50 shades of gray?



  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    Did any you read, "Beautiful Disaster"? It was HIGHLY reviewed on Amazon and GoodReads. It was supposed to be similar to 50 but better ( I know, I know)..

    What did you think if you read it?
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    Just started reading it to see what the hype is about, but I'm not far enough in to comment.

    What's more important is that we only have 7 days to stockpile batteries.
  • ElectricMayhem
    ElectricMayhem Posts: 214 Member
    it's written in crayon...double spaced. I couldn't even finish the first one.

    which means it's elementary school sex education at best? i've struggled with finishing it for the last 2 months, which is not my style...i heard it was "dirty" so of course i picked it up :love:
    Why are you friends with my friends?

    Because i CAN :bigsmile:
  • eliz_in_pink
    eliz_in_pink Posts: 278 Member
    Every time I go to the pool I see at least 5 women reading that book. I have no idea what it's about it, but I don't pay attention to the fads. I read books that sound interesting to me. Just because something is super popular does not make it good. Just look at Twilight. My god.

    I tried to read it at the pool and my hubby and I had to go inside... a few times :blushing:
  • blueangel20110
    I have read the first 2 and getting ready to start the 3rd one. I enjoyed them. They were fun reads. The writing is not very good but like I said, it is a fun read. Just like the movie Rock of Ages - it's a fun summer movie, nothing more, nothing less.

    I highly recommend the Sleeping Beauty series. Very well written by Anne Rice and if you want the juices to start flow, these are the books for you ;)
  • jhall1255
    jhall1255 Posts: 99 Member
    greatest reply..ever. lol
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    I only read a few of the comments on here, but I'm honestly happy that I'm not the ONLY one who thinks the book is "just okay". Initially I was intrigued because a) it seemed so popular and b) I thought I'd connect with the main character since her name was Anastasia (my middle name). I bought the books (which I REALLY regret and wish I could get my money back for) and started reading the first one. I don't get how people said "I couldn't put the book down" because I put it down every chance I got! I got to about chapter 10/11 and decided I'll read this when I'm on an airplane/on vacation in a month and start reading something else and better utilize my time. The book is written in "Lifetime Movie" form... and honestly, I'd rather WATCH it than read it...it would probably be more interesting that way. It's just cheesy to me...and a lot of the lines Christian Grey uses, he'd get LAUGHED at if he said it to me.

    But you decide for you-everyone has different tastes
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Anyone who wants to read a very interesting (and well written) article on her 50 Shades experience, this is it (NSFW due to language).


    This should be required reading for anyone who has enjoyed BDSM fiction/fantasized about it/toyed with the idea of going out and experiencing it for real. And sums up very nicely why I never have.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty is 10x worse than 50 Shades of Grey.

    Hmmm.... is it atleast better written? As in not using the same phrases and adjectives multiple times in a row?

    Anything HAS to be better written than 50 Shades. Seriously. And you aren't kidding about the same phrases over and over again..."Oh my poor fifty" and I was REALLY tired of hearing about what her "inner goddess" was doing by the end of the first book. I mean seriously...who has an inner goddess that glares and does back flips? LoL

    I completely agree with this. Again, I loved the steamy scenes and the email exchanges.

    Oh My.
    Laters, Baby.
    Inner Goddess.

    You forgot "holy"
    as in
    holy hell
    holy f@ck

    holy I've had enough!
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty is 10x worse than 50 Shades of Grey.

    Hmmm.... is it atleast better written? As in not using the same phrases and adjectives multiple times in a row?

    Anything HAS to be better written than 50 Shades. Seriously. And you aren't kidding about the same phrases over and over again..."Oh my poor fifty" and I was REALLY tired of hearing about what her "inner goddess" was doing by the end of the first book. I mean seriously...who has an inner goddess that glares and does back flips? LoL

    I completely agree with this. Again, I loved the steamy scenes and the email exchanges.

    Oh My.
    Laters, Baby.
    Inner Goddess.

    You forgot "holy"
    as in
    holy hell
    holy f@ck

    holy I've had enough!

  • faefaith
    faefaith Posts: 433 Member
    IM SO CONFUSED... whats it about???

    oh come on. you know what its about. good gravy.
    errrr... are you looking to get a thread going about BDSM?
    Now that would be interesting! :smile:
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I've read the first two books and am about to start the third. I'm completely hooked. The Twilight comparisons are spot on, there are some bits that appear to be directly taken straight from it, but even so I love it. I admire the author's willing to discuss sex and taboo in such a way, and I hope it opens people's eyes!
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    I'll admit I've read them (the unpublished version) and I'll even admit to liking them for the simple reason.. oh the kinky ideas it gave me.

    But yes -- lots of over-used phrases. Not for people who have no sense of sexual adventure (at least imo). And DEFINITELY not for teens.
  • Mceastes
    Mceastes Posts: 303 Member
    The ONLY reason to read this book is for the sex, and even then it's kind of a let down. The main character is so naive, inexperienced and flat-out boring that it just falls short of the excitement it's supposed to convey. Honestly, the Twilight series was better written and that's saying A LOT! I liked Twilight, not loved it, but I liked it. Everyone said how awful the writing was, so I had low expectations and it was better than I thought it would be. But 50 Shades? By the second or third book I just wanted to punch that girl every time I read "Holy crap!" "Oh my poor fifty!" or "inner goddess." Even Bella wasn't this sheltered and she's a teenager. This girl is supposed to be graduating college. How do you make it through college without losing your virginity (ok, maybe possible), hearing anything at all about sex (guess it could depend on your friends) or having the first clue that some guys like it kinky (You've never even read an issue of Cosmo?) The only reason I kept reading is for the sex and because I really can't stand not to finish what I start.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I have heard it is very poorly written - and that it was written as fanfiction for twilight lovers.
    I personally havent read it - however its not my type of book either (not into "romantic" novels)
  • SarahPadmore
    The girls in the hairdressers recommend these books to me today, they said they are a gripping read! I'm sold going to down load them from Amazon!
  • HannahDiaz25
    HannahDiaz25 Posts: 104
    The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty is 10x worse than 50 Shades of Grey.

    Worst? It is more explicit...but it's better written than Shades.

    I highly recomend The Beauty Series as well though.

    It also gets into some pretty hard core stuff... 50 Shades is for vanilla readers that like the idea of a little spice...Sleeping Beauty is more graphic and explores what I consider extreme BDSM. No Doubt Sleeping Beauty is 100 times better written...But 50 Shades is intertaining in a pop culture, wont stick around for long kind of way.
    A Rice is just an amazing author... the books can't really be compared.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I couldn't get into this book because the story was so awful and unbelievable. I guess it would make a good humor book because the "plot?" is laughable.

    But I guess that's like most pornos.. you don't watch for the story, just like people don't read this book for the story.

    Some people watch pornos for their plot line.... their unbelievable plot line...
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 860 Member
    Anyone who wants to read a very interesting (and well written) article on her 50 Shades experience, this is it (NSFW due to language).


    This should be required reading for anyone who has enjoyed BDSM fiction/fantasized about it/toyed with the idea of going out and experiencing it for real. And sums up very nicely why I never have.

    no it doesn't.
  • TigressStripes
    TigressStripes Posts: 33 Member
    It's horribly bad fanfic. I stopped counting spelling and grammatical errors about halfway through the first book. Sadly, it's like a train wreck - you desperately want to look away to avoid the carnage, and yet you continue to stare.