Looking Good For Christmas - WEEK SIX



  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I have had 16 oz of plain water to drink, 2 waffles for breakfast, and now I am having 1 cup of progresso light soup. yummm.

    Are you drinking your water today? What have you had to eat?
  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    ntungu - I also do Curves. I love that nobody pays attention to my jiggly-bits while working out!

    How do you calculate your exersise on the tracker using curves. I picked the machines I think and then thought I did 2 reps of 10 for most of the exercises. I will watch closer today.

    The curves 30 minute workout can burn "up to" 500 calories according to their website. What I did is entered an "exercise not listed" and counted it as 275 calories. (there's no WAY I burn the 500:laugh: )
    I wore a pedometer/calorie counter for a week and counted what I burned on the aerobic bits and it averaged about 175 calories (I'm 5'7" and currently 190). Then I tacked on an extra 100 for the weights portions. Hope that this helps!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Ugh! I need some "that's okay" and "you'll do better this week". I was away this weekend at a wedding and had some drinks and ate far too much junk. In the process I gained 2 pounds. I know some of it could be water weight but I'm sooooooooo mad at myself for slipping. I did exercise a lot on Saturday (ran 2 miles, walked around for 3 hours shopping and danced at the wedding) but I ate far too much.

    So I need some encouragement. Today I have been super careful and even ran a 5k on the treadmill so I feel better but someone tell me I'm not the only one to fall off the wagon. And tell me that I'll get back to where I was before!

    Channing is right, your body needs a shock on occasion. You are doing fine. You got yourself right back on track and that is half the battle after a fun filled weekend. Don't kick yourself too hard. We all deserve a cheat weekend. As long as you eat clean and exercise you will lose those 2 pounds plus. So, hang in there. You are doing an awesome job. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    So far Tuesday is starting out good. Got 40 minutes exercise in this morning and I've already had 3 of my waters.
    I tried a Jillian Michael's video this morning. She really kicks your butt.

    I did my Jillian Michael's DVD the night before last and I think I pushed myself too hard ... my legs hurt soooo bad right now ... taking the stairs is brutal. I hope this doesn't last too long ... it's making me a tad cranky.
    The second day after a hard workout is always the worst. It will get better tomorrow. Keep on pushing through with another workout and your body will get use to the soreness and you won't feel it anymore. Sorry you are cranky today. I am with you on that. I wish I could fast forward to tomorrow. :bigsmile:
  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    I have had 16 oz of plain water to drink, 2 waffles for breakfast, and now I am having 1 cup of progresso light soup. yummm.

    Are you drinking your water today? What have you had to eat?

    I'm on glass number 5 already. We had a vendor that came in with 32 oz water bottles. Gotta love the vendors... Anyway it's made keeping track of my water intake much easier.
    I've had a breakfast burrito and lunch is leftover pot roast with a cup of egg noodles.
    ... and a diet coke. Haven't quite been able to break that habit...
  • kolney
    kolney Posts: 93
    Thanks for the support everyone! I did so well yesterday but the 2 pounds are still there. I'm doing all right today. I even took my 3 year old to the free movie and didn't have any popcorn! And I took her out to breakfast and only had 2 scrambled egg whites, some what toast and some fruit. I did have a huge salad with chicken for lunch which loaded the cals but I also exercised. So I know it will come off. I just hate to have to post a gain tomorrow. It's going to drive me crazy!!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I have done really well today. Done with dinner and stayed within my calories. I am stick working on drinking all of my water tho :drinker: . Hopefully I will get it all in by the end of the night. I also hope I see a loss for weigh in tomorrow. My weight went up a little this past week because of my indulgences for my birthday and the local fair.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone! I did so well yesterday but the 2 pounds are still there. I'm doing all right today. I even took my 3 year old to the free movie and didn't have any popcorn! And I took her out to breakfast and only had 2 scrambled egg whites, some what toast and some fruit. I did have a huge salad with chicken for lunch which loaded the cals but I also exercised. So I know it will come off. I just hate to have to post a gain tomorrow. It's going to drive me crazy!!

    If you think posting a gain is going to drive you crazy wait to weigh in until next week.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I have had 16 oz of plain water to drink, 2 waffles for breakfast, and now I am having 1 cup of progresso light soup. yummm.

    Are you drinking your water today? What have you had to eat?

    I'm on glass number 5 already. We had a vendor that came in with 32 oz water bottles. Gotta love the vendors... Anyway it's made keeping track of my water intake much easier.
    I've had a breakfast burrito and lunch is leftover pot roast with a cup of egg noodles.
    ... and a diet coke. Haven't quite been able to break that habit...

    What do you put in your breakfast burrito?

    I know what you mean about the diet pop, I have an addiction to fountain pop, I go to subway almost everyday for a 32 oz fountain diet pop.
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    Im just starting i hope thats okay!

    Week 6 August 26 Starting this week at a weight of 150 lbs

    Week 7 September 2 Labor Day is Monday
    Week 8 September 9
    Week 9 September 16
    Week 10 September 23
    Week 11 September 30

    Week 12 October 7 Canadian Thanksgiving is on Monday
    Week 13 October 14 .
    Week 14 October 21
    Week 15 October 28

    Week 16 November 4
    Week 17 November 11
    Week 18 November 18
    Week 19 November 25 American Thanksgiving is Tomorrow!

    Week 20 December 2
    Week 21 December 9
    Week 22 December 16
    Week 23 December 23 Christmas Eve is Tomorrow!
    My goal is to lose 40 lbs by then!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone! I did so well yesterday but the 2 pounds are still there. I'm doing all right today. I even took my 3 year old to the free movie and didn't have any popcorn! And I took her out to breakfast and only had 2 scrambled egg whites, some what toast and some fruit. I did have a huge salad with chicken for lunch which loaded the cals but I also exercised. So I know it will come off. I just hate to have to post a gain tomorrow. It's going to drive me crazy!!
    Honestly, don't worry about it too much. It will come off very soon. As long as you keep up with the clean eating and working out, it will be gone before you know it. Hang in there. :bigsmile:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hi All,

    Just thought I would take a break from work to say hi and I hope you are all having a good week so far.

    Tonight I take my measurements and see if I've lost some more inches with the lbs I have lost this month. I only plan to measure once a month and last month I was quite pleased.

    This weekend I am going to FanExpo which is like the Canadian version of ComiCon so hopefully I will have some great pictures and buy some really cool stuff.

    Take care and be good to yourselves,