Vegetarians - why?



  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I myself still eat meat, but I do actively strive to eat meatless most of the time, so I'm what some call a "flexitarian." I generally only eat meat with dinner, and usually in a small portion, and I try to have a few vegetarian dinners each week. I find I feel healthier and lighter when I eat less meat, and bloated and heavy when I eat meat heavy meals. I don't personally think the human body thrives on eating large portions of meat with every meal, which is typical of the American diet.

    However, there are plenty of reasons to be vegetarian, such as:
    -Health reasons (many people believe a plant based diet is ideal for optimal health)
    -Humane reasons (against killing the animal or the way the animals are treated before slaughter)
    -Anti-factory farming (the living conditions of the animals are bad, which some believe make for a less healthy animal which is then passed to us when we consume it)
    -Environmental (some believe it's is better for the environment to cut back on pasture animals and grow more produce)
    -Evolutionary (some believe humans are specifically herbivores)
    -Religious reasons (I know several Hindus who are vegetarian for this reason)
    -They don't like meat

    While the science behind some of these reasons are very convoluted, some people feel it's important enough for them to remove meat from their diets. There is no right or wrong reason to eat meat or not eat meat. A person's dietary choices are their own business.

    Also, if you think tofu is nasty, you just haven't had well prepared tofu! It took me a while, but I make pretty bangin' tofu stirfry these days!
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    No, you are a redneck because you think your opinion is the only one that, actually I don't know if you are a redneck or not and shouldn't have said that. You are, however, very ignorant IMO. You asked for people's reasons why they don't eat meat. I gave you mine and you told me it wasn't a good enough reason. Who are you to tell me it isn't a good enough reason? That's right, nobody.

    As to whether or not I've done anything to protect animal rights, it really isn't any of your damn business. But since you have baited me into this stupid discussion, I will tell you that I'm very involved with animal rescues - especially avian rescues. ( that means bird to you). And I've dealt with, many times, people who don't give a freaking crap about know, people like you who like to kill for pleasure. Don't get me started on this subject buddy. It's a conversation you don't want to have. Grow up and accept everybody's reasons as being as valid as your reasons.

    I like to kill animals for pleasure now? You clearly have something wrong with you, seek help. Who are you calling anyone ignorant when you're saying that I kill deer for some sick pleasure? I've stated several times already that I myself do not like cruelty towards animals, I also stated that I humanely kill deer to FEED MYSELF. Someone you turn preservation into perversion, and I'm the one who needs to grow up? Seriously so pathetic how you have no argument so you twist situations into something they're not, that's something someone would do that needs to grow up. I also never said that I didn't accept people being vegetarian, I said I didn't understand the reasoning for ethical vegetarianism. Again, something you're twisting around because you have no valid argument. It's sad that you have to make things up in order to try and have an argument, I pity you.

    You pity me? LOL. Thanks...when I was 23, I was out having fun with my friends on Friday night. Not sitting around on MFP, or any other website, discussing the virtues of being a meat eater over being a vegan. LOL. Don't pity me. I have a life. ( Was that nasty of me??) As to needing help, I have needed counseling to deal with the horrific things I've seen in rescue. It does change you. I hope you never have to see what I've seen. But then, I'm very sure I will never have to worry about that. You seem too immature to worry about helping anybody or anything but yourself.

    Anyway, you asked why I didn't eat meat. I told you. Then you said it was a ridiculous reason. Wouldn't you be irked if someone asked you why you DO eat meat, you answer, and then thet tell you it was a stupid reason? as I stated earlier, it's a hot button for me. So press it, and I unleash. Sorry about that kiddo.

    If you have a PC, and you can afford the Internet and a ell phone, then you can go to the store a buy meat. You don't have to hunt and kill it for food. I don't want to hear that crap. And unless you kill it with a bow and arrow, I know what a box buck shot cost these days. Go buy some groud beef. It's cheaper. And spare me your preservation crap.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    No, you are a redneck because you think your opinion is the only one that, actually I don't know if you are a redneck or not and shouldn't have said that. You are, however, very ignorant IMO. You asked for people's reasons why they don't eat meat. I gave you mine and you told me it wasn't a good enough reason. Who are you to tell me it isn't a good enough reason? That's right, nobody.

    As to whether or not I've done anything to protect animal rights, it really isn't any of your damn business. But since you have baited me into this stupid discussion, I will tell you that I'm very involved with animal rescues - especially avian rescues. ( that means bird to you). And I've dealt with, many times, people who don't give a freaking crap about know, people like you who like to kill for pleasure. Don't get me started on this subject buddy. It's a conversation you don't want to have. Grow up and accept everybody's reasons as being as valid as your reasons.

    I like to kill animals for pleasure now? You clearly have something wrong with you, seek help. Who are you calling anyone ignorant when you're saying that I kill deer for some sick pleasure? I've stated several times already that I myself do not like cruelty towards animals, I also stated that I humanely kill deer to FEED MYSELF. Someone you turn preservation into perversion, and I'm the one who needs to grow up? Seriously so pathetic how you have no argument so you twist situations into something they're not, that's something someone would do that needs to grow up. I also never said that I didn't accept people being vegetarian, I said I didn't understand the reasoning for ethical vegetarianism. Again, something you're twisting around because you have no valid argument. It's sad that you have to make things up in order to try and have an argument, I pity you.

    You pity me? LOL. Thanks...when I was 23, I was out having fun with my friends on Friday night. Not sitting around on MFP, or any other website, discussing the virtues of being a meat eater over being a vegan. LOL. Don't pity me. I have a life. ( Was that nasty of me??) As to needing help, I have needed counseling to deal with the horrific things I've seen in rescue. It does change you. I hope you never have to see what I've seen. But then, I'm very sure I will never have to worry about that. You seem too immature to worry about helping anybody or anything but yourself.

    Anyway, you asked why I didn't eat meat. I told you. Then you said it was a ridiculous reason. Wouldn't you be irked if someone asked you why you DO eat meat, you answer, and then thet tell you it was a stupid reason? as I stated earlier, it's a hot button for me. So press it, and I unleash. Sorry about that kiddo.

    If you have a PC, and you can afford the Internet and a ell phone, then you can go to the store a buy meat. You don't have to hunt and kill it for food. I don't want to hear that crap. And unless you kill it with a bow and arrow, I know what a box buck shot cost these days. Go buy some groud beef. It's cheaper. And spare me your preservation crap.
    Please explain your stance. You're giving him flak for hunting his own meat, rather than supporting the factory-meat industry.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Animal cruelty for me is the largest of many, many good reasons.
    Wow those arguments are aweful and full of holes...why bother fighting with eachother about it anyway...the man was just curious lol
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    I'm of the belief that people should eat what works for them, and I'm not trying to convince anyone one way or the other. Personally, I have nothing but good things to say about my choice to follow the primal blueprint and the benefits my family has seen are extraordinary (I wouldn't ever consider removing meat from my diet).

    I stumbled across this study, and thought it was interesting:

    Vegetarian diet and mental disorders: results from a representative community survey -

    "...our results are more consistent with the view that the experience of a mental disorder increases the probability of choosing a vegetarian diet, or that psychological factors influence both the probability of choosing a vegetarian diet and the probability of developing a mental disorder. "

    I'm not saying that I think those that choose this way of life have a mental disorder (or that I necessarily believe the study entirely), I just thought that it was interesting to see a study that links the two.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    If you really want to know why people are vegetarian/vegan you should watch Forks Over Knives or Vegucated or Food Matters.
    I am a vegan myself, I don't care if you eat meat and cheese... whatever. To each his own.
    But to say you "don't get it" is probably because you don't want to get it. You like your meat, you like your cheese, go ahead and eat it. That's fine. Don't act like you don't even understand or grasp the concept behind vegetarianism. It's pretty clear why people do it.
    And your body is not made to sustain a meat based diet, plant based has been and will always be a more sustainable diet. It is better for your body, the animals, as well as the earth.
    Your teeth are also not sharp like that of a lion or tiger, they're actually pretty flat (and don't try to tell me about canines, those are nothing compared to all your other teeth), your teeth are not made to rip flesh/muscle. Also your body isn't done as much good by meat as it is vegetables. Less risk of heart related diseases, strokes, high blood pressure and obesity
    End rant.

    I've watched all those movies on Netflix, there's nothing in them to turn someone into a vegetarian. Also, no it's not clear why most people choose vegetarianism, seems like half the time it's because people can't stand the thought of animals being killed so they think somehow by them being vegetarian it's going to change anything. For people with medical reasons it's understandable, if you don't like the taste of meat then it's understandable, but simply not eating meat for no reason seems ridiculous. If you have no medical reason to not eat meat and you actually like the taste of meat but choose not to eat it, then that person is probably someone who doesn't eat meat because they can't handle thinking about a cow being killed or any other animal. Which in that case, it's a ridiculous reason to not eat meat.

    Let's not make an argument of teeth either, humans are more than capable obviously of eating and digesting meat, we don't need tiger fangs to be able to eat meat. There have been several cases of cannibalism where the person did his/her deed without the assistance of modern silverware, their teeth were more than enough.

    Here is your statement that pissed me off. You said ridiculous twice when you mentioned other people's reasons for not eating meat. Again, I ask you...who are you to call anybody ridiculous?

    I don't give a crap if you eat meat. But I'm not riduculous because I don't. You are way too young to tell anybody their opinions are ridiculous. Wait until you have a little life experience before you give everybody your vast knowledge of the world. I have kids your age. Ugh.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I'm of the belief that people should eat what works for them, and I'm not trying to convince anyone one way or the other. Personally, I have nothing but good things to say about my choice to follow the primal blueprint and the benefits my family has seen are extraordinary (I wouldn't ever consider removing meat from my diet).

    I stumbled across this study, and thought it was interesting:

    Vegetarian diet and mental disorders: results from a representative community survey -

    "...our results are more consistent with the view that the experience of a mental disorder increases the probability of choosing a vegetarian diet, or that psychological factors influence both the probability of choosing a vegetarian diet and the probability of developing a mental disorder. "

    I'm not saying that I think those that choose this way of life have a mental disorder (or that I necessarily believe the study entirely), I just thought that it was interesting to see a study that links the two.
    Curious, as meat is implicated as a major factor in human brain development.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I'm of the belief that people should eat what works for them, and I'm not trying to convince anyone one way or the other. Personally, I have nothing but good things to say about my choice to follow the primal blueprint and the benefits my family has seen are extraordinary (I wouldn't ever consider removing meat from my diet).

    I stumbled across this study, and thought it was interesting:

    Vegetarian diet and mental disorders: results from a representative community survey -

    "...our results are more consistent with the view that the experience of a mental disorder increases the probability of choosing a vegetarian diet, or that psychological factors influence both the probability of choosing a vegetarian diet and the probability of developing a mental disorder. "

    I'm not saying that I think those that choose this way of life have a mental disorder (or that I necessarily believe the study entirely), I just thought that it was interesting to see a study that links the two.

    So THIS is why I need help!! So glad it's all cleared up!! lol.

    ( actually, it is a very interesting subject. I AM kidding.)
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    You pity me? LOL. Thanks...when I was 23, I was out having fun with my friends on Friday night. Not sitting around on MFP, or any other website, discussing the virtues of being a meat eater over being a vegan. LOL. Don't pity me. I have a life. ( Was that nasty of me??) As to needing help, I have needed counseling to deal with the horrific things I've seen in rescue. It does change you. I hope you never have to see what I've seen. But then, I'm very sure I will never have to worry about that. You seem too immature to worry about helping anybody or anything but yourself.

    Anyway, you asked why I didn't eat meat. I told you. Then you said it was a ridiculous reason. Wouldn't you be irked if someone asked you why you DO eat meat, you answer, and then thet tell you it was a stupid reason? as I stated earlier, it's a hot button for me. So press it, and I unleash. Sorry about that kiddo.

    If you have a PC, and you can afford the Internet and a ell phone, then you can go to the store a buy meat. You don't have to hunt and kill it for food. I don't want to hear that crap. And unless you kill it with a bow and arrow, I know what a box buck shot cost these days. Go buy some groud beef. It's cheaper. And spare me your preservation crap.

    It's 9pm, clubs aren't even open yet so what exactly should I be doing? Please do tell me all the fun things you did every single weekend of your life.

    Have you failed to read my username? TheFitFireman, I'm pretty sure I've seen a lot worse than you have. I also chose to go into this profession to help people and help my community, but I guess because I'm an omnivore and you got butthurt from what I said I must be an a**hole right? Talk to me about maturity when you don't have to put words into peoples mouths and completely fabricate things in order to try and have an argument, otherwise you've proven everything but maturity in this discussion. It's hilarious also how you claim to know who I am and what I'm like based off an internet forum, could you be anymore judgmental of a person? Just because I said it was "ridiculous" which admittedly was immature of me, that doesn't mean you have to respond with belittlement and trying to tell me who I am, you can approach me without be hostile. So I apologize for saying your reasoning was "ridiculous", I didn't mean it in a harsh manner but I obviously didn't think of how rude it sounded as well, so that's my fault. I kill deer with a hunting rifle, a 30-06 to be specific, one round cost me $1, so no, going to the store and buying the meat would not be cheaper. Plus I've never seen venison in the grocery store and I enjoy the flavor. Deer are overpopulated as well and if I don't kill in my area then it will run into the road and get hit, and then it will die a painful death. I'd rather spare them of that...
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    If you really want to know why people are vegetarian/vegan you should watch Forks Over Knives or Vegucated or Food Matters.
    I am a vegan myself, I don't care if you eat meat and cheese... whatever. To each his own.
    But to say you "don't get it" is probably because you don't want to get it. You like your meat, you like your cheese, go ahead and eat it. That's fine. Don't act like you don't even understand or grasp the concept behind vegetarianism. It's pretty clear why people do it.
    And your body is not made to sustain a meat based diet, plant based has been and will always be a more sustainable diet. It is better for your body, the animals, as well as the earth.
    Your teeth are also not sharp like that of a lion or tiger, they're actually pretty flat (and don't try to tell me about canines, those are nothing compared to all your other teeth), your teeth are not made to rip flesh/muscle. Also your body isn't done as much good by meat as it is vegetables. Less risk of heart related diseases, strokes, high blood pressure and obesity
    End rant.

    I've watched all those movies on Netflix, there's nothing in them to turn someone into a vegetarian. Also, no it's not clear why most people choose vegetarianism, seems like half the time it's because people can't stand the thought of animals being killed so they think somehow by them being vegetarian it's going to change anything. For people with medical reasons it's understandable, if you don't like the taste of meat then it's understandable, but simply not eating meat for no reason seems ridiculous. If you have no medical reason to not eat meat and you actually like the taste of meat but choose not to eat it, then that person is probably someone who doesn't eat meat because they can't handle thinking about a cow being killed or any other animal. Which in that case, it's a ridiculous reason to not eat meat.

    Let's not make an argument of teeth either, humans are more than capable obviously of eating and digesting meat, we don't need tiger fangs to be able to eat meat. There have been several cases of cannibalism where the person did his/her deed without the assistance of modern silverware, their teeth were more than enough.

    Here is your statement that pissed me off. You said ridiculous twice when you mentioned other people's reasons for not eating meat. Again, I ask you...who are you to call anybody ridiculous?

    I don't give a crap if you eat meat. But I'm not riduculous because I don't. You are way too young to tell anybody their opinions are ridiculous. Wait until you have a little life experience before you give everybody your vast knowledge of the world. I have kids your age. Ugh.

    Yeah, me too. And I'm thankful they respect their elders.
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    Yeah, me too. And I'm thankful they respect their elders.

    I give respect when it's given back, you've been nothing but disrespectful so don't expect me to treat you any differently because you're older than me. You don't just earn respect on the internet, I'm sorry that you feel like you do.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    I am posting my answers again. Not that anyone will notice. :) People LOVE drama.

    Thanks for letting me share my thoughts. :) (Yes, I am a peaceful person, and I am not going to fight with you about what you EAT.)

    yes, agreed... we're in the same boat. nice to sail with you!
  • stepharega
    stepharega Posts: 211 Member
    when i was a was my love for animals. :heart: STILL IS!!
    its so heartbreaking seeing those videos of them being kills me
    but i do realize we need protein much as i hate it, i do eat meat now
    but i eat ORGANIC and as natural as i can..peace of mind, if you will
    i really wish i could be a vegetarian.....:brokenheart: maybe pescatarian?
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    No, you are a redneck because you think your opinion is the only one that, actually I don't know if you are a redneck or not and shouldn't have said that. You are, however, very ignorant IMO. You asked for people's reasons why they don't eat meat. I gave you mine and you told me it wasn't a good enough reason. Who are you to tell me it isn't a good enough reason? That's right, nobody.

    As to whether or not I've done anything to protect animal rights, it really isn't any of your damn business. But since you have baited me into this stupid discussion, I will tell you that I'm very involved with animal rescues - especially avian rescues. ( that means bird to you). And I've dealt with, many times, people who don't give a freaking crap about know, people like you who like to kill for pleasure. Don't get me started on this subject buddy. It's a conversation you don't want to have. Grow up and accept everybody's reasons as being as valid as your reasons.

    I like to kill animals for pleasure now? You clearly have something wrong with you, seek help. Who are you calling anyone ignorant when you're saying that I kill deer for some sick pleasure? I've stated several times already that I myself do not like cruelty towards animals, I also stated that I humanely kill deer to FEED MYSELF. Someone you turn preservation into perversion, and I'm the one who needs to grow up? Seriously so pathetic how you have no argument so you twist situations into something they're not, that's something someone would do that needs to grow up. I also never said that I didn't accept people being vegetarian, I said I didn't understand the reasoning for ethical vegetarianism. Again, something you're twisting around because you have no valid argument. It's sad that you have to make things up in order to try and have an argument, I pity you.

    You pity me? LOL. Thanks...when I was 23, I was out having fun with my friends on Friday night. Not sitting around on MFP, or any other website, discussing the virtues of being a meat eater over being a vegan. LOL. Don't pity me. I have a life. ( Was that nasty of me??) As to needing help, I have needed counseling to deal with the horrific things I've seen in rescue. It does change you. I hope you never have to see what I've seen. But then, I'm very sure I will never have to worry about that. You seem too immature to worry about helping anybody or anything but yourself.

    Anyway, you asked why I didn't eat meat. I told you. Then you said it was a ridiculous reason. Wouldn't you be irked if someone asked you why you DO eat meat, you answer, and then thet tell you it was a stupid reason? as I stated earlier, it's a hot button for me. So press it, and I unleash. Sorry about that kiddo.

    If you have a PC, and you can afford the Internet and a ell phone, then you can go to the store a buy meat. You don't have to hunt and kill it for food. I don't want to hear that crap. And unless you kill it with a bow and arrow, I know what a box buck shot cost these days. Go buy some groud beef. It's cheaper. And spare me your preservation crap.
    Please explain your stance. You're giving him flak for hunting his own meat, rather than supporting the factory-meat industry.

    I probably should. Sorry.. I don't advocate either. But he was saying he hunts to survive. I'm saying if you can afford luxuries in life, then you don't have to kill when there is already carcass laying around in any grocery store. Already dead. Just waiting on mr meat eater. Don't have to kill to eat. Just go to to walmart.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Yeah, me too. And I'm thankful they respect their elders.

    I give respect when it's given back, you've been nothing but disrespectful so don't expect me to treat you any differently because you're older than me. You don't just earn respect on the internet, I'm sorry that you feel like you do.

    You are the one using profanity and rudeness to get your point across. You also have some baffling ideas about women. For instance, you somehow think my husband's statements here are mine. By the way, where I come from addressing someone who is 35 years older than you as 'woman' is rude.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    some day soon we will download our consciousness into machines and we will never need to eat again.
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    I SWEAR I saw this thread last week....

    You did! This was the exact opposite of that one. Trollololololo wow this was taken seriously.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    when i was a was my love for animals. :heart: STILL IS!!
    its so heartbreaking seeing those videos of them being kills me
    but i do realize we need protein much as i hate it, i do eat meat now
    but i eat ORGANIC and as natural as i can..peace of mind, if you will
    i really wish i could be a vegetarian.....:brokenheart: maybe pescatarian?

    And you should never apologize for eating meat. Even though I don't eat it, I wouldn't judge you because u do. I'm just mad at the OP because he said being an animal over isn't reason enough not to eat meat..
  • comogirl
    comogirl Posts: 154 Member
    Ok, I am probably going to offend some, but its not my intention.

    However, I just don't get it, and never will. There has never been a good argument presented to me. I figure because whenever I ask why, they almost always get offended. For the life of me, I don't understand why I can't ask for a reason?

    So why?

    And please remove all of the tofu answers. That stuff is just nasty.
    Hilarious! Thank you for a good laugh!
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    Yeah, me too. And I'm thankful they respect their elders.

    I give respect when it's given back, you've been nothing but disrespectful so don't expect me to treat you any differently because you're older than me. You don't just earn respect on the internet, I'm sorry that you feel like you do.

    You are the one using profanity and rudeness to get your point across. You also have some baffling ideas about women. For instance, you somehow think my husband's statements here are mine. By the way, where I come from addressing someone who is 35 years older than you as 'woman' is rude.

    Calling someone "arrogant and superior" is rude as well, yet you expect me to bow to you after you call me that. I also never stated that your husbands statements were yours, I did though point out how hilarious it is of you to try and call me all these things yet you have a husband who was up from 3am till 11am arguing with people and putting them down. I wonder if you let your husband know how sad of a "man" he is for staying up all night to belittle people...
This discussion has been closed.