

  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    thanks guys! :heart:

    lori and shuntae- :laugh: ...when i first read that i should shave my legs, i was like "why, do they look hairy in the picture?" then i kept reading and got what you meant :laugh:

    shuntae- glad you're ok :heart:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    LOL Beth you are to funny..

    For som reason I am starving today... Don't know why I am gonna eat a piece of toast and drink some water and hopefully in 20 minutes my brain will know its full. I thinks its because tomorrow I have been thinking about what I am gonna have for bbq. I know for sure my husbands fruit salad, also they are doing a bake sale at the park where my sons plays baseball for a family who lost their father so I may get something from there.

    Well off to eat my toast.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    thanks guys! :heart:

    lori and shuntae- :laugh: ...when i first read that i should shave my legs, i was like "why, do they look hairy in the picture?" then i kept reading and got what you meant :laugh:

    shuntae- glad you're ok :heart:

    :laugh: Thank goodness leg hair doesn't show in most normal pictures! I shave my legs every freaking day, it's amazing how fast the stubble come out again and I'm not a hairy person. I would consider getting them waxed but you have to let it get sort of long first and that would drive me bonkers!

    Still have stuff to do... shouldn't be on here! Later!
  • jeanniedreambtl
    Hi Everyone!

    Yes today's date has definitely been on my mind. Can't believe it's been 8 years, geez louise.

    Got up feeling chipper today, got ready and went to the local rec center. Was there working out for a little over an hour. I've got it in my head, the more I sweat the better so I actually enjoy when sweat's rolling down by face, lol.

    Went home at lunch, then decided what the hay, and went for another walk around my neighborhood. Somedays I just dont want to stop, is that a good thing? Seriously, I think I am addicted to exercising now. Oh and I have a sweet Ab Lounge that makes doing sit ups and crunches a breeze. Now all I have to do is work on quitting smoking (shame,shame) I know.

    I hope you all are fabulous, and thanks for the warm welcomes it feels good.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    thanks guys! :heart:

    lori and shuntae- :laugh: ...when i first read that i should shave my legs, i was like "why, do they look hairy in the picture?" then i kept reading and got what you meant :laugh:

    shuntae- glad you're ok :heart:

    Beth you look GREAT! Good job do do do do do do do out!!!:glasses:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I'm thinking there's gonna be some "Biff, POW, Zowie" in Maine tonight--

    If you're too young to remember Batman-- shame on you.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I'm thinking there's gonna be some "Biff, POW, Zowie" in Maine tonight--

    If you're too young to remember Batman-- shame on you.

  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I'm thinking there's gonna be some "Biff, POW, Zowie" in Maine tonight--

    If you're too young to remember Batman-- shame on you.

    I saw the reruns!!!:bigsmile:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Oh golly, you ladies are kookie. lol

    Jeannie2-Welcome to the black team we are glad to have you! Congrats on your first ten pounds! what a great accomplishement!

    Well folks today the good lord was on my side. My mother always told me that god has a plan and today is yet another example. As you guys know my goal is to become a solid Triathlete. And as you all know, I learned a valuable lesson that having a decent bike makes a difference. Well I have been searching for an affordable bike that I can race with for some time now and in all my research I kept coming across one particular bike that was always rated best for the lower price range. But even so 1400.00 is more than I can afford and more than I can spend without my family leaving me. So I have been searching used listings knowing there would be little to no chance of me finding exactly what I want. Well the last few weeks I have had several chances to get some decent bikes for decent prices but it always fell through. Well today I decieded to walk into a local bike shop near one of my stores just to see what they had lying around and there it was....The VERY bike of my dreams sitting at the very front of the store. It was nothing short of sitting in a spotlight. Bike shop boy came over and I asked him about the bike. He said they had just bought it from it's owner this morning who was moving and not taking it with him. It's a 2007 which is the exact model year I was looking for. Then I asked him what size it was.....OMG it's my size. Then I asked him how much they were selling it for and he said he wasnt sure. The owner hadnt decieded yet. So I left my name and number. He called me back when the owner was in and I went back down. After a bit of haggling we settled on a price of 650.00. The bike has several upgraded parts and sould easily sell for the standard used price tag of 1000.00. I can't believe I found it and I can't believe it's going to be mine. I am selling my hybrid so It's only gonna cost me 250.00 which IS managable for us. And my DW is allowing it because she is a wonderful supportive woman. Oh man, just wait till the next race....I'm not dropping back on the cycle leg anymore. =) God is good people.


  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Oh golly, you ladies are kookie. lol

    Jeannie2-Welcome to the black team we are glad to have you! Congrats on your first ten pounds! what a great accomplishement!

    Well folks today the good lord was on my side. My mother always told me that god has a plan and today is yet another example. As you guys know my goal is to become a solid Triathlete. And as you all know, I learned a valuable lesson that having a decent bike makes a difference. Well I have been searching for an affordable bike that I can race with for some time now and in all my research I kept coming across one particular bike that was always rated best for the lower price range. But even so 1400.00 is more than I can afford and more than I can spend without my family leaving me. So I have been searching used listings knowing there would be little to no chance of me finding exactly what I want. Well the last few weeks I have had several chances to get some decent bikes for decent prices but it always fell through. Well today I decieded to walk into a local bike shop near one of my stores just to see what they had lying around and there it was....The VERY bike of my dreams sitting at the very front of the store. It was nothing short of sitting in a spotlight. Bike shop boy came over and I asked him about the bike. He said they had just bought it from it's owner this morning who was moving and not taking it with him. It's a 2007 which is the exact model year I was looking for. Then I asked him what size it was.....OMG it's my size. Then I asked him how much they were selling it for and he said he wasnt sure. The owner hadnt decieded yet. So I left my name and number. He called me back when the owner was in and I went back down. After a bit of haggling we settled on a price of 650.00. The bike has several upgraded parts and sould easily sell for the standard used price tag of 1000.00. I can't believe I found it and I can't believe it's going to be mine. I am selling my hybrid so It's only gonna cost me 250.00 which IS managable for us. And my DW is allowing it because she is a wonderful supportive woman. Oh man, just wait till the next race....I'm not dropping back on the cycle leg anymore. =) God is good people.



    I thought someone stole it the way you were talking on FB!!!

    Congrats on finding your bike!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    ha-- me, too, Sam--

    Let's just see Mr. Smarty Cycle Pants trying to lap you next time, Andrew! You'll blow his doors off on bike AND on foot--

    Ain't no stoppin' us nowwww--
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hey everyone! Been a long day at work. Won't be long until I hit the hay!

    Shuntae-Sorry bout your accident honey. Hope everything is ok with you.

    Beth-You look amazing! I guess everyone is wondering if you are working on baby #3 now.........

    Andrew-Glad you found your dream bike! That is awesome! You are gonna blow everyone away when you fly past them!! Take it easy on Mrs. Beth!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!

    Tamara-We have a moment of silence at work every year at 8:46 am on this date just for 9-11. It was a horrible day. I was at work when that happened, same place and everything.

    Hope you are all doing good! Keep it up everyone!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Andrew, awesome find on your bike! Isn't it great when deals like that come along.

    Going to bed so I am in good shape for the 5K in the morning.

    Sweet dreams, eveyone! :smile:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    OK everyone I have a new picture up.

    I almost cried when I put it on this morning I have tried through out my weigh loss and just never seemed to get it on. This morning I got it on zipped it and had room to move

    The last time I wore this dress was dec 1996 so 12 years. OMG I am the happiest women on the face of this earth.

    Thats why its great to be me this morning...

    Off to my sons friend baseball game
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    OK everyone I have a new picture up.

    I almost cried when I put it on this morning I have tried through out my weigh loss and just never seemed to get it on. This morning I got it on zipped it and had room to move

    The last time I wore this dress was dec 1997 so 12 years. OMG I am the happiest women on the face of this earth.

    Thats why its great to be me this morning...

    Off to my sons friend baseball game

    OMG Tamara...I am so happy for you! You look great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Andrew, so cool about the bike. I love bargains, especially when they are just want you want.

    Amanda- best wishes on your 5K today!

    You guys with all these clothes to try on and aspire to get into is so neat. I've been above the weight I am now for the past 20 years... who saves clothes that long? :laugh: Not me anyway, I'm a neat freak and work just the opposite, I get rid of stuff and then realize I should have maybe hung onto it, then go buy either the same or very similar again. Oh well! It keeps me happy to live neat and clutter free and then fuels my shopping addiction later on.

    Got my walk in, soccer games today.

    Happy Saturday all!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    OK everyone I have a new picture up.

    I almost cried when I put it on this morning I have tried through out my weigh loss and just never seemed to get it on. This morning I got it on zipped it and had room to move

    The last time I wore this dress was dec 1996 so 12 years. OMG I am the happiest women on the face of this earth.

    Thats why its great to be me this morning...

    Off to my sons friend baseball game

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    ha-- me, too, Sam--

    Let's just see Mr. Smarty Cycle Pants trying to lap you next time, Andrew! You'll blow his doors off on bike AND on foot--

    Ain't no stoppin' us nowwww--

    Ha!! I was thinking the same thing!

    Whoosh...........was that Batman????:glasses:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    I just realized yesterday that my favorite cereal- Kashi Go Lean Crunch, that is full of fiber, whole grains and protein is also packed with sugar. I read it in a magazine. 3.5 teaspoons full to be exact. I looked at the label and compared it to my kids Crunch Berries and low and behold, the Kashi had more sugar! :noway: No wonder it is so good. :grumble: Guess I overlooked that in the label. Man, bummer!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I just realized yesterday that my favorite cereal- Kashi Go Lean Crunch, that is full of fiber, whole grains and protein is also packed with sugar. I read it in a magazine. 3.5 teaspoons full to be exact. I looked at the label and compared it to my kids Crunch Berries and low and behold, the Kashi had more sugar! :noway: No wonder it is so good. :grumble: Guess I overlooked that in the label. Man, bummer!

    :noway: that is amazing isnt it??

    I have found that if I buy a nasty cereal (meaning no sugar:laugh: :laugh: ) and add my own, I feel better about eating it. I think it was shredded wheat that I bought with no sugar and add honey, stevia or berries. The milk alone has a ton of natural sugar.
