Looking Good For Christmas - WEEK SIX



  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Morning all!!
    I too am an every day weigher. Got on the scale this morning and I'm up a pound from last week, darned beer!!! :sad: :laugh:
    We went out Friday and Saturday so I can't blame anyone but myself. I am back on track today and drinking my water so hopefully on Wednesday I will have a loss and be that much closer to my pre-cruise weight. Gosh, I sooooooo want to be under 200 but I keep sabotaging (msp) my own efforts!!!
    No more partying for Memaw!!! Not until I get well under 200!!! That's the plan!!!!
    Hope everyone has a wonderful healthy week.

    And way to go Maggie on the lost inches, may they never be found again!!!

  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Start Date July 18 - 186.0
    Week 1 July 2 - 186.0
    Week 2 August 1 - 186.0
    Week 3 August 8 - 186.0
    Week 4 August 15 - 186.0
    Week 5 August 22- 181.2 (WHOOOHOOO!!! I finally lost!!!)
    Week 6 August 29
    Week 7 Sept 5
    I decided that I really need to see how I was doing. I have two weeks left of P90X and I will weigh again then. I have 16 pounds to go. I know I can do it. Have a great week everyone. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I have to share something ... well I guess you could say I have to brag ... I'm so excited. When I first started this journey I measured myself and I haven't done it again ... until tonight. I knew there would be a change but WOW!!!!! I've lost 5.5" off my bust (which makes my hubby pout), 4.5" off my waist, 2.5" off my hips, and before I joined MFP I had a panniculectomy which left me will this spare tire type thing above my hips so I call this my "scared area" ... well there's also 6" gone from that area too. Holy Moly man ... no wonder people are stopping me to ask what I've been doing. There really is a big difference eh? Thank you thank you thank you to everyone involved with MFP. You're the best!!!

    Those are fantastic results. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hi there ... I'm at work ... don't you just love mondays :grumble: Just wanted to pop in and say hello.


    I love all your pics that you put in. It is fun to come just to see what you have posted next. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    We had such a good time at the water park yesterday. Wish I had a pedometer to track how much we walked. And I was able to stick with my picnic lunch that I packed, turkey meat w/ swiss cheese. No ice cream, funnel cakes, pizza that the rest of the family indulged in.

    Now it's back to work and time to stay way from the huge platter of giant cupcakes sitting in the break room.

    Glad you had a good time at the Park. That is good you were able to keep yourself under control. Great job. Keep up the good work. :bigsmile:
  • Linda1959
    Hello all my name is Linda. I'm going to be 50 this year and I just feel kind of Blah. I recently quit smoking and in the process gained 15 pounds and I have this little secret fantasy that for my birthday in December I can lift my heavy wool sweater and say "this is what 50 looks like" LOL. I look pregnant girls and I really want a flat tummy! I am serious about this! Do you all remember when Kristy Alley walked out on the national television at 50 in a two piece bathing suit on the Oprah Winfrey Show???...Well I wouldn't want to do that on National TV, but with my 5 girlfriends at my Birthday Party sleepover Heck yeah I want to. And I don't want them to know a head of time. (hey Barbie is 50 this year too and she still looks good!

    OK so here is my goals:

    Start Weight: 8/24 - 140
    8/31: 138
    9/7: 136
    9/14: 134
    9/21: 132
    9/28: 130
    10/5: 128
    10/12 126
    10/19 124
    10/26 122
    11/2 120
    11/9 118
    11/16 116
    11/23 114
    11/30 112
    12/7 - 110!!!! My 50th Birthday is 12/9 if I hit my goal I'm getting the skinnest pair of jeans!!!! (this works out perfectly!!!)

    I am not going to be real upset if I am unable to meet that goal, cause frankly 110 seems pretty low…I'm 5'3 I don't know if that is even a healthy weight. I joined Curves so I could get some real excersise in a woman friendly environment and will have someone monitor me. Anyone out here a Curves member - I will go today for my first session.
  • Linda1959
    wow good for you I'm new so how long has it been?
  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    hellosies everyone. Here are the stats that I should have posted LAST wednesday. I gained a bit on vacation, but not nearly what I was dreading. Up a bit also because I know that my sodium intake has been out of control and it is also TOM. Hoping to get out of this slump SOON!

    Glad to see that there have been some losses while I haven't been checking in! Keep it up, guys!

    Start Date July 15 Starting weight 192 (goal = 169) (23 pounds)
    Week 1 July 22 CW = 189.8 / Loss - 2.2 / total loss = -2.2
    Week 2 July 29 CW = 189.8 / Loss = BIG FAT ZERO (TOM) / total loss = -2.2

    Week 3 August 5 - on vacation
    Week 4 August 12 – on vacation
    Week 5 August 19 - CW = 190.4 / Gain of 0.6 / Total loss = 1.6
  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    ntungu - I also do Curves. I love that nobody pays attention to my jiggly-bits while working out!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hello all my name is Linda. I'm going to be 50 this year and I just feel kind of Blah. I recently quit smoking and in the process gained 15 pounds and I have this little secret fantasy that for my birthday in December I can lift my heavy wool sweater and say "this is what 50 looks like" LOL. I look pregnant girls and I really want a flat tummy! I am serious about this! Do you all remember when Kristy Alley walked out on the national television at 50 in a two piece bathing suit on the Oprah Winfrey Show???...Well I wouldn't want to do that on National TV, but with my 5 girlfriends at my Birthday Party sleepover Heck yeah I want to. And I don't want them to know a head of time. (hey Barbie is 50 this year too and she still looks good!

    OK so here is my goals:

    Start Weight: 8/24 - 140
    8/31: 138
    9/7: 136
    9/14: 134
    9/21: 132
    9/28: 130
    10/5: 128
    10/12 126
    10/19 124
    10/26 122
    11/2 120
    11/9 118
    11/16 116
    11/23 114
    11/30 112
    12/7 - 110!!!! My 50th Birthday is 12/9 if I hit my goal I'm getting the skinnest pair of jeans!!!! (this works out perfectly!!!)

    I am not going to be real upset if I am unable to meet that goal, cause frankly 110 seems pretty low…I'm 5'3 I don't know if that is even a healthy weight. I joined Curves so I could get some real excersise in a woman friendly environment and will have someone monitor me. Anyone out here a Curves member - I will go today for my first session.

    2 pounds a week is doable. Just make sure to eat clean and exercise at least 5 times a week. I know that Curves will help you out with that. You might even ask if they could help you with your nutrition. Sometimes they will sit down and really help you with it. Make sure to eat 5 mini-meals a day and drink lots of water. You can do this and we are all here or you. I wish you luck in your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle.
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    kdm9295 - You've got will power! No snacks at the water park is definitely an accomplishment!

    derocco - Glad you had a great b-day! I bet that yard work had muscles you don't usually use working. Always good to switch things up, and you can track all your results on your new computer!

    TCASMEY - Have you ever tried shirataki tofu noodles for spaghetti? They only have 40 calories per bag which is big enough for an individual serving,and they taste great although the consistency is a little chewy. I get them at whole foods.

    Memaw - You're so close to being under 200! It's gonna happen! Excited for you!

    jjtonic - congrats on the weight loss!!! That's fantastic, and only 16 pounds to go... you're going to knock it out!

    anthrochix - Seriously??? Only 0.6 pounds gained on a 2 week va-k? You'll drop that in 0.6 seconds. Amazing.

  • kolney
    kolney Posts: 93
    Ugh! I need some "that's okay" and "you'll do better this week". I was away this weekend at a wedding and had some drinks and ate far too much junk. In the process I gained 2 pounds. I know some of it could be water weight but I'm sooooooooo mad at myself for slipping. I did exercise a lot on Saturday (ran 2 miles, walked around for 3 hours shopping and danced at the wedding) but I ate far too much.

    So I need some encouragement. Today I have been super careful and even ran a 5k on the treadmill so I feel better but someone tell me I'm not the only one to fall off the wagon. And tell me that I'll get back to where I was before!
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Honestly, if it was only 1 weekend, you'll see that extra couple pounds melt right off in a couple days. I wouldn't be surprised if it's gone tomorrow, especially since you were careful today. At least that's been the case in my experience.

    Also, it might not even be a bad thing... sometimes the body needs a little shocker to kick it into gear!!!
    Let us know!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Ok so I am doing good so far today. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill (1 mile running and .8 walking) and I have already had 8 oz of water to drink. :drinker:

    I hope that everyone has a healthy day and is ready for weigh in tomorrow.:flowerforyou:
  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    Happy Tuesday everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Ugh! I need some "that's okay" and "you'll do better this week". I was away this weekend at a wedding and had some drinks and ate far too much junk. In the process I gained 2 pounds. I know some of it could be water weight but I'm sooooooooo mad at myself for slipping. I did exercise a lot on Saturday (ran 2 miles, walked around for 3 hours shopping and danced at the wedding) but I ate far too much.

    So I need some encouragement. Today I have been super careful and even ran a 5k on the treadmill so I feel better but someone tell me I'm not the only one to fall off the wagon. And tell me that I'll get back to where I was before!

    I believe Channing is absolutely right in that the body sometimes needs a shocker and since you did so well today it will come back off in no time.

    You will definitely get back to where you were, just have faith in yourself. Don't be so hard on yourself. It was a wedding afterall and you were joining in celebrating a wonderful event. I hope you had a good time.

    Take care,
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Good morning every one. I hope everyone is having a healthy happy day.
    I'm back on track today. Will exercise tonight after dinner.
    Just wanted to say hi for the day!!!!

    Hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised tomorrow for weigh in!!!:wink:

  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    So far Tuesday is starting out good. Got 40 minutes exercise in this morning and I've already had 3 of my waters.
    I tried a Jillian Michael's video this morning. She really kicks your butt.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    So far Tuesday is starting out good. Got 40 minutes exercise in this morning and I've already had 3 of my waters.
    I tried a Jillian Michael's video this morning. She really kicks your butt.

    I did my Jillian Michael's DVD the night before last and I think I pushed myself too hard ... my legs hurt soooo bad right now ... taking the stairs is brutal. I hope this doesn't last too long ... it's making me a tad cranky.
  • Linda1959
    ntungu - I also do Curves. I love that nobody pays attention to my jiggly-bits while working out!

    How do you calculate your exersise on the tracker using curves. I picked the machines I think and then thought I did 2 reps of 10 for most of the exercises. I will watch closer today.