~ Clean Eaters Thread ~



  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    He's definitely not the healthiest of eaters. I've gotten him turned on to a few things but he likes to tease me about how I can be so OCD about measuring out my food and counting portions. The first time he saw me counting out a serving of Kashi crackers, he told me i was crazy!

    My dh too!! I've always measured my food in cups. My brother is the *same* way. We are both a bit OCD. I always count out my crackers and now that I have my food scale I weigh everything! :tongue:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Morning snack:
    1 c. plain yogurt + 1/2 c. blueberries + 1/4 c. Nature's Path Pumpkin Flax Granola

    Lunch: (tuna salad)
    3 oz romaine, 1/2 c. peas, 1/2 oz matchstick carrots, 1/2 c. garbanzo beans, 2oz tuna,
    1 hard boiled egg, 1 tsp. olive oil and balsamic

    And... made cream cheese banana bread (it's cleaner, but still has some sugar in it!)
    And my 10yo made peanut butter blossom cookies. NONE for me, not even a lick of the spoon. :bigsmile:

    Afternoon snack:
    1 c. plain yogurt + 1/2 c. blueberries + 1 T. NM PB

    Not sure what's for dinner. Dh is gone again so just me w/ my girls! I'm almost thinking of making my whole grain pancakes. I'll share the recipe in a few. :wink:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Whole Wheat and oatmeal pancakes

    1 c. whole wheat flour
    1 c. oatmeal (I use old fashioned Quaker)
    1 T. baking powder
    1 tsp. baking soda, dash salt
    1 1/4 c. milk, 1/2 c. water
    1 egg
    1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. vanilla
    I also add 2 T. ground flaxseed and 2 T. wheat germ (no one notices! LOL)

    Mix together dry ingredients & then add in the wet ingredients.

    Cook on hot griddle sprayed w/ Pam. Feel free to add in blueberries, sliced bananas, mini chocolate chips, whatever you like. :o) My kids love them topped w/ peanut butter.

    (I need to refigure out the cal count for these!)
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    You are so welcome!! You are great!! :drinker:

    Afternoon snack:
    1/2 c 1% lactaid cottage cheese, 1/4 c blueberries

    2.5 slices ham, tomato, green peppers pizza, 1.5c raw veggies, 1/2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil I am stuffed!!! Oh, no beer, there's none in the house. :drinker: There is wine but I am not really interested. I still have a little over 400 cals to eat though. :grumble: Might have a protein shake with more fruit later on but I am thinking I might "bank" them. I went over my sodium today with the pizza. :grumble: I do drink lots of water, so far today, 112 oz. So hopefully that will help.

    Jess, your pancakes come out fluffy? Every time I make whole wheat pancakes they are not fluffy, they are too gooey and bland. Also, do you melt the pb to drizzle over the pancakes?

    Another question: I measure everything using measuring cups and spoons and I also have a cheap manual food scale I bought at WalMart about a yr ago. Do you think I really need a better scale? I am not sure I need to invest in one. I do not like to eyeball anything because it usually goes one way or the other but not like it should be. More than likely I tend to overestimate. And undereating is just as bad as overeating.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Thanks guys, you have more empathy than my family right now. I slep all afternoon. Ate about 5 tbs peanutbutter :noway: for supper with other stuff so now over by 110 cals! I LOVE pb, can you tell? Thanks for the oatmeal recipe, we need to SPARK it! No, I never did find the banana recipe, but will still keep looking. I don't think it was from another website or mag, it must of been on a random chat site. Maybe I'll bump it again. I miss those days when I could eat an extra 1000 cals.:grumble: Hey, Jess, would BB return the INSANITY still if I opened to check what I can an can't do?:ohwell:I am buying that scale-I prob ate 10 tbsp with my luck! Not sure if they sell to Canda though, waiting for a reply from an email.
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Hi non-crap eaters! I love that name. Today at work of course someone brought these dumpling things with meat everybody was telling me to "eat eat eat". haha, it's a very diverse group, with everything from Russians, persians, chinese, pakistani, phillipinos, and they all love to eat! I finally to told one I was on a special eating plan--the "don't eat everything that comes my way" plan. Yes, today I vowed to give up the "see-food diet". Anyways, I survived that and now am putting together my kitchen sink dinner of leftovers. Does the clean eating mag have recipes available online? I think I'll shop on Monday when I'm off.

    Hope you all are enjoying the weekend :happy:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Hi non-crap eaters! I love that name. Today at work of course someone brought these dumpling things with meat everybody was telling me to "eat eat eat". haha, it's a very diverse group, with everything from Russians, persians, chinese, pakistani, phillipinos, and they all love to eat! I finally to told one I was on a special eating plan--the "don't eat everything that comes my way" plan. Yes, today I vowed to give up the "see-food diet". Anyways, I survived that and now am putting together my kitchen sink dinner of leftovers. Does the clean eating mag have recipes available online? I think I'll shop on Monday when I'm off.

    Hope you all are enjoying the weekend :happy:
    GOOD FOR YOU!:flowerforyou:

    I think we should be called Crap Free Club next thread, or the Crap Zappers:laugh: or the Clean Keeners. Man, I have no life....
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Quick post from me.

    3 oz chicken breast w/ a laughing cow light cheese wedge on a small low-carb tortilla
    Medium baked sweet potato topped w/ 1/4 c. cottage cheese + cinnamon

    Snack: My homemade dark cocoa
    2 T. cocoa powder, 1 packet Truvia, dash salt
    8 oz skim milk
    Add dry ingredients to a coffee mug.
    Slowly add in milk to make a paste. Keep stirring well. Add the rest of the milk.
    Microwave for 1 minute and stir well.
    If you want it to be extra chocolatey, then add 1 Dove Dark promise.
    Microwave for another 45 seconds or so (you don't want it to boil, just to melt the chocolate).

    <172 cals/ 24g carb/ 4g fat/ 10g protein with the dove promise>
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    My problem today is I can't get enough calories in - I still need 300 because I went for a 6 mile jog/walk!! I ate to healthy all day my calorie count is low. Guess that's a good problem to have :)

    For dinner - I had a healthy tuna salad I piccked up from another thread - no may, dressing was just olive oil and lemon juice with some spices, just tuna, organic canned beans and an onion. At it on one of the Orowheat sandwich thins, those may not be completely clean, but I love them!! just the right amount of bread, they are whole grain with 3 grams of fiber per serving, so not all bad.

    Really loving this thread - love the name suggestion - crap zappers!!! That's great.

    I'm off to a family gathering tomorrow, the weather should be perfect for it.
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Celery salad recipe:

    1 bunch (12-15 stalks) celery, plus leaves
    1 cup sliced or slivered almonds
    1/4 cup olive oil
    2 teaspoons lemon juice
    1/4 cup roughly chopped parsley
    salt and pepper

    Chop the celery stalks and leaves into bite-sized pieces. Mix together with almonds.

    Whisk olive oil, lemon juice, parsley, and a pinch of salt and pepper together in a small bowl. Drizzle dressing on top of celery and almonds and stir well. Makes approximately 4 servings.

    This is from Mark's Daily Apple, lean lioness actually posted the link to the site in another thread. I don't agree with the evolutionary reasoning used as a basis for the paleo diet, but they have a lot of good clean recipes! I tried this one and loved it. Thanks LL.
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Hello again! An LVT is a Licensed Veterinary Technician-haha! I love it!:bigsmile: And thanks, I have been trying my hardest- I used to weigh about 165 in January and decided I need a change. My mom and I started to do TurboJam:heart:and it stuck with us:smile: I now weigh about 117, which I never thought was imaginable. I just can't get enough workouts in! haha..My mom has lost weight also, I am so proud of her! Anyway, I just love this site to death! I've been using it about a month now. It really helps me stay on track, holds me accountable so I think twice about eating something I know I shouldn't haha! I have tried sooo many new foods that I just would have passed by before-It's great! So any recipes/snacks--ANYTHING you would like to share would be awesome! Like I said, at the moment I am doing Chalean Extreme circuits, along with TJ for more cardio and a lot of biking:happy:
    Neeterskeeter- I have a huge garden and :heart: :heart: :heart: fresh green beans! I usually just steam them over the stove and serve, but you could also pour some light marinara sauce over them and microwave for a few minutes...
    Thanks in advance everyone!

    That's impressive and inspirational... do you have before/after pics anywhere? I'm planning to start P90X after my Labor Day beach trip.
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    I have good news and bad news... good news is that last night I went out with friends to a fave bar and didn't drink a drop. One of my goals has been to give up alcohol for awhile and eventually to cut way back on it. So I am doing well with that goal and I wrote about last night in my "hiatus from alcohol" thread if anyone else is trying the same thing and is interested.

    Yesterday I think I posted my breakfast, lunch, and one snack. So, to round out yesterday, another snack was a turkey wrap I make and dinner was roasted turkey salad at the bar, and sharing a bowl of green chile stew with my boyfriend. I went to restaurants twice yesterday (once for lunch with a former co-worker where I had the tuna sashimi/sushi and the second time to the bar), so I think overall I did well at eating healthy instead of giving myself excuses to order something unhealthy.

    BUT the bad news is that today I cheated, my boyfriend and I went to Santa Fe on the train and he loves this Chicago Pizza place (he is from Chicago) that has real Chicago-style deep dish pizza. I had told him I would have one piece and so I did... sausage and green chile. NOT a clean food of course but I occasionally do a "detour" for him because I don't want to be a spoilsport and order salad at his favorite pizza joint and also it really does taste so yummy. And when I say "occasionally" I mean that we go to this pizza place *maybe* three or four times a year... like for his birthday and a couple other times when he really wants to go. And in the past I would have two pieces with beer or wine at the restaurant and then eat it for leftovers, and tonight I had the one piece with water and I am not going to eat any leftovers, it's a big pizza but he can share it with his friends :laugh:. So I am doing better than I would have in the past. I stayed at my calorie goal for the day AND my long run this weekend was 7 miles so I think it's not the worst "cheating" imaginable, although I do aim to always eat clean so yes it was cheating. :wink:

    I hope everyone else has been having a good weekend!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I LOVE pizza-it's my fave food. :happy: But, so far I've been able to resist. Restaurant style would be a killer. Well, I got off my bought and went for a long inclined walk on the treadmill. Didn't go crazy, but at least burnnt 700 cals. Now I'll be up all night.:drinker:
  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    Susie's Strawberry Shortcake

    1 cup of fresh strawberries
    1/4 cup coconut milk
    1/2 Tbsp Blue Agave Nectar or Raw Honey
    2 Tbsp ground flaxseed meal
    1/2 Tbsp almond meal (optional)

    (189 calories without the almond meal)

  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    Hi non-crap eaters! I love that name. Today at work of course someone brought these dumpling things with meat everybody was telling me to "eat eat eat". haha, it's a very diverse group, with everything from Russians, persians, chinese, pakistani, phillipinos, and they all love to eat! I finally to told one I was on a special eating plan--the "don't eat everything that comes my way" plan. Yes, today I vowed to give up the "see-food diet". Anyways, I survived that and now am putting together my kitchen sink dinner of leftovers. Does the clean eating mag have recipes available online? I think I'll shop on Monday when I'm off.

    Hope you all are enjoying the weekend :happy:

    There are recipes at http://www.eatcleandiet.com

  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    Celery salad recipe:

    1 bunch (12-15 stalks) celery, plus leaves
    1 cup sliced or slivered almonds
    1/4 cup olive oil
    2 teaspoons lemon juice
    1/4 cup roughly chopped parsley
    salt and pepper

    Chop the celery stalks and leaves into bite-sized pieces. Mix together with almonds.

    Whisk olive oil, lemon juice, parsley, and a pinch of salt and pepper together in a small bowl. Drizzle dressing on top of celery and almonds and stir well. Makes approximately 4 servings.

    This is from Mark's Daily Apple, lean lioness actually posted the link to the site in another thread. I don't agree with the evolutionary reasoning used as a basis for the paleo diet, but they have a lot of good clean recipes! I tried this one and loved it. Thanks LL.

    That sounds yummy!! Thanks for sharing!!

    BTW... we are "paleo-ish" but we call it the Genesis Diet!! hehe!! (new beginnings via bible-based good sense!)
  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    i have read this entire thread and i am very interested in CE. i have been eating healthier over the past few years, but still need to improve, LOTS! what book is more helpful...mentioned here is Tosca's Eat Clean, JM's Master Your Metabolism, the Clean Eating Magazine....or something else? i have a scale, but it is not digital, and i sometimes will have to weigh food more than once....i think a digital would be more accurate.

    jessmomof3, is there a certain brand of chocolate protein powder that is better than others? how often do you use this?

    thanks for starting this.....i love all the info everyone has shared. :bigsmile:

    Just a friendly comment--clean eating doesn't require measuring, counting calories, or any of the usual burdensome chores of "dieting." One naturally loses, maintains, or gains by eating properly.

  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    I'm on the Crap Free plan too :) Love that. It is so unfortunate that organics and healthy choices are so expensive, it is hard to change completely, but it is right that every little change makes a difference.

    Just a thought... organic and healthy choices may seem to be more expensive than their less nutritious counterparts, however, when eating out or buying prepackaged processed "crap," one is actually spending a whole lot more! Especially when the doctor bills pile up because of symptoms of metabolic syndrome! (hypertension, stroke, cardiovascular disease, etc).
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    good morning!
    I am just trying to get every last drop of my peach-blueberry-almond smoothie out of the cup, it's so delicious. I love summer peaches!!! :love: :happy:

    Susie thanks for the link to the eat clean page--I will check it out after work tonight. Have a relaxing Sunday :flowerforyou:
  • spotter
    spotter Posts: 4
    I'm so excited about this thread! This type of support seems to be exactly what I have been looking for! I have tried many different ways of eating/diets,but even when I am eating healthy I am not losing weight. It took me a long while to realize that eating "clean" doesn't necessarily mean eating less calories as many raw foods eaters are eating tons of nuts,which are high in calories. I have a collection of recipes that are "clean"(never heard that terminology before-but I like it) but had no idea how many calories they contained. Yesterday I went on line to try to figure this out and I found myfitnesspal. And today I found this thread! I feel so happy. Eating healthy and losing weight-what could be better. I'm weighing myself tomorrow and I'm ready to start losing that 37 lbs.