Your Worst Binge Since Starting Here?



  • gettinfit4god
    gettinfit4god Posts: 63 Member
    Have you ever seen Anthony Bourdain's Food Porn? That's kind of how I feel about this thread right now. It all sounds so good... As you can tell, I have a very unhealthy relationship with food. I would say the 3 day period when I ate a jar of Nutella a day was my worst. I was sick from it each night, yet kept returning for another jar the next day. That's true uncontrollable binge eating disorder behavior right there!
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member

    I was Low-Fat-Raw-Vegan between april and mid-may, couldn't afford it, so i switched to Low-Fat-Cooked-Vegan with greens, fruit, pasta, potatoes, but 2 days ago i got severely malnourished (which is super weird cause i'm trying to recover from an ED and i've actually never been malnourished, even at underweight) so i switched back to my old, low-carb diet.

    Seems my body was screaming for Fat-soluble vitamins, and i feel face first on fresh tuna, fresh muscles, liver pate that i made with our own olive oil, Camembert cheese, eggs and in order to not freak out, had a beer. The calories mounted up to 3000 in the span of 18 hours.

    Not freaking out though, i just need to be careful the following days.

    I think you should eat more fat... healthy fat is great for you and your brain will thank you for it when you're older.
  • chinterman
    chinterman Posts: 6 Member
    Yesterday. It was my Birthday and I don't care about the 2.2 lbs (that birthday cake was delicious!) I am up this am. A few days it will be gone again.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    The one I'm planning on having next week which will last maybe two days and will consist of a gut buster at the Olive Garden, A slice or two of Red Velvet cheesecake from the Cheescake factory and half dozen or so large gourmet Cupcakes downed with whole milk!
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    Yesterday was my first binge since I started here Jan 18th. I didn't even log it. I had chicken wings, potato salad, alcohol, cake, chip, and so much more. I felt gross when I went to bed....but today is a new day.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    Oh sheesh, that's easy, it was the day I hit rock-bottom. I had been allowing myself one "cheat day" a week a few years ago. It started simple - one bag of something from the grocery store on the day I went shopping. It was always a bag of Brach's caramels. Simple and quick, when they're gone, they're gone. Then the store stopped carrying them. So I started experimenting with different candy...and upping it from one thing to I can have as many things as I want, but on that day only, and I would usually get sick of it pretty fast - maybe 4-5 pieces of candy. Plus I was super busy and didn't have time to sit and snack. Then Halloween clearance hit and my schedule settled down....I had about 7 bags - the BIG bags - of fun sized candy. On one day. And I was eating all of them. Wasn't hungry, but I couldn't stop putting them in my mouth. Felt immensely huge and sick afterwards.

    It didn't really impact my weight loss, but I learned that a "little cheat" doesn't really work for me. I've since cut out all refined sugar and now I don't crave it anymore.

    i think that's why i know i need to cut out that stuff. a little bit of this or that just doesn't work for me.
  • RoseAmongThorns91
    RoseAmongThorns91 Posts: 215 Member
    Every other weekend (or so it seems), I have a binge of nothing but Dr Pepper and really sucks but I have been able to get my body back on track by Tuesday.
  • thomakg
    thomakg Posts: 69 Member
    Sounds like a great idea to have a free meal rather than a free day...less chance of sabotaging your whole week...
  • asparagusnextleft
    asparagusnextleft Posts: 12 Member
    We went out for a meal one night and I had a big, juicy rump steak (I only eat red meat VERY occasionally) but I didn't have chips with it - we had boiled potatoes and vegetables but they came drenched in butter (I ate them anyway), and we had a side order of Stilton sauce (heaven).

    Following that, even though I was absolutely stuffed and could hardly move, I forced down a portion of jam roly-poly and custard. Then I finished off with a cappuccino with three sugars in it.

    That's been about as bad as it's got really, I have no idea how many calories I had. It had no adverse effects on my weight loss, thankfully. That was a couple of months ago and I haven't eaten like that since, I haven't wanted to.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    in reading this it's funny to look at the differences. i am not sure if it's a good idea to compare binges because everyone has a different idea of what they consider out of control. if i go about 2000 i feel a little guilty and definitely if i go over 2500. probably my worst one was around 4000... but it's really hard to say because sometimes i lose track when i'm in that mode. but like i said, not sure comparing really does any good. whatever the amount was, you felt bad and it was disordered eating to do that frequently. i'm dealing with that right now, trying to not overeat. in american culture people don't seem to mind overeating and we kind of encourage it (all you can eat buffets, if you eat this big meal you get your picture on the wall)... so anyway, just my 2 cents. binge eating can be a really bad problem if done repeatedly. but i assume most people do it pretty infrequently.
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    I'm actually proud of the fact I haven't had too many binge days. I have slip-ups here and there but they are usually things like yesterday where I ate a dough-nut and a buckeye (choclate covered PB ball) instead of my usual fruit snack.

    I think my last real binge was probably before starting MFP. Thanksgiving, actually. I ate a crap ton of food, then took some of this chocolate brownie/snickers pudding stuff my aunt made, home with me and gorged on it that night. I felt soooooo sick!!

    I give myself a semi-free day every Sunday. I basically don't worry as much about what I eat but I still try to make healthy choices. Tonight I'm going to a buffet with hubby without the kids so I'll probably binge on rolls and steak!
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I sometimes eat 3 to 5 days worth of food in one day. :\
  • hothodgie
    hothodgie Posts: 258 Member
    Very easy for me as it was just a week ago Friday. My hubby and I were out celebrating our anniversary. I actually did great all day, even going out for dinner, no appetizer. Then we went out on the town and alcohol got involved. And then midnight came after drinking for a few hours and my taste buds and hunger kicked in. Greek fries and mini tacos at midnight! LOL! I logged it all when I got home. 2996 calories!! I usually do 1500 to 1600, so almost twice. I got right back on track the next day and it didn't slow down my weight loss. I just won't be making a habit of it and logging it was a nice reminder for me of what happens if I binge.
  • kayakinggrrl
    kayakinggrrl Posts: 101 Member
    Oh sheesh, that's easy, it was the day I hit rock-bottom. I had been allowing myself one "cheat day" a week a few years ago. It started simple - one bag of something from the grocery store on the day I went shopping. It was always a bag of Brach's caramels. Simple and quick, when they're gone, they're gone. Then the store stopped carrying them. So I started experimenting with different candy...and upping it from one thing to I can have as many things as I want, but on that day only, and I would usually get sick of it pretty fast - maybe 4-5 pieces of candy. Plus I was super busy and didn't have time to sit and snack. Then Halloween clearance hit and my schedule settled down....I had about 7 bags - the BIG bags - of fun sized candy. On one day. And I was eating all of them. Wasn't hungry, but I couldn't stop putting them in my mouth. Felt immensely huge and sick afterwards.

    Reading this post makes me feel better. I've done that. I have never admitted it to anyone because I am too ashamed. Thanks for posting something that helps me to not be so gosh darned hard on myself.
  • sdoldsMD2013
    sdoldsMD2013 Posts: 128
    Once I logged 2000 calories (my daily caloric goal is less than 2000) by eating too many slices of pizza that my school had for class one night. I felt so horrible and guilty afterwards that it has never happened again.
  • kellyemb
    kellyemb Posts: 18
    Long weekend in May we went on a bike run/ hunting camp weekend and I logged in as much as I could remember, going over my calorie intake for the weekend by about 1500 calories... mostly in liquor and probably another 1000 in food! A lot of my friends don't log in their alcohol and its a huge shock at how much it adds up!!!! Not to mention all the food like BBQ steak, potatoe salad, nacho dips and my wonderful breakfast consisting of bacon, eggs, homemade hashbrowns, pancakes, lots of maple syrup and lots of coffee!!!! We only go once a year so that was my excuse!!! Love May long weekend!!!
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    Foie gras is being banned in a week here in CA so many restaurants have been doing "Farewell to Foie" type dinners. I splurged on an eight course dinner at Melisse (a Michelin starred restaurant)... each course easily used 2 oz of foie, yielding an entire pound by the time the evening was through. That dinner set me back about 3-4 days' worth of caloric intake but the biggest issue was the raise in my LDL levels. :( (So worth it though!)

    Is that the government trying to legislate your eating habits, or is there another reason? Personally I've never had Foie Gras, and my doctor would probably freak out if I did!

    I'd guess it's finally being banned in CA due to the extreme cruelty involved in how it's produced,

    The ban passed 10 years ago and is taking effect this year. It's not a government thing so much as a lobbying by animal rights groups targeting a food product not many people are well-informed about. But the long story short is that I love good food and foie is one of them! (And yes, my doctor did not appreciate it. haha)

    I guess some people don't like a bird getting locked in a tight cage with a tube down its throat while it's force fed multiple times a day for weeks until they either die from sickness or reach adequate size.
    Silly animal rights people.
  • deaddivya
    deaddivya Posts: 102
    I never had a proper binge where I completely ate over my calorie limit. It happened through that I ate about 70% of my daily calories as a brunch (mostly on Sundays) and didn't had much left for the rest of the day, but I still managed to be under my goal.
  • MehiraDeOro
    MehiraDeOro Posts: 117 Member
    Friday and Yesterday, I was at a bachelorette party and just went nuts. Seriously I had Doritos for breakfast! I never eat Doritos since they're soooooo bad. Normally I eat a TON of veggies, fruits, and healthy lean/proteins, but I didn't have any in the last 2 days and I had a lot of high bad fats and calories. So I gained 3 pounds. :(

    Luckily, I am going to visit my sister in Arizona tomorrow, and she is also a health nut and pregnant, so we'll be eating extra healthy while I am there :)
  • seamaiden1000
    seamaiden1000 Posts: 76 Member
    Love this thread!! No need to feel anything but perfectly normal as 'pigging out' behaviour is i believe part of our genetic coding from stone age times when feeding ourselves regularly was never a given. Something about a party with loads of food spread out that brings out that base, stone age instinct to indulge, like this may be the last meal before winter REALLY sets in...!! The problems related with today's binging only occur with the frequency and the type of food, so providing that the rest of the time our portions remain small/adequate and our food simple and clean no need to reproach ourselves. Also large hunts were generally done in packs and the spoils shared and celebrated. So I never worry about calories at such events, show no shyness or pride in mixing, throw caution to the wind, dance like everybody is watching and I just don't care, share a laugh and EAT my fill !!! (Can't say I drink any different as I don't drink alcohol or fizz drinks.) I then bask prostate with my bloated belly, enjoy the feeling of absolute fullness, and smile contentedly at the joy of it all curling up my toes before falling asleep, late!. " Everything in moderation, even Moderation !..." :drinker: