Why be a side-chick???



  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Once upon a time, I was a side chick. Mostly because the person was convenient and I didn't want the strings attached.

    This is why guys do it! I know plenty of guys who would just hook up with married girls just so they wouldn't have to deal with that person in any other way besides sex.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    The world is filled with pathetic, lonely people who hunger for intimacy.
    And instead of setting relationship goals and taking the right action to achieve those goals, they just blow around like a reed in the wind.

    Who says you have to have relationship goals and that there is a certain path you are supposed to take to get them? People have different tastes in relationships, sex, etc. Some couples are perfectly happy in open relationships, some people are not. Some people just enjoy sex (it's human nature) and not relationships.

    Who are YOU to judge!?

    I like this post ^^^^

    SOCIETY has set the "rules" of the game up so that the big collective "WE" will judge each other and condemn one another for all of our "abnormal" bedroom activities... whatever those may be. Many use the guise of religion to do such judging of others... even though their precious book (the Bible) specifically tells you there's only one judge. Ok... enough religion BS now! LOL

    Just look at any post in here where someone comes out and openly admits they are in an open relationship... the judgments start flying almost immediately. "Oh, honey you have such low self-esteem to live like this." etc. etc. etc. The men get bashed for it, too! Don't get me wrong, but I see the WOMEN as the ones being attacked the most because they aren't "conforming" to the societal ideal of how things SHOULD be.

    I say live and let live... I would imagine those willingly in open relationships are pretty damn happy... AND... guess what... they have problems to deal with just like everyone else does.
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I lost my husband when I was 21, after 9 years together. 4 years later I met a great guy and fell hook, line and sinker....roll on 6 months and I find out he's married.

    Why did I only find out after so long? We work together and we both work away a lot so there was no "sneaking about".

    Am I still seeing him? Hell no!

    Did I break it off straightaway? No, it took me 2 months to finally break the hold he had on me.

    I'm half and half on this. The side chick isn't a homewrecker if she's not trying to wreck his home. HE made the commitment to the wife/girlfriend, not the side chick, so she owes the wife nothing. That said, I'd hate to be cheated on so wouldn't want to cause someone else that same potential misery if and when they found out. I am someone who gets attached to the people I get intimate with and I would never try and break up someone's family but more than anything, I don't want to get hurt again. Selfish, I know!

    Each to their own I say and what goes on between 2 consenting adults is their business. I don't judge anyone - it's the way they want to live their life and therefore it's their business.

    Do I still work with aforementioned man? Yes and he's one of my best friends but we haven't been intimate for 2 years. He talks to me about his marriage problems and I advise him to work on it because I do believe in the sanctity of marriage.

    Do I love him? Yes because he's genuinely a great guy who lost his way for a while and craved excitement. No because I can't love someone who I can't wholly respect.

    Do I wish things were different and I could have him all to myself? Yes because he made me happy. No because I'd never trust him.

    Not every man who cheats is evil and not every side chick is evil. It's just life. **** happens. Work through it if you want to. Move on to better things if you don't.
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    The world is filled with pathetic, lonely people who hunger for intimacy.
    And instead of setting relationship goals and taking the right action to achieve those goals, they just blow around like a reed in the wind.

    Who says you have to have relationship goals and that there is a certain path you are supposed to take to get them? People have different tastes in relationships, sex, etc. Some couples are perfectly happy in open relationships, some people are not. Some people just enjoy sex (it's human nature) and not relationships.

    Who are YOU to judge!?

    I like this post ^^^^

    SOCIETY has set the "rules" of the game up so that the big collective "WE" will judge each other and condemn one another for all of our "abnormal" bedroom activities... whatever those may be. Many use the guise of religion to do such judging of others... even though their precious book (the Bible) specifically tells you there's only one judge. Ok... enough religion BS now! LOL

    Just look at any post in here where someone comes out and openly admits they are in an open relationship... the judgments start flying almost immediately. "Oh, honey you have such low self-esteem to live like this." etc. etc. etc. The men get bashed for it, too! Don't get me wrong, but I see the WOMEN as the ones being attacked the most because they aren't "conforming" to the societal ideal of how things SHOULD be.

    I say live and let live... I would imagine those willingly in open relationships are pretty damn happy... AND... guess what... they have problems to deal with just like everyone else does.

    This thread isn't addressing people in open relationships .. its addressing people that are in committed relationships , and the people that are willing to cheat with them .. and the people that are in the committed relationships that justify the cheating.. or keeping of "side pieces."

    if its open its open .. personally I have no judgments on this sort of relationship because its their choice and they are being HONEST.. I have qualms with people.. who act as though ..its trivial to suggest that they behave in a moral manor when someone whose getting the @$$ end of the stick doesn't know .. and is left with whatever feelings that are a result of peoples "mindless and thoughtless actions"...

    If its open its not the point ... its the ones that "thought" that their relationship was indestructible.

    what I find ironic is that these women actually believe that if the sex is good enough that the man wont wander ... in one hand they claim to not care because its not their responsibility to be "moral" yes swear by **their men **.. and their happiness.. most of the men agree its all good ..

    so long as they get their needs met , with or without the side piece,...

    sadly us women seem to be torn between what most women want in a committed relationship and how we are to behave at the event that the relationship involves "another"

    because of this .. I will say Men for the win..
    women are divided ..
    men seem to agree that its sex sex sex that they need

    and women are daft enough to believe that their P*SSY wields the power to bring down the forces of evil.. and every other woman will just disappear in the eyes of their men... Touche Guys .. and women WOW.
  • lq022
    lq022 Posts: 232 Member
    Can't turn a ho into a housewife.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Can't turn a ho into a housewife.

  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Can't turn a ho into a housewife.

    I think people can change. With time, age, and experience, that is.
  • samra2012
    samra2012 Posts: 715
    Can't turn a ho into a housewife.

    I think people can change. With time, age, and experience, that is.
    can change in desperate housewives! or normal housewives! or bored housewives! it depends..:huh:
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    Can't turn a ho into a housewife.

    I think people can change. With time, age, and experience, that is.

    I believe its a fact .. you can change but this is the $hitter these women think they are invincible .. its just not true.. they aren't the exception to the rule.. and apparently there are no rules...

    MEN for the WIN.
    as long as the women stay divided they ( the men ) are as powerful as we let them be.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Can't turn a ho into a housewife.

    I think people can change. With time, age, and experience, that is.

    I believe its a fact .. you can change but this is the $hitter these women think they are invincible .. its just not true.. they aren't the exception to the rule.. and apparently there are no rules...

    MEN for the WIN.
    as long as the women stay divided they ( the men ) are as powerful as we let them be.

    Divided as in in Ho's against housewives??
  • MeliciousGibson
    I just hope yall be wrappin it up.

    I can't tell you how much I enjoyed reading this!

    I have a latex allergy, and I have AMAZINGLY uncomfortable reactions! No sex is worth that....
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    Can't turn a ho into a housewife.

    I think people can change. With time, age, and experience, that is.

    I believe its a fact .. you can change but this is the $hitter these women think they are invincible .. its just not true.. they aren't the exception to the rule.. and apparently there are no rules...

    MEN for the WIN.
    as long as the women stay divided they ( the men ) are as powerful as we let them be.

    Divided as in in Ho's against housewives??

    Divided in The same women who think its okay to be a "side chick" claim that they are happy with their "monogamous" partners and are immune to becoming the Main chic..

    I think its hilarious. .. ( I have never been a side chic ) but I am playing .......... devils advocate

    "I was a side chic once .. but I know the man I am with loves the beejaysus out of me and is fully committed" ..

    WOW.. I guess the women that were/ are being cheated on realize their lack of appeal and ability to put the "reigns" on their poor destitute sex depraved men..

    people ...guys will cheat whether or not the sex is good the moon is full or the sky is grey if they want to.. has nothing to do with need and a hell of a lot to do with opportunity..

    and if you are their opportunity you only prove one thing.. your lack of respect for people in general.. I commend the people on the thread that at least admit that it was questionable, the ones that claim no harm no foul are a different breed all together.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    News flash... WOMEN CHEAT TOO!!! It sure seems like the majority think that it's only men who cheat here... women, however, cheat just as if not even MORE often than men do!
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Can't turn a ho into a housewife.

    I think people can change. With time, age, and experience, that is.

    I believe its a fact .. you can change but this is the $hitter these women think they are invincible .. its just not true.. they aren't the exception to the rule.. and apparently there are no rules...

    MEN for the WIN.
    as long as the women stay divided they ( the men ) are as powerful as we let them be.

    Divided as in in Ho's against housewives??

    Divided in The same women who think its okay to be a "side chick" claim that they are happy with their "monogamous" partners and are immune to becoming the Main chic..

    I think its hilarious. .. ( I have never been a side chic ) but I am playing .......... devils advocate

    "I was a side chic once .. but I know the man I am with loves the beejaysus out of me and is fully committed" ..

    WOW.. I guess the women that were/ are being cheated on realize their lack of appeal and ability to put the "reigns" on their poor destitute sex depraved men..

    people ...guys will cheat whether or not the sex is good the moon is full or the sky is grey if they want to.. has nothing to do with need and a hell of a lot to do with opportunity..

    and if you are their opportunity you only prove one thing.. your lack of respect for people in general.. I commend the people on the thread that at least admit that it was questionable, the ones that claim no harm no foul are a different breed all together.

  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    News flash... WOMEN CHEAT TOO!!! It sure seems like the majority think that it's only men who cheat here... women, however, cheat just as if not even MORE often than men do!

    tell yourself that handsome..

    no women do not cheat more.

    women do, however cheat.

    they are just better at not getting caught.

    we think with the one head, while you "boys" if and when you are cheating think with another ..

    I heard its devoid of grey matter entirely .
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    News flash... WOMEN CHEAT TOO!!! It sure seems like the majority think that it's only men who cheat here... women, however, cheat just as if not even MORE often than men do!

    This is true. BUT even a man will admit that a woman who cheats is made from a different cloth than a man. "They" say women need a reason to cheat and a man needs a reason not to. Men cheat for sex and women cheat out of emotion. The fundamental and biological differences between the two sexes makes it different. Which is why it is "easier" (if you will) for a woman to forgive a man (and society for that matter) than a man will forgive a woman if they were to cheat. A double standard for sure. But somewhat understandable....And becasue of that this thread was focused on the female side piece ,However all "side piece" comments were welcome.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    News flash... WOMEN CHEAT TOO!!! It sure seems like the majority think that it's only men who cheat here... women, however, cheat just as if not even MORE often than men do!

    This is true. BUT even a man will admit that a woman who cheats is made from a different cloth than a man. "They" say women need a reason to cheat and a man needs a reason not to. Men cheat for sex and women cheat out of emotion. The fundamental and biological differences between the two sexes makes it different. Which is why it is "easier" (if you will) for a woman to forgive a man (and society for that matter) than a man will forgive a woman if they were to cheat. A double standard for sure. But somewhat understandable....And becasue of that this thread was focused on the female side piece ,However all "side piece" comments were welcome.

    I would mostly agree with this, although nowadays there are a LOT more women who are just in it for the sex just like men. Just peruse these forums for a few hours, and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about!
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    News flash... WOMEN CHEAT TOO!!! It sure seems like the majority think that it's only men who cheat here... women, however, cheat just as if not even MORE often than men do!

    This is true. BUT even a man will admit that a woman who cheats is made from a different cloth than a man. "They" say women need a reason to cheat and a man needs a reason not to. Men cheat for sex and women cheat out of emotion. The fundamental and biological differences between the two sexes makes it different. Which is why it is "easier" (if you will) for a woman to forgive a man (and society for that matter) than a man will forgive a woman if they were to cheat. A double standard for sure. But somewhat understandable....And becasue of that this thread was focused on the female side piece ,However all "side piece" comments were welcome.

    I would mostly agree with this, although nowadays there are a LOT more women who are just in it for the sex just like men. Just peruse these forums for a few hours, and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about!

    I wouldnt be surprised if that were true. Being that at one point a man or 3 cheated on them and they decided "Hey, if i can't beat 'em, join 'em". Its said but true. Alot of women I think have stopped tryna be the "main Chick" cause the main chick only gets hurt in the end.
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Ive been with my guy for 6 yrs, and the WOMAN he cheated on me with for a yr off and on was his friends mom!!
    This was about 3 yrs ago so yea, I also knew around the time it started and finally stopped..
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    I have met some down-right nasty, evil women who are abusive to their husbands and withhold intimacy like it's a toy.

    So THAT'S the validation that homewreckers tell themselves! I get it.

    No, wait.

    No I don't.