Let's QUIT the sweets!?



  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Ok... so I am having HUGE issues with sweets and wrote about it yesterday.. the ice cream did win last night but after I told my boyfriend about HIS ice cream being in MY belly and he said "Well I guess when we make the plunge to live together I can't have sweets in the house can I?" NOW, how can i punish him who can have a PINT of ice cream for a month or more just because I don't seem to have any self control?? NEGATIVE... It's not fair to him or to my body... SOOOO... Starting today I am trying my damndest to turn over a new leaf, I have done it before... If I wanted something sweet I would eat one of the 100 calorie yogurts that taste like cinnamon rolls, cherry cobbler, etc and be done with it... So, today I have not had anything sweet... I had frosted mini wheats and silk vanilla soy milk for breakfast but I don't count that as "sweets" that are my issue! I will be checking in and logging every single thing I put in my mouth as I have before and made such a huge difference... I can't solely blame my weight gain on my birth control anymore... it's just a cop out! So there! lol... The day is young but hopefully my mind frame will stick and continue... OH! Also, I was going to start going back to the gym like a crazy person and OF COURSE today started my TOM.... Joy!!

    Try the Jello puddings! They're 60 calories and the cinnamon roll is SO good. Really all the sugarfree puddings taste great, my only problem is making sure I eat only one.

    Yeah I asked my mom to hide everything that was sweet that she bought. I told her also to make sure I didn't know. She bought these chocolate poptarts and I found them... well last night I made sure we wouldn't have any left around the house. By eating them all. Ugh, lol. Extra cardio today.
  • HeatherBurke
    That's my problem... Eating just ONE....... Hmm... If I could eat just one I would be great but as of now that's not the case.. When I'm at work I can be sooo good but at home it's a different story.. I have aften thought of getting another job just to take up that spare time so Im not sitting at home thinking about food. You can only go to the gym for so long so it's either go to work then the gym and home and take a nap so I dont think about food or something I don't know... I need to find self control and I will be good. I admit though, I did have some homemade banana pudding last night... I'm a sucker for banana pudding :blushing:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I made some no flour, no sugar cookies that I make my kids for school snacks. All it is is oatmeal ground up with an egg, spices, applesauce and sometimes some dried fruit.

    This is so not the place to ask this, but could you please post the recipe under "Recipies" and send me the link? That would be highly appreciated :flowerforyou: .
  • debtdummy
    i cant give them up, they call to me from the shelf in the local shop...... cinema ones are worst.. they sing and dance!!! lol lol
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    New motivation for me to quit the sweets (while I wait to see my doctor), I checked my blood sugar last night at my mom's, and it was 250 mg/dl (9.2 %A1c)...which, from what I've read, is pretty high. That's the second time I've checked it in the past couple of months with similiar readings...it's not looking good. Freakin' sugar will be the death of me! The last thing I wanted to end up was being diabetic which is one of the BIG reasons I wanted to get my weight under control.

    Sugar. :mad:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    New motivation for me to quit the sweets (while I wait to see my doctor), I checked my blood sugar last night at my mom's, and it was 250 mg/dl (9.2 %A1c)...which, from what I've read, is pretty high. That's the second time I've checked it in the past couple of months with similiar readings...it's not looking good. Freakin' sugar will be the death of me! The last thing I wanted to end up was being diabetic which is one of the BIG reasons I wanted to get my weight under control.

    Sugar. :mad:
    You a doing great, you are aware of what you need to do and even though there are some bad days or moments, you are doing it. Everyone who has lost weight will say they had good and bad days. You are on the right track.....one step at a time....Keep at it:wink:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    New motivation for me to quit the sweets (while I wait to see my doctor), I checked my blood sugar last night at my mom's, and it was 250 mg/dl (9.2 %A1c)...which, from what I've read, is pretty high. That's the second time I've checked it in the past couple of months with similiar readings...it's not looking good. Freakin' sugar will be the death of me! The last thing I wanted to end up was being diabetic which is one of the BIG reasons I wanted to get my weight under control.

    Sugar. :mad:
    You a doing great, you are aware of what you need to do and even though there are some bad days or moments, you are doing it. Everyone who has lost weight will say they had good and bad days. You are on the right track.....one step at a time....Keep at it:wink:

    In a way, I take it as a bit of a blessing that my sugar was up, because it's scared me completely away from sugar. I kinda feel like my best friend just died, but I'm sure that will pass. :tongue:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    New motivation for me to quit the sweets (while I wait to see my doctor), I checked my blood sugar last night at my mom's, and it was 250 mg/dl (9.2 %A1c)...which, from what I've read, is pretty high. That's the second time I've checked it in the past couple of months with similiar readings...it's not looking good. Freakin' sugar will be the death of me! The last thing I wanted to end up was being diabetic which is one of the BIG reasons I wanted to get my weight under control.

    Sugar. :mad:
    You a doing great, you are aware of what you need to do and even though there are some bad days or moments, you are doing it. Everyone who has lost weight will say they had good and bad days. You are on the right track.....one step at a time....Keep at it:wink:

    In a way, I take it as a bit of a blessing that my sugar was up, because it's scared me completely away from sugar. I kinda feel like my best friend just died, but I'm sure that will pass. :tongue:
    :laugh: I hear ya!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I kinda feel like my best friend just died, but I'm sure that will pass. :tongue:

    Nah, your friend did not die. He just moved abroad.:wink: If you had to pay him a visit, that would be too expensive for you, right? Or maybe he's just in a place where for you it would be simply too dangerous to go. I can assure you he's fine where he is :tongue: and that he's OK with you making new friends :wink: - veggies and the raw fruits which are OK for you (I think you should ask your doc on which fruits are OK, cos some have their natural sugars, which I hear are still not OK for people with diabeties, so you might want to avoid them, in order to prevent it, until your blood sugar goes down).

    Good luck and remember: you CAN do it! I just made an exception today and had chocolate - and while it was hard to stop I thought.- was this really worth it?
  • Brittany1979
    Brittany1979 Posts: 381 Member
    I'll join in! :smile:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I just made an exception today and had chocolate - and while it was hard to stop I thought.- was this really worth it?

    :grumble: I haven't answered myself in full honesty, so I had some more chocolate today :angry: . It doesn't taste as good as it did before and yet, I felt like eating the whole thing :angry: . I'll go back to being a good girl :embarassed:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I bought some Lindt 85% cocoa chocolate, and I'm having 1 piece of day, partially because it's so good for you, and secondly to try and teach myself some moderation. So far so good? :laugh:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hey Brenda Lee thank you for getting us "ALL" to look our evil enemy in the eye! We all know sugar is a monkey on our back and are now trying to remove it. I have had meals of only sugar *kitten* and days where I have really had to work out to burn off the sugar cals or to just have some more calories so I could eat a real meal. Sad what a sugar addiction does!! I am in with you all!! I asked my doc what I could do to help alleviate cravings and he sent me liquid chromium and you know it really does help! Monday I am going back to my liquid drops of chromium and putting on the mental armor and fight the beast one day at a time! I am rooting for EACH one of you to overcome this health saboteur!!!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Grr@me. I can't even resist an 85% cocoa chocolate bar. So much for my 1 square a day. :tongue: Ya know you got it bad when! Oh well, at least it's no longer in the fridge.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    How's it going, Peeps? :smile:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Erm... yesterday I gave in and had my first rice pudding this month. Also had some milk chocolate :blushing: . Decided that I need to go back to using my calories wisefully :smile: .If I'll eat deserts/sweets, it will be self-made, so that I know what goes in (not only in terms of sugar, but also preservatives and such) Today I managed to avoid the shelves with dark chocolate and have been clean so far. :happy: :drinker:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    The last 2 days have been pretty good! PTL !!! I had zucchini bread twice but NO snickers ice cream bars, cheese puffs and NO candy crap!! So far soooo good! I am wishing you ALL resistance, you can do it!!
    V Huber
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Erm... yesterday I gave in and had my first rice pudding this month. Also had some milk chocolate :blushing: . Decided that I need to go back to using my calories wisefully :smile: .If I'll eat deserts/sweets, it will be self-made, so that I know what goes in (not only in terms of sugar, but also preservatives and such) Today I managed to avoid the shelves with dark chocolate and have been clean so far. :happy: :drinker:
    Good Job!! Keep it up!!!
  • jlefton1212
    jlefton1212 Posts: 171 Member
    I've had a relapse! My husband is out of town working on a trial, and I just found out that he isn't coming back this weekend like we expected, so it will be another week plus before I see him again! I was so sad...I was trying to shake it off, but for some reason I got it in my mind that chocolate would perk me up. Unfortunately I didn't even get GOOD chocolate...just a 3 Musketeers from the vending machine.

    I felt a little better while I was eating it, but now I still miss him terribly AND I feel guilty for blowing my calories for the day!, so I feel even worse!!! :frown:

    This is just a reminder for myself -- chocolate is not the answer!
  • etey7
    etey7 Posts: 44
    New motivation for me to quit the sweets (while I wait to see my doctor), I checked my blood sugar last night at my mom's, and it was 250 mg/dl (9.2 %A1c)...which, from what I've read, is pretty high. That's the second time I've checked it in the past couple of months with similiar readings...it's not looking good. Freakin' sugar will be the death of me! The last thing I wanted to end up was being diabetic which is one of the BIG reasons I wanted to get my weight under control.

    Sugar. :mad:

    oh man 250 mg/dl is pretty high.. 70-110 mg/dl is the normal value for blood sugar on average.. Please please take care of yourself.. I'm a nurse and I know how diabetes affects the body... Please.... :wink:

    Hmm can I still join the group? I have the same problem with regards to my sweet tooth.. it's my downfall.. I have to quit cold turkey or else I won't stop pigging out and stuffing my mouth with sweets.. so addicting.. I...can't...stop.. with.. just... ONE... aaarrggghhhh!!!!!!! :grumble: