LOVELY LADIES SUPPORT GROUP starts today!! 8/18/09



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Today was strength training, and I did Disc 28 Chest & Back of STS with Cathe Freidrich. Maybe get in some cardio when I get home from work. Didn't get a lot of exercise in this weekend, but I did manage to get in a 2.50 mile run on the treadmill on Saturday. I also did 30 Minutes to Fitness Kickboxing Premix #1 with Kelly Coffey-Meyer on Thursday.

    Gogo: I overate this weekend also, but I'm back on track today. I have been getting in 1600 - 1800 calories per day. I eat 5 meals a day with protein in each of them. I also have a starchy carb (bread, oatmeal, rice) and a fibrous carb (green beans, asparagus, broccoli etc.) in each of these meals. It really worked very well for me, so I'm going to continue with that type of eating until I start to stall, then will change something if I have to.
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Morning :yawn:

    I didn't work out yesterday, but for the most part ate pretty decent. I am trying to get all the water weight off from T-Day dinner and leftovers. :grumble: I am starting to get into a rut though. I find myself making excuses not to exercise and not to eat as healthy. I am having a hard time justifying all the hard work I was putting into this when I am not seeing the scale or my measurements budge at all. I am getting really down and frustrated. I don't know what to do. Plus, my running was going so well but in the past week it has been awful. I can't keep up the distances I was running a week ago without walking part of it.


  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member

    Today I was able to get in a kickboxing workout that is one of Cathe Freidrich's workouts in her 4 Day Split series, and then I ran on the treadmill for 3 miles. Still want to get some ab work done, but I have some running to do tonight after work, so will see if I can get that done.

    Gogo: Sometimes I know I get in that same mindset of wondering why I work so hard with little to no results. I was that way when I first started on MFP, but once I started eating enough my energy level increased. It did take some time for me to figure out that I needed to adjust my protein. I think I was eating to many carbs, so I adjusted my ratios to 50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% Fat. That seemed to be what I needed to jump start my weight loss. When I was at the hotel this weekend, I jumped on the treadmill and was not able to run the full 2.75 miles that I usually did. I was dehydrated, and of course didn't eat enough food, so it affected my performance. Hope this helped some. :flowerforyou:

    Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well not a good morning for me to weigh-in! :noway: TTOM started this morning so my weight is up from that, and probably from my over-indulgence during Thanksgiving. So hopefully this will pass after a couple of days! Weight was 159.5, so I'm not adjusting my weight on the ticker. :wink:

    This morning was a Plyo Leg workout from Cathe Friedrich's STS series, and it was a goodie. Love how she does a weight exercise followed by a 30 sec. plyometric exercise. :smokin:

    Have a great day!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    lvnascar - I really admire your dedication to these workout videos! Do you get them on demand from cable or do you just have a crazy fitness library!?

    I changed my ticker to reflect my gain, but then when it goes back down, I will be able to jump down a bunch hopefully!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Gogo: I have a crazy fitness library! :embarassed: I justify these purchases by not getting a gym membership. Some people love the gym, and it was just not the thing for me. I didn't like having to get myself in the car and to the gym. This way all my sweat is only seen by my family! :laugh: There are many good OnDemand workouts that I try out too, and of course if you have FitTv that is another option. My favorite instructor is Cathe Friedrich, and she has 1 hour workouts on FitTv. I also love Jillian Michael's workouts, those are OnDemand and also at places like Walmart & Target. I have been using exercise DVD's since my youngest was born in '97, and I started off with Billy Blanks TaeBo! :happy: Which I still love too. :wink: The only other problem with my DVD addiction is that I have to buy the equipment (like weights). :wink:
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Gogo: I have a crazy fitness library! :embarassed: I justify these purchases by not getting a gym membership. Some people love the gym, and it was just not the thing for me. I didn't like having to get myself in the car and to the gym. This way all my sweat is only seen by my family! :laugh: There are many good OnDemand workouts that I try out too, and of course if you have FitTv that is another option. My favorite instructor is Cathe Friedrich, and she has 1 hour workouts on FitTv. I also love Jillian Michael's workouts, those are OnDemand and also at places like Walmart & Target. I have been using exercise DVD's since my youngest was born in '97, and I started off with Billy Blanks TaeBo! :happy: Which I still love too. :wink: The only other problem with my DVD addiction is that I have to buy the equipment (like weights). :wink:

    That is awesome! I think I am going to check out some of the OnDemand stuff, because I am getting burnt out with my treadmill and standard exercises that I am doing on my own. I need someone to kick my butt!!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Checking in down 1/2 pound. Can't believe I lost anything with the way I have been eating lately. Can't seem to get motivated. Maybe after the holiday...

    I'm the opposite about the gym. I feel more motivated there, like I can do more. If I am at home, I seem to talk myself out of doing more but at the gym I feel motivated by others around me.
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Well Ladies,

    TOM came today......3 days early.:grumble: Now I know why I have been eating like a vaccuum cleaner lately. Now that the cravings are gone I will be back on track. Will weigh in next week.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was kickboxing with a DVD called 30 Minutes to Fitness by Kelly Coffey-Meyer. I also got in a 3 mile run on my treadmill. Legs where a bit sore from doing the plyo work yesterday, but I pushed myself to get the miles done. :smile:

    Gogo: I would recommend the 30 Day Shred that is OnDemand. I did each level for 10 days, and my waist went down about 2 inches. I'm planning on doing some of those again after Christmas. LOL about eating like a vacuum cleaner. That is a good description of how I feel sometimes. :laugh:

    Kath: WTG on the 1/2lb loss. :drinker: I'm glad that both options are open to people that want to workout. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my DVD workouts, and a basement full of weights. :laugh:
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    I have the 30 day shred actually......I have never finished it though. I just can't seem to get into it and stick with it. :grumble:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Dang on the 30 day Shred. The other instructors that have good workouts that are OnDemand are Cindy Whitmarsh and Jackie Warner. There is a guy on there there that is good, but I don't remember his name. Will try to find out what his name is for you.

    You might want to try out Jillian's No More Trouble Zones and Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. The first one is a weight workout, and the 2nd is all cardio. Even through the title sounds silly, check out the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader workouts with Jay Johnson. Some people don't like them, because they are not "intense" enough for them! :wink: But it may be something that clicks for you. I personally like Jay Johnson, got to love a guy with muscles. :laugh: :laugh:

    Kendall Hogan! That is the one. They also have some of the Biggest Loser workouts also.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Strength training for me today with Disc 30 Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps (STS by Cathe Friedrich), and my upper body is really sore right now. Would still like to get in a run after work, and it WILL be on my treadmill. We received some snow last night, and I don't think running in the dark on slippery roads would be a good combo. :laugh:

    Had a good day eating yesterday. :drinker:
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Thanks for the info...I will look into those this weekend. We aren't supposed to get snow until next weds-thurs. :grumble: I am NOT a fan of snow.
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Happy Monday, Ladies!

    I ran 3.1 miles without walking on Friday night. It took me 45 mins, but I still did it without walking. I was so stoked!! I was soooo lazy the rest of the weekend tho, and I ate like crap.

    Tonight going to try for the 3 miles again.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend! :drinker:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Erin :drinker: Congrats on getting that 3.1 miles done. Doesn't matter how long it took! I didn't eat that great this weekend either! Oh well, I'm still doing my exercise!

    Saturday I ran 3 miles just like you, and Sunday I started Gateway to 8K. I still have to figure out how many miles the dog and I where able to get in. The program does interval runs just like the Couch to 5k program. I downloaded the podcast, and must say it was nice not to have to look at my watch to check the time. :wink: We took a different running route yesterday, and another dog tried to make something happen. Good thing that the owner called the dog, because my German Shepherd was ready to defend. :wink: This morning I got in my strength training doing Chest & Back work with STS Disc 31.

    Have a great day!
  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    Hello long lost friends!!! I have been busy and overwhelmed the past few weeks...but I am getting back on track! I hit the gym 4 days last week and even ran at 4.7 for 17 minutes without walking! I am more an intreval kinda "runner" so to keep that speed for that "long" was my own personal best. Hit the gym today to start the week right! working on the food issues though, they always seem to get the best of me. I am down 4 pounds from the Monday after thanksgiving, wish is sadly up from where I left off before...but I am in the right direction now. So how is everyone doing?
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Hello long lost friends!!! I have been busy and overwhelmed the past few weeks...but I am getting back on track! I hit the gym 4 days last week and even ran at 4.7 for 17 minutes without walking! I am more an intreval kinda "runner" so to keep that speed for that "long" was my own personal best. Hit the gym today to start the week right! working on the food issues though, they always seem to get the best of me. I am down 4 pounds from the Monday after thanksgiving, wish is sadly up from where I left off before...but I am in the right direction now. So how is everyone doing?

    Yay!! Great Job on the running and on the 4 lb loss!! :drinker:
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Laurie - Do you eat all of your exercise calories? I just got done doing a mile warm up and then level two day one of the 30Day Shred, burned 459 calories, but I still have like 240 calories to eat today! It is 8pm here, and I don't feel hungry. Do you think that is hindering my weight loss?

    Erin :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning the dog and I went out and did the 2nd run of the GW28K program, and it was a great run. I mapped out our run, and it came to 3.75 miles (which included the warm-up and cool down). It is very dark at 5am, and this morning we where getting this gentle snow. Suppose to be getting a bit more later today though. :noway: I also was able to get in some ab work, and stretching.

    racefan: great job on the running, and getting back on track. It is hard to keep going and doing what is right for YOU when other things are interferring in your life. :wink:

    Erin: I try to eat all my exercise calories, but sometimes it doesn't happen. How many are you averaging? And are you keeping those calories in your carb/protien/fat ratios. I know sometimes I have a hard time getting enough of the protien, and that is what seems to help me get those pounds under control. Last night I did not get all my calories eaten, because like you it was late and I wasn't hungry. I would think that if you are getting at least 1400-1500 cal eaten it shouldn't hinder your weight loss. Have you been checking your measurements, because I know that when I was exercising with the Shred I lost more inches than I did weight. :wink:

    Have a great day!