Anyone wanna join? 30 Day Shred Today!



  • kitsrunner
    kitsrunner Posts: 59 Member
    Started today....second time around. I had problems with my knee the 1st time, but bought a wrap so hopefully that will help. I'm riding my road bike as well for extra cardio now that the weather has changed.
  • aztraea
    aztraea Posts: 44 Member
    Day 12 done! Level 2 went much better the second time around. Although that entire last set kills me - those V squats are insane!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Day 2 of Level 2 is done. Yesterday I felt so uncoordinated but it was better today. Gosh, can anyone out there do anterior lifts? It's like I have no muscled in the front of my arms! LOL

    I need to remind myself what I learned from doing Level 1: it DOES get easier to do the moves as you go. Stick with it!!
    Never give up, never surrender!
  • kerchki
    kerchki Posts: 63 Member
    I actually just started today, so perfect! I only had 2 pound weights or my husband's really heavy ones, so I did it with the 2s, still felt it though. I'll have to pick up some heavier ones. Happy shredding all!!!!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Day 12 done! Level 2 went much better the second time around. Although that entire last set kills me - those V squats are insane!

    I agree, they are the devil!! My shoulders and arms hurt so badly by the end of them, and I feel like I look completely RIDICULOUS while trying to do them! What is it about her 3rd strength circuit?!?!!? I do like her cardio better though!! Day 17 tomorrow, I'm so glad you all are doing better! We are rockin' this out, YESSSSS!!
  • girlonfire15
    girlonfire15 Posts: 77 Member
    I just finished day two of level one. I wasn't sore after doing the first day yesterday, but I woke up this morning in a world of pain! I have major soreness in my thighs/butt and tiny bit in my arms, but I already feel like I did better today than I did yesterday.
  • xoxo99
    xoxo99 Posts: 36
    Day 13, moved on to level two 3 days ago. OMG level 2 is KILLER!!!!! I have never had any knee issues but this work out is definitely very hard on the knees.
  • aztraea
    aztraea Posts: 44 Member
    Although that entire last set kills me - those V squats are insane!

    I agree, they are the devil!! My shoulders and arms hurt so badly by the end of them, and I feel like I look completely RIDICULOUS while trying to do them! What is it about her 3rd strength circuit?!?!!?

    I think that when Jillian says the weights should be at eye level, I should just expect serious pain lol. It was the same in Level 1 in the last circuit with those side lunge anterior raises. Ouch! I think I look ridiculous too because I keep repositioning myself thinking, huh, it looks so smooth when they do it :)
  • priyac1987
    priyac1987 Posts: 115 Member
    Right my 30 day shred starts today... after work yoga mat comes out dvd goes in and i begin to get shredding! looking forward to it but nervous at the same time! Will feedback after!! (if im still alive!!!!)
  • priyac1987
    priyac1987 Posts: 115 Member
    How many of you guys are doing other forms of exercise as well as the shred? Should i be doing extra?! will walking every other day for half an hour be enough??
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    How many of you guys are doing other forms of exercise as well as the shred? Should i be doing extra?! will walking every other day for half an hour be enough??

    Walking every day for a half hour would be great! The cardio from it will increase your fat loss while the shred tones the muscles underneath, good luck girl, stay focused and push it out!!
  • priyac1987
    priyac1987 Posts: 115 Member
    How many of you guys are doing other forms of exercise as well as the shred? Should i be doing extra?! will walking every other day for half an hour be enough??

    Walking every day for a half hour would be great! The cardio from it will increase your fat loss while the shred tones the muscles underneath, good luck girl, stay focused and push it out!!

    Just finished D1L1 and now i know what you guys mean by its tough! my face is sweating from places i didnt even know i could!! I am absolutely knackered but feel good for pushing through!! Bring on day 2!
  • priyac1987
    priyac1987 Posts: 115 Member
    Kinda disappointed im not feeling sore at all today!! :( someone said that i might be in better shape then i think.. either that or i didnt work hard enough!
  • Loeski5
    Loeski5 Posts: 56
    Totally forgot about posting here. So far, I've only done one day of Level 1. The best part about that is, I didn't quit! Yay!! I had a bit of soreness in my shoulders but I liked it, nothing I couldn't deal with. I really want to get into the habit of doing the 30 day shred daily but I want to do other workouts as well so it's difficult. Any tips or suggestions guys??
  • Kimlp85
    Kimlp85 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm on Level 1 Day 2, i feel a little sore but not extremely sore... hope day 3 a get better since i got the moves together now... 28 more days to go... i'm too excited to see my results! hope to lose at least 5lbs and 2 inches.. we shall see .. :)))))))
  • priyac1987
    priyac1987 Posts: 115 Member
    for the life of me i cannot do the push ups! i do 1 or 2 and flop to the floor.. my upper body strength is so poor!
  • trina_apple
    Does anyone know when the results really kick in??? Level 3? I definitely see a difference but would love to really see more scultping in my stomach....maybe on level 3????
  • kathleenp518
    kathleenp518 Posts: 48 Member
    Did Level 2 Day 8 today. I love this workout!!!
  • ikareterukon
    Yesterday, I finished day two, and boy am I sore! I feel like I can hardly walk. Sadly, today is the day where I'm gonna be on my feet all day long for work. Grrrr... I won't be able to do the shred until late tonight. Wish me good luck!
  • aztraea
    aztraea Posts: 44 Member
    Level 2, day 3 done! Two days away from the midpoint of the shred!