Anyone wanna join? 30 Day Shred Today!



  • meandahalf
    Level 1, day 3 done! : ) Super proud, I feel the burn still but I actually couldn't wait for it today! I already feel better in myself but I think that's just a positive attitude thing. Keep it up everyone : )
  • garbor16
    garbor16 Posts: 43 Member
    Tomorrow will be day 15...yeah!
    What excercises does everyone hate in level 2? I totally dread the pendulum lunges and all of the strength of circuit 3. But, I enjoy the cardio and abs of the 3rd circuit. Well, maybe not "enjoy" but it gets me throught the strength piece!
    Anyone seeing big changes on the scale or measurements?
  • garbor16
    garbor16 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm thinking ahead to life after the 30DS - have you guys done many other JM videos? I'm thinking of doing a BFBM/NMTZ rotation after this. Anyone done that combo?

    I have been thinking about this also, and initially I was going to go right into ripped in 30. However I just recently became a coach for beachbody so I think I'm going to challenge myself to one of their programs. If any of you would like to join or would like more information message me and I will set up a plan for you!

    I was thinking of going into either "ripped in 30" or "shed or shred" What I read, ripped in 30 had great reviews, and shed/shred is kinda a mess.
    What is beachbody? I might be interested!
  • petersoncl
    petersoncl Posts: 54
    It is 11:00 pm. and a little late to start exercising. I will begin tomorrow.
  • Perixi
    Perixi Posts: 116 Member
    Level 2 is so much harder! Its good though.

    I moved up to level 2 after 8 days as was getting a bit bored this has certainly perked up my interest again!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    After taking a week off (no exercise at all) to celebrate my birthday and the 4th, I'm back. I'd completed Level 1 and was a few days into Level 2 when I stopped. I restarted Level 2 and just competed Day 3 today. It seems so much easier this time. I don't know if I'll stay on Level 2 for the whole 10 days. I'm using 8 lb weights and I can still do the routine with ease. The only part where I feel more challenged is the 2nd set of the military press with leg raise. My shoulders are tired by then.

    I love the program though. I've lost 2 inches off my waist and hips since I last measured.

    Wow. 8 lb weights - That's excellent. I say: Move on if it seems easy! You rock!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    bellabijou, tobeftmom,
    Go ahead and get started! I surprised myself by what I was capable of doing when I stuck with it. I'm not in such great shape either, but I definitely feel my body getting stronger and it's really kind of an interesting thing!
    Good luck meeting your goals!

    Today is Day 17 for me. I took a rest day yesterday :-)
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    im actually starting it tomorrow! gonna get my weights today
  • meandahalf
    Day 4 of level 1 done, today was HARD but I have done more walking today. Proud for pushing through though. Been drinking lots of water today too. Weigh in on Mon-I hope the scales are kind!!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    I'm thinking ahead to life after the 30DS - have you guys done many other JM videos? I'm thinking of doing a BFBM/NMTZ rotation after this. Anyone done that combo?

    I have been thinking about this also, and initially I was going to go right into ripped in 30. However I just recently became a coach for beachbody so I think I'm going to challenge myself to one of their programs. If any of you would like to join or would like more information message me and I will set up a plan for you!

    I was thinking of going into either "ripped in 30" or "shed or shred" What I read, ripped in 30 had great reviews, and shed/shred is kinda a mess.
    What is beachbody? I might be interested!

    Beachbody is who has Shakeology p90x, INSANITY, Turbo Jam and such, I'm going to pick a program from there and hopefully get through each and every one of them starting after I finish the Shred, I'm excited!!!
  • jennylasley
    Did day 4 today of level 1 [took yesterday off due to a root canal]. Push ups are getting better. Knees seem to be taking a beating. Might have to put on some knee braces for support during the cardio portions. On to day 5!
  • kgsprenger
    kgsprenger Posts: 12 Member
    Day 16 done- day 6 of level 2. I am doing so much better as I go along. I've also been running every other day and my times have improved greatly. I'm not sure if the 2 are related, but it sure hasn't hurt.
    My body feels different too. I'm kinda proud of myself. :smile:
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Day 16 done- day 6 of level 2. I am doing so much better as I go along. I've also been running every other day and my times have improved greatly. I'm not sure if the 2 are related, but it sure hasn't hurt.
    My body feels different too. I'm kinda proud of myself. :smile:

    You should be, you're doing great! Isn't it neat how you can actually feel your body getting stronger? As someone who has never lifted weights in my life, I find this whole process kinda fascinating.

    Day 18 for me today.

    Good wishes to all of you who are fighting the good fight toward health & fitness. You are all winners with each small step you take toward meeting your goal!
  • jennylasley
    Day 5 of level 1 done. I've had to alter the cardio a bit to lessen up the stress on my knees. Outside of that, I'm gradually improving. I may have to supplement the cardio by using the elliptical but as long as I get the toning, I'm happy. :smile:
  • iCupCakeNZ
    iCupCakeNZ Posts: 228 Member
    Level 3, day 22 done.. Does anyone else feel like a dying whale doing the superman?
  • aztraea
    aztraea Posts: 44 Member
    Dang, fell off the exercise wagon a few days ago. I think I was through day 18. I leave for vacation in a week, so I'm going to plan on doing level 2 until then and pick up at level 3 when I get back! Shred on, guys!
  • misssarah661
    so the 30 day shred video is on youtube or can you buy the video at like Target or Walmart? I am very interested in starting this if you could provide me with additional information. Thanks!
  • sevenate9
    sevenate9 Posts: 5 Member
    D4L1 for me today and I am starting to find it a lot easier than I thought I would. My only problem is the skipping move because of the size of my breasts - I have to hold them up ;). I plan to stay with the weights that i am using at the momment tomorrow; get through the whole workout, including the skipping and the last 5 of the laterals exercise and then up my weights for the second half of level 1. Wish me luck. I plan to log every day here for some sort of accountability. I hope this is an active thread.
  • bmfoley
    bmfoley Posts: 93 Member
    I started it yesterday. . . . . doesnt appear that hard but my thighs are sore today!! I'm in this!!! Hoping for good results!
  • jennylasley
    so the 30 day shred video is on youtube or can you buy the video at like Target or Walmart? I am very interested in starting this if you could provide me with additional information. Thanks!

    I bought level one for $1.99 from Amazon.

    I watch it on my Roku. I figured if it wasn't for me then I was only out $1.99 instead of buying the whole thing. :smile: