Now they are going to ban free refills on drinks?



  • flabbytofabby
    Where I live most restaurants don't allow free refills. They don't sell drinks any bigger than the American sized Medium either. You are more than welcome to purchase another drink though.

    I don't see anything wrong with banning free refills. If you want more than pay for it? They're not telling you that you can't have more.

    Completely agree. It's mostly only in Northern American that you can get free refills. All of Europe you pay for what you drink. The government is only trying to take steps to encourage healthier lifestyles but you can still drink your litres of coke if you like. Let's not forget it's not a fundamental human right to get free soda!

    It is a human right (or was) in our country to live in freedom, and for restaurants to have the freedom to offer consumers what they want - our states do have rights to make crazy messed up laws as long as they don't go against our constitution. I have the freedom not to live in or visit crazy messed up states. And your argument is a slipery slope - for example - in China you can have a second child as long as you can afford the 25,000 USD...if you like you can have the kids - but if you don't have the money Family Planning can come in and remove the child from a 7 month pregnant woman and murder it.

    lol you do realise the UK and alot of other European countries are also free countries, places don't offer refills here because its not allowed, they don't because its not cost effective when people will pay for a second. Some selected places do offer refill, but even in those places i never go and get more than one drink usually. I don't get the deal with fizzy drinks or "sodas" anyway, they taste terrible.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    So just because you want something, it's supposed to be handed to you? Would you hand a kid his 5th piece of candy just because he "wants" it? Certainly would not "need" it.
    No, that's what parents are SUPPOSED to be for. It's not the government's job.
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    I only drink water in restaurants so doesn't bother me but mainly because I am lap-banded now. I'm not suppose to drink while I eat or a while afterwards so it is kinda silly for me to order something like tea and drink a few sips and then it just sits there at 2.50 a pop!

    And while they are at it, they should make them take the salt and corn syrup and sugar out of foods that don't need it and decrease it in the ones that do. I'm trying to cut my salt intake and I'm vegetarian, I eat some of those fake "hamburger" patties and I'm so in shock that they have so much salt in them. I don't want so much salt in my cottage cheese and my protein drinks, etc. We already buy the salt free veggies and everything that we can and use Mrs Dash but the amount of salt and high fructose corn syrup (because it is a lot cheaper than regular sugar supposedly so they are using it now) they put in everything isn't helping.

    And why does anyone need cigarettes??? There is not one redeeming thing about cigarettes. 2 of my grandparents died of lung cancer and one Uncle plus my Dad was diagnosed with emphysema before he died.
  • Eeyore255
    Eeyore255 Posts: 107 Member
    Bleh. On the rare occasion we do go out, we don't order sodas anyway. I'm not paying $1.50-$2.75 for a glass + (free) refills when I can buy a 2-liter bottle at the market for under a dollar.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Come to the UK where refills are rare, but we can buy as many glasses of fizzy drinks as we want even if they cost more than the alcoholic ones.

    I would say practically non existent. The only place I know that gives free refills is IKEA! Drinks are what restaurants make most of their money on, they're not going to give away their profits.

    Burger king, subway, pizza hut, brewer's fayre all offer free refills. And I don't get out much

    Oh right. I get out loads, but I never go to these places, so I didn't know.

    ...well obviously there's a particular type of restaurant that has these offers
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Considering what a soda actually costs a company (seriously around $0.10 a serving... about $0.25 with the cup included... at least that's what it was 10 years ago) to sell a soda, I don't blame a COMPANY for imposing this... however, it should not be the Governments responsibility to tell people what they should and should not put into their bodies....

    And forget voting Republican... it's why I vote Libertarian.

    But it is the governments responsibility to take care of their people... and soda is extremely unhealthy.
    That's the thing... my husband (the pop drinker of the family) rarely gets a refill anyway. By choice. But it's not the government's place to say he CAN'T!

    They're not saying he can't have a refill... just that he cannot have a FREE refill.

    Um... where in the constitution does it say anywhere that it's the government's responisibilty to take care of the people? To make decisions for them? It is not a part of my life, liberty nor the pursuit of my happiness for the Government to make decisions for me.... If I want to drink 100 oz of soda a day, then I should be able to.... I also don't think that other people should be paying for my decision to do so either... but that's a whole different blog.... It's one thing to protect the citizens from other countries... or even other people (as far as laws about murder, stealing and the like)... and even to some extent companies and corporations.... but the government has no place in protecting a person from themselves..... educate, yes.... but to tell people that they can't live in a manner they wish... no. That is too authoritarian for my tastes thank you very much.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Considering what a soda actually costs a company (seriously around $0.10 a serving... about $0.25 with the cup included... at least that's what it was 10 years ago) to sell a soda, I don't blame a COMPANY for imposing this... however, it should not be the Governments responsibility to tell people what they should and should not put into their bodies....

    And forget voting Republican... it's why I vote Libertarian.

    But it is the governments responsibility to take care of their people... and soda is extremely unhealthy.

    Uh... if that's the argument for it, then why on God's green earth are they not just getting rid of it altogether, along with pop tarts, twinkies, little debbies, etc... again: ARGUMENT FAIL. There are lots and lots of unhealthy things that they aren't touching. Why pop?
    That's the thing... my husband (the pop drinker of the family) rarely gets a refill anyway. By choice. But it's not the government's place to say he CAN'T!

    They're not saying he can't have a refill... just that he cannot have a FREE refill.

    So now they're stepping in and controlling what the companies are allowed to market to get people in the door? Perhaps they should make restaurants charge an extra 45.00 a tab if you order alcohol-so they can force you to get a cab after having an alcoholic beverage?

    They're butting too far in to private business AND private lives. Again-that doesn't sound the like the kind of country I want to live in...
  • brokenwoman
    brokenwoman Posts: 25 Member
    I guess that means I will be going to grocery stores to get my sodas. I will not pay $2-$3 for one cup of soda. If they want to ban refills they need to reduce the cost of healthy foods...that is what is really the case. Healthy food is too expensive for everyone, bad food is almost accessible to everyone on every income. I mean look here 2 liter of soda in stores is usually $1.25-$2, apple juice or anything else around this size is about $5-$7 do you see the case here? upping the prices on soda won't work....lowering the price on good foods will work!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I guess that means I will be going to grocery stores to get my sodas. I will not pay $2-$3 for one cup of soda. If they want to ban refills they need to reduce the cost of healthy foods...that is what is really the case. Healthy food is too expensive for everyone, bad food is almost accessible to everyone on every income. I mean look here 2 liter of soda in stores is usually $1.25-$2, apple juice or anything else around this size is about $5-$7 do you see the case here? upping the prices on soda won't work....lowering the price on good foods will work!

    At least around here I can still get a 32 oz Dr Pepper from McDonald's for a dollar....

    Not that I drink it all that often anymore.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Considering what a soda actually costs a company (seriously around $0.10 a serving... about $0.25 with the cup included... at least that's what it was 10 years ago) to sell a soda, I don't blame a COMPANY for imposing this... however, it should not be the Governments responsibility to tell people what they should and should not put into their bodies....

    And forget voting Republican... it's why I vote Libertarian.

    But it is the governments responsibility to take care of their people... and soda is extremely unhealthy.

    Uh... if that's the argument for it, then why on God's green earth are they not just getting rid of it altogether, along with pop tarts, twinkies, little debbies, etc... again: ARGUMENT FAIL. There are lots and lots of unhealthy things that they aren't touching. Why pop?
    That's the thing... my husband (the pop drinker of the family) rarely gets a refill anyway. By choice. But it's not the government's place to say he CAN'T!

    They're not saying he can't have a refill... just that he cannot have a FREE refill.

    So now they're stepping in and controlling what the companies are allowed to market to get people in the door? Perhaps they should make restaurants charge an extra 45.00 a tab if you order alcohol-so they can force you to get a cab after having an alcoholic beverage?

    They're butting too far in to private business AND private lives. Again-that doesn't sound the like the kind of country I want to live in...

    Oh yeah...because I totally go to a restaurant for the free refills. That got me in the door.

    And yes they can regulate that sort of thing...if they were marketing "free guns with any happy meal" the government would step in. How is it any different? Guns don't kill people...idiot people do. Soda doesn't kill people...idiot people kill themselves.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    it's worth noting that, as far as I know, the new york ban is only on soda. seems massive amounts of dairy products, juices or alcohol are still ok.
  • flabbytofabby
    Whats baffles the mind to me is people saying that they want the right to be unhealthy? I'd love a law on not aloud to be over-weight..And this is why i'm never going into Politics, or working for the Government haha.

    And i think its very spoilt to expect FREE refills, at the end of the day they are running a business.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    And i think its very spoilt to expect FREE refills, at the end of the day they are running a business.

    Exactly! That costs the company money. If anything banning the free refills will (slightly) help the economy.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member

    Oh yeah...because I totally go to a restaurant for the free refills. That got me in the door.

    And yes they can regulate that sort of thing...if they were marketing "free guns with any happy meal" the government would step in. How is it any different? Guns don't kill people...idiot people do. Soda doesn't kill people...idiot people kill themselves.

    I worked in a restaurant for YEARS. I'd guess 90% of people who were there for the first time asked, before being seated, "do you have free refills?" Some would not commit to being seated until we assured them, "yep; everything but the beer!" So yes; it does get people in the door...

    How is it any different? ROFL. I do get that arguing is lost on you now. Guns? REALLY?


    Oh. Wait. I'm not done.

  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    What baffles me is people that are willing to live with an authoritarian government.... :-/ Not exactly my idea of liberty... but hey, I guess I'm living in the dark ages... when there were actually enlightened people walking around.

    edited for grammar.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member

    Oh yeah...because I totally go to a restaurant for the free refills. That got me in the door.

    And yes they can regulate that sort of thing...if they were marketing "free guns with any happy meal" the government would step in. How is it any different? Guns don't kill people...idiot people do. Soda doesn't kill people...idiot people kill themselves.

    I worked in a restaurant for YEARS. I'd guess 90% of people who were there for the first time asked, before being seated, "do you have free refills?" Some would not commit to being seated until we assured them, "yep; everything but the beer!" So yes; it does get people in the door...

    How is it any different? ROFL. I do get that arguing is lost on you now. Guns? REALLY?


    Oh. Wait. I'm not done.


    Tell me how its different.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Whats baffles the mind to me is people saying that they want the right to be unhealthy? I'd love a law on not aloud to be over-weight..And this is why i'm never going into Politics, or working for the Government haha.

    And i think its very spoilt to expect FREE refills, at the end of the day they are running a business.

    and they don't HAVE to give free refills. But they choose to. It isn't the government's place to say they can't! It's THEIR business!!!!
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    Telling us what/how much we can drink is just one tiny step toward our country becoming a communist nation....

    Now tell me...How do you feel about the government restricting drugs and Narcotics?

    Pretty idiotic comparison. Maybe they should ban all junk food. No more junk food. Period. No desserts. Hell, no sugar. Forget the sugar industry. It makes people fat.

    Give me a break comparing someone getting a refill of a beverage to doing cocaine (which, btw: since you did bring it up. When someone drinks a diet coke or seven they don't pose a threat to anyone getting behind the wheel of a car, caring for children, etc. however, when someone does cocaine, crack, marijuana, etc. their abilities are impaired. ARGUMENT FAIL!!!!!)

    No, what is really Idiotic is YOU trying to use this comparison to say that this country is turning "Communistic"....Do you even have the faintest idea how communist even operate? I seriously doubt that you do! If this were really a move toward "Communism"...there would be no more privately owned restaurants, Period!...The government would just distribute all the food (junk or otherwise) and the common citizen would just take what the government offered or starve.

    In this society...we live with restrictions every day...They stopped the cigarette companies from handing out free cigarettes to the American public...and we survived. We will survive this one too!
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member

    But it is the governments responsibility to take care of their people... and soda is extremely unhealthy.

    I don't believe it is the government's responsibility to take care of people. It is the government's responsibility to provide each person freedom, liberty, justice, and the right to pursue happiness, but the government was never intended to be a care giver. The government provides opportunity. It is the individual's job to make the most of that opportunity.

    Traditionally, the burden of charity has fallen to individuals, religious organizations and non-profits. It has only been a fairly recent phenomenon that the US government has decided that it needs to take care of everyone and everything.

    I prefer to make my own personal decisions, thank you. I do not need to be "taken care of" at the risk of losing other rights and privileges. I can live without a refill, I don't consider it my "liberty" to have one, that's not really the issue here. But if we allow the government to regulate this, we open doors for a plethora of other intrusive regulations.

    Should the government outlaw pools at hotels but allow you to have one at home because there's a skin cancer risk?
    Should they outlaw white bread and flour tortillas at restaurants because there is less nutritional value in those than whole wheat?
    Should ice cream only come in pints, not gallons? Should we outlaw real cream in coffee?
    Should all restaurant meals be limited to 500 calories or less?
    Should cars only come in yellow because they are easier to see than any other color?

    Yes, I'm being far fetched, but my point is that there is no end to what you could "outlaw" once you open this door. I suggest we keep it closed.

    As for the arguments of some individual posters that it doesn't bother them because it doesn't have an impact on them personally; that is just blind and short-sighted.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member

    Oh yeah...because I totally go to a restaurant for the free refills. That got me in the door.

    And yes they can regulate that sort of thing...if they were marketing "free guns with any happy meal" the government would step in. How is it any different? Guns don't kill people...idiot people do. Soda doesn't kill people...idiot people kill themselves.

    I worked in a restaurant for YEARS. I'd guess 90% of people who were there for the first time asked, before being seated, "do you have free refills?" Some would not commit to being seated until we assured them, "yep; everything but the beer!" So yes; it does get people in the door...

    How is it any different? ROFL. I do get that arguing is lost on you now. Guns? REALLY?


    Oh. Wait. I'm not done.


    Tell me how its different.

    Oh wow. You seriously think they're the same... O.o I didn't know anybody could lack the capacity to actually comprehend the difference.

    When was the last article you saw that was about a child accidentally killing a friend with a soda pop? Just curious....