Judging other people's diaries



  • hothodgie
    hothodgie Posts: 258 Member
    I agree. That's why I keep mine private. I also keep myself very accountable. Such as last week I way over indulged and doubled my calorie intake for the day. I still logged every single ounce. It was my motivation to be very good the next day and get right back on track. Last year I did the Atkin's diet and got a lot of slack for my carb intake, which I agree was low, but it was something I wanted to try. I hated it and decided on my own to stop it. This year is a new year and it has been a very happy journey so far. I intend to keep it that way.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Yeah I have mine so that only my friends can see it b/c I have this same fear. I am only 3 weeks in and while in the long run I want to be making all the right choices. Right now its about seeing the numbers continue to drop as I make more and more good choices.

    I see it like this, if having a burger today can help you stay with the program in the long run then the burger was worth it.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Yep, I just got a message from someone who says I have too much sodium in my diet. Sheesh. Sorry I ate that can of chicken noodle soup without checking the label first because I was so hungry. :grumble: (yes, that was the only thing that caused me to go over....by like 700 points).

    To be honest, I could care less about sodium right now. I'm just trying to get my eating under control. I ate fast food every day. BIG change in a short time. I track it because I'm curious - that's all. I'll "fix" it when I'm ready.
  • ashleypage__
    I don't comment on anyone's diary and I have mine set to private. Who am I to judge what other people eat? And I really don't need anyone telling me I need to eat more vegetables, cut back on carbs, up my protein intake, etc...I KNOW these things myself, and am trying every day to make changes. But ultimately it is MY business and no one elses what I eat.

  • ashleypage__
    Preface: I do not judge food choices. I do not eat "clean" all the time either.

    However, if you don't want people to judge your food choices then maybe you *should* lock your diary. I think the diary open/closed option is genius because some people DO feel the need to hold themselves accountable to healthier food choices.

    Do you feel bad about your lunch today? Could you have made a better choice? Is that what you think your friends might think? Would you put off eating even when you're hungry if you were to log a chicken salad with a yogurt instead? Just playing devils advocate with you.

    On the other hand, a calorie is a calorie. If you are eating at a deficit, then you're still ahead of the game.

    I actually think you make some good points. But still, sometimes I have a totally bad day where I give into my cravings. And so, yes I do feel bad about my lunch but having other people saying negative things or judging won't make me feel any better about it. We are all smart, and know when we are having a bad day or not. Supportive comments like someone mentioned about "Tomorrow's another day." goes way farther than someone saying something negative.
  • Awake_Alive
    Awake_Alive Posts: 261 Member
    You are logging, that is a WIN in my book. I would have to be a complete idiot not to see exactly where my problems are when I log honestly, which is all the time. I already see it, and most times I take action to not let it happen again, so I don't need a running commentary from anyone!

    It also bothers me because no one else knows what kind of program another person is working. People could scream at me all day about the amount of fat and protein I eat, but I am following a (loose) version of Paleo that is working for me! So quit telling me to stop eating so many nuts!! LOL!

    When people do judge me, I call them out on it. If they do it again, that is cause for an immediate unfriending, even if it was just their way of "supporting" me. I know what works for me, and judgement doesn't, it just makes me want to crawl under the covers and eat...and I am not that woman anymore!!! :)
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    yeah the only reason i look at other peoples diares is to get good ideas of new stuff to add to my diet
  • jenniferlmartinez
    jenniferlmartinez Posts: 95 Member
    I totally agree with you 100%. NOBODY should pass judgement.
  • TrinaJ11
    TrinaJ11 Posts: 159 Member
    i agree 100%
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I like the constructive criticism on my food diary. It's really the kick I needed to pay attention to my sodium.
  • Kathy53925
    Kathy53925 Posts: 241 Member
    Yep, I just got a message from someone who says I have too much sodium in my diet. Sheesh. Sorry I ate that can of chicken noodle soup without checking the label first because I was so hungry. :grumble: (yes, that was the only thing that caused me to go over....by like 700 points).

    To be honest, I could care less about sodium right now. I'm just trying to get my eating under control. I ate fast food every day. BIG change in a short time. I track it because I'm curious - that's all. I'll "fix" it when I'm ready.

    And I am guessing you could not see the sodium in RED...so they had to let you know! SHEESH! I had Chicken Noodle soup today too...and 25% less sodium. My sodium is way up today too. No more soup for me unless I make it!
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Yep, I just got a message from someone who says I have too much sodium in my diet. Sheesh. Sorry I ate that can of chicken noodle soup without checking the label first because I was so hungry. :grumble: (yes, that was the only thing that caused me to go over....by like 700 points).

    To be honest, I could care less about sodium right now. I'm just trying to get my eating under control. I ate fast food every day. BIG change in a short time. I track it because I'm curious - that's all. I'll "fix" it when I'm ready.

    And I am guessing you could not see the sodium in RED...so they had to let you know! SHEESH! I had Chicken Noodle soup today too...and 25% less sodium. My sodium is way up today too. No more soup for me unless I make it!

    Me too! That was an eye opener food for me today since I don't usually eat it. The worst part was that as I was eating it, I kept thinking "This needs more salt" lol.

    I like to have my diary viewable to my friends. It helps me to feel accountable. I guess I was shocked because I didn't expect to be judge by my friends either.

    I am thinking about closing off my diary again. It's a shame though because of one person's thoughtless comments. Or maybe I'm just too sensitive. I don't know.
  • Heidi64
    Heidi64 Posts: 211 Member
    I don't judge people's diaries, (I'm the queen of binge) but I have commented on sodium if they go over ALOT or protein just so that they know I am actually paying attention and not just absentmindedly commenting to comment. So maybe don't take it as judgemental, take it as really caring.
  • jessicae1aine
    I try hard not to judge people's diaries - and if I do, I do it in my head and never, ever have the lack of respect for their choices to say it out loud. I can't say I've ever seen someone make those kinds of negative comments on someone's journal, unless it was about their own. I keep mine private, though, because I fear being judged even though I know it's irrational.
  • serentity78
    serentity78 Posts: 89 Member
    we have five guys but have not ate there ( heard its so YUMMY) and I still will eat out here and there thats ok! If anyone made those comments I would delete them. But I get alot of support here....NONE of us are perfect and most no constantly depriving favorite foods leads many of us to failure. What I notice is most get more calories than me! LOL
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    If you do not want the free flow of information and accountability, make your diary private.
    Simple deal.
    As for me, I welcome any and all comments good or bad.
    Judgments are good unless an ego is so fragile that it bruises at the slightest hint of anything negative.
    BUCK UP!
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    I never have people do that to me. Get new friends. Your's are *kitten*.
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    I had my diary closed for the longest time because I have a lot of shame associated with eating. One of my friends asked me if I would open it so she could see it. It's been open for quite a while now. Even when I'm having what I think is a ridiculous day, my friends will comment, "Yum! (Whatever I was eating.)." We're all adults and have different standards. I have seen crazy comments on other people's diaries, but my friends are great!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I generally don't really comment other than "good job" every now and then. There have been a few times when people seemed to be struggling or another person may make a comment that seemed mildly critical, I may go and look at the diary and comment... I remember one case recently where a person made a comment similar to what you are saying and I'd go in and look at several days and may make a comment on it.. Usually this happens when there has been some comments back and forth on it. If I comment though, it is never about one day... it is trends I may see over a week or so... Always meant in the most helpful of ways and never meant as critical...

    There are different takes on our responsibilities as friends... If somebody comments on mine.. I take it as somebody making helpful comments and not as being critical.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    This is mainly why I don't accept "friend" requests unless I know the person in real life. Sad, but true. I do have a couple people I met on here as friends, but not many. If ANYONE ever commented like that on my journal, I'd probably unfriend them immediately. I'm a grown *kitten* woman that isn't stupid enough to believe that if I try hard enough every day will be perfect or that I can't see where I am going over. I don't keep idiots around who like to point out the obvious and try to hold me to a kind of standard that I don't hold myself (or anyone else) to.