Your Worst Binge Since Starting Here?



  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I was making cupcakes for a family friends kids and I ended up eating 12... I felt horrible but im doing better now :)

    I bought my first proper cupcake today, you know, the ones that come in all kinds of amazing flavours. I had passed it many times, and looked, and even tried a few samples, but never bought one as they don't come cheap. I think I got a red velvet one to try. And also a krispy kreme doughnut, as again. I have passed it, and never tried one. I figured, in a rather illogical way, that I will just try them and be done with it then I won't look mournfully at them everytime I walk past.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Mothers Day my brothers and I took my mom to an all you can eat buffet for brunch. I had mac and cheese, stuffed chicken breast, mashed potatoes and gravy, waffles with syyrup and strawberries, eggs benedict, bacon, hash browns, fruit and a cookie (just one everything in moderation you kn0w ;-) My sister in law and brothers were like "What about eating healthy? What about working out?" I said "Abs shmabs this aint cheap Im gettin my moneys worth"

    I have zero regrets.

    Did you feel a little bit stuffed after all that, lol?
    One thing I hate about eating a lot, even for only one day, is that I feel I have instantly gained 6 Ibs, with the swollen tummy etc.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Mothers Day my brothers and I took my mom to an all you can eat buffet for brunch. I had mac and cheese, stuffed chicken breast, mashed potatoes and gravy, waffles with syyrup and strawberries, eggs benedict, bacon, hash browns, fruit and a cookie (just one everything in moderation you kn0w ;-) My sister in law and brothers were like "What about eating healthy? What about working out?" I said "Abs shmabs this aint cheap Im gettin my moneys worth"

    I have zero regrets.

    Did you feel a little bit stuffed after all that, lol?
    One thing I hate about eating a lot, even for only one day, is that I feel I have instantly gained 6 Ibs, with the swollen tummy etc.

    Just a little. But later that day I went to a cookout and had steak 2 hotdogs and ice cream

    Once again no regrets

    Sometimes Ill have some tummy issues from eating like that but usually Im just bloated. But I drink over a gallon of water a day and stll workout so the next day Im fine again.
  • enchantedbunny
    Foie gras is being banned in a week here in CA so many restaurants have been doing "Farewell to Foie" type dinners. I splurged on an eight course dinner at Melisse (a Michelin starred restaurant)... each course easily used 2 oz of foie, yielding an entire pound by the time the evening was through. That dinner set me back about 3-4 days' worth of caloric intake but the biggest issue was the raise in my LDL levels. :( (So worth it though!)
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    Oh sheesh, that's easy, it was the day I hit rock-bottom. I had been allowing myself one "cheat day" a week a few years ago. It started simple - one bag of something from the grocery store on the day I went shopping. It was always a bag of Brach's caramels. Simple and quick, when they're gone, they're gone. Then the store stopped carrying them. So I started experimenting with different candy...and upping it from one thing to I can have as many things as I want, but on that day only, and I would usually get sick of it pretty fast - maybe 4-5 pieces of candy. Plus I was super busy and didn't have time to sit and snack. Then Halloween clearance hit and my schedule settled down....I had about 7 bags - the BIG bags - of fun sized candy. On one day. And I was eating all of them. Wasn't hungry, but I couldn't stop putting them in my mouth. Felt immensely huge and sick afterwards.

    It didn't really impact my weight loss, but I learned that a "little cheat" doesn't really work for me. I've since cut out all refined sugar and now I don't crave it anymore.

    I am considering, for the umpteenth time, trying the quit sugar and wheat route, for 3 weeks as I have heard that it totally kills the cravings, but the question is, does it last? And does it mean you have to refrain from ever having a dessert or chocolate for life, as I imagine that once you have a little again, it will lead right back to being hooked ?

    I suppose I am fortunate in that more days than not, I can get by without feeling the need for this stuff, but perhaps once every few weeks, I will get insane cravings for bakery stuffs and that is that. It is almost like a compulsion actually.

    My worst, I think, was a day where I had 2 pints of ben and jerry's. 4 ben and jerry's cookies, and earlier that day, a mcflurry, some mini chocolate brownies, a chocolate cookie, mini flapjacks, 2 muffins and some millionaires shortbread. It added up to rather a lot and the worst thing was, I knew I was going to do it. It is almost as if some of my binges are pre planned so I know that if I really work hard on it, I can stop it more times than not.

    I suppose I have the mindset that if I try everything at once, I will have tasted it, know what its like, and not feel deprived at all when I don't buy it again.

    I know some recommend beating the addiction by buying in all this stuff, and fighting the fear and panic, and keeping having it around, and eventually the desire to eat it apparently peters out. I read that in a guide to overcoming overeating and heard it from someone else. Something about taking out the whole idea of restriction and having foods that are 'unsafe', Obviously, initially the people would eat rather a lot of the food they had around, but less than they had expected and after a week or less, they found they still had whole boxes of cookies still sitting in their kitchen untouched because that time of having it around, unlimited, in quantity, sort of took away the craving. It was always there, thus nothing novel or special.

    It's interesting to hear others mention the sugary/carb cravings that are amplified by eating sugar and carbs! I really feel like the more sugar or carbs I eat, the more I want!

    I'm an evening snacker. Sometimes on the weekends I don't eat at all until dinner (I know, I know...) But If I have a carb-heavy supper, I'll be in the kitchen snacking within the hour. If I have a protein heavy meal, sometimes there's no after-dinner snacking at all.
    Someone brought Krispy Kremes to a staff meeting the other day, and it was all I could do to eat only 1.

    But I guarantee you if there was a bag of 'fun size' candy bars in this house I'd be eating them right now, instead of the dry popcorn I'm currently munching on... :wink:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    about 7000 calories worth of homemade brownies. those b*tches were fresh out if the oven and i started off taking a corner then kept going back for another small piece. next thing you know somehow the entire batch was gone :laugh:

    wait foie gras is being banned in ca??? grrrr
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    Foie gras is being banned in a week here in CA so many restaurants have been doing "Farewell to Foie" type dinners. I splurged on an eight course dinner at Melisse (a Michelin starred restaurant)... each course easily used 2 oz of foie, yielding an entire pound by the time the evening was through. That dinner set me back about 3-4 days' worth of caloric intake but the biggest issue was the raise in my LDL levels. :( (So worth it though!)

    Is that the government trying to legislate your eating habits, or is there another reason? Personally I've never had Foie Gras, and my doctor would probably freak out if I did!
  • rumpusparable
    I ate two medium size artichokes in one sitting a few weeks back,
  • rumpusparable
    Foie gras is being banned in a week here in CA so many restaurants have been doing "Farewell to Foie" type dinners. I splurged on an eight course dinner at Melisse (a Michelin starred restaurant)... each course easily used 2 oz of foie, yielding an entire pound by the time the evening was through. That dinner set me back about 3-4 days' worth of caloric intake but the biggest issue was the raise in my LDL levels. :( (So worth it though!)

    Is that the government trying to legislate your eating habits, or is there another reason? Personally I've never had Foie Gras, and my doctor would probably freak out if I did!

    I'd guess it's finally being banned in CA due to the extreme cruelty involved in how it's produced,
  • vhansard
    vhansard Posts: 7 Member
    I actually haven't had a binge day since I started MFP! However, I joined a weightloss program about 6 weeks ago and am on a very low glycemic diet - gave up ALL dairy (except a little feta cheese periodically), ALL refined sugar, bread, potatoes, rice - anything white and eveything good! I've lost 15 pounds in 6 weeks. My mentor told me the cravings would leave in 3 days - and I think they really did! I still have to have my popcorn when I go to the movies, but I've found some very low calorie brands.

    Good luck!:smile:
  • enchantedbunny
    Foie gras is being banned in a week here in CA so many restaurants have been doing "Farewell to Foie" type dinners. I splurged on an eight course dinner at Melisse (a Michelin starred restaurant)... each course easily used 2 oz of foie, yielding an entire pound by the time the evening was through. That dinner set me back about 3-4 days' worth of caloric intake but the biggest issue was the raise in my LDL levels. :( (So worth it though!)

    Is that the government trying to legislate your eating habits, or is there another reason? Personally I've never had Foie Gras, and my doctor would probably freak out if I did!

    I'd guess it's finally being banned in CA due to the extreme cruelty involved in how it's produced,

    The ban passed 10 years ago and is taking effect this year. It's not a government thing so much as a lobbying by animal rights groups targeting a food product not many people are well-informed about. But the long story short is that I love good food and foie is one of them! (And yes, my doctor did not appreciate it. haha)
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    Foie gras is being banned in a week here in CA so many restaurants have been doing "Farewell to Foie" type dinners. I splurged on an eight course dinner at Melisse (a Michelin starred restaurant)... each course easily used 2 oz of foie, yielding an entire pound by the time the evening was through. That dinner set me back about 3-4 days' worth of caloric intake but the biggest issue was the raise in my LDL levels. :( (So worth it though!)

    Is that the government trying to legislate your eating habits, or is there another reason? Personally I've never had Foie Gras, and my doctor would probably freak out if I did!

    I'd guess it's finally being banned in CA due to the extreme cruelty involved in how it's produced,

    The ban passed 10 years ago and is taking effect this year. It's not a government thing so much as a lobbying by animal rights groups targeting a food product not many people are well-informed about. But the long story short is that I love good food and foie is one of them! (And yes, my doctor did not appreciate it. haha)

    LOL it is French for "Fat Liver" !!! :laugh:
  • Sera890
    Sera890 Posts: 36 Member
    We had gotten my daughter half a sheet cake for her birthday. After her party, we still had half of it left over. Over the course of three days, I finished off the cake. I didn't even track my calories for it, but I gained about 5 pounds... :(
  • twiztc
    twiztc Posts: 135
    today- i was depressed and hungy and stuffed my face with crap
  • kathym42
    kathym42 Posts: 26
    Today was the very first time I've anything I consider not good.I took my granddaughter to the movies and we shared a medium butter's one thing I can't resit...I tried to compensate and ate well and drank lots of water the rest of the day....was still close to my calories for the day but was over in my fats
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I take Friday off every week... but I would say my worst was when we had cake at work, then I had cake everyday for 4 days to follow... I felt so out of control but I snapped out of it!!!
  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    Las Vegas. Enough said. I'm pretty sure I did one night where I drank about 2,000 calories, plus pub food for dinner. I gained about 2.5 pounds from the 10 day trip, so yes, there was an impact, but not a totally horrible one.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    A bridal shower. Gave in to the many homemade baked goodies. Calorie count was scary high when I logged it all later.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    I had a FREE DAY where I logged in over 12,000
    That's as bad as it ever got.

    ~ Picking jaw up from the ground ... but now that I think about it, that's totally understandable ... most people don't realize what a crazy day of eating out all day long can incur ... sad but true, we've probably all had one of the these bad boy days ... and that's ok every now and then.

  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I don't recall going over 5k since I started but before I was on MFP 6k a day was norm and my TDEE is about 3k-4k

    btw, 12k calories guy takes the throne in this contest :)