

  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey Team!

    Just now getting a chance to pop in today. Was kind of a long day, but not at all bad. Got up this morning and had an amazing 9 mile run (yes, that is N-I-N-E, as in one less than 10) which burned me approx 1300 cals that I can't possibly eat. We had a few errands to run, went to a matinee of Inglourious *kitten*, did some other stuff and are now finally back home. I am soooooo looking forward to my rest day tomorrow.

    While I was out this morning, I got to thinking about the fear I had about regaining my weight after having babies (no, we are not preggers and don't want to be any time soon) and I thought about all the amazing mamas of our team -really, all the MFP mamas. You girls have shown me that not only is it completely possible to get myself back after babies...but that I don't have to let it get out of control in the first place. You have lives, jobs, husbands and kids...all in various financial positions and you find the time and the way to keep yourself healthy. It lets me know that if y'all can do it, I can do it too.

    Oh, and Day 2 without sweets in the books. Yay me.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Evening black team. Sorry I havnt been on much today. It's been a busy one. Got about 600 calories of workout in today but I am trying to take it easy so I am ready for the big race tommorow. Feeling really happy that I moved to the Duathlon from the Tri. We have a tropical storm moving past the coast and the waves at the beach are supposed to be less than pleasant. They moved the swim portion of the try to a more protected cove but with the 65 degree weather forcast I will take the extra two miles of run over the swim! lol. Anyway I'll be back on a bit later to get caught up on what's going on. For the momment I gotta go help DW get the kiddos off to bed.


    Good luck, you are going to kick some *kitten* out there!

    (Sorry, Marla!)

    Hee hee hee-- I'll let you slide this once-- :wink:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Shuntae-- a nine mile run is incredible-- so proud of you. And yes, you're right, pregnancy doesn't have to mean throwing all your hard work out. Heck, even in my last four pregnancies, before I'd made a real commitment to this, I only gained 15 pounds-- I knew if I gained too much, I'd be totally obese.

    With all your hard work and changes you've made, there's no way you'd be careless and foolish enough to chuck it all away in nine months-- remember-- this is a new you-- the old you is G-O-N-E--

    I had a short run tonight-- halfway through my second lap, I ran across two teen boys that parked in the desolate culdesac where I run-- kinda spooked me, so I stopped after two miles. Hubs is still having his coffee, so I just felt a little nervous doing the third lap and running past them again--

    Still two miles is better than nuttin--

    Heading to get wee-lets to bed and then to type--

    Later my awesome team--
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I was gonna say GOOD LUCK to Andrew.........but feel luck has little to do with it.

    Andrew you are AMAZING! You will do well because you have prepared. Both in exercise and your food choices.

    Now go kick some *kitten*!!!:smooched: :heart: :smooched:

    :drinker: Jeannie
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Andrew, you are going to do awesome tomorrow! Go Andrew GO!!! :smile:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Shuntae, I love your new pic, you look so happy and what a handsome man!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Sam, all of the those 34 pounds have been gained with love, constant every two hour feedings some times and lots of Pediasure. Sometimes I wish I had her metabolism, but then glad I don't. In a way, considering all the care needed with her and all the lifting I am thankful she is only 34 pounds, but then I feel guilty and hope the weight continues to move up at a fast pace.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Shuntae, I love your new pic, you look so happy and what a handsome man!

    Thanks lady...I have to say my man looks HAWT in a tux. :love: Can't wait to see that again! :laugh:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hello all! It has been a very long day. I spent 12 hours of it at work. That wasn't fun! Then came home to my parents emptying out the hot tub for the 2nd time in 2 days. So we hurried to get showers so they could re-fill it for a 3rd time. It had a leak and now the leak is fixed and the primer isn't working so now they gotta fix that. It's almost 12 am and I'm tired so hubby and I are relaxing for a few before getting to bed. I just wanted to drop in and say hey! Tomorrow evening is Crue Fest so I don't know if I will be around or not. If not, I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

    Andrew-You will be great tomorrow so have fun and just be great!

    Tae- At first glance I thought your hubby looked like LL Cool J. And I think that is Hawt! Very good looking man you got there!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member

    Tae- At first glance I thought your hubby looked like LL Cool J. And I think that is Hawt! Very good looking man you got there!

    Several people have said that he looks like LL (who I think is just yummy!), thanks for the compliment! Have fun at Crue Fest :bigsmile:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Shuntae-- beautiful picture-- that dress is gorgeous, and the mister is indeed H-O-T--
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hi Marla! :smile:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member

    Tae- At first glance I thought your hubby looked like LL Cool J. And I think that is Hawt! Very good looking man you got there!

    Several people have said that he looks like LL (who I think is just yummy!), thanks for the compliment! Have fun at Crue Fest :bigsmile:

    Thank you Ma'am! I sure am gonna try. Won't be too close to the stage but that's ok. Just happy that I am getting to go considering I got my tickets for FREE! No better way right?
    And Yes LL is Sexy!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Shuntae-- beautiful picture-- that dress is gorgeous, and the mister is indeed H-O-T--

    Howdy Marla! Is the household calm now? Or The youngins still up? LOL
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Renae, I understand your hot tub troubles. We went through that a few months ago, not a leak but problems with the plumbing and had to drain it. Annoying!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Renae, I understand your hot tub troubles. We went through that a few months ago, not a leak but problems with the plumbing and had to drain it. Annoying!

    Yea I was looking forward to relaxing in it tonight but it sure didn't happen again!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hi Marla! :smile:

    Hi Amanda-- !!!!

    Hi Renae-- I think the house is quite. I've been typing-- heading out to check now-- lol]

    And yes-- LL -- that's who he looks like-- yummy, Shuntae!!

    Hope everyone had a super night--

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Ok my black team,

    Official race report- I headed out at around 5:30 am to get down to kennebunk. I had convinced DW to stay home with the boys as I felt that keeping them busy for five hours would be tough on her and neither of the kiddos have been feeling well. I think we both regret that decision at this point. Were both sorta dissapointed that they werent there. My fault. So I took the lone wolf approach which is not conducive to pictures so I got nothin. lol good news is the USAT had professional photographers on sight to snap photos of us on route and crossing the finish. These pictures I am told will be available for purchase in the near future so I may have photos at some point.

    Anyway, The duathlon started an hour late due to some issue with getting the triathlon ready. So I stood around from 6:30 until we finally started at 9:30. I made some friends in the transition area and kept busy. Race started and I am pretty sure I was a jack rabbit for the first two miles. I can never seem to pace myself when I am excited. Got transitioned over to the bike and started the ride. This is when I learned two very important things about multisport events. #1: The bike leg is the biggest bang for your buck time wise and #2: the boys with the toys win the race. I got passed more times than a grandma doing 25 in a 65. One smart alecy cyclist that I had met in the transition area chuckled at me as he rode past and said "Gotta get a better bike young man." I'm not so worried about getting a better bike. I am only competing with myself here so not to worried about getting passed up by $3,000 time trial bikes on the cycling leg. Anyway I pushed hard and kept a decent pace and before I knew it I was dismounting, racking the bike and heading out for the last 5k run. At this point my legs felt like jello and I was officially at a wall. But one thing this journey has taught me is the only limits that can hold me back at the mental limits I put on myself. I got to a decent pace and told myself. "Lets just focus on getting mile one complete." Then when I did that it was time to focus on mile two. Right around mile three I came apon my cycling friend (who admitted that he isnt the best runner). As I jogged past him I gleefully said-"Looks like you have to learn to use the two legs god gave you old man." That gave me the extra motivation I needed. The next turn rounded to the beach and to the final straight away. I knew I had it in me to finish strong so I gave it everything I had left and got a good sprint for the last 100 yards.

    My goal was to finish, hopefully around 2 hours but just finishing would be enough. Well I did it in around 1:46:00. (not official-just what the HRM said.) This seemed like the beginning of a new chapter. It felt alot like leaving a world of limits behind and opening a door to a part of my life that is full of possibility. Thanks for being so supportive everyone. And I am especially greatful for my DW, Without whom I couldn't possibly hope to have come this far. All my successes great and small are driven by the love and support that she gives me and out of a need to be a better man and come one step closer to deserving her.

    Cheers to you all my friends!

  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Andrew, I have been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing off and on all day! WTG on finishing! I love the comment you gave the gentlemen because he thought he was so cool!

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    ahhhh-- what goes around, comes around-- LOL-- too funny on the payback to Mr. Cycle-- you rock, Andrew!!! LOL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Andrew-- words fail me-- I can't tell you how impressed, how proud-- to say "I knew him when"-- I don't remember how far you were along in this journey when we met, but twas early on-- I'm just so stinkin' proud, I could burst--

    Black team-- you are a gift to me, each and every one of you-- I treasure you all-- :cry:

    God bless us all this day, my friends--