~ Clean Eaters Thread ~



  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hey CRAP FREE CLUB:laugh: thought about that while driving the girls to hockey. Where do you buy this scale already. As I was putting together my salad for supper, I was wondering how accurate I am. I NEED IT!! Is a whole wheat croissant cheating? I cut it to 1/2, but it was soooo good. Still waiting for Insanity to arrive. Hope my body can handle it!:tongue: I dind't get to snack today cause of running errands, so my supper has extra cals, I'll have to put something in my car or purse!

    I posted the link on the 2nd page. I got mine from Amazon.com It's the Eat Smart scale. I have heard other people that got them at Wal*mart or Target. Just make sure it has the tare button!!! Oh, and not sure on the whole wheat croissant. I would say it wouldn't be the greatest way to get in the whole grains, but at least it wasn't a white croissant! :wink:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Ha ha right now I happen to be eating my afternoon snack of Dannon plain nonfat yogurt, 15 blackberries, and 20 almonds. I swear I'm not stalking you -- I didn't even see your entry until I was almost done with my snack LOL
    Copy cat!! J/k It's my afternoon addiction, good thing it's healthy! :laugh:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Dinner: (kind of a mix of leftovers in the fridge, my dh is gone tonight so it's just me w/ the girls!)
    4 oz chicken breast topped w/ 1/4 c. black beans & 2 T. salsa
    Large baked sweet potato topped w/ 1/2 c. cottage cheese + cinnamon + pumpkin pie spice

    Going for a walk w/ my dd and the dog in a few!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    No taking the weekend off from clean eating!!! :tongue:

    I burned off nearly 1,000 cals on my 9 mile run this morning so I *will* be eating more today! Woohoo! :drinker: But clean eats!!

    Melaleuca Access bar (this is about the only time I eat bars, but these are great for before long runs for me!)

    Usual oatmeal (posted y'day)

    Will be ready for a snack soon though! :wink:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    i have read this entire thread and i am very interested in CE. i have been eating healthier over the past few years, but still need to improve, LOTS! what book is more helpful...mentioned here is Tosca's Eat Clean, JM's Master Your Metabolism, the Clean Eating Magazine....or something else? i have a scale, but it is not digital, and i sometimes will have to weigh food more than once....i think a digital would be more accurate.

    jessmomof3, is there a certain brand of chocolate protein powder that is better than others? how often do you use this?

    thanks for starting this.....i love all the info everyone has shared. :bigsmile:
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Morning ladies
    I'm having my morning smoothie--almond milk, almond butter, peach, blueberries, fage--and a slice of sprouted cinnamon toast. Then it's off to work :yawn: Lunch is leftover chicken enchilada casserole--not quite clean, I couldn't find a "clean" brand of condensed cream of chicken soup if there is one. No idea what dinner will be, I have to go grocery shopping and get cooking! Have a nice day all
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hello everyone! I just finished my Turbo! I am going to go for a long bike later this morning also-it is soooo nice outside, probably a little hot with the sun but I'll manage! I just wanted to ask about something-ok so I found this really yummy recipe this morning for breakfast- It's french toast (I used Arnold whole grain carb counting bread(2 slices), dipped in egg beaters (1 egg) and egg beaters whites (1 egg), a tiny bit of pure vanilla extract and 8th continent fat free soy milk (2 tbsp). Topped it with 1 tbsp of smart balance natural PB. I also did my usual whey protein shake with the same soy milk. Does that sound like an ok breakfast? haha I know that sounds like a dumb question, but it was AWESOME-and it was definitely staying within my calorie/etc ranges for the day--I'm still new to this and I love finding and creating new ideas for meals! Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!:tongue:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Sounds good to me! Anyone ever tell you you kind of look like Ellen Degeneres?:wink:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Just came back from the farmers market - Love trying new things. Got a bag of Kale (I've had it before but its been a while) Home grown apples and some new cucumbers called "lemon cucumbers" - really excited to try.

    For breakfast I had my version of scrambled eggs - i'm no good at making omlets, so I saute what ever veggies I have on hand, this morning was red onion, mushroom, and red pepper, one that is softened, I scramble two eggs and serve those on top of the veggies with a bit of shredded parmesean - so yummy. Love it on the weekends when I have time!!!

    Better go find something to do with Kale :) Happy Saturday everyone!
  • Last night I caught my boyfriend reading my clean eating magazine and he was really into the recipes (he loves to cook). Success! I might get him eating clean soon enough...
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Last night I caught my boyfriend reading my clean eating magazine and he was really into the recipes (he loves to cook). Success! I might get him eating clean soon enough...

    Funny!! Like you *caught* him doing something bad!! :laugh: Reading CE magazine... yay! :drinker:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Morning snack:
    1 c. plain yogurt + 1/2 c. blueberries + 1/4 c. Nature's Path Pumpkin Flax Granola

    Lunch: (tuna salad)
    3 oz romaine, 1/2 c. peas, 1/2 oz matchstick carrots, 1/2 c. garbanzo beans, 2oz tuna,
    1 hard boiled egg, 1 tsp. olive oil and balsamic

    And... made cream cheese banana bread (it's cleaner, but still has some sugar in it!)
    And my 10yo made peanut butter blossom cookies. NONE for me, not even a lick of the spoon. :bigsmile:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    The Kale i got at the farmers market was FAB!!! I sauted some garlic in olive oil then added the Kale to wilt, a few sliced mushrooms and red pepper flakes, once wilted a bit of Basalmic Vinegar - excellent!!! and soooo healthy
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    The Kale i got at the farmers market was FAB!!! I sauted some garlic in olive oil then added the Kale to wilt, a few sliced mushrooms and red pepper flakes, once wilted a bit of Basalmic Vinegar - excellent!!! and soooo healthy

    That sounds yummy!! I love the farmers market!
  • Last night I caught my boyfriend reading my clean eating magazine and he was really into the recipes (he loves to cook). Success! I might get him eating clean soon enough...

    Funny!! Like you *caught* him doing something bad!! :laugh: Reading CE magazine... yay! :drinker:

    He's definitely not the healthiest of eaters. I've gotten him turned on to a few things but he likes to tease me about how I can be so OCD about measuring out my food and counting portions. The first time he saw me counting out a serving of Kashi crackers, he told me i was crazy!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello non crap eaters!!! :laugh: :laugh: I would love to join!! Jess is one of my heroes here in MFP so I cannot resist being in one of her groups. :laugh:

    I have been eating pretty clean lately, not since I started MFP in Jan 08, but I want to say since early this year. I am not at 100% eating clean, might not be ever, but I eat clean 80-95% most days of the week. The only problem is that it can get boring at times, run out of ideas, and that is when I stray. :noway: Hopefully this group will help me stay on track more often by giving me some meal/snacks ideas.

    This morning:
    1/4 c steel cut oats, 1/2 c skim milk, 10 chopped almonds, 1 scoop chocolate whey protein (body fortress super advanced)

    "snack" after my 11mile jog/walk with my husband:
    oroweat whole grain and flax english muffin, 1 tbs natural almond butter, 1 scoop whey protein chocolate

    1/2c Homemade whole grain elbow macaroni with 93% ground beef (made with heart smart prego sauce, not very clean I guess), 3oz grilled salmon, 1 plum

    Not sure what I will eat for afternoon snack and dinner yet. I have tons of calories to consume today (about 2400) :noway: Suggestions? My husband wants to order pizza and drink beer :noway: :noway: :devil: Might have a slice and prepare a salad and have some fruit for dessert. I also have 1% cottage cheese and dannon plain yogurt so one of those could be part of my snacks. I am doing P90X, just started, and training for a half marathon in Nov.

  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Hi guys...:cry: I can't exercise still. My shoulder is bad again and I can't even go to work. :sad: I'm so tired of this. Sorry to vent. My family is sick of me crying and being sad. I'm at my best when I can workout and feel great. I guess I'll have to send INSANITY back when it comes-I'll never be able to go hard like that again I don't think-that devastates me.:sad: :cry: :mad: So far ok with the eats. Not much of an appetite today. Will I have a prob with BB with the return Jess?:cry::cry: Keepin it clean (except my house and mouth lately) ,Kath
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey everyone! I hope your all having a great evening:smile:
    I'm sorry to hear about your bum shoulder Kath-I would probably be dying:cry: I don't blame you for being upset-just remember, give it some rest and maybe you can build it back a little once it has recovered. Maybe not to a great extent (ie insanity) but even working the muscle again helps! I have a bum knee I injured playing soccer and it gets this funny kind of crunch sometimes:huh: lol but I have noticed building the muscle around it has helped tremendously-I do a lot of biking:happy: Also-it's funny you mentioned the Ellen thing-not me personally but my mom! I guess it runs down the line!:laugh: One other thing Kath-did you ever come across that banana dessert recipe thing from another post? I've been dying for it-I :heart: bananas!:bigsmile:
    Plan is sesame chicken for dindin over a nice spinach salad:tongue:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hi guys...:cry: I can't exercise still. My shoulder is bad again and I can't even go to work. :sad: I'm so tired of this. Sorry to vent. My family is sick of me crying and being sad. I'm at my best when I can workout and feel great. I guess I'll have to send INSANITY back when it comes-I'll never be able to go hard like that again I don't think-that devastates me.:sad: :cry: :mad: So far ok with the eats. Not much of an appetite today. Will I have a prob with BB with the return Jess?:cry::cry: Keepin it clean (except my house and mouth lately) ,Kath

    Oh no, Kath!! Not your shoulder again!! :sad: I'm so sorry to hear that!!

    Yes, BB will take a return. I will PM you the customer service number if you don't have it!

    But, I do think you could still do a lot of Insanity. There are pushups, planks, mountain climbers, and that sort of thing but there is also just straight cardio (all sorts of jumping around. :laugh: ) that you could do. ((HUGS))
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hello non crap eaters!!! :laugh: :laugh: I would love to join!! Jess is one of my heroes here in MFP so I cannot resist being in one of her groups. :laugh:

    I have been eating pretty clean lately, not since I started MFP in Jan 08, but I want to say since early this year. I am not at 100% eating clean, might not be ever, but I eat clean 80-95% most days of the week. The only problem is that it can get boring at times, run out of ideas, and that is when I stray. :noway: Hopefully this group will help me stay on track more often by giving me some meal/snacks ideas.

    Not sure what I will eat for afternoon snack and dinner yet. I have tons of calories to consume today (about 2400) :noway: Suggestions? My husband wants to order pizza and drink beer :noway: :noway: :devil: Might have a slice and prepare a salad and have some fruit for dessert. I also have 1% cottage cheese and dannon plain yogurt so one of those could be part of my snacks. I am doing P90X, just started, and training for a half marathon in Nov.


    That is soooo sweet of you!! :heart: Seriously, that just made my day! :flowerforyou: Thank you!! I'm so glad you joined us!!

    I have almost 1,000 cals to eat today from my long run this morning. So far I haven't eaten that much more than a usual day. Tomorrow is my rest day so I will just eat a bit more than usual tomorrow to balance it out. :laugh: I think it works better to spread it out over a couple days than to try to pack in too many cals. If you must, indulge in a piece of 2 of pizza (but make sure to log it!) but just say no to beer! :wink:
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