Respecting men



  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    make sammiches

    OMG! How original and funny!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Rachel! You TL;DR'd was my first. :heart:

    You're great, men are awesome but damn. That was like a whole 3 mintues of my life if I would have read that.

    Sad thing is that I was seriously trying to keep it brief. Imagine how happy my darling husband must be that I've decided to remain quiet about certain topics.

    Lmao. I can appreciate that.
  • DOElston
    DOElston Posts: 102
    Look at fairy tales and why their themes endure. Women want to be the princess and men want to be the hero. Nothing withers a feminine spirit like neglect and nothing withers a masculine spirit like not being appreciated.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Us women are all about "me, me, me"... "I'm strooooong. I don't need no man", but DO, DO, DO for me. Eff that. If a man is kind enough to do something nice for you, drop to your knees and thank him :smokin:.... girls want to feel respected, but we never do anything to make the man feel the same. Quit *****ing about what you don't have and appreciate what you do have. Give them their space, do something nice for them, pay for dinner for ONCE, and pull over and surprise him with dessert on the way home from dinner.

    A happy boyfriend makes for a very happy girlfriend, and vice versa.
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    Respecting is never belittling and always having their back.

    Never insult your partner on anything you know they are self conscious about (job, looks, whatever it may be) - to me that is the ultimate disrespect.

    i agree with this. this is one of the ways I show respect to my lady.

    respect isnt something that is deserved or rigthed. it's something that is given as a gift and should be appreciated. i have someone who respects me and shows me she respects me and i will do everything i can to show her i appreciate her for that.

    never take your partner for granted.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Us women are all about "me, me, me"... "I'm strooooong. I don't need no man", but DO, DO, DO for me. Eff that. If a man is kind enough to do something nice for you, drop to your knees and thank him :smokin:.... girls want to feel respected, but we never do anything to make the man feel the same. Quit *****ing about what you don't have and appreciate what you do have. Give them their space, do something nice for them, pay for dinner for ONCE, and pull over and surprise him with dessert on the way home from dinner.

    A happy boyfriend makes for a very happy girlfriend, and vice versa.

    Lol. This except he has to do his time with his kness in the dirt as well.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    One of the most fragile things known to human kind is a man's ego. Treat him like you would want someone to treat your Father, Brother or Son.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I think that mutual respect in a relationship is a huge predictor of success.

    Over the last two decades, men in the media are frequently portrayed as dumb, clueless and almost irrelevant beings, particularly in families. I actually think that constant message hurts. Since the '70's it seems it's politically correct to diss on men, but men dare not diss in women (at least publicly).

    Here's to a big round of R-E-S-P-E-C-T for everyone!
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    Show your love through mutual respect, support, admiration, and bacon. I can't speak for all men, just myself. I pay more attention to actions than words.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Trust his judgement - sometimes even if you know he's wrong.
    Don't argue just to be right.
    Take genuine interest in what he loves.
    Give him his own space and time.
    Take care of him and do things he asks, at least sometimes.
    Show him physical love as well as emotional every day, even if he doesn't ask for it.
    Take the initiative to indulge him in conversations that interest him, not necessarily you.
  • EuroReady
    EuroReady Posts: 199 Member
    I think many men and women see respect differently. I feel like men tend to see it as a more harsh form of deference while women see it as a softer form. For example, from MY experience, i see a trait of respect as having my voice be heard, acknowledged, and then considered. Meanwhile, many men I know would say that having his voice merely considered is not respect, but immediately accommodating to his 'side' is true respect.

    But again, these are just my own life observations, not a blanket statement on everyone.
  • ClintonnIsBlessed
    I couldn't possibly and absolutely agree with this answer any more than I already do. Ladies this is the absolute dead on truth in this answer. Men will love you more and more every day when you don't undermine, embarrass, pick, nag, shrink his ego, not need his help, and use sex as a punishment tool.
    Here's my opinion on respecting your man.

    Shut up!

    We run our mouths too much. Being heard is wonderful and I'm not advocating being a doormat. Sometimes giving them the space they need to BE the man...with no lip and loving the best way to show you honor, respect and trust them.
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    Trust his judgement - sometimes even if you know he's wrong.
    Don't argue just to be right.
    Take genuine interest in what he loves.
    Give him his own space and time.
    Take care of him and do things he asks, at least sometimes.
    Show him physical love as well as emotional every day, even if he doesn't ask for it.
    Take the initiative to indulge him in conversations that interest him, not necessarily you.

    Exactly! Lack of these concepts drove me away from my wife of 15 years (now ex). It can't be a one-way street. You gotta give back a little.
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    Leave the toilet seat up.

    What the hell?! Leave the toilet seat UP? I already have to clean man-spray from the 3 toilets in our house and I'm not about to leave the seat UP so I can be constantly reminded of the next time I need to clean them.

    My theory?...I treat him, speak to, love and support him the way I want to be treated, spoken to, loved and supported from/by him. We make our decisions together, as a team, with the best interests of our family in mind. We are NOT selfish. We show each other how much the other person means to us every day in everything we do.

    We say "goodnight, baby, I love you" before falling asleep every night and thank the other for the good, bad and the ugly. Because those are things that make our world go round.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I think many men and women see respect differently. I feel like men tend to see it as a more harsh form of deference while women see it as a softer form. For example, from MY experience, i see a trait of respect as having my voice be heard, acknowledged, and then considered. Meanwhile, many men I know would say that having his voice merely considered is not respect, but immediately accommodating to his 'side' is true respect.

    But again, these are just my own life observations, not a blanket statement on everyone.

    Hmmmm...very interesting point. Research does seem to show that men's comments are more carefully considered than women's are. So, maybe 'being heard' is a default condition for men, at least in the workplace.
  • Cookme1
    Cookme1 Posts: 15
    Speaking for myself. Being appreciated is your spouse or partner knowing you are a good man.
    If he takes care of things in the home like minor plmbing problems, electrical fix its, painting, gardening, and helps with the grocery shoping, laundry and vacuuming. Niether partner should get saddled with all the domestic chores especially if you both work.
    If you have children," I don't," I would make one day a week "MOM" day and keep the little people out of her hair. Just because a women brings them into the world doesn't mean she wants to be aroud them 24/7 365.

    When we appreciae somebody don't you want to do things you know make them happy? That makes men feel apprecieated as well as vocalizing the appreciation.

    Respect and appreciation are very closely related. Respect is one of the key components to any relationship.
    If you don't have love, respect and friendship, you are going to have a difficult time making any relationship work. If you think your relationship is all about you, good luck with that. Sort of eliminates the give and take a relationship needs for survival.

    Of course then there is the old adage that "if you don't respect yourself then nobody else will".

    So, we can wax on and on about this topic but gotta stop someplace.

    Good luck to all on reaching all your goals in life.
  • Wpbarr
    Wpbarr Posts: 142 Member
    And still, the women can't stop yapping and let the men answer, nor are they understanding the men who tried to ...
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    Why not just ask your SO what they feel is respectful?

    For my hubby he just wants me to support and trust him. I do, completely. I show it by giving up all control over finances. He takes care of ALL of it. Ever since we started doing it this way we save a lot more money and yet get to spend on more "fun" things.

    I also make sure to compliment him at least once a day. Men love hearing it just as much as we do.

    My husband also expects me to basically treat him the way I want him to treat me. The golden rule, right?
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Trust his judgement - sometimes even if you know he's wrong.

    So.... being deceitful and disingenuous is the foundation for a good relationship?

    I feel quite confident that no man I've ever had a relationship with wanted to be patronised in this way.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Trust his judgement - sometimes even if you know he's wrong.

    So.... being deceitful and disingenuous is the foundation for a good relationship?

    I feel quite confident that no man I've ever had a relationship with wanted to be patronised in this way.

    It's not about patronizing him, it's more about not arguing with him, submitting and letting him find out on his own he wasn't right. We don't always have to point our fingers and say "I told you so, you were wrong." or argue something to death. And when he realizes he was wrong, don't gloat. That was what I meant.