I do not want to see another post about someone's grammar!



  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    Yes, because, ya know, EDUCATING people is frowned on here, you're only supposed to smile and pat them on the back, no matter what. When I make a mistake, I prefer and appreciate being corrected, it's called LEARNING.

    Especially on a message board, spelling and grammar are the only way you can communicate, and pretty much directly relates to people's opinions. If I can't understand what a person is saying, that's a problem. Whatever happened to being proud of your language? I find it truly sad when non-native English speakers have better spelling and grammar than native speakers.

  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Now, you just know that Liam uses flawless spelling and grammar, and has perfect penmanship. (In addition to being a right dirty bugger.... ) Hm. Now I have that scene from Dangerous Liaisons playing in my head. Mmmmm. John Malkovich. (Also good with grammar and pens. )

    I fear I may have disclosed too much in this post.

    I believe those fine sirs bear no flaws, therefore I shall be in my bunk.
  • jennismagic
    jennismagic Posts: 243 Member
    I will admit that reading poor grammar makes me twitch, but I'm not the kind of person who would correct it right there in the thread. It's rude, and completely uncalled for. If you know what the person is trying to say, why should it matter?
  • jennismagic
    jennismagic Posts: 243 Member
    Yes, because, ya know, EDUCATING people is frowned on here, you're only supposed to smile and pat them on the back, no matter what. When I make a mistake, I prefer and appreciate being corrected, it's called LEARNING.

    Especially on a message board, spelling and grammar are the only way you can communicate, and pretty much directly relates to people's opinions. If I can't understand what a person is saying, that's a problem. Whatever happened to being proud of your language? I find it truly sad when non-native English speakers have better spelling and grammar than native speakers.

    I think it's pathetic when people think everything should revolve around their sensibilities.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I should put my cards on the table, and say that I have only ever corrected grammar and spelling when someone is already behaving like an arrogant prat. If you're going to act like a know it all, if you're going to be hostile and aggressive, then you need to be prepared to take what's coming to you.

    I'm dyslexic myself, and I know that it can be a struggle, writing in this kind of forum. I don't like the bullying of people who clearly are having genuine difficulty with their written English, and I would never engage in that. People in the above category, and those who only write in txt speak ... well that's a different matter entirely.

    However, I also don't start pious threads, touting my blessed Christian status, telling everybody else on the internet how to behave.

    Peace, and all that.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
  • niciemetts
    niciemetts Posts: 49
    i think its interesting that there is this long of a thread about grammar lol..........
  • LeeshaNichole
    LeeshaNichole Posts: 179 Member
    It is so sad that one has to come to MFP, a place that is to be about support to be harassed for their writing style! I have read some of the profiles of those doing the harassing and do not see any PhDs in the bunch!

    Now, I am not one for being negative, for we get enough of that crap as fat people in the 'real world.' My friends of MFP, this ain't the real world for me! This is my created reality for where I put my mind in a positive place to allow for positive inspirations and associations! I am sure there are others who have joined MFP for the same reason.

    No one needs to be harassed about there writing style on MFP! The ability to write was not a perquisite for joining MFP. Stop it! Stop the negativity! Enough already! Let people express themselves without concern or worry about what someone will say about their writing style.

    Please don't take ur time and correct anything that I have written. When I receive my paycheck every two weeks there are no deductions for grammatical errors! When they gave me my three degrees, they did not hold back honors because of grammatical errors in my writing style.

    Let people be. Let them speak. Let them say what they need to say. This site sometimes is more about why we eat more than what we eat. Some of the harassing comments are a reflection of why some people are obese.

    Please, no comments from the grammatical experts. Y'all have said enough!!!

    I so agree with this! I have learning disabilities and yes I do try my hardest but some times I make mistakes and yes I do use my spell check. It has gotten to the point that I am scared to post on facebook cause so many people make fun of me for it. I have also been scared to post a lot on here as well. So thank you so much for posting this!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I even saw one post in a thread here where a woman said that she doesn't understand how come those who can't differentiate their, there, they're have graduated from college. Truly an insult.

    How is that an insult? How does a person get through high school, let alone college, without having things like that ingrained? I'm a fine arts major and I have to take at least four English classes, two history classes, and I don't even know how many other classes that require basic writing skills. When instructors correct spelling and grammar, how does a person not learn? It's not an insult, it's something I genuinely do not understand.
  • sdoldsMD2013
    sdoldsMD2013 Posts: 128
    This was very well said!! I totally agree with you!! People should just give it a rest
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I even saw one post in a thread here where a woman said that she doesn't understand how come those who can't differentiate their, there, they're have graduated from college. Truly an insult.

    How is that an insult? How does a person get through high school, let alone college, without having things like that ingrained? I'm a fine arts major and I have to take at least four English classes, two history classes, and I don't even know how many other classes that require basic writing skills. When instructors correct spelling and grammar, how does a person not learn? It's not an insult, it's something I genuinely do not understand.

    I do not understand this either. My 8 year old grandaughter can spell and tell the difference of these words! Good grief!
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    I am a qualified and experienced adult literacy teacher (UK) and firstly would argue that since this is a chat forum, not a work document, place to publish articles etc, I really am not sure why people are so concerned with the grammar use of other members! Personally I type as I speak on the whole and I expect most others do so too. Maybe if this forum was around developing English skills, correction would be appropriate, but it is NOT! This is meant to be a friendly place for weight loss discussion and the many ways it impacts in general life. No English quals needed!!!!

    Secondly I would point out that many many English speaking adults (in the UK at least) have problems with literacy skills, (native English speakers that is) if they didn't I would not have had a job, not to mention second language users and adults with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, should they not be allowed the same friendly place to chat too! After all, do you really need a high level of education to want to lose weight?

    Thirdly, I make many mistakes myself, partly due to typing to fast and partly due to a life time of seeing others' mistakes (it clouds your natural judgement) but in the correct places, I do check and re check work and suit to the appropriateness of the communication event, but here, as I said above, I relax and type what comes out of my head and really do not want to have to go back and keep checking everything I write!!!!!

    Really those that are worried re others grammar need to get a grip and look to their own attitudes around enabling others!

    PS if someone wants help then that is a different matter altogether.
  • VonRockette
    VonRockette Posts: 159 Member
    I'm just going to throw this out there. 'You' is a three letter word that doesn't need to be abbreviated down to one letter. That's just called being lazy.
  • slcostel
    slcostel Posts: 116 Member
    I'm just going to throw this out there. 'You' is a three letter word that doesn't need to be abbreviated down to one letter. That's just called being lazy.

  • deaddivya
    deaddivya Posts: 102
    Same here. Makes me really uncomfortable and insecure that I barely post anything longer than a few sentences because I'm afraid to make mistakes. English isn't my native language and I'm glad when someone is polite and corrects me, but there are just too many of those threads. I think we all got it after the first ones.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    I even saw one post in a thread here where a woman said that she doesn't understand how come those who can't differentiate their, there, they're have graduated from college. Truly an insult.

    How is that an insult? How does a person get through high school, let alone college, without having things like that ingrained? I'm a fine arts major and I have to take at least four English classes, two history classes, and I don't even know how many other classes that require basic writing skills. When instructors correct spelling and grammar, how does a person not learn? It's not an insult, it's something I genuinely do not understand.

    I do not understand this either. My 8 year old grandaughter can spell and tell the difference of these words! Good grief!

    All education is not equal!!!!! there are many adults that have failed to thrive in school for far too many reasons to go into here and that is if they even got an education at all.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    *worlds smallest violin*
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    I even saw one post in a thread here where a woman said that she doesn't understand how come those who can't differentiate their, there, they're have graduated from college. Truly an insult.

    How is that an insult? How does a person get through high school, let alone college, without having things like that ingrained? I'm a fine arts major and I have to take at least four English classes, two history classes, and I don't even know how many other classes that require basic writing skills. When instructors correct spelling and grammar, how does a person not learn? It's not an insult, it's something I genuinely do not understand.

    I do not understand this either. My 8 year old grandaughter can spell and tell the difference of these words! Good grief!

    Same! My 10 year old daughter is the class editor and is assigned to help her classmates with their writing. It's something she is super proud. I would never encourage her to "tone it down" so she doesn't offend others. It's a shame that people are insulted by the proper usage of our language.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    I even saw one post in a thread here where a woman said that she doesn't understand how come those who can't differentiate their, there, they're have graduated from college. Truly an insult.

    How is that an insult? How does a person get through high school, let alone college, without having things like that ingrained? I'm a fine arts major and I have to take at least four English classes, two history classes, and I don't even know how many other classes that require basic writing skills. When instructors correct spelling and grammar, how does a person not learn? It's not an insult, it's something I genuinely do not understand.

    I agreed, though replace art with Medical billing. Personally, if I can get the just of what they are saying, then cool. If not I will ask them to rephrase, or ignore them.

    I will might try to help.
    Their= referring to people's things ... like... Their volleyball team
    There= referring to a place ... like... I moved the truck there, yesterday
    They're= used in replace of they are... like... They're people, in this world, who are picky about everyone else's writing styles.

    (edit: caught an error... and wanted to fix it)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    so you dont want to see another post, but you create a post complaining about the posts? :laugh:

    technically this is a post about people and grammar... pot meet kettle
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