this morning was One on One Fountain of Youth yoga with Tony Horton. Love that guy! :laugh:

    Gogo, I know that walking uphill can really get that HR going. In fact walking uphill can burn just as many calories as running on a flat surface. :wink: The scale is another thing that I have vowed I will not look at until Wednesday morning! :noway: This is a hard thing for me, I was weighing myself every morning. It is very HARD! :frown:

    Kerrishannon, Welcome to the group! We weigh in every Wednesday, and you can give as many updates as you want to. I am checking in everyday, because I feel it keeps me accountable to do some type of workout and eat my proper meals everyday. Sometimes we fail, but start over again. Tell us a little about yourself.

    Kath: STOP french fries STOP! :laugh: Did they stop talking to you? Try putting those potatoes in the oven for 20 min. at around 400-450 deg. Spray pan with cooking spray, and also mist the tops of the fries. I add a little garlic salt and you have some tasty french fries! Hope that helps, :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Morning Ladies:yawn:

    I did break the cycle last night!! I ran 2.5 miles (my farthest run yet)without stopping and then I walked at an incline for another half mile. So three miles total last night. Took me about 45 mins. Did some stretching, hopped in the shower, and then went to McDonalds.:grumble: I so need to get to the grocery store. On the upside.....the McDonalds was in my calorie budget, so at least I didn't blow the day. It just wasn't the healthiest meal ever. Plus, it was the first time I have had fast food in like 2 months.

    Today will be better food-wise.

    Hope you girls have a great day!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    So far this morning I'm doing pretty good with my eating. Last night was ok, just munched on a few pistachios. My workout this morning was 10 min. Solutions Knockout Body, I really like this workout. I may do something else today, but my plans are to get some housework done, after I get my youngest daughter to ballet class. :smile:

    Congrats on the run gogo! I think that having a meal like McDonalds is something that we need to do every once in a while. As long as we don't try it out everyday! But dang I just enjoy some salty french fries every once in a while. :wink:

    Hope you day is as nice as our is! So sunny and warm out. If you can call 50 deg warm. :laugh:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Did pretty well this weekend, but had a few cheats. :grumble: Oh well, at least it wasn't an all out pig-out. :laugh:

    Sunday I got in a run of 2.75 miles, but my HR was getting way to high at times so had to get it down. I think that I didn't give my body enough water that morning. I didn't have any water until just before my run, that will teach me to run out the door for church without bringing along my water bottle. :laugh:

    Today was strength training with Cathe Friedrich, STS Disc 25 Chest & Back. Really lifting heavy weights on this one. Hope I have time to get in a short cardio of 20-30 min., and some stretching after work today.

    Hope all you ladies are having a great day!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member

    I didn't really work out this weekend. I did 1.5 miles on Saturday, but for the most part I did ALOT of cleaning this weekend in preparation for Thanksgiving. I did manage to eat healty for the most part. We had ice cream sundaes on Saturday night. :tongue:

    Not sure if I will be able to get much exercising in this week......

    Hope you have a great week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning! :drinker:

    Had a pretty good eating day yesterday, but I did sneak in a peppermint pattie! :noway: I didn't go over my calories, so I think it was ok. :wink: Will see what happens when I weigh in tomorrow morning.

    Cardio day for me, so I was able to get a 2.75 mile run in 26:45 minutes on the treadmill, and I did much better than on Sunday. Guess it was because I wasn't heading into the wind. I also did a 37 minute workout called Cardio Blast Premix from a Cathe Freidrich workout called Drill Max.

    Gogo: I'm so glad that I'm not having to do the prep work for Thanksgiving. :happy: Running that vacuum cleaner will burn the calories though. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My weigh-in this morning was GREAT! 157 lbs :drinker: So that was a drop of 1.5 lbs for the week. I stopped myself from checking my weight each morning, and I increased my food intake. Also getting protein in each of my meals. Guess this helped get me going, probably wasn't eating enough. :noway:

    Yesterday was a good eating day for me, I did get Chinese food. But I made the wise decision and had Chop Suey, instead of the spicy saucy items I would usually have chosen. :tongue:

    Cardio this morning was Disc 26 Plyo Legs with Cathe Freidrich, this is a great workout. I was sweating buckets. :blushing: Also added in some ab work from her Ab Circuit DVD called Med Ball Abs.

    Hope to get on tomorrow, but if not hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving. :drinker:
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member

    I have pigged out for 2 days straight now and I can feel it for sure! I did get in a 2.5 mile run on Weds. night, and plan to get one in tonight too. No exercise for me on Thurs. though. I am sure that things will get back to normal after this weekend. i just hope I didn't do too much damage to my weight-loss. I don't know if I even want to step on the scale Weds. :grumble:

    lvnascar: Great job on the workouts! It still boggles my mind that you have to eat more to lose more. Maybe I am not eating enough. How many calories a day do you eat?

    Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!