Anyone wanna join? 30 Day Shred Today!



  • aztraea
    aztraea Posts: 44 Member
    Does anyone know when the results really kick in??? Level 3? I definitely see a difference but would love to really see more scultping in my stomach....maybe on level 3????

    I lost a couple of inches in my stomach by the end of level 1! Not a whole lot of difference on the scale yet though.
  • priyac1987
    priyac1987 Posts: 115 Member
    Just finished day 2 of level 1 and im defo feeling it now!! does anyone find that one side of the body is always more sore than the other?
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    I've really been effing up the last week! I didn't do the shred for the last two days, and I hadn't missed any days before that. For some reason I can't get control of my mind, it's like now that I'm down to the finish line for the competition I'm self sabotaging! Maybe that's my brains way of saying "you know you're going to fail, what makes you think you could actually win this?" just because that's what I'm use to. I have a 1.6% weight loss percentage advantage over the woman in second place, but I'm still nervous. So, no more pity parties! I got three days to rock this out and prove to MYSELF that I am CAPABLE and WORTHY of first place in this competition!!! So, day 17 of the Shred done this morning, LETS GO GIRLS!!!!!!
  • priyac1987
    priyac1987 Posts: 115 Member
    I've really been effing up the last week! I didn't do the shred for the last two days, and I hadn't missed any days before that. For some reason I can't get control of my mind, it's like now that I'm down to the finish line for the competition I'm self sabotaging! Maybe that's my brains way of saying "you know you're going to fail, what makes you think you could actually win this?" just because that's what I'm use to. I have a 1.6% weight loss percentage advantage over the woman in second place, but I'm still nervous. So, no more pity parties! I got three days to rock this out and prove to MYSELF that I am CAPABLE and WORTHY of first place in this competition!!! So, day 17 of the Shred done this morning, LETS GO GIRLS!!!!!!

    Remember were all in the same boat as you and im pretty sure most of us get to a point where you just let your mind control your body, but you gotta fight through it! remember no pain no gain! THESE ABS DONT COME FOR FREE!! Your almost there and you CAN do it and you WILL do it! Show that damn DVD whos the boss!! (thats you btw!) You'll thank youself for pushing through when you are at your goal weight and you love what you see in the mirror!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    I've really been effing up the last week! I didn't do the shred for the last two days, and I hadn't missed any days before that. For some reason I can't get control of my mind, it's like now that I'm down to the finish line for the competition I'm self sabotaging! Maybe that's my brains way of saying "you know you're going to fail, what makes you think you could actually win this?" just because that's what I'm use to. I have a 1.6% weight loss percentage advantage over the woman in second place, but I'm still nervous. So, no more pity parties! I got three days to rock this out and prove to MYSELF that I am CAPABLE and WORTHY of first place in this competition!!! So, day 17 of the Shred done this morning, LETS GO GIRLS!!!!!!

    Remember were all in the same boat as you and im pretty sure most of us get to a point where you just let your mind control your body, but you gotta fight through it! remember no pain no gain! THESE ABS DONT COME FOR FREE!! Your almost there and you CAN do it and you WILL do it! Show that damn DVD whos the boss!! (thats you btw!) You'll thank youself for pushing through when you are at your goal weight and you love what you see in the mirror!

    LOL, thanks a million!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    For some reason I can't get control of my mind, it's like now that I'm down to the finish line for the competition I'm self sabotaging! Maybe that's my brains way of saying "you know you're going to fail, what makes you think you could actually win this?" just because that's what I'm use to.

    Exactly. I've thought this, too, and I know other people have as well. Sometimes it seems like just when I start to feel like I'm doing really well, that's when I start to blow it - and then I undo all the good I have done. It's a mind game. This is when we have to push through the most! You've got this... keep it going! YOU ARE CAPABLE OF FIRST PLACE!!

    I also missed the last two days (um, too much holiday if you know what I mean) but got back at it today!
    Day 13 is done.

    Have a great day, Shredders!!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    For some reason I can't get control of my mind, it's like now that I'm down to the finish line for the competition I'm self sabotaging! Maybe that's my brains way of saying "you know you're going to fail, what makes you think you could actually win this?" just because that's what I'm use to.

    Exactly. I've thought this, too, and I know other people have as well. Sometimes it seems like just when I start to feel like I'm doing really well, that's when I start to blow it - and then I undo all the good I have done. It's a mind game. This is when we have to push through the most! You've got this... keep it going! YOU ARE CAPABLE OF FIRST PLACE!!

    I also missed the last two days (um, too much holiday if you know what I mean) but got back at it today!
    Day 13 is done.

    Have a great day, Shredders!!

    Thank you guys so much, it helps to know that other people struggle with this. I think I'm going to get some new books and talk to a counselor, I display all the symptoms of obsessive compulsive binge eating disorder, and my binges are starting to become more frequent, time to nip this in the bud! Thanks to you all again, it makes me feel so much better!!
  • aztraea
    aztraea Posts: 44 Member
    Day 14 done - tomorrow is the halfway mark! Note to self: do not skip your exercise in the morning ever again! Such a hard time making myself do it at 7 pm tonight!
  • MissCassieHughes
    MissCassieHughes Posts: 53 Member
    Starting this next week when weights come. Sounds horrifying but sooo worth it. Ive lost weight but no inches so def looking forward it. I tried to psych myself up by just watching it a few times but even my eyes felt like they were working out.
  • Kimlp85
    Kimlp85 Posts: 51 Member
    didn't had a chance to do level one day 3 today because of my stupid sinus flare up but i will def to it first thing today. congested or not! congested!! lol i'm really loving this dvd... OAN:: will the results not happen if you skip a day.????? or is that ok???
  • Kimlp85
    Kimlp85 Posts: 51 Member
    for the life of me i cannot do the push ups! i do 1 or 2 and flop to the floor.. my upper body strength is so poor!

    Don't feel bad i can't get the push-ups neither even doing the modified version but i got the other moves down .. i worry will that cause the results to be off. i'm trying as hard as possible to do them!!!!
  • aztraea
    aztraea Posts: 44 Member
    didn't had a chance to do level one day 3 today because of my stupid sinus flare up but i will def to it first thing today. congested or not! congested!! lol i'm really loving this dvd... OAN:: will the results not happen if you skip a day.????? or is that ok???
    I'm only doing it 5Xwk, so skipping a day seems fine to me :)
  • garbor16
    garbor16 Posts: 43 Member
    I skipped yesterday, way too hot in my house! Still warm this morning but I got up early and tackled day 1 of Level 2. I was so out of breath I couldn't believe it!!
    I sure wish that scale would start moving in the right direction!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    I skipped yesterday, way too hot in my house! Still warm this morning but I got up early and tackled day 1 of Level 2. I was so out of breath I couldn't believe it!!
    I sure wish that scale would start moving in the right direction!

    I saw 30 day shred results yesterday on the success stories forum and this girl only lost 5 lbs the entire 30 days but seriously looked like she had dropped 30, no joke! I was floored, amazing! Don't get discouraged!! I lost my way for a few days this last week but I'm now feeling much stronger, I am woman, hear me roar!!!!!! RAWRRRRRRR! :laugh:
  • aztraea
    aztraea Posts: 44 Member
    I'm not going to lie, the scale is killing me! I lost three pounds the first week, but I had actually put those three pounds on the week before when I quit smoking; so they don't seem like "real" pounds as much as they do fluctuation. And I've lost ZERO since. I have lost a few inches so far, which I know is important, but man oh man, I'd like to just have a little cooperation from the scale. I too keep looking at people's before and after photos hoping to have similar success :) Day 15 done over here!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Whoop whoop! Day 18 finished, I think I sweat more today than any other day! It is exceptionally humid today. We are getting so close guys!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Day 14 done today. For what it's worth, I still have the 3 pounds I gained since I started and the tape measure doesn't show any change either. But I'm going to trust the program and stay with it.

    I have to remember that above all, my goal was to get healthier - and if I am weight-training each morning, then surely I am getting fitter /stronger. Even if it isn't measurable yet. Gosh, I'm sweating so I must be doing something right. I think my age might be a factor... older bodies change more slowly (not sure of that but it sounds possible?). But women my age are supposed to weight-train anyway because it's good for our bones. So, I'm sticking with it and not being discouraged! Every day is a step toward a fitter me, right?
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    I'm not going to lie, the scale is killing me! I lost three pounds the first week, but I had actually put those three pounds on the week before when I quit smoking; so they don't seem like "real" pounds as much as they do fluctuation. And I've lost ZERO since. I have lost a few inches so far, which I know is important, but man oh man, I'd like to just have a little cooperation from the scale. I too keep looking at people's before and after photos hoping to have similar success :) Day 15 done over here!

    Day 15 is terrific - you are halfway there! Inches lost is a good indication you're on the right track. Don't lose hope - I'm sure the pounds will soon follow. You are doing great!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    I'm not going to lie, the scale is killing me! I lost three pounds the first week, but I had actually put those three pounds on the week before when I quit smoking; so they don't seem like "real" pounds as much as they do fluctuation. And I've lost ZERO since. I have lost a few inches so far, which I know is important, but man oh man, I'd like to just have a little cooperation from the scale. I too keep looking at people's before and after photos hoping to have similar success :) Day 15 done over here!

    Day 15 is terrific - you are halfway there! Inches lost is a good indication you're on the right track. Don't lose hope - I'm sure the pounds will soon follow. You are doing great!

    The older we get the slower our metabolism naturally becomes, it is also easier to lose muscle and gain fat. This is why strength training and adequate protein intake are very important as we age. How much protein do you take in on a daily basis? Aim for at least 100 grams, it's best to take in 1 gram per pound of body weight but 100 is a good one to strive for. I hope this is helpful!
  • katielangley
    katielangley Posts: 152 Member
    Hey guys!!! I have not checked in for a few!!! I finished day 15 yesterday, I will be on day 16 tonight!!! 4 more days before level 3... I have lost weight and inches since starting... I Will give exact measurements at the end of level 2!!! Keep up the great work everyone!!